Awards from Summer Provincial Courts

At Pennsic, the Viceregents delivered an Award of the Golden Lyre to Godiva de la Mer on behalf of Ozurr and Fortune. Young Johanna Brandrsdottir was inducted into the Province’s Order of the Sea-Urchin in appreciation for her service at local events and the lovely jewelry she has created. Friderich Grimme was recognized for his skill in archery, and for his efforts training so many of the province’s archers, by making him a member of the Order of the Silver Sea-Lion. And the Viceregents rewarded Angelica di Nova Lipa for her many years of service to the Province — at events, in artistry, and behind the scenes — by inducting her into the Order of the Seahorse.

At Barleycorn, the Viceregents delivered an Award of Arms ordered by their Majesties East for Meadhbh O’Gairbhith. Buenaventura Miguel Rivera and Galen Mac Byrne were inducted into the Order of the Sea Dog for their years of service in the Canton of Northpass. Conandil ingen Donngaile was made a member of the Order of the Silver Lantern in recognition of her artistry and her service to the Province’s dance community. And Catelin Straquhin stepped down as Provincial Archery Champion, passing that title on to Mongu Chinua, who had won the day’s tournament.