Join the Brokenbridge February Commons & A&S Night

The Brokenbridge February Commons will change things up this month. Instead of 11am commons meeting, we are going to an evening commons.

Why? Because we have a special A&S class afterwards. Lani Sidman will be teaching a Japanese Cooking Class after commons (around 7pm). She will be teaching the class from the Barony of Western Seas (Hawaii).

Agenda for this evening:

6pm: Commons

-Officer Reports
-Old Business
-New Business
7pm: Japanese Cooking and History with Lani Sidman

Meeting information:

When: Sunday February 20, 2022, 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.

Where: Online via Google Meet

Phone Numbers (‪US‬)
‪+1 413-398-0469‬
PIN: ‪176 289 105#

Court Report for Deck the Halls of Valhalla

From the Seahorse Pursuivant,

In their ever-present court held at Deck the Halls of Valhalla, Their Excellencies first thanked and requested words from the autocrat Eadwin the Younger, who spoke greatly of thanks and then announced who had impressed him within a certain realm of effort during the event. Evelyn de Trees was deemed to have the best background setting, Aurelia di Giovanni Bedici wore the best garb, Perez ben Meir Gershorn laid out the best feast table, and while all those with pets were honored, Catelin Straquhin eeked out on top with a surprise polydactyl lap cat.

Then Catelin was called into court to present the winners of the day’s bardic championship results, where Evelyn de Trees was named the new bardic champion of Østgarðr. It was also announced that the populace voted Cedar the Barefoot as their favorite bardic performance, and Arnora Ketilsdottir provided the most eye-catching performance.

Thereby concludes another court, held the 29th of January, AS 56, within the Ethereal realm of Brokenbridge.

East Kingdom Limited Reopening for ‘very small gatherings’ only

The East Kingdom seneschal announced a limited return of in-person activities in the East Kingdom.

“Accordingly, we feel that an appropriate step for re-opening the Kingdom is to return to small in-person gatherings, capped at 15 people, maximum. All safety measures must be in place, both as required by the COVIDSafe policy and the Kingdom’s masking policy (which is, in short: masks, at all times in all places, including while fighting; may be lowered briefly to eat or drink).”

Please take the time to read the full announcement on the East Kingdom Seneschal’s website at

Upcoming in Østgarðr: Jan 31st – Feb 13th

This week in the Province…

6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.Østgarðr Winter Fighting Practice

and next week…

6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.Østgarðr Winter Fighting Practice
Canton of Whyt Whey
(Manhattan – New York, NY)
7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.Lions End Virtual Social & Happy Hour
Canton of Lions End
8:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.Whyt Whey Saturday Night Solar
Canton of Whyt Whey
Details to Follow

Commons Minutes for January 2022

From our Seneschal Lord Nagashima Ichiro Ujimichi,

Below are the minutes from the January 19th business commons meeting.

Commons Minutes for January 2022
The January commons meeting was held January 19. Here are the minutes/notes as recorded by Nagashima Ichiro Ujimichi. The officers’ reports are attached at the end.


  • Suuder Saran, Il-Khan
  • Lada Monguligin, Il-Khatun
  • Nagashima Ichiro Ujimichi, Seneschal
  • Francisco de Braga, Exchequer
  • Drasma Dragomira, Herald
  • Catelin Straquhin, Chatelaine
  • Kunigunde Wedemann, Chancellor Minor
  • Alec MacLachlan, Fencing Marshal
  • Randve L’il Hammar, MoAS
  • Ervald LaCoudre, Armored Combat Marshal
  • Marion of York, Minister of Lists
  • Friderich Grimme, Webminister
  • Zahra de Andaluzia, Chronicler
  • Albrecht Anker, Social Media
  • Sofya Gianetta di Trieste, Historian
  • Alienor Salton, Whyt Whey Seneschal
  • Iola Wulfsdotter , Lions End Seneschal
  • Ragnarr bláskegg, Brokenbridge Seneschal
  • Angelica di Nova Lipa
  • Gibbs Moryss
  • Perez ben Meir Gershon
  • Jenna Childslayer
  • Hanya Vladimirovna Polotskaya
  • Richard the Poor
  • Lady Karen

Absent Officers

  • Arnbiorg Helga Niálsdóttir, Archery
  • Marshal Ian of Clan Mitchell, Chamberlain

Called to order at 7:34pm

Officer Report Items For Discussion

With Østgarðr hosting two Royal Progresses, the viceregents are encouraging the populace to recommend our members for awards. Lada has offered assistance to anyone needed help with award recommendations.

There will be two virtual meet the candidates nights – Sunday 1/23 @ 6pm to 8pm & Thursday 1/27 @ 7pm to 9pm. The candidates (in order of precedence):
Maestra Sofya Gianetta di Trieste and Lady Angelica di Nova Lipa
Hlæfdige Alienor Salton and Bóaire Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin
Lord Ragnarr Bliskegg and Lord Albrecht Anker

Provincial Bardic Championship which will be held virtually at Deck the Halls of Valhalla. Two winners will be chosen from the competition: best populace performance and the new Østgarðr Bardic Champion. Performance time is limited. Bonus points for visual components and short explanations (under 30 seconds) for their piece and performance .

It’s official, Østgarðr will be hosting Coronation on Saturday, April 9th. There was a long discussion regarding Emergency Exec Order 225 and its impact on the event. The general consensus was to rent building P which has two restrooms with three stalls each and require all attendees to show proof of vaccination at the gate.

Uji announced Alec MacLachlan as his Deputy Seneschal.

Catelin asked the populace to share their video ideas for TikTok.

Upcoming Events/Activities
Sponsored by Østgarðr
1/23 11am Online – Brokenbridge Commons, followed by Japanese stab binding class 1/23 6pm Online – Meet the Viceregal Candidates #1
1/27 7pm Online- Meet the Viceregal Candidates #2
1/29 6pm Online – Deck the Halls of Valhalla w/Provincial Bardic Championship 1/30 11am Online – East Kingdom Curia
2/5 Online – University of Atlantia – Pennsic 101 class by Jenna Childslayer
2/11 7pm Lions End Commons
2/25-2/27 Blue Mountain Lodge, Peekskill – Bear’s Tavern
5/?/22 Levittown – Lions End Spring Schola
9/2-9/4 Veterans Memorial Park, Carmel – Barleycorn
10/21-10/23 Blue Mountain Lodge, Peekskill – Goat’s Inn

Of interest to the populace
2/5 Port Jervis, NY – Midland Vale Turns Five! A Shire’s Birthday Celebration 2/26 Randolph, NJ – Mudthaw – Return to the Mud

Upcoming Commons Meetings
Wednesday, February 16, 2022
Wednesday, March 16, 2022
Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Meeting closed at 8:48pm

January 2022 Compiled Officer Reports
Viceregents • Suuder Saran & Lada Monguligin
Award Recommendations: With Ostgardr hosting Coronation in the Spring and an Investiture in the fall, please look around and see which of our members are in need of Kingdom recognition and consider putting them in for an award. If you need help putting together award recommendations please let Lada know and she will be happy to help you. Recommendations for Provincial award are also always welcome and encouraged!

Viceregal Polling: We are excited and proud to see three slates of candidates who have stepped forward with desire to be the next Viceregents of Ostgardr.
The candidates (in order of precedence):
Maestra Sofya Gianetta di Trieste and Lady Angelica di Nova Lipa
Hlæfdige Alienor Salton and Bóaire Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin
Lord Ragnarr Bliskegg and Lord Albrecht Anker
We will hold 2 virtual meet the candidates nights
Sunday 1/23 @ 6pm to 8pm
Thursday 1/27 @ 7pm to 9pm
Join link
Or (US) +1 225-443-2545 PIN: 757 002 755#
The meeting will be recorded and made available through our youtube channel. Polling will start in February.

Bardic Champs: We are looking forward to the Provincial Bardic Championship which will be held virtually at Deck the Halls of Valhalla. Our current Champion Catelin Straquin Armiger has all the details of the competition.

East Kingdom Curia (Ethereal): EK Curia will be held virtually on Sunday 1/30 at 11am. The curia agenda can be found here: One particular topic is revising EK Law to better define Regency for in case of emergency purposes. See the letter in the below link: Livestream Broadcast- Curia will be livestreamed via the EK YouTube channel at . Curia will not be recorded, just as live Curiae aren’t.

Seneschal • Nagashima Ichiro Ujimichi
I have been busy with my new duties as Østgarðr Seneschal – going through emails to/from my predecessor, reading over information for the upcoming coronation, communications with Provincial officers, jumping onto and getting familiar with the Provincial Discord server, preparing for upcoming “Meet the Viceregal Candidates” and compiling officer reports.

Exchequer • Francisco de Braga
∙ I paid for the Storage Facility, currently storing Northpass Equipment in late December. It is paid through February 22nd. I will submit a request for reimbursement. Will need to confirm if we should continue to do month to month or do larger payment amounts.
∙ Q4 Reporting is due and will be submitted by the end of this week.
∙ Overall Ostgardr remains in good financial standing.

Herald • Drasma Dragomira
Not much to report. Herald’s quarterly reports are due Feb. 1st. I am
avaliable for any members of the populace to work on heraldic
submissions, as always.

Chatelaine • Catelin Straquhin
No email or social media inquiries this month. As were ramping up planning for coronation I am taking inventory of the loaner gear we have.
TikTok video production has slowed due to the winter months and the new job I’ve signed on to. Now more than ever, if you have a video ideas you want to share or have out on our social media platforms, please let me and Tom know. We’ll make it happen.

Chancellor Minor • Kunigunde Wedemann
The Chancellor of Minors has nothing to report at this time.

Arts & Sciences • Randve L’il Hammar
No report

Armored Combat • Ervald LaCoudre
No report

Archery • Arnbiorg Helga Niálsdóttir
No report

Fencing • Alec MacLachlan
No report

Youth Combat • Vacant
No report

Minister of Lists • Marion of York
No report

Webminister • Friderich Grimme
The provincial website is being updated with new content every week.
In the back end, I closed several unused Google groups ( this was planned back in Nov.) Provincial officer emails are up to date, but I need a list of current deputies, as some are out if date.
I found out that the Northpass subdomain still exists and former Ostgardr A,&S officer has their EK email still associated with several NO officer emails. I’ve contacted kingdom to try and sort this out.

Chronicler • Zahra de Andaluzia
Nothing to report for this month from me; just a friendly reminder for people to send me art and articles etc. Next issue of E-Horse goes out March 1.

Social Media • Albrecht Anker
With coronation happening in our province I am heading up the live streaming of the event. Currently navigating the specific rules and regulations on live streaming.
The Ostgardr discord is going strong and is growing. It has become a great place to chat, share and even plan all things SCA.
With the current Covid wave our social media output has slowed a little bit but I am for sure with the coming of spring things will pick back up.

Chamberlain • Ian of Clan Mitchell
No changes from last month.

Historian • Sofya Gianetta di Trieste
January 2022
We start the New Year with further East Kingdom in-person event postponements until February 1st, 2022 due to the increase in cases of the illness that has spread across the Known World. The populace is urged to take good care of yourselves: practice social distancing, wear good masks correctly at all times in public, and stay home when feeling ill or if someone you’ve recently been in close contact with becomes ill.
In exciting news, Ostgardr won the bid to host Coronation for Ryouko’jin Of-The Iron-Skies and Indrakshi Aani Aravinda, to be held on Saturday, April 9th, 2022! All hands will be needed for this wonderful day of celebration! Hooray! Hooray!
Please see the event page for further details:
On January 7th, Maestra Sofya traveled to the Kingdom of An Tir to celebrate 12th Night as an Ambassador of Good Will gifting Her Majesty Helene and Their Highnesses, Sven Fallgr Gunnarsson and Rauokinn Eyverska, with lovely gifts from our King and Queen, Ioannes II and Honig II, further strengthening the friendship between An Tir and the East Kingdom.
Ostgardr needs heirs and three sets of candidates have come forward, submitting their letters of intent to be the next Viceregents of the Crown Province of Ostgardr!
The candidates (in order of precedence):
Maestra Sofya Gianetta di Trieste and Lady Angelica di Nova Lipa
Hlæfdige Alienor Salton and Bóaire Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin
Lord Ragnarr Bliskegg and Lord Albrecht Anker
Two virtual meet-the-candidates nights have been scheduled. Please make every attempt to attend and get to know the candidates better.
Sunday 1/23 @ 6pm to 8pm
Thursday 1/27 @ 7pm to 9pm

Whyt Whey • Alienor Salton
Having been granted permission by their majesties to hold this office during the viceregal polling, I am delighted to report that I am the new seneschal for my canton! Hullo, everyone. No significant developments to report otherwise. A&S online continues (THANK YOU BERAKHA), our next commons is April 7th, online, 7pm.

Lions End • Iola Wulfsdotter
No report

Brokenbridge • Ragnarr bláskegg
Brokenbridge is running Deck the Halls of Valhalla on January 29th at 6pm Virtually. We have the Following classes:
Session 1:
Historical clothing dye and color – Randve L’il Hammar -breakout room 1
SCA and Outreach Tactics- Armiger Catelin Straquhin – breakout room 2
Viking Women – Aurelia di Giovanni Bedici – breakout room 3
Hebrew Calendar – Berakha bat Mira v’Shlomo – breakout room 4
Session 2:
Sewing machine maintenance – Lord Albrecht Anker – breakout room 1
Beginners heraldry registration – Bóaire Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin – breakout room 2 Importance of color in 16th century clothing – Mistress Sofya Gianetta di Trieste – breakout room 3
We also have the Ostgardr Bardic Championship starting at 7:30pm.
Lastly Perez ben Meir Gershon has compiled an awesome cookbook for the event:
We hope all in Ostgardr can make the event!

No report

Upcoming in Østgarðr: Jan 24th – Feb 6th

This week in the Province…

7 p.m. – 9 p.m.Meet the Østgarðr Viceregal Candidates #2
Crown Province of Østgarðr
6 p.m. – 11 p.m.Event: Deck the Halls of Valhalla
Canton of Brokenbridge

and next week…

6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.Østgarðr Winter Fighting Practice
Canton of Whyt Whey
(Manhattan – New York, NY)

Come and Meet the Viceregal Candidates Tonight!

Join us for a virtual meet the candidates night for the upcoming Viceregal polling.

Where: Online via Google Meet:
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 617-675-4444‬ PIN: ‪976 380 785 1017‬#When: Sunday, January 23 · 6:00 – 8:00pm

At the virtual meet the candidates nights the populace will have an opportunity to ask the candidates questions directly or they can submit questions to Suuder and myself ahead of time at
viceregents at ostgardr.eastkingdom dot org. We will keep all questions submitted ahead of time anonymous

Everyone is welcome to attend and quiz the candidates on all things from their views on various SCA topics to what their favorite ice cream flavor is.

Look forward to seeing as many of there as possible.