Upcoming Virtual Provincial Classes, September 2020

Creating Your East Kingdom Wiki Page

When: Tuesday 9/1/2020 from 7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. EST

Where: On Google Meet 
Meeting ID
Phone Numbers (‪US‬)
‪+1 617-675-4444‬
PIN: ‪601 132 068 5638#‬

Description:  Not sure how to make a personal page on the East Kingdom Wiki (or even just wondering what the East Kingdom Wiki is?).  Join this class to walk through how to make a basic personal page for yourself.  

Creating your SCA Persona, an Introduction

When: Thursday 9/10/2020 from 7:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Where: On Google Meet
Meeting ID
Phone Numbers
‪+1 617-675-4444‬
PIN: ‪443 344 016 8787#‬

Description:  Have you wondered what an SCA Persona is or wanted to make your SCA Persona more useful?  Join this class to review the basic concepts of persona and how to the persona work for you in your SCA experience.

Minutes from April 17 Commons (2020)

Meeting called to order 8pm.  Thorfinnr took minutes.  These notes are heavily edited to include action items and other items of interest that may still be relevant.  For the meeting itself, everyone on the call contributed a personal or SCA-related update.

Virtual commons TODAY (Friday, July 17), and other upcoming events

Commons is Friday, July 17th, 7:30-10:30pm. We will share news at 8pm.
Meeting URL: https://meet.google.com/nhu-qsgk-zzi (you can join this with a computer, you don’t need to turn on video or microphone to join us)
Phone: ‪+1 402-364-0138‬ PIN: ‪616 864 602#‬ (dial this number on your phone and you can listen and speak at Commons)

 Other upcoming events:

“Yaking with the Il Khanate”
on Sunday 7/26 from 4 to 6pm
Put on some garb if you’d like and come hang out with us and other members of Ostgardr. We want to make ourselves available to Our populace for anything you’d like to bring up, share, ask us anything and any concerns you may have.

Virtual Potluck
on Thursday 8/6 from 7 to 9 pm
With Pennsic going virtual this year and upholding Ostgardr tradition we would like to invite everyone to come together for a virtual Ostgardr Potluck on Thursday 8/6 from 7 to 9pm. This is an opportunity for us all to come together and share a meal when we can’t be together in person. Feel free to get creative with your table/dinner set ups to help create an immersive experience.

Bardic Circle
Every Wednesday, 7-9pm
Bring a song or story, and come to listen to others.

In Memoriam for Sir Edward: A Comet Pierces Eastern Skies Tonight

[This poem was composed by M. Ana de Guzmán, OL on the passing of Viscount Edward Zifran of Gendy, a beloved figure who had given much to Østgarðr. Our thanks to Mistress Ana for sharing it with us.]

A comet pierces Eastern skies tonight,
the likes of which we shall not see again.
The passing of a giant among men
is heralded with its celestial flight.

One blessed with skill, with puissance, with great might,
adept likewise with needle and with pen,
now makes a journey far beyond our ken
with bravery, our simple country knight.

The evil that men do lives after them?
We know this is not altogether true.
For we have seen the good this man has done.

His wisdom like unto a precious gem,
he mended fences, quarrels not a few.
Recall his light, now Edward’s race is run.

Ana de Guzmán

Virtual commons on Friday, June 19 (over Google Meet)

A message from our seneschal:

Please join us this Friday, June 19th, for our regularly scheduled (3rd Friday of the month) provincial social gathering & business meeting.  All are welcome!

Meeting URL: https://meet.google.com/nhu-qsgk-zziPhone: ‪+1 402-364-0138‬ PIN: ‪616 864 602#‬

Call opens at 7pm for socializing. We’ll go around all participants for comments at 8pm, and continue hanging out until everyone leaves.

SCA Membership Expiration & Gifts

The Society’s Corporate office announced back in March that they would not be marking expired memberships as lapsed, in order to provide some leeway for the disruption caused by the Covid-19 outbreak.

Unfortunately, we have learned that this grace period will come to an end on July 1. This is particularly relevant for branch officers, warranted marshals, or other individuals whose position requires a current membership.

Understanding that renewing membership may represent a hardship at this time, a number of people have volunteered to sponsor memberships for others, and the Society’s Corporate office has distributed some information about how to do this effectively.

Attached below is a letter outlining the procedure for gifting memberships, along with copies of the membership forms for the U.S. and international members, followed by a plain-text version of the letter.

Gifting a Membership
Membership Form
for the United States (PDF, JPEG)
or International (PDF, JPEG)

Gifting a Membership

  1. Fill out the attached membership application to the best of your ability, making sure that the Legal Name & mailing address of the recipient is correct— please leave the waiver blank unless the recipient of your gift can fill the waiver out for themselves.
  2. If you use a credit card, please include:
    1. Name on the credit card
    2. Billing address of the credit card
    3. Email address for a copy of the credit card receipt
      You may use a separate piece of paper or Post-It to submit this information.
  3. If paying by personal check, please make the check payable to SCA, Inc.
  4. Indicate whether you wish this to be an anonymous gift or would like a note included with the mailed membership card.
  5. To submit the completed application and payment, you have three options:
    1. Scan & email to membership@sca.org
    2. Mail the form and payment to the P.O. Box listed on the form [ P.O. Box 360789, Milpitas, CA 95036-0789 ]
    3. Fax the completed form to [ (408) 263-0641 ]

Once the application is received and processed, an email confirmation of renewal will be sent to the recipient. The membership card will be mailed within 5 business days. If the waiver has not been completed, a waiver form and return envelope will be included with the membership card for completion.

We would like to thank you for your generosity and kindness.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. My email address is renee@sca.org., or you can reach me at the above listed phone number.

Kind Regards,

Renee Signorotti
VP/ Corporate Operations