Draft Bylaws For Review

The Crown Province of Østgarðr appears to have first formulated a set of bylaws in 1998, setting forth guidelines under which this branch of the organization would operate. There have been various efforts to update this document in the intervening decades, but several of those fizzled out before the new version was properly ratified, and the overall structure of the document remained largely the same.

Recently a new round of effort was undertaken to bring the bylaws up to date with our current practices, make them clearer and easier to modify in the future, and eliminate a few provisions which had proved to be problematic.

In recent months, a draft of the proposed new bylaws has been circulated for review by the provincial and canton officers, and while there are a few areas in which questions remain to be resolved, we’re now far enough along that we’re ready to gather feedback from the populace at large.

You are invited to review the draft proposal attached below and let us know what you think by sending your comments to bylaws@ostgardr.eastkingdom.org.