Commons May 17th 2019

Provincial Commons (business meeting and social gathering) is tomorrow, Friday May 17th! All are welcome. 7pm, assemble. 8pm, meeting begins. This month’s meeting may be longer than usual, given the bylaws vote, but we still expect to have time to socialize and sidebar after the meeting. Directions are here:

Agenda (subject to additions):

Provincial Archery Championship

Hear ye, populace of the Crown Province of Østgarðr!

As we come ever closer to the changing of season so must we, your provincial champions, also make way for change. As your archery champion, I hereby announce this year’s tournament to decide the next provincial champion.

This year we will be hosting the provincial archery championship at The Feast of John Barleycorn. The theme will be “An Archer’s Coming of Age”. With the aid of Lord Friderich Grimme and Lord Francisco de Braga, we anticipate this year’s tournament to be a great one.

I implore all Archers of the populace, regardless of skill, to participate in this year’s tournament. For those who are not of the province we also encourage you to participate so that we may recognize the best Archer from far off lands.

Yours in service, Catelin Straquhin, Crown Province of Østgarðr Archery Champion

Commons Minutes for April 2019

The April commons meeting was held on April 19 at the Greenvale Townhouse Diner in Lions End. Here are the minutes as recorded by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin. The officers’ reports are attached at the end.


Present — 4 members of the officers’ council, 2 members of the populace

  • Suuder Saran, Il-Khan
  • Lada Monguligin, Il-Khatun
  • Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, Herald, Youth Marshal
  • Nagashima Ichiro Ujimichi, Lions End Seneschal
  • Richard the Poor
  • Jenna Childslayer

Online — 5 members of the council

  • Alienor Salton, Seneschal
  • Francisco de Braga, Exchequer
  • Ervald LaCoudre, Armored Combat Marshal
  • Sofya Gianetta di Trieste, Historian
  • Vika Grigina z Prahy, Whyt Whey Seneschal

Upcoming In & Around Østgarðr: May 2019

Update your calendars — this month is going to be busy!

An Evening in the Solar, Canton of Whyt Whey (Manhattan)
Date: Thursday, May 2, 7:30
Activities: Class and hands-on cooking of the food of al-Andalus, medieval Muslim Spain.

Return of the Lions, Canton of Lions End (Locust Valley, NY)
Date: Saturday, May 4th
Focus activity(s): provincial bardic championship, classes

Spring Crown Tourney, Shire of Caer Adamant (Harrington, DE, 3.5 hours S)
Date: Saturday, May 4
Activities: crown tournament

Northpass Commons, Canton of Northpass (Westchester)
Date: Thursday, May 9, 7:00
Activities: Canton commons meeting

Lions End Commons, Canton of Lions End (Nassau)
Date: Friday, May 10, 7:00
Activities: Canton commons meeting

Siege of Granada, Crown Province of Østgarðr (Carmel, NY)
Date: Saturday, May 11
Focus activity(s): provincial A&S championship, armored combat, fencing, A&SM

Broken Bridge Commons, Canton of Brokenbridge (Brooklyn)
Date: Sunday, May 12, 11:00 AM
Activities: Canton commons meeting and bread-making class

Provincial Commons, Crown Province of Østgarðr (Manhattan)
Date: Friday, May 17 7:30
Activities: Monthly provincial commons meeting

Viking Day Demo, Crown Province of Østgarðr (Brooklyn)
Date: Saturday, May 18
Activities: engage newcomers with displays of A&S, armored combat, fencing, and more

Quest for Wit and Wisdom, Barony of Settmour Swamp (Pittstown, NJ, 1 hour W)
Date: Friday-Monday, May 24-27
Activities: quest (scavenger hunt, obstacle course, mystery adventure), baronial championships, brewing competition, bardic circle, artisan’s row

(Note that the travel times shown for events outside of the Crown Province are given as approximate driving times from Central Park; your milage may vary.)

Last day to preregister for Siege of Granada!

Today is your last day to preregister for the Siege of Granada (May 11, Putnam County Park).

The year is 1259, just one year after the Siege of Baghdad.  Mongke Khan has a growing sense of doom.  Seeing the end of his reign, he seeks to consolidate power for his son, Kublai, by sending any potential rival far from the center of the Mongol seat of power.  Ariqbok Khan was sent into the far reaches of the Arabic world with the Golden Horde.  Suuder Khan was sent deep into Europe with the Metann Clan.  Suuder leads his troops through Transylvania, Vienna, and Toledo, intending to finally lay siege to Granada.

Join us for Combat, all manner of!  Feasting on a sumptuous day board of 13th century Andalusi foods prepared by Ibrahim al-Rashid ibn Musa!  Provincial A&S Championship!  Bartertown!

Historian’s Report – April 2019

Mudthaw, March 30th Barony of Settmour Swamp

On March 30th their Majesties Wilhelm and Vienna traveled to the Barony of Settmour Swamp where the King’s and Queen’s Arts and Sciences Champions were to be chosen. At the being of Their Court, Lady Vika Grigina z Prahy was sent on vigil by the King and Queen to contemplate acceptance to the Order of the Laurel. After sitting vigil Lady Vika was called forth again and accepted elevation to the Order of the Laurel.

Their Majesties spoke of all the amazing Arts & Sciences on display and proceeded to choose their new A&S champions. Þórfinnr Hróðgeirsson was called forth and named Kings Champion. The Queen selected Astridr Musi.

Master Philip White was called forth and thanked by the Queen for helping everyone understand the way decision making happens at A&S competitions and for his service as Arts & Science Minister for the past two years.

Their Majesties called forth Lady Zilla al Sighira al Hurra and was made a companion of the Order of the Silver Brooch for her fine cordials and spirits.

Coronation, April 6th

On April 6th A.S. LIII, the Crown Province of Ostgardr and the Barony of An Dubhaigeainn hosted the Coronation of Ozurr the Boot-Giver and Fortune Sancte Keyne in the Canton of Lions End. 

On this day, Their Majesties Wilhelm and Vienna held their Final Court bestowing final awards and accolades. Their Majesties addressed the people of the East and announced that they needed to take some time off and rest. Prince Ozurr the Boot-Giver was called forth and crowned King of the East. Long live the King! There was confusion as Princess Fortune was nowhere to be seen. In the distance appeared Princess Fortune riding her gondola to the shores of the East where she was met by King Ozurr and crowned Queen. Long live the Queen of the East!

Their newly crowned Majesties called into court Ervald the Optimistic inducting him into the Order of the Silver Crescent. Anne of Ostgardr was also called forth and awarded Arms by Their Majesties and there was much rejoicing.

The evening ended with an amazing feast, music and song.

This report was written by Mistress Sofya Gianetta di Trieste.

Commons April 19th 2019

Our provincial commons this month is coming up next Friday, April 19th. As several of us have noted, it is Passover. We may have a smaller than usual turnout. Officers, please submit your reports and read the minutes.

As always, all are welcome to attend. We will meet in Lions End, at the Greenvale Townhouse diner, in the small area to the right as you enter, between the cashier and our usual back room. We will assemble at 7pm. Business portion of the evening should start at 8pm, with socializing afterwards.

I expect the meeting to be relatively short. Topics include Coronation post-event report, and Day of the Decameron pre-event report. Officer reports are requested by Wednesday evening, April 17th, with any additional agenda items you would like to discuss.

Thank You, Coronation Team!

One week has passed since the Coronation of Ôzurr and Fortune as King and Queen of the East Kingdom, and I wanted to take some time to thank the huge team that made this event possible.

Dozens of people from Østgarðr and our neighboring barony of An Dubhaigeainn came together to assist me and my co-event-steward, Jean Xavier Boullier. Dozens of others came from further away, traveling from distant corners of the kingdom and giving up part of their day to ensure that the event was a success.

Draft Bylaws For Review

The Crown Province of Østgarðr appears to have first formulated a set of bylaws in 1998, setting forth guidelines under which this branch of the organization would operate. There have been various efforts to update this document in the intervening decades, but several of those fizzled out before the new version was properly ratified, and the overall structure of the document remained largely the same.

Recently a new round of effort was undertaken to bring the bylaws up to date with our current practices, make them clearer and easier to modify in the future, and eliminate a few provisions which had proved to be problematic.

In recent months, a draft of the proposed new bylaws has been circulated for review by the provincial and canton officers, and while there are a few areas in which questions remain to be resolved, we’re now far enough along that we’re ready to gather feedback from the populace at large.

You are invited to review the draft proposal attached below and let us know what you think by sending your comments to

Commons Minutes for March 2019

March 2019 Minutes • Østgarðr Commons

The March commons meeting was held March 15 at the American Legion Hall in Mount Kisco, NY.  Here are the minutes as recorded by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin. The officers’ reports are attached at the end.


Present — 5 members of the officers council, 8 other members of the populace

  • Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, Herald, Youth Marshal, Coronation Event Steward
  • Francisco de Braga, Exchequer
  • Alec MacLachlan, Fencing Marshal, Deputy Seneschal
  • Sarah of Whyt Whey, Chronicler
  • Esnede O Murrin, Northpass Seneschal
  • Apollodora of Delphi, Deputy Chatelaine, Deputy Webminister
  • Lilie Dubh, Day of Decameron event steward
  • Friderich Grimme
  • Thomas of Northpass
  • Aurora ffolkes
  • Richard the Poor of Ely
  • Colin
  • Dennis

Online — 4 members of the officers council

  • Suuder Saran, Il-Khan
  • Lada Monguligin, Il-Khatun
  • Alienor Salton, Seneschal
  • Anne of Østgarðr, Webminister