Provincial Officer Opportunities

We have a number of officers whose terms are ending this coming December.  Some of them are opting to run for a 2nd term, while others are not.  Our most urgent needs are for MoAS, Chatelaine, MoL and Chronicler.

Please take a moment to read the job descriptions, below, and review the links provided for more information on any jobs that interest you.  Also consider who you know who might be interested in serving the province in these roles, then reach out to them to encourage them to run.

We are accepting letters of intent for all of the below positions from now through the November Commons.  The letters of intent will be read at that Commons, and published along with the meeting minutes.  Candidates are urged to attend the meeting, to answer any questions people may have.

We will hold an online vote of the officers council on these positions, voting to end at midnight Eastern on the 3rd Friday of December (the usual night for our Commons, which will not meet that month).  If you are not a voting officer, and you have feedback on any candidates who are running, please provide that information to me and/or to the viceregents.

Here are the positions opening up:

Chamberlain: Baron Ian will be running again.  Our chamberlain keeps an inventory of provincially-owned stuff, and maintains a storage space containing it.  He also coordinates transporting said stuff to and from events and demos as needed.

Knight Marshal ( Lord Ervald will be running for a second term.  You don’t have to be a fighter to become authorized as a marshal, but it helps.  Armored combat marshals must know and understand the rules of the lists and the conventions of combat, so that they can inspect armor and weapons, authorize fighters, and oversee combat.

Youth Combat Marshal ( Mathghamhain will be running again.  He would like to train a deputy for future replacement, as he is currently the only person in our province warranted to hold the position.  Youth marshal must know and understand the rules of youth combat, to inspect armor and weapons, authorize fighters, and oversee combat, as with armored combat.

Archery Marshal ( Arnbjorg is eagerly looking forward to running for a second term, and hopes to devote more time to the role in the coming 2 years.

Minister of Arts & Sciences ( Mistress Sofya will not be running again.  The job of an MoAS is to encourage and promote Arts & Sciences within the group, and to submit quarterly reports on A&S activities engaged in by the group.  You do not have to be a skilled practitioner for this job, though those who are tend to be drawn to this position.  What matters is that you are interested in what other people are doing, and can encourage them to teach, to display, maybe even to compete.  Finding out who is doing what, and putting them together with other people who want to learn how to do what they are doing, is a core skill for this position.

Chatelaine ( Lady Beatrice will not be running again.  To be a successful chatelaine, you have to like talking to people, both newcomers and people who have been playing for a while.  You are the bridge between the modern world and the SCA.  You tell people what we do, you find out what people are interested in, and you hook them up with other people who share their interests.  We have a large collection of Gold Key (loaner garb) in the province, which you are responsible for circulating and maintaining.  You also provide contact information suitable for distribution at demos.  Lady Beatrice’s latest innovation was business cards, which were highly successful at our most recent demo in Fort Tryon Park.  Chatelaines report quarterly on newcomer contacts and new members.  Being responsive to email is an important facet of this job.

Minister of Lists ( Lord Erich will not be running for a second term.  The Minister of Lists supports combat by assisting marshals in running tournaments and keeping track of authorizations.  The primary skill of an MoL is dealing with paperwork.

Chronicler ( Mistress Rufina would like to step down immediately. She is willing to stay on through December, if necessary.  The chronicler’s job is to produce a newsletter useful to the group on a regular schedule, at least quarterly.  The newsletter may be electronic, and may be emailed to a subscription list and/or published on the group website (our webminister can assist with the publication thereof).  Courtesy copies must be shared with the Kingdom Chronicler, current royalty, seneschal, historian and archivist.  A paper copy must be printed and kept with our provincial archives, retained by our historian.

If you have any questions about the responsibilities or time commitments for any of the above jobs, please ask me, the viceregents, the current officer, or the kingdom (or regional deputy) in charge of that office.

Thank you!

Hlæfdige Alienor Salton, known as Piglet
Canton of Whyt Whey, Province of Østgarðr, East Kingdom
Seneschal Østgarðr,

Open provincial offices: webminister, historian, exchequer

The Crown Province of Østgarðr has several officer positions that are coming open, and for which we are seeking candidates.  All positions are open to residents of Østgarðr who are current members of the society. (Please double-check your membership to make sure it hasn’t expired.)

If you are interested in any of the below positions (webminister, historian or exchequer), please submit a letter of intent to by July 1st.  A letter of intent should include your Society name and membership number, the office in which you are interested, and any information you’d like to share with the voting officers about your qualifications or intentions for the office.  A vote or acclamation for each office will be held at the provincial commons meeting on July 20.

I. Østgarðr webminister

Although I have found it extremely convenient and personally rewarding to serve the province as both seneschal and webminister, those are major offices that should not be duplicated in a large, active, healthy group.  As such, I need to step down as webminister.

The webminister is responsible for keeping the provincial website up to date, posting minutes, meeting announcements and other relevant communications to the province.  Webminister also maintains the mailing lists that are hosted on the EK server.  Maintenance is minimal, as the website runs on a self-updating WordPress instance.  Technical skills involve being comfortable with web-based user interfaces for managing the content of the site and for interacting with the EK mail interfaces to Gmail and other google services.  The scope of the job can be greater for a candidate seeking additional opportunities to exercise their skills — the website is fully under their control.

The deputy webminister, Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, will continue to serve if desired, and is available for consultation, delegation and ongoing suport in this job.

If you have questions about what this job entails, you are encouraged to speak to me (, or to the viceregals (,

II. Østgarðr historian

Master Richard the Poor has announced his intention to step down from his role as provincial historian at the end of June, after EK50.

The historian maintains a record of the major events in the life of the province.  You can view the past historical record on our website at

If you have questions about what this job entails, you are encouraged to speak to Master Richard (, to the provincial seneschal (, or to the viceregals (,

III. Østgarðr exchequer

Lady Angelica di Nova Lipa has been searching for some time for a candidate to take over the office of exchequer.  We are pleased to have heard from several individuals who are willing to take on this service.  If you have already volunteered, or if you would now like to submit your skills to the service of the province, please submit your letter of intent to by July 1st.  Please indicate in your letter whether you are willing to serve as exchequer, as deputy exchequer, or as either.

The exchequer tracks our financial records, maintains the provincial bank account, and submits reports to the kingdom exchequerate.  We will provide training for this job before you are asked to take on the responsibility.  Being able to use a spreadsheet is a necessary component of this task.

If you have questions about what this job entails, you are encouraged to speak to Lady Angelica (, to the provincial seneschal (, or to the viceregals (,

Officer Appointments

To the populace of the Crown Province of Østgarðr, on behalf of their Viceroy and Vicereine, does Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin send his greetings.

Following this evening’s Commons meeting, the Provincial Officers Council gathered to review the candidates for those offices whose terms expire this month.

Herein are recorded the result of that session as I recall them.

Baronè Francesco Gaetano Grèco d’Edessa has stepped down as Seneschal. Please join me in thanking him for his service.

Hlæfdige Alienor Salton, called Piglet, has been selected as the new Provincial Seneschal by a vote of the Officers Council.

Alienor has also been appointed to be the province’s Webminister. The former occupant of that office, Lady Arnora Ketilsdottir, stepped down earlier this year to care for her newborn — our thanks and congratulations to her and her family.

Alienor is stepping down from her positions in the Canton of Whyt Whey, ceding those offices to her deputies; Lady Vika Grigina z Prahy will serve as the Seneschal of Whyt Whey, and Lady Anneke Valmarsdotter will become the Whyt Whey webminister.

Lord Mongu Chinua has stepped down as Herald. He has the province’s appreciation for his efforts in this office in recent years.

Your humble correspondent, Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, has been appointed to be the new provincial Herald. I have asked Chinua to stay on and assist me as deputy herald, for I shall have need of his knowledge.

I am stepping down from my position as Herald of Whyt Whey, and passing that office to my deputy, Lord Erich Guter Muth, who served in that position before me.

Lady Marion of York has stepped down as provincial Fencing Marshal. She has ably led the rapier corps, and we look forward to seeing her on the field again in the coming year.

Alexander MacLachlan has been appointed to serve as the Fencing Marshal. In recent months he has been actively working to energize the fencing program and we eagerly anticipate his continued success. Alienor has also asked him to assist her as deputy Seneschal, where his experience will be much appreciated.

Magistra Rufina Cambrensis has been re-appointed to her position as provincial Chronicler. Her reliable publication of our monthly newsletter, the E-Horse, is a valuable service to all members of the populace.

For the outgoing and incoming officers of the province — Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

By my hand at Straus Park on the feast day of St. Florentius, I remain yours in service,

— Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin
Seahorse Pursuivant

Provincial Officer Elections


At the November commons meeting, our Vicereine announced the names of those who have volunteered to serve in the provincial offices whose terms expire at the end of the year.

For the office of Seneschal there are three candidates:
• Alexander MacLachlan; currently the Provincial Deputy Fencing Marshal.
• Alienor Salton; currently the Seneschal of Whyt Whey.
• Mongu Chinua; currently the Provincial Herald.

For the office of Herald, the sole candidate is Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, currently the Herald of Whyt Whey.

For the office of Fencing Marshal, the sole candidate is Alexander MacLachlan, currently the Deputy for that office.

For the office of Webminister, the sole candidate is Alienor Salton, currently the Deputy for that office.

For the office of Chronicler, the sole candidate is Mistress Rufina Cambrensis, the current holder of that office.

Any members of the populace who have feedback or concerns regarding these appointments are invited to address them to the Viceroy, Suuder Saran, [viceroy at], the Vicereine, Lada Monguligan, [vicereine at], or the Seneschal of Østgarðr, Baron Francesco, [seneschal at], prior to the December 15, 2017 Crown Provincial Commons meeting.

At that meeting, the appointments will be discussed by the Crown Provincial Officers Corps, which is comprised of the Viceregents, The current Crown Provincial Officers, (not including deputies), and the Seneschals of the Cantons. The new Officers will be confirmed in their positions as of the end of the meeting.

For the contested Office of Seneschal, votes will be cast by the Officer Corps to choose between the candidates. If you are a member of the Officer Corps, but will not be able to attend the December 2017 Commons, please either submit your vote in writing or send someone as your proxy with a written authorization to cast this vote on your behalf.

The candidates for Seneschal are invited to send a statement describing their intentions for the position to the officers mailing list, ostgardr-officers at, prior to the meeting.

The work of the Crown Provincial and Canton Officers and Deputies are an important part of making our society possible. If you are interested in serving in any Officer position, please speak with the current Officer about becoming a Deputy, which will give you a hands-on opportunity to learn more about the position and its responsibilities.

I pray that you Fare Well,

+ Baroné Francesco Gaetano Gréco d’Edessa, OS, OSC
• Seneschal, Crown Province of Østgärðr

Post Script:
~ I would like to thank Mathghamhain for drafting this letter, for me to send to you. If I weren’t stepping-down as Seneschal, I’d ask you to serve as Scribe to the Seneschal.

Officer Positions

  • Seeking event steward and other crew chiefs for the “Test of An Dubhaigeainn and Østgarðr”, to take place in early June 2014. If you’re interested, please contact, and
  • A number of Østgarðr officer positions will expire at the end of December; see list of openings and procedures for nomination below.

The following positions on the Ostgardr Officer Council will have their terms end on December 31, 2013:

  • Exchequer,
  • Minister of Lists,
  • Herald,,
  • Chronicler,
  • Marshal of Fence,
  • Thrown Weapons Captain,
  • Chamberlain, and
  • Historian

Descriptions of the requirements for being a provincial officer may be found in the Ostgardr bylaws.

All those gentles interested in serving in one of these positions, including all current officers seeking to renew for an additional two year term must submit a letter of intent to the Viceregents and the seneschal by November 15, 2013. The letter of intent must include:

      Position you are seeking


      Legal Name


      Sca name


      Sca member number and expiration date


      Home address (with zip code and county)


      Phone number




      Length of activity in the crown province


      List of current/prior offices in the Sca, if any


    Additional information

If any of the officers current serving in the above positions do not wish to serve an additional term, but are willing to serve if no other suitable candidates arise, please say so in your letter of intent.

Letters of intent should be sent by e-mail to, and

The list of candidates for each position will be posted by November 20, 2013. Approval of candidates will happen after that date with officers being selected by and beginning their new terms on January 1, 2014.

Many thanks to those who volunteer.

Secunda Epistula, Sententiae Viceregalis

Sententiae Viceregalis

Secunda Epistula, Dec AS XLI

by Alexandre Lerot d’Avigne and Eularia Trewe,
Viceroy and Vicereine of Østgarðr

Greetings again to the people of the Crown Province of Østgarðr from Alexandre and Eularia, Viceroy and Vicereine of Østgarðr. Our thanks go out this time to those who made Agincourt such a pleasure this year: the autocrat, head cook, and the many, many people whose hands make light (or lighter at least) work. Which brings us to this month’s topic. In the Prima Epistula, we spoke of the officers who keep the groups functioning. This month We shall speak of event staff, those who make events happen.

Unlike the Officer Corp, Event staff can vary quite a bit depending on the kind of event. Typically, an event will require some or all of:

  • an autocrat, the main organizer of the event
  • a co-autocrat, often a less experienced person learning the ropes
  • a head cook, if food is to be served
  • cooking crew, if more than a little bit of food is to be served
  • marshals, if there’s martial activity
  • merchant wranglers, if there is space for merchants
  • set-up crew, to get the hall or space into shape for the event
  • clean up crew, to return the site to good shape for site owner

Event staff are not required to be officers. In many cases it is better if they are not, since the officers have regular duties which take up their time, and running events takes up a lot of time, although over a shorter period. However, there is sometimes overlap, particularly among the various marshallates.

What this means is that anyone can run an event or help in running an event. It all starts with an idea and a proposed autocrat. From there, a bid is prepared and the event is on its way to becoming reality.

The Provincial Officer Corp is developing guidelines to clarify what is needed to put together an event bid, but in essence a bid is a proposal put to the officers of the Province or a Canton for an event. It should include some discussion of what staff will be needed and who will fill those positions, when and where the event will be, what activities are planned, and some budgetary information. The bid allows the group to decide if they will sanction the event; without that sanction it can not be an official SCA event.

With traditional events, some of those steps are often taken care of: there may be a traditional date or site, or both, for instance. With traditional events, an autocrat is sometimes drafted if no one has volunteered, but if someone wants to autocrat one of the traditional events, We and the officers are delighted to hear from them, and will do our best to provide the new autocrat with the tools needed to succeed. It is usually a good idea to volunteer as co-autocrat first, since events often represent a substantial investment of group funds and energy.

If autocratting is a bit daunting, try volunteering to help out in some other way with the event. Autocrats are almost always looking for people to fill out their staff and it’s a good way to get your feet wet.

Baron Alexandre Baroness Eularia
Viceroy of Østgarðr Vicereine of Østgarðr

Prima Epistula, Sententiae Viceregalis

Sententiae Viceregalis

Prima Epistula, Nov AS XLI

by Alexandre Lerot d’Avigne and Eularia Trewe,
Viceroy and Vicereine of Østgarðr

Greetings to the people of the Crown Province of Østgarðr from Alexandre and Eularia, Viceroy and Vicereine of Østgarðr. First we wish to express Our thanks to everyone who was involved in Our investiture at John Barleycorn this year, and with the event in general. We are pleased and honoured to be Viceregents of a group so rich in history, talent, skill and knowledge as Østgarðr. We shall serve the Province to the best of Our ability.

However, a group as large and diverse as Østgarðr requires a great many people to function effectively. Broadly speaking, there are two sets of people who do the work that keep a local group such as this one strong: the Officers and the Event Staff, who are sometimes the same people. We shall talk about Events and Event Staff in an upcoming epistle, writing about the officers now.

The Crown Province is required by East Kingdom Law to have the following officers:

  1. Seneschal
  2. Herald
  3. Knight Marshal
  4. Chancellor of the Exchequer
  5. Chronicler
  6. Minister of Arts and Sciences
  7. Minister of Lists
  8. Chatelaine

The Cantons must have:

  1. Seneschal
  2. Chancellor of the Exchequer
  3. Herald and/or Knight Marshal and/or Minister of Arts and Sciences

Serving as an officer is a good way to get more involved in the SCA, in this great hobby which exists only because those involved give of their time, energy and talents to make it exist. Each of the officers listed above, at both the Cantonal and Provincial level, may and should have deputies. Deputies help their principal, learn the duties of their principal and sometimes take on specific duties as their own bailiwick. The main requirements to be an officer are an interest in the job and in helping the group, and the willingness to do the work. On-the-job training is available for deputies!

We urge any and all of you, new to the SCA or long-time member, to consider serving your Province or, where applicable, your Canton as an Officer. Speak to the Officers and find out what they do and if they’d like a deputy. Get involved behind the scenes and help keep the Province strong.

Baron Alexandre Baroness Eularia
Viceroy of Østgarðr Vicereine of Østgarðr

New Viceroy/Vicereine

June 28, 2006: Their Majesties announced the results of the Viceregal Succession Poll: Alexandre and Eularia will be the next Viceroy and Vicereine of Østgarðr, to be invested at Barleycorn on September 9.

Vivant! to the new Viceregency. Vivant! to the outgoing Viceregency, taking a well-deserved retirement from the position after c. 25 years. Vivant! to the other candidates, Andrea MacIntyre, Renier Verplanck, and Aurora ffolks; all the candidates ran courteous, thoughtful campaigns and brought good ideas to our attention.