Upcoming In & Around Østgarðr: March, April, May 2019

Spring is here and our outdoor practices and events are beginning!

Armored combat has already begun in McCarren Park in Brooklyn, 7pm Tuesday nights; for updates, see the Facebook group “Fighter Practice in New York City.”

Rapier fencing will likely begin in mid-April in Central Park (the corner of the park by 59 – Columbus Circle), 7pm Wednesday nights; for updates, see the Facebook group “Historical Arts Rapier Training.”

Updates to both armored combat practice and rapier practice, as well as possibly other practices and events (for example, bardic circle is colocated with rapier fencing every other Wednesday), may be found at the Facebook group “SCA NYC: Crown Province of Østgarðr“.

Northpass dance practice information may also be found at the Facebook group for the Canton of Northpass.

Commons meetings, which are open to the populace, are always on the third Friday of the month, and rotate location through the province — check the prior Commons agenda for the latest on locations, or Facebook!

For information on upcoming nearby East Kingdom events, read on!

The rest of March

Mudthaw, Barony of Settmour Swamp (Roseland NJ, <1 hour W)
Date: March 30
Activities: K&Q A&S Championship


Coronation of Ôzurr & Fortune, Crown Province of Østgarðr and Barony of An Dubhaigeainn (Wantagh NY)
Date: April 6
Focus activity(s): court, court, court

Resurrection of Mangia Borgia, Shire of Coill Tuar (Poughkeepsie NY, 1.5 hours N)
Date: April 13
Activities: Italian Renaissance, gaming, assassinations

Festival of Passing of Ice Dragon, Kingdom of Æthelmearc (Hamburg, NY, 6.5 hours NW)
Date: April 13
Activities: A&S Pentathlon

East Kingdom Brewers Collegium, Barony of Stonemarche (Plymouth, NH, 5.5 hours N)
Date: April 19-21
Activities: classes, brewing guild panels

A Day of the Decameron, Crown Province of Østgarðr (Mount Kisco, NY)
Date: April 27th
Focus activity(s): Period bardic, music, and food.

Balfar’s Challenge, Barony of Dragonship Haven (Southwestern CT, 2 hours NE)
Date: April 27th
Activities: fighting


Return of the Lions, Canton of Lions End (Locust Valley, NY)
Date: May 4th
Focus activity(s): provincial bardic championship

Spring Crown, Shire of Caer Adamant (Harrington, DE, 3.5 hours S)
Date: May 4
Activities: crown tournament

Siege of Granada, Crown Province of Østgarðr (Carmel, NY)
Date: May 11
Focus activity(s): rattan, fencing, A&S, provincial A&S championship

May-Be (I’ll Try Something New), Barony of Iron Bog (Moorestown, NJ, 2 hours SW)
Date: May 11
Activities: classes, baronial heavy fighting & fencing championship tourneys

Quest for Wit and Wisdom, Barony of Settmour Swamp (Pittstown, NJ, 1 hour W)
Date: May 24-27
Activities: quest (scavenger hunt, obstacle course, mystery adventure), baronial championships, brewing competition, bardic circle, artisan’s row

(Note that the travel times shown for events outside of the Crown Province are given as approximate driving times from Central Park; your milage may vary.)

Historian’s Report – March 2019

There was much to report this month in the history of Ostgardr:

In the Barony of Dragonship Haven, on the 23rd of February, anno societatis LIII, Their Majesties Wilhelm and Vienna called into court our own Il-Khatun, Lada Monguligin. Much to her surprise, she was sent off by Their Majesties to contemplate the question of joining the Order of the Laurel.

Later in the evening Her Majesty’s Bardic Champion, Geoffrey of Exeter, was called into court, praised for his performance and released him as her Bardic Champion. At this time the herald called Laila al-Sanna’ al Andalusiyya forward and named her Queens Bardic Champion. There was much rejoicing in the audience.

After a number of court awards and recognitions, Lada Monguligin was called into court to answer the question put upon her that morning. Lada Monguligin answered yes, swore her fealty and Their Majesties gave Their own. Before the Laurels could sweep her away, her beloved Il-Khan, Suuder Saran presented her with a ring and asked her to build a family with him. She said yes!! Then she was taken away to be welcomed by the Laurels and celebrate with family and friends.

Commons Minutes for February 2019

February 2019 Minutes • Østgarðr Commons

The February commons meeting was held February 15 at the workplace of Ervald the Optimistic in Queens. Here are the minutes as recorded by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin. The officers’ reports are attached at the end.


Present — 12 Council members, 5 Additional populace members

  • Suuder Saran, Il-Khan
  • Lada Monguligin, Il-Khatun
  • Alienor Salton, Seneschal
  • Laila al-Sanna’ al-Andalusiyya, Chatelaine
  • Donnchadh mac Eoin, MoAS
  • Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, Herald, Youth Marshal
  • Ervald LaCoudre, Armored Combat Marshal
  • Alec MacLachlan, Fencing Marshal, Deputy Seneschal
  • Sarah of Whyt Whey, Chronicler
  • Anne of Østgarðr, Webminister
  • Esnede O Murrin, Northpass Seneschal
  • Nagashima Ichiro Ujimichi, Lions End Seneschal
  • Badr al-Abyari
  • Bruno Bruni
  • Jibril al-Ghazal
  • Bahja al-Azraq
  • Richard the Poor

Online — 1

  • Francisco de Braga, Exchequer

Commons Feb. 15th 2019

Because this month started on a Friday, our Commons is sooner than you might have anticipated — i.e., the day after tomorrow!!!  Please do not panic.
Officers, please DO submit your report for the meeting to Ostgardr-officers@ostgardr.eastkingdom.org by this evening if you possibly can, so everyone can be prepared to discuss whatever needs discussing on Friday.
Our meeting will be held at Sussman Automatic (Ervald’s workplace) in Long Island City.  The closest transit stops on Queens Blvd. at 33rd St., both the 7 train and the Q32 & Q60 trains.

Google View of Sussman Automatic Location & Transit
Google View of Sussman Automatic Location & Transit

Street parking is available.
Doors open at 7pm, meeting will be convened at 8pm.  Meeting is expected to end before 9pm.  Socializing and post-meeting sidebars may continue until 10pm.  Telecommuting link will be posted before the meeting.  We are switching to Google Meet instead of Hangouts because Google is transitioning away from Hangouts.
As always, some food will be provided, and you are invited (not required!) to bring snacks to share.
*ALL* are welcome.  Our monthly business meetings are a great opportunity to get to know your local SCA volunteers.

Commons Minutes for January 2019

The January commons meeting was held January 18 at the Kings Plaza Mall Community Room in Brokenbridge. Here are the minutes as recorded by Mathghamhain Ua Rhuadháin. The officers’ reports are attached at the end.

January 2019 Minutes • Østgarðr Commons


Present — 15

  • Lada Monguligin, Vicereine
  • Alienor Salton, Seneschal
  • Laila al-Sanna’ al-Andalusiyya, Chatelaine
  • Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, Herald, Youth Marshal, Deputy Webminister
  • Ervald LaCoudre, Armored Combat Marshal
  • Alec MacLachlan, Fencing Marshal, Deputy Seneschal
  • Rakkurai of Kamakura, Minister of Lists
  • Sofya Gianetta di Trieste, Historian
  • Esnede O Murrin, Northpass Seneschal
  • Nagashima Ichiro Ujimichi, Lions End Seneschal
  • Caitlin Straquin, Brokenbridge Minister of Arts & Sciences
  • Gui Avec Cheval
  • Adela of Brokenbridge
  • Jibril al-Ghazal
  • Ajir Tsagaan

Online — 5

  • Suuder Saran, Viceroy
  • Francisco de Braga, Exchequer
  • Anne of Østgarðr, Webminister
  • Vika Grigina z Prahy, Whyt Whey Seneschal
  • Richard the Poor
  • Marion of York, Lions End Lieutenant of Fence
        — was unable to connect to video session due to technical problems

Upcoming In & Around Østgarðr: January – February 2019

Most of our outdoor practices are canceled until spring, but there’s still plenty to do this winter!

The rest of January

Garb workshop for Day of the Decameron, January 20 (Astoria, NY; contact Mistress Sofya for information)

Knight Fight Screening, January 23 (Brooklyn, NY) https://www.facebook.com/events/290209135028914/

Stonemarche: Birka (Manchester NH, 5 hours NE)
Date: January 25-27
Activities: shopping, fashion show
EK Calendar Link: https://www.eastkingdom.org/EventDetails.php?eid=3349

Northpass Dance Practice, January 27 (Port Chester, NY) https://www.facebook.com/events/2255838904683056/


Nordenhalle: Sign of the Dancing Fox (Kingston NY, 2 hours N)
Date: February 2
Activities: dancing
EK Calendar Link: https://www.eastkingdom.org/EventDetails.php?eid=3405

Evening in the Solar, February 7 in Canton of Whyt Whey (Manhattan, NY)

Lions End Commons, February 8 in Lions End (Greenvale, NY)

Østgarðr Commons, February 15 in Østgarðr proper (Long Island City, NY)

Æthelmarc: Æ Swim (Milton PA, 3 hours W)
Date: February 16-17
EK Calendar Link: https://www.eastkingdom.org/EventDetails.php?eid=3407

Dragonship Haven: Baronial Investiture (New Haven CT, 1.5 hours NE)
Date: February 23
Activities: K&Q Bardic Championship
EK Calendar Link: https://www.eastkingdom.org/EventDetails.php?eid=3342

Commons Jan. 18th 2019

Please join us at our next provincial commons (a monthly meeting of the populace and provincial officers), this coming Friday, January 18th.  We have reserved the community room at the Kings Plaza Mall Management Office, Brooklyn, from 7-10pm.  All are welcome!

  • 7-8pm: gather & socialize
  • 8pm: call to order, start google hangout
  • close of meeting (8:45-ish)-9:45pm: conduct one-on-one business & socialize
  • 9:45-10pm: clean up & go home

Our Google Hangout for the evening can be joined using this link: https://hangouts.google.com/group/F12p4Lq3bipHekSf2

Among our business, we will welcome our new officers, and discuss preparations for our exciting spring of Holy Cow How Many Events!?!?  To add something to our agenda, please include it in your provincial officer report for the meeting, or email seneschal@ostgardr.eastkingdom.org

You are welcome (but not required!) to bring a food or drink to share.  There will be snacks.

Kings Plaza Mall has ample parking in its garage, entered via Flatbush Ave. just south of Ave. V.  The garage costs a flat-rate of $3 for the day.  To get there via public transit, you will mostly likely need a subway / bus combination, such as the 2 train to Flatbush Ave., followed by the B41 or Q35 along Flatbush Ave. to Ave. U.

The community room is located on the ground floor of the parking garage, in the management office.  You enter via a set of glass doors, facing Flatbush Ave. between Aves. V and U.

Entrance to management office, Kings Plaza Mall.
Entrance to management office, Kings Plaza Mall.

Letters of Intent for Provincial Offices

We have received letters of intent for all our open Provincial offices whose incumbent is stepping down at the end of their term (or who has already stepped down), namely Chronicler, Chatelaine, Minister of Lists and Minister of Arts & Sciences.  Those 4 letters are presented herein for your perusal.