Medieval Turnshoes – Virtual event

Join us on Sunday, July 14th, from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM on Google Meet to learn about medieval turnshoes from Dafydd ap Tomas.
The event will be held on Google Meet and here is the link.
See you there!
Join us on Sunday, July 14th, from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM on Google Meet to learn about medieval turnshoes from Dafydd ap Tomas.
The event will be held on Google Meet and here is the link.
See you there!
We are privileged to have Mok O’Keeffe join us live from Wales for Ostgardr History Chat – LGBTQ+ heroes Thursday night, 7/21 at 8 pm EST.
There is still time to register for this free, online event!
Bring your questions, and comments, and join in the discussion as we explore the lives of our LGBTQ+ ancestors. With the conversation led by Mok O’Keeffe, we’ll meet Emperors and Queens, artists and poets, miners and sailors, women who made their own way, and trans heroes who changed their world and changed ours along the way.
Registration is free, but attendees must register using Eventbrite to receive the video conference link. The Eventbrite registration page may be reached here:
We have Heirs!
Their Majesties Ryouko’jin and Indrakshi have announced Maestra Sofya Gianetta di Trieste Maria Dedvukaj and Lady Angelica Di Nova Lipa to be Our successors and the next Viceregents of the Crown Province of Østgarðr.
We want to thank everyone who raised their hand to volunteer for this position. Your care for the future of the Province warms Our Heart.
Lada and Suuder
Il Khanate
In the coming months, Their Highnesses of the East will be selecting successors to Suuder and Lada, the current Viceregents of Østgarðr. To advise Their Highnesses East on this weighty decision, a polling of the populace of Østgarðr is being held. The polling officially begins on Feb. 8, 2022 and lasts until Mar. 15, 2022.
The pairs of candidates who have stepped forward are (by Order of Precedence)…
Over the following week or two, all registered members of the SCA living in Østgarðr, will be receiving the Viceregal Polling in the mail. On this polling they may indicate their preference for which candidate pair they wish to succeed Suuder and Lada.
Instructions for completion and return will be included with the ballot, along with a postage-paid return envelope. Completed ballots must be received by Mar. 15, 2022 in order to be counted.
It is imperative that you return any ballot you receive, even if you have no preference, as at least 50% of the paid SCA members living in Østgarðr must return their ballots for the polling to be valid.
If you do not receive your ballot by Feb. 21, 2022 or if you have any questions regarding the polling process, please contact the Provincial Seneschal, Lord Nagashima Ichiro Ujimichi by email at
Below you can find some answer to common questions:
What are the rules governing this polling?
The rules governing the polling come from East Kingdom Law (sections VII.C and VII.G) and the Østgarðr Charter (section IV.D).
When will the results of the polling be released?
The results of the polling will not be released publicly. The results of the polling will be reported to the Crown and Kingdom Seneschal within three weeks of the closing date of the polling. Their Highnesses East will consider the results of the polling when making their selection.
When will we know who the next Viceregents will be?
By East Kingdom Law, results of the polling must be tallied and transmitted to the Kingdom Seneschal and the Crown within three weeks of the end date of the polling. The Crown must announce their selection for the new Viceregents within four weeks of receiving the results of the polling. This means the successors to the Viceregency will be known by May 3, 2022.
What if I don’t receive a ballot?
If you are a registered SCA member living in the Crown Province of Østgarðr, and you have not received your ballot by February 21, 2022, please contact the Provincial Seneschal, Lord Nagashima Ichiro Ujimichi by email at
I have children who are SCA members. Do they get a say in this polling?
By East Kingdom Law (section VII.C.e.i&ii) ballots from members less than 14 years old count toward establishing the validity of the polling, but not count towards the preference tally that is transmitted to the Crown and the Kingdom Seneschal. Ballots from members 14 years and older are counted in the preference tally.
Where can I learn more about the Viceregal Candidates
The Letters of intent for the Viceregal Candidate slates may be found here.
Additionally, all of the Viceregal candidate pairs have posted their letters of intent on the SCA NYC: Crown Province of Østgarðr Facebook Group. These letters will be posted to the Ostgardr website shortly.
Today is #indigenouspeoplesday so we’re sharing a little about the original inhabitants of the New York City area in our period of study, the Lenape people.
Here are some resources you can use to learn more about the Lenape people:
On March 30th their Majesties Wilhelm and Vienna traveled to the Barony of Settmour Swamp where the King’s and Queen’s Arts and Sciences Champions were to be chosen. At the being of Their Court, Lady Vika Grigina z Prahy was sent on vigil by the King and Queen to contemplate acceptance to the Order of the Laurel. After sitting vigil Lady Vika was called forth again and accepted elevation to the Order of the Laurel.
Their Majesties spoke of all the amazing Arts & Sciences on display and proceeded to choose their new A&S champions. Þórfinnr Hróðgeirsson was called forth and named Kings Champion. The Queen selected Astridr Musi.
Master Philip White was called forth and thanked by the Queen for helping everyone understand the way decision making happens at A&S competitions and for his service as Arts & Science Minister for the past two years.
Their Majesties called forth Lady Zilla al Sighira al Hurra and was made a companion of the Order of the Silver Brooch for her fine cordials and spirits.
On April 6th A.S. LIII, the Crown Province of Ostgardr and the Barony of An Dubhaigeainn hosted the Coronation of Ozurr the Boot-Giver and Fortune Sancte Keyne in the Canton of Lions End.
On this day, Their Majesties Wilhelm and Vienna held their Final Court bestowing final awards and accolades. Their Majesties addressed the people of the East and announced that they needed to take some time off and rest. Prince Ozurr the Boot-Giver was called forth and crowned King of the East. Long live the King! There was confusion as Princess Fortune was nowhere to be seen. In the distance appeared Princess Fortune riding her gondola to the shores of the East where she was met by King Ozurr and crowned Queen. Long live the Queen of the East!
Their newly crowned Majesties called into court Ervald the Optimistic inducting him into the Order of the Silver Crescent. Anne of Ostgardr was also called forth and awarded Arms by Their Majesties and there was much rejoicing.
The evening ended with an amazing feast, music and song.
This report was written by Mistress Sofya Gianetta di Trieste.
There was much to report this month in the history of Ostgardr:
In the Barony of Dragonship Haven, on the 23rd of February, anno societatis LIII, Their Majesties Wilhelm and Vienna called into court our own Il-Khatun, Lada Monguligin. Much to her surprise, she was sent off by Their Majesties to contemplate the question of joining the Order of the Laurel.
Later in the evening Her Majesty’s Bardic Champion, Geoffrey of Exeter, was called into court, praised for his performance and released him as her Bardic Champion. At this time the herald called Laila al-Sanna’ al Andalusiyya forward and named her Queens Bardic Champion. There was much rejoicing in the audience.
After a number of court awards and recognitions, Lada Monguligin was called into court to answer the question put upon her that morning. Lada Monguligin answered yes, swore her fealty and Their Majesties gave Their own. Before the Laurels could sweep her away, her beloved Il-Khan, Suuder Saran presented her with a ring and asked her to build a family with him. She said yes!! Then she was taken away to be welcomed by the Laurels and celebrate with family and friends.
Fair Østgarđr, I hope you are warm and snug despite the wintery chill that besets us.
In these cold days, I ask those of you whom have been around for two decades to cast your memory back to the turn of the millenium.
Do you have stories from these years you can share? A box of photos from events in the back of your closet? Any suggestions on how to get in touch with notable folks from this time who’ve since dropped out of the game but whom we might be able to track down and chat with? Drop us a line here, comment on the individual annals, grab me at commons, etc.
A.S. XXXIII (May ’98 – April ’99)
Crown Tourney was held in Northpass on May 2… Brekke Franksdottir finally received her Laurel (she was supposed to get it many years ago, but her reign caused a postponement of the plans)… The Order of the Sea Dog, for service to the cantons, was founded at Agincourt on October 31… (236 more words)
A.S. XXXIV (May ’99 – April ’00)
John the Bear became the Provincial Champion… The Queens County Fair was held on Sept. 25 & 26, Agincourt was held on November 13, and the Brewers’ Collegium was held on Dec. 10-12… A celebration of Ian and Katherine’s twentieth year as Viceroy and Vicereine was held on January 22… (151 more words)
A.S. XXXV (May ’00 – April ’01)
Ervald the Optimistic, on his thirteenth attempt, became the Provincial Champion at the Huntington Ren Fair on May 27… On September 9, Boal Mergen became the Provincial Archery Champion… At Twelfth Night in Nordenhal on January 13, Eleanor the Fair was made a Court Baroness… (131 more words)
A.S. XXXVI (May ’01 – April ’02)
… At Barleycorn on Sept. 8, Lady Brianna McBain was inducted into the Order of the Seahorse, and Bleiddwan of House Three Skulls became the Provincial Archery Champion… At the Pirate’s Day of Love in Lions End on February 16, Elizabeth Cameron nic Ian was made a Companion of the Seahorse… (351 more words)
These seem to have been busy years in Østgarđr — help us capture that history!
— Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin
Seahorse Pursuivant, Crown Province of Østgarđr
To the populace of Østgarđr, greetings!
As we approach the fiftieth anniversary of Østgarđr and the East, we’re looking back over our history and gathering tales of days gone by.
We’ll be showcasing a lot of this material at the EK50 event this summer, and we’d like to make a good presentation — as the birthplace of the East Kingdom and home to so many talented individuals, we have a lot of history to celebrate, and we’d like to ensure it doesn’t vanish in the mists of time.
Over the next few months, I’ll be sending out excerpts from several years of the Annals collected by Richard the Poor, along with corresponding links to the blog, and asking that folks who remember details from those years share their stories, either in responses here, as comments on the blog, or in whatever way is convenient for you.
For this first round, cast your mind’s eye back 40 years, and 30, and 20, and 10…
A.S. XII (May ’77 – April ’78)
Demos were held at the Huntington Renaissance Fair on May 28 & 29, the Cloisters Ren Fair in early August (no date was specified), as part of a “Lighthouse Fund Raiser” on October 9, and at the Adelphi U. Ren Fair. A Solstice Fair was held on June 19, a Middle East Feast and Belly Dance Contest on July 23, a Herald’s Picnic on September 17 & 18 (which was actually held in New Jersey), and the Royal Heirs Birthday Party on February 18.
A.S XXII (May ’87 – April ’88)
At Pennsic on August 8, Katherine Gillesfleur received her Silver Crescent. On March 5 of that year she would also be inducted into the Order of the Laurel for her costume work. Mordred Mjodvitner also earned a Tygers Combattant on March 5. In February, the Canton of Lions End formed in Nassau County with Reyna of Crystaldale as its Seneschal. Seahorses were given to Garlon Dragonheart ap Rheged and Roen Dentilliere de la Voile Rouge on April 16.
A.S. XXXII (May ’97 – April ’98)
At Southern Region War Camp in Eisental on July 26, Gideanus Tacitus Adamantius was made a Laurel for his cooking skills by Hanse and Moruadh… That fall, a canton in Brooklyn (Brokenbridge) was organized, with Ben of Brokenbridge as its Seneschal… Lucan & Caitlin held their Twelfth Night at the Garden City Cathedral in Lions End on January 3. At the Valentine’s Revel on February 14, Anabel Ravaya de Guzman became the first Provincial Bard… (45 more words)
A.S. XLII (May ’07 – April ’08)
At Pennsic this year, Ana Ravaya de Guzman was inducted into the Order of the Laurel for her skills in poetry. In May, John the Bear became the Knight Marshal; in September, Judith Fitzhenry the Uncertain took over as Minister of Arts and Yeh-Liu Targai became the Captain of Fence… The Warrior’s Nadaam event was held on October 15. Agincourt was held on November 3… The Province hosted the Coronation of Konrad and Brenwen on April 12… (177 more words)
Please help us fill out the details, tell us what we’re missing, and add some color to these summaries, so that the world will not soon forget the rich history of our province and its people.
In service to the dream,
— Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin
Seahorse Pursuivant, Crown Province of Østgarđr