A year end message from our Vicereins

Dear Ostgradr,
As 2024 comes to a close, we want to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for your dedication and contributions. This year has been one of remarkable growth and participation in Ostgardr, and we have so much to celebrate!
Our community thrived with a wide range of events, learning opportunities, and shared experiences. From museum trips, sewing circles, and cooking classes, to the flourishing of our arts, fighter, and fencing communities — your passion and hard work made it all possible.
We also look forward to expanding our borders with the addition of two new Cantons, strengthening both our presence and the greatness of our people. This year, Ostgardr had the distinct honor of one of our own winning Crown, and now we prepare to bid for the celebration of Prince Ryouko’jin and Princess Indrakshi’s Coronation.
Many of our fellow Ostgardrians were recognized with local and Kingdom Awards, and we couldn’t be prouder of these well-deserved honors.
It has been a privilege to be part of such an incredible year, and we’re excited to see what 2025 will bring. Thank you again for your time, talent, and dedication — Ostgardr is stronger because of you!
In gratitude,
Angelica and Sofya
Your Vicereines