Saturday Solar – Prepare for Camping with Northpass

Medieval House Book of Wolfegg Castle c. 1480 Source

Prepare, Repair and Air Out all your summer camping gear at the Tavern!

Simon the Tanner and his beloved wife Berthe are inviting folks to their home in South Salem, NY
(address provided upon RSVP) on Saturday, June 22, 2024 for an afternoon of leather crafting,
sewing, socializing, and sharing refreshments to get ready for this summer’s camping season. Garb
is welcome and recommended.
• Simon will provide attendees with leather pouch-making supplies and guide folks in
creating leather pouches and bags.
• Gareth will be advising on the creation of firestarting kits.
• There will be a couple of firepits available for those who would like to try out new or old
recipes over an open fire.
• There is plenty of space if you want to try setting up your tent (to check for wear and tear)
• There will be sewing supplies for those who wish to make repairs to their garb
• And there will be music and refreshments in the Tavern.

RSVP at 247839 @

A&S Solar, Saturday, June 29

Alchemist Heating a Pot, by David Teniers the Younger c. 1610 – 1690 (Source)

Have a historical art project you need help with? Want some company for crafting? Need some help finishing garb for Pennsic? Then join us in Marine Park, Brooklyn on Saturday, June 29 from 1:00 to 5:00 for an afternoon of creativity and conviviality.

RSVP by email to to receive the street address and to let us know you’re coming. Closest public transport is the B31 and B100 busses.

There will be food and snacks available during the solar. If you have any allergies, please let us know when you RSVP.

Arts & Sciences Day

When: Sunday, May 5 from 2-5 pm
Where: Private – In person in Mohegan Lake, NY
RSVP to Friderich for the address

Join us at the home of Friderich and Lilie for a variety of arts and sciences activities. Activities for the day:

  • A general gathering for people to work on their projects while socializing with others
  • A cooking demo by Friderich.
  • Armor repair will be available in the basement for those who need to work on their kits. Weather permitting, outside will also be available.
  • A scribal class taught by Lada. Come find out what scribes do to create the beautiful award scrolls given by the local Vicereines and the kingdom Royals. Try out your hand at the scribal arts using materials brought by Lada, or bring your own works in progress to work on or for consultation.


  1. Feel free to bring a snack to share, however, please do not bring any items with strawberries or mixed berries due to severe allergies by the host.
  2. Please note: If you are feeling unwell, please do not attend this event. There will be an immune compromised person at the home.
  3. Allergy notice: If you are allergic to cats, please note that there are cats in the home of our host.

Please RSVP to Friderich for the address and directions.

In service,
Deputy MoAS for Northpass

Saturday Solar – Brokenbridge

Five people are working inside a workshop making jewelry. One person is working at a forge, while another young person is spinning a wheel of some sort to twist metal. The other three people are working t a long bench.
A goldsmith’s workshop – 1576
The British Museum Images. (n.d.). British Museum Images.

Have a project you need help with? Want some company for crafting?
Then join us in Marine Park, Brooklyn on Saturday March 16th

The closest public transport is the B31 and B100 busses.

RSVP at the following email:

*Food and snacks will be available during the solar.
If you have any allergies, please let me know when you RSVP.

From our Vicereagents – A January letter

Ostgardr court in session at Deck the Halls of Valhalla
Image courtesy of Sir Valgard Stonecleaver (mka Michael A. Cramer)

Deck the Halls of Valhalla infused our hearts with joy and warmth, marking a splendid beginning to the new year. The blend of new faces and cherished friends created an atmosphere of true delight, making the event exceptionally memorable. From outstanding classes to delectable food, every element of the day contributed to its perfection. Thank you to all who made this event a success, especially our two co-stewards Drasma Dragomira and Arnora Ketilsdottir.

Angelica and I were overjoyed to welcome Vitasha Ivanova doch’ into the esteemed Order of the Silver Lantern. Likewise, Abu Duruz Ibrahim ibin Musa al-Rashid received well-deserved recognition and joined the prestigious Order of the Silver Sea Lion and Silver Lantern.

But wait, there’s more to celebrate! This past Saturday at Birka in the Barony of Stonemarche, Perez ben Meir Gershon was honored with his induction into the Order of the Silver Brooch for his exceptional culinary skills.

Some samples of Perez ben Meir Gershon’s culinary delights!
Images courtesy of Perez ben Meir Gershon mka Gavin Skal

Cheers to these remarkable moments that continue to fill our hearts with warmth and delight!

Vivat! Vivat! Vivat!

Sofya Gianetta di Trieste & Angelica di Nova Lipa
Viceregents-Crown Province of Ostgardr

Sunday Solar – Brokenbridge

When: Sunday, February 18 from 2-5 pm
Where: Private – RSVP to Hanya Vladimirovna Polotskaya for the address

Have a project you need help with? Want some company for crafting? Then join us in Marine Park, Brooklyn.

The closest public transport is the B31 and B100 busses. RSVP at the email above to find the address.

Sunday Solar – Sewing Party

When: Sunday, February 4 from 2-5 pm
Where: Private – RSVP to Catelin for the address

Triumph of Minerva (detail of the right side) 1476-84
(Web Gallery of Art, Searchable Fine Arts Image Database, n.d.)

The next Sunday Solar will be an in person event where we will work on personal sewing projects. Bring what you are working on and stitch away in the company of others. Need assistance with your project? Ask, and we will do our best to assist you. There will be room to set up sewing machines if you wish to bring one to work on your project. 

As stated above, the Solar will be held at the home of Catelin in Mount Vernon, which is near the Metro North station. Please contact Catelin or Vitasha to RSVP and get the address.

Upcoming in Østgarðr: November 27th to December 10th

Here is what’s happening this week in Østgarðr. Come join us for…

7:30 p.m. –
8:30 p.m.
Meet the Candidates for Provincial Seneschal
Crown Province of Østgarðr
CancelledCancelled Cooking Class: How to be a Dayboard Head Cook
Crown Province of Østgarðr
(Brooklyn, NY)

And next week…

7:30 p.m. –
8:30 p.m.
Northpass Business Meeting
Canton of Northpass
2:00 p.m. –
5:00 p.m.
Northpass Sunday Solar: Brewing – Tasty Winter Drinks
Canton of Northpass
(New Rochelle, NY & online)

Upcoming in Østgarðr: November 20th to December 3rd

Here is what’s happening this week in Østgarðr. Come join us for…

2:00 p.m. –
3:00 p.m.
Appleholm Gallery Sunday: Iberian Renaissance Courtyard
Canton of Appleholm
(Manhattan, NY)

And next week…

11:00 a.m. –
4:00 p.m.
Cooking Class: How to be a Dayboard Head Cook
Crown Province of Østgarðr
(Brooklyn, NY)