Recording Østgarđr’s History

To the populace of Østgarđr, greetings!

As we approach the fiftieth anniversary of Østgarđr and the East, we’re looking back over our history and gathering tales of days gone by.

We’ll be showcasing a lot of this material at the EK50 event this summer, and we’d like to make a good presentation — as the birthplace of the East Kingdom and home to so many talented individuals, we have a lot of history to celebrate, and we’d like to ensure it doesn’t vanish in the mists of time.

Over the next few months, I’ll be sending out excerpts from several years of the Annals collected by Richard the Poor, along with corresponding links to the blog, and asking that folks who remember details from those years share their stories, either in responses here, as comments on the blog, or in whatever way is convenient for you.

For this first round, cast your mind’s eye back 40 years, and 30, and 20, and 10…

A.S. XII (May ’77 – April ’78)
Demos were held at the Huntington Renaissance Fair on May 28 & 29, the Cloisters Ren Fair in early August (no date was specified), as part of a “Lighthouse Fund Raiser” on October 9, and at the Adelphi U. Ren Fair. A Solstice Fair was held on June 19, a Middle East Feast and Belly Dance Contest on July 23, a Herald’s Picnic on September 17 & 18 (which was actually held in New Jersey), and the Royal Heirs Birthday Party on February 18.

A.S XXII (May ’87 – April ’88)
At Pennsic on August 8, Katherine Gillesfleur received her Silver Crescent. On March 5 of that year she would also be inducted into the Order of the Laurel for her costume work. Mordred Mjodvitner also earned a Tygers Combattant on March 5. In February, the Canton of Lions End formed in Nassau County with Reyna of Crystaldale as its Seneschal. Seahorses were given to Garlon Dragonheart ap Rheged and Roen Dentilliere de la Voile Rouge on April 16.

A.S. XXXII (May ’97 – April ’98)
At Southern Region War Camp in Eisental on July 26, Gideanus Tacitus Adamantius was made a Laurel for his cooking skills by Hanse and Moruadh… That fall, a canton in Brooklyn (Brokenbridge) was organized, with Ben of Brokenbridge as its Seneschal… Lucan & Caitlin held their Twelfth Night at the Garden City Cathedral in Lions End on January 3. At the Valentine’s Revel on February 14, Anabel Ravaya de Guzman became the first Provincial Bard… (45 more words)

A.S. XLII (May ’07 – April ’08)
At Pennsic this year, Ana Ravaya de Guzman was inducted into the Order of the Laurel for her skills in poetry. In May, John the Bear became the Knight Marshal; in September, Judith Fitzhenry the Uncertain took over as Minister of Arts and Yeh-Liu Targai became the Captain of Fence… The Warrior’s Nadaam event was held on October 15. Agincourt was held on November 3… The Province hosted the Coronation of Konrad and Brenwen on April 12… (177 more words)

Please help us fill out the details, tell us what we’re missing, and add some color to these summaries, so that the world will not soon forget the rich history of our province and its people.

In service to the dream,

— Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin
Seahorse Pursuivant, Crown Province of Østgarđr