Commons minutes June 2016

Crown Province of Østgarðr 17 June 2016

In Attendance:
1. Barone Francesco Gaetano Greco d’Edessa–*Seneschal
2. THLady Lada Monguligin–*A&S
3. Lord Suudur Saran­ *Brokenbridge, *Archery
4. THLord Thomas the Constable of Northpass–*Northpass
5. THLord Alexander MacLachlan ­Deputy Fencing
6. Master Richard the Poor­ *Historian, Deputy Exchequer at Large
7. Lady Lillie RedTowers
8. Mungo Chinua­ *Herald
9. Countess Mistress Brekke Franksdottir­ *Lionsend
10. THLady Marion of York ­ *Fencing
11. Devra
12. Alexi
13. Lady Beatrice della Rocca ­ Recording Secretary

Report Sent In:

1. Lady Alienor Salton–WhytWhey
2. Lady Sofya Gianetta di Trieste–Chatelaine
3. Lady Angelica Di Nova Lipa–Exchequer

Quorum: 11 needed, 9 in attendance. Quorum not achieved.
Start Time: 8:00pm

I. Reports

A. Seneschal Report ­ Barone Francesco

I am still waiting for some officers to turn in their officer and deputy information sheets. If you have not sent them in, please do so.

Coronets as Regalia. Conor Ó Ceallaigh spoke to the Seneschal and mentioned that we do not have coronets. Previously, the Crown Province only had chains of office for the Viceregals, as Ostgardr was not considered to be on the same level as a barony. In the past few years, the Throne has considered the Province to be on the same level as a barony, and therefore is allowing us to have coronets, as well as chains of office. Conor is therefore offering to donate a stained glass panel for Barleycorn, so that we can raise money for the coronets. A discussion is had on whether we want to raise money for the coronets, or simply spend the money we already have. Master Yurgen of Northshield is recommended by Barone Francesco, whose coronet cost 480 and was a very custom job. As the meeting is not quorate, no vote is held, and discussion suspended until next meeting.

B. Officer Reports

1. Archery Report, Suudur
a. Archery practice has started up again, on Long Island, and thus far has been well attended. Suudur regrets being unable to attend as many practices as he would like, due to a new job

2. Brokenbridge Seneschal ­ Suuder

There will be a meeting set for the middle of next month, see the website and mailing list for more information!

We need to check with the webmistress to confirm that we are on the Kingdom server

Viking day was very successful, it had a great showing, although there were no fighters aside from youth fighters. There were fencers, but they did not fence in our lists. Targai, Marion, Akelina, King of Acre stopped by. They were happy with us again and expect us next year. We made 400 off of it. There is a discussion on whether the money will be split between Brokenbridge and Ostgardr, as it had been policy to split the funds.

A&S classes and meetings are happening, at Anneke’s house. The last class was a naalbinding class.

3. Northpass Seneschal ­ Thomas

Northpass is preparing for Barleycorn 25 and the Investiture of the Viceregals. Links are on the website, please check it out. Volunteers are always welcome

There are no elections coming up, positions are set as per the list given to Barone Francesco

4. A&S ­ Lada

Beadmaking class that was originally set for tomorrow is cancelled due to the teacher breaking their leg, and will likely be rescheduled for after Pennsic.

There is an arrow-making class happening tomorrow in Northpass. The class is still open, and is over at Wilhelm’s house.

5. Lions End ­ Brekke

Lions End held a meeting and an election. She needs to followup with people and will send in a report later.

Meetings are at the Levittown Library on the 1st Monday of the month.

Please check website for details

6. Herald ­ Mungo
a. Quarterly report was submitted. The herald is still learning the position

7. Fencing ­ Marion

We had some fencing last week at Eternalcon, there were 3 fencers Saturday and 4 on Sunday.

We may have a fencing practice starting up at Swordclass on Sundays between 4 and 6 pm. Cost is $5 a person, and is contingent on there being enough interest.

8. Exchequer ­ sent by Angelica, read by Beatrice

Currently banked funds total $12,877.12: $7,036.89 in savings, and $5,840.23 in checking.

We received a $400 check for the Riverfest demo that has not yet been deposited.

Ostgardr Seneschal and Exchequer have been added to the bank account as signers

Upcoming Viceroy and Vicereign will be added after their Investiture

As per last month’s meeting, the Guilded Pearl matter remains open, pending a decision by the members.

9. Chatelaine ­ sent by Sofya, read by Beatrice

We had a generous donation to our gold key inventory by Heather Stanley from Brokenbridge. She had been holding onto various items her mother wore in the SCA and thought they would be of more use to us. Ervald and I picked up the items a few weeks ago which included a box of various sewing patterns. I’ve sorted through most of the gold key and don’t know what to do as of yet with the various patterns but will work with others to find the right home or use for them. I thanked her from all of us.

Riverdale RiverFest: Although the weather did frighten some people away it did hold off enough to have a decent number of people stop by and look at our displays. We didn’t have a lot of people sign up (about 15 emails) but those who did were asking a lot of questions.

EternalCon; June 10th­-12th: EternalCon was a success! Although we were competing with Southern Region War practice which reduced our volunteer resources and entry passes were limited by the venue, we came together and were able to make a weekend event that surpassed my expectations.

i. Our success, to me, was greater than the number of emails/numbers, although we did well with over 50 contacts. We even have a recruit from the demo who is planning on attending Whyt Whey’s A&S night, June 16.

ii. We gained tremendous exposure and a possible future invite to next year’ event. This year was about proving our place at EternalCon and I believe we did.

iii. Frank, the organizer of EternalCon, has been looking into creating a medieval themed event in Long Island and he definitely wants us involved. A site has been located and now it’s just a matter of them working out the event and getting back to us. I will keep everyone informed when I hear of further details.

iv. While at EternalCon I had a moment to speak to another comic convention promoter, Mike Carbonaro, an organizer of various comic conventions in New York City, who agreed to have the SCA participate in his yearly ‘Big Apple ComicCon’ which will take place Saturday, March 4, in Manhattan. I don’t know how much room he is giving us but I will work out the details with him later and will present for approval.

v. Our members were also photographed and videoed by various news reporters and photographers.

I believe the SCA was promoted and seen in a very positive light and I’m very proud of how this demo turned out.

10. Whyt Whey ­ sent by Alienor, read by Beatrice

We are on course for the Cloisters demo. Parking passes and arranging to pick up the green and white will be much as usual, to be arranged later. New elements include a fashion show (live models wearing whatever you happen to be wearing that day) and a chorale, singing from our canton songbook (copies available on our website).

Picnic in the Park is not likely to be scheduled this year. Will try again next year.

Our new device and badge have been submitted to Yehuda, Blue Tyger, submissions herald for the East. The process takes about 8 months. We are eagerly watching for progress through the system. Looking forward to making banners and tabards with the new device.

Our bank account is open and our exchequer has received the first bank statement.

A&S meetings are going brilliantly. Most recent class taught by Thorfinn on making wire rings was a huge hit. Pics in our Facebook group. Next meeting will be Pennsic prep: finish hemming & trimming that garb. Please keep an eye out for updates!

f. Website is coming along. Many thanks to Arnora, our provincial webminister for making a global shared calendar. Also to the society archivist for providing scans of the original artwork for canton members’ devices, now serving as our website banner. Usability review by EK web staff coming soon­ish. Next content to be added will be output from our A&S gatherings (photos, how­tos, etc.)

Barone Francesco notes ­ if absent, please send reports to officer’s list or to the recording secretary

C. Viceregal Comments

D. Viceregal Heirs Comments

We want 2 things at Barleycorn. First, we would like for everyone to reach out to old scadians, and get them to come back and enjoy themselves. At investitures, display all Sea stars, provincial regalia etc. Show all the stars!

II. Recently Past Events

A. Riverdale Riverfest — 05 June (Autocrat: Lady Elionora)

Suuder ­ Event was lightly attended, we had several fighters showed, some from Northkingdom. People liked it, despite weather and put on best show that we could with fighters as the main draw. At day’s end, all go put away with expediency. People there enjoyed us, and the young fighters from the north enjoyed themselves. Marshal was Sir Valgard and Sir Gui, and Big Luigj, who brought his pell and supervised kids.

B: New Dorp Highschool Demo ­ Comiccon

Lada ­ We were asked to attend at the last minute, a convention organized by the teachers for the students. We had a good turnout, with a few fighters, Austin, Scott, Ronin and Jay, under one marshal, Roger Yonge, one of Sir Gui’s squires. Got about 2 pages worth of names, which have gone to Sofya. Had people stop by, we were the only group outside, but others got moved indoors once the weather turned. School loved us, they are doing it again next year, and will be asking us to come. Do not yet have a date, and will give us whatever space we want. Really good for a short notice demo. Got a bit of a spot on NYU1, although we were mislabeled as larpers.

III. Upcoming Events

A: We received a missive from the Kingdom of Acre. Their autumn crusade is Sept 16­18th and we are invited. The event is in Connecticut. Friday night there will be torchlight tournament, please check with Lada for more information.

IV. Upcoming Demos

A. Queens Farm — 24 & 25 September (Autocrat: Baron Ian)

Queens Farm demo is still on, and they still have pig races. Please see Autocrat for more information.

B. Cloisters — 18 September

The Cloister’s Medieval Faire demo is our largest event of the year, during which they bring upwards of 3.000 people through the gates. Please see Alienor’s report for more details.

V. Old Business:

A. Viceregal Investiture at “John Barleycorn 2016”

1. Change of RP status on EK Website? Has gotten RP status ­ Suuder working with Wilhelm to change in the event listing. He has been a tremendous help. Negotiations with Wilhelm also go through Thomas

B. “By­Law Committee” — To identify loopholes in the By­Laws to be fixed

1. Committee has not yet met, Beatrice to look up members and get a meeting together.

VI. New Business

A. The new position of “Deputy Seneschal – Scribe”, has changed to “Deputy Seneschal ­ Recording Secretary.” It is an appointed position, and currently held by Beatrice della Rocca

VII. Next THREE (3) Upcoming Meetings

A. July: CANCELED for Pennsic
B. August: Norana has offered her place. Address is forthcoming
C. September 16th: Northpass ­ Thomas at the beach, a definite maybe.

We are always open to new locations! If you know of any, please contact the Seneschal to arrange.

End Time: 9:17pm
• Proposed: Brekke move to adjourn
• Seconded: the room
• Accepted / Denied: passed by acclamation

Ostgardr Commons – August 19th

I’m happy to host Ostgardr commons on August 19th.

My address is 273 Argyle Road, 1st floor in Brooklyn. If anyone gets lost, my phone number is 917-297-2356.

Take the Q train to Cortelyou road, walk three blocks left, and take a right on Argyle road.
Apartment 1.
There is a cat and small dog in residence.

I’ll put the meeting on Skype. But if anyone wants to access via Skype, they’ll need to email me at ArnoraKD [at] gmail [dot] com at least two days ahead of time to get the info and do a test call.

-Arnora/Norana Cantrell

Commons minutes May 2016

May Østgarðr Commons
[May 20? 2016]


Seneschal: The EK Webmaster (EK WM) thanked the Østgarðr Webminister (WM) for 18 years of service. Arnora has become the new WM.

i. Letter from EK WM to WM was read aloud in the meeting. EK WM suggests that Offices should have a term limit of 2 to 4 years. The EK WM forced a resignation of the current WM. Dissent was added into the minutes that there is not enough people to force term limits. Term Limits will not be used on the Canton level. Having term limits would cause people to play musical chairs with offices (but some people might object to being forced into another office). Not every office has a deputy because not many new people come to Commons Meetings. There was also concerns were brought up that events are only posted on Facebook.

ii. Seneschal Report: Baronè Francesco requested all Seneschals give all information for a master list of contacts for offices. Whyt Whey and Lion’s End give completed information. Broken Bridge is in flux. Northpass is finalizing their list.

Northpass: Barleycorn is coming up and preparations are going well. Northpass is trying to donate to the King’s travel fund. Barleycorn is a Kingdom level but not a Kingdom event. Barleycorn needs an archery marshal. Feastocrast for Barleycorn will be Mongolian. Barleycorn Autocrats are Wilhelm and Thomas’ son.

Chronicler: May Seahorse was sent twice because the deputy sent it the Seahorse editor did not get it (went to the wrong email) and sent it twice to be sure. Chronicler needs a new deputy. John (former WM) will be the new deputy Chronicler for now until anyone else will step up.

Fencing: Sword class NYC will have a fencing and fighting day for SCA fighter. Fencing is trying to get a Marshal to go to the McCarron Park practice on Monday nights. Fencing office cannot every meeting. Ettore Dandolo might have found a fencing space in Inwood but details are being worked out. A request was made to get the word out and let fighters and fencers to come to Barleycorn.

Exchequer: $1300 checking, $1200 saving. Whyt Whey has their own checking account. Paperwork submitted to kingdom for new seneschal to make money transactions. Guilded Pearl was asked to formalize their status if they were going out of business, they have $128 they might go into the Province.

Web Minister: Mailing list was moved to the EK host. Anyone on the old mailing list was added to the new mailing list. Anyone who is on the mailing list can post on the mailing list. Email address came from Panix, but hosted by the SCA. All of the officer email address will be added to the list so they don’t have to subscribe. Going forward only SCA email addresses will be accepted if you want to update official information on the Ost website. When someone posts a new post to the website will be forward to the mailing list. In the future any officer will post to the site that will post to the mailing list that will post to the appropriate FB group. WM would like to have a meeting with all the canton’s WM to discuss the best way to handle requests. A question was asked if the private office boards would be moved to an EK site or would be still be hosted on the Yahoo group. It was agreed that the officer message board would be left on Yahoo Groups. It is in the Seneschal’s handbook to keep problem resolution at the lowest levels and so the Yahoo group will be keep to facilitate it. It is needed that if you want your name to be published and used you need to give written consent. The new Østgarðr WM has form available. If you do not give permission to have your information posted requests for information will go to the WM. The WM wants to change the calendar on the onsite and have the cantons use the same calendar to coordinate events, all officers were agreed this was a good idea. Østgärðr Seneschal requested the Østgärðr WM to send all her points to him as an email. Everyone officer will have the ability to post on the Østgärðr Website.

Herald: Herald was approached by a person to be a deputy herald. There will be a new Herald’s tabard, it is currently in the process being made.

Arts & Sciences: Glass Bead making class on June 18th. The reason we are going this class is the king and queen want to give them out to new comers.

Archery: Archery has started. One practice in Seaford and one in Staten Island. They have been well attended. A deputy Archery Marshal is being looked for. There is a person of interest but they need to be asked.

Brokenbridge: Brokenbridge needs to have a meeting. Officer will discuss a time that works. A deputy Seneschal has been chosen and will step in when the current seneschal steps down. A new A&S minster has been having classes and they have been successful.

Chatelaine (via email)
Gold Key:
Workshop-April 24th- Our gold key workshop on Sunday, April 24th was a huge success! I am proud of the work that was done: 13 pieces of badly needed sizes were completed. Thank you Godiva d’Mer, Þórfinn Hróðgeirsson, Arnora Ketilsdottir, Branimira of the Isles, and Angelica di Nova Lipa for spending your Sunday replenishing the gold key supply and supporting Ostgardr. You are amazing!

All gold key has been inventoried; a spreadsheet has been created and sent to our Exchequer, Angelica Di Nova Lipa, as per Kingdom request.
I will be submitting an invoice for $100 for budgeted gold key fabric.

Teen involvement: last commons meeting Lord Thomas brought up the subject of teens and their interest/involvement in the SCA. This subject has also been brought up by others as well and a forum on Facebook has been created to discuss this subject: East Kingdom Forum for Teen Activities. I think that a number of ideas presented in the forum can be implemented easily in Ostgardr but needs the support of our members. I think Barleycorn would be a great event to implement teen/youth activities. Maybe we can have a brief round table at Riverdale Riverfest to talk about details. I will be there and hope we can brain storm. Please shoot me an email if you are interested.

A new deputy chatelaine

I am very pleased to announce that Ostgardr has a new deputy chatelaine, Anneke Valmarsdotter. Anneke has volunteered to take on a role that she easily fits. Her grace, intellect and warming nature will be such a benefit to our recruitment of new members. Please take a moment to welcome her in her new role. Vivant!

EternalCon: June 10th through the 12th
We have been invited to participate at EternalCon in Garden City, NY and I pleased to say we have team of volunteers ready. During our last commons meeting, we agreed we would commit to Saturday, and open up Sunday to our neighbors, An Dubh. I’ve contacted their chatelaine and he’s working on recruiting for Sunday.

Although this event does conflict with Southern Region War camp, we still were able to create a wonderful program for EternalCon which will include medieval games, silk painting, and fencing. We even have a panel scheduled on the subject of persona! We will be given a table and volunteers will be given free access to the event. Thank you to our volunteers: Angelica di Nova Lipa, Richard the Poor, Ervald the Optimistic, Marion of York and Rónán fitz Robert for making this happen! I believe this is a wonderful opportunity for recruitment. I met Sunday with the organizer of EternalCon, Frank, and he was really excited to have us at his event and hopefully have us back next year.

Viceregents: Not in attendance

Viceregal Heirs: If you have awards you want requested, please put them forward for Barleycorn. Sir Edward of Northpass was suggested for an award for running Pennsic. If you have provincial awards send to current Viceregents and the Heirs. Also send in recommendations for kingdom awards.


Viking Day – The event went well. There were several people who were interested in the SCA. SCA was paid for the event for $400. There was youth fighting. Everyone was impressed by weapon knowledge of Chinua. Chinua brought up that the SCA needs to be able to put on a show and needs to get fighters and fencers reengaged in Demos. Østgarðr needs to offer incentives for fighters to come out. It was suggested we should have an online forum to discuss


Riverdale Riverfest – Will we demo Archery? A marshal need to inspect the site and a member of the site’s staff need to check the site to see if an archery range can safely be there. SCA will be paid $400.

Queens Farm – A&S events are trying to be had to produce things to show at the Demo.

Cloisters – Date is set for 9/18. Alienor is taking point on the event.

Musicians’ Day – It is Veterans’ Day weekend, moved from the weekend before Thanksgiving. Wilhelm will take charge of reservation. It was asked if people would be interested in a track of “New to You” classes. Local musicians would like to do more local outreach. Due to schedule conflict, the event needs a new head cook.


New Dorp High School Demo – Comic Convention that asked the SCA to attend.


Viceregal Investiture at “John Barleycorn 2016” – Full Marshal Championships will be at Barleycorn.

[OLD Business – Gambling for fencers? ]

Do we have a liquor license, no but we have the local police giving us permission to have alcohol on site as long as we did not sell it or give it to minors. Are we going to have liquor? Yes. The SCA does not want any of its officers or groups to gift alcohol. What if an SCA member got a liquor license for a day? If a person gets a liquor license, they person can use that license, not the SCA. Officers can give the King and Queen a gift of alcohol


Creation of a “Scribe” – should we make an office for Scribe, or make a “Deputy Seneschal – Recording Secretary”. The downside was making sure they come to meetings, or making sure the Recording Secretary has someone as a substitute.

Alec will be the new Østgarðr Deputy Captain of Fence, under THLady Marion of York.


June – Lada & Suuder’s home
July – None, due to PENNSIC
August – Arnora and Ragnarr’s home
September – Pending

Call to adjourn meeting: Brekke
Seconded: Rufina
“All in favour?” – Unanimous
End time: 10:39

Pennsic 101 Class

Oyez, Oyez

Spring has arrived, and the Drums of War begin to Beat. You want to go to Pennsic! Everyone you talk to makes it sound like so much fun…

…but you’ve never done anything like this, so… now what do you do?

Pennsic 101 will be at Hawkes Reache A&S Night this Friday May 27th, 7PM

Pennsic is a most wonderful SCA event and attending this class will help you to both prepare and have the best time possible… We will discuss how to prepare for Pennsic, what you will need to do and bring. We will answer questions you may have on how to manage to get your things to Pennsic and what you can expect when you finally get there and get set up. If you have garb you’ve already made and are not sure it’s Pennsic-ready, bring it. We can help you decide.

If you’re thinking about Pennsic but haven’t quite decided – come on out!
If you haven’t been to Pennsic in several years, or feel like you’re missing out on something because all you do there is (fill in the blank) feel free to join us!

If you took the class at 1066, and still have questions, or just want to hear some of it again, feel free to join us – since this is a question-driven class, it’s a bit different each time.

Please see the Hawkes Reache calendar for location and other info:

I look forward to seeing you there!

PLEASE NOTE – if you can not make it to the class, I will try to accommodate requests to hold it again. Please email or IM directly.

Lady Jenna Childslayer,

New Dorp Comic Con Demo – Saturday, May 21st

New Dorp comic con demo!

When: Saturday, May 21st
Time: 10am- 11:30am set up 12pm-5pm comic con
Where: New Dorp High School of Staten Island
465 New Dorp Ln, Staten Island, NY 10306

We have a unique opportunity to recruit at a high school organized comic con, attended by students and their families.

We are given outdoor area 50×150 do display including fighting and fencing. We want to showcase what the SCA is all about!
Please bring your craft your projects to display.
I am looking for marshals and a couple of heavy fighters, fencers.

Please let me know if you can make it and what you are bringing. I need to get a list of our participants to the organizers by Wednesday evening.

Please RSVP via email or call me.

Hope to see you guys there.

In service,


Dance Practice Tues, May 17 6:30 PM Central Park

It seems that spring is finally here. If the weather holds, which it looks like it will, the next dance practice will be on Tues., May 17 from 6:30-9:00 PM at Belvedere Castle in Central Park.

Everyone is welcome to join us for practice; no prior dance experience required… Practices are held in street clothes, as many are traveling after work.

We’ll meet in the grassy area of Shakespeare’s garden if it is open. If you follow the “From the West Side” the grassy area is the “little clearing” before you reach the castle steps. We are typically near the bench on the left side. Once it gets dark OR if the grass isn’t open we move atop the castle. If you cannot find us, please phone (sometimes there is traffic, sometimes we are on the castle if the grass is soggy, etc.). If you will be arriving after 7:30 phoning is also advised (however, if we are mid-dance we may miss your call, please leave a message).

To find us atop the castle… If you are coming from the west side, once you climb the steps you can find us congregated by the wall slightly to the left of the little covered alcove in front of you. From the east side once you go up the steps at the back of the castle we’ll be to the left near the wall before the little covered alcove.

If it’s raining we meet under the overhang up top. If severe weather is in the forecast please check your email or call us on dance practice days; we’ll make a decision by 2 PM if we’re going to cancel practice.

Upcoming practices:
Tuesdays weather permitting

For more info or questions, please email or phone.
Dancing, Dancing, Dancing,