Impact of the Rain on the Tuesday 10/26 Practices

Fighting Practice May Be Is Cancelled. Check back at Noon on 10/26

From the Provincial Knight Marshal

“Hi Friends.

It has been a long wet summer. Tonight there is prediction of a long wet night and day. I happen to be scheduled to be awake from now until fighter practice time, and if the rain comes down as predicted, I should be able to make an unequivocal decision by noon. Then I will sleep through practice time.”

UPDATE: “After the rain I walked through this morning, and the amount predicted over the next 8 hours, I am calling it.

Anyone who wished to engage in unauthorized armored mud sumo may do so at their own pleasure. I will be sleeping.”

Fencing Practice is Cancelled.

From the Provincial Fencing Captain

“Greetings All,

“I think it would be prudent to cancel fencing practice for tonight in Brooklyn. See you next week.

In Service,

Alec MacLachlan”

Dance Practice is Cancelled

From the Whyt Whey Seneschal

“The rain that’s started in the Province this evening is predicted to continue into Wednesday, with a 98% chance of rain during our regular weekly outdoor practice time on Tuesday.

Between the flash flood warnings and the gale-force wind advisory, it seems unlikely that things will improve enough to make for a pleasant evening in the park, so we’re cancelling tomorrow’s session.

See you all next week!”

Our Chatelaine’s Call to Action

Hey everyone!

This is Catelin, your local newcomer’s officer. I wanted to announce that with the help of our populace our official TikTok account has reached over 1000 followers! I want to thank everyone that has participated in making this number happen.

I want to keep reaching out to the public using TikTok as one of our platforms, but I am in need of help! Specifically I am in need of people who are comfortable being in front of a camera and showcasing what we do best: being part of the SCA through short form video clips.

If you are interested in being part of the filming process, or would like to send ideas/scripts/feedback for our TikTok feed, please send an email! I can be reached by email at

One of my goals as part of the outreach committee is to show just how welcoming, diverse, and colorful we are as a chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism. One of the ways we can do that is by showcasing as many members of the populace as we can.

If you’re interested, please send me an email and I am happy to walk through with you on every step of the video creation process and show off the most Medieval-y version of you!

Yours in Service,

Catelin Straquhin
Ostgardr Chatelaine (Newcomer’s Officer)

Provincial Court Report, John Barleycorn Returns

In the long awaited court of John Barleycorn Returns, Their Excellencies did welcome the newly arrived John Barleycorn back with pageantry, fanfare, and merriment.  A moment of silence was then held for those lost over the recent years of plague and in acknowledgement of the modern date. Continuing on to standard court business, great words were said for and by the event steward Aurora ffolkes on the successful event, volunteers were recognized with the award of the Sea Star, and newcomers were graced with gifts of functionally beautiful seahorse soap. 

Come to the Ethereal Feast of the Fireflies — August 14

Greetings to the populace of Østgarðr!

The Canton of Brokenbridge is inviting you all to our Ethereal Feast of the Fireflies.

As we stand in the dusk of the pandemic, we long for the Pennsic Potluck, that magical night at camp where we get together, bring food, and make merry with our chosen time-traveling family. While a paltry replacement, Brokenbridge wants to make an attempt to recreate that night to hold us out for our final year of solitude. This includes tent backdrops, candle light, party games, and a box of goodies delivered to your door!

WHEN: August 14th starting at 6:00 pm Eastern Time.

WHERE: Online via Zoom. Pre-register to receive the link.

• With kit: Cost is $10. Maximum of 24 kits, first-come first-served. Must register by August 6th.
• Without kit: free.

KIT: The package will include a backdrop-making kit, swag, a printed games booklet, and a recipe booklet. If you are opting in for a kit, you MUST pre-register by August 6th.

Going kit-less? Choose an appropriate Zoom virtual background, or create your own Pennsic-themed setting!

POT LUCK: Since we can’t physically bring our own food to the potluck, we’ll be bringing recipes! We will be collecting people’s favorites and you can download your copy soon! If you have a recipe you want to share, please reach out to me or Randve L’il Hammar.

Feel free to prepare something! But bring your food – we shall be feasting together so that we can be asked questions just as we’re putting food in our mouths!

Drinking is encouraged! So don’t forget a bottle of your favorite!


— Ragnarr Bliskegg
— Seneshal of Brokenbridge

Feast of Three Princes: Thank you!

A message from the event stewards of the Feast of Three Princes:

This past Sunday evening, we had the privilege to steward The Feast of the Three Princes, a virtual event.  While virtual events are not new, this was the first time Østgarðr attempted a virtual feast.  It could not have happened without the contributions of many, many people.     

We thank Noble Anne of Østgarðr, who was the rock this event was built on.  Their efforts in arranging for use of the East Kingdom Zoom, building the event website, processing pre-registration and coordinating all the technical aspects of the event literally made this event possible.  We would also like to thank the Honorable Lord Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, for his assistance with the website, event graphics, and for knowing just about any process of procedure that came up.

We would not have had a feast without food.  We thank the cooks, Baroness Zoe Mikra of Calontir, Lord Edwin Latorre and Fruha Arnbjorg Nilsdottir, for their efforts in preparing three tasty menu options for our event attendees and for making themselves available to answer any questions regarding the preparation of those menus.

The bardic arts played a key role in creating the ambiance of an SCA feast hall.  We would like to thank Sayyida Laila al-Sanna’ al-Andalusiyya, for coordinating the bardic competition and running the open bardic for the event.  We also thank ÌÞròttamaðr Grimm the Skald and Lord Drake Oranwood for helping judge the competition, and Lord Brandr Aronsson for creating the prizes.  

To make a Zoom conference come alive as a feast hall takes skill.  We would also thank Catelin Straquhin, Armiger for bringing flair and wit to the hall as our MC for the evening and Drotin Ragnarr Blaskegg, for his work behind the scenes as stage manager and Zoom support.  

Letting the populace know of our virtual feast was a challenge in these times.  We heartily thank Il-Khatun Lada Monguligin for planning, creating and posting the promotional materials for the event, and Biocunta Culann mac Cianain for creating the event’s commemorative postcard.

We would also like to thank, the Il-Khan and Il-Khatune of Østgarðr for being our hosts, the Østgarðr seneschal, Hlæfdige Alienor Salton for her continuous support and counsel, and the Three Princes, for letting us hold a party in honor of their friendship.

The East Kingdom web team was gracious enough to allow use of the kingdom Zoom account for the event.  We thank Baron Symon of Barnesdale and the honorable Herr Matthias von Würzburg for their support in this endeavor.

Lastly, we thank all the bards, cooks and attendees who took the time to don garb, set a fine table and help us recreate a little bit of the dream in these challenging times.

In service,

The Event Stewards, Perez ben Meir Gershon Effendi and the honorable Lord Friderich Grimme  

Provincial service opportunities!

A message from our seneschal:

The following provincial officers are serving terms that end Dec. 31st, 2020.

  • Exchequer
  • Chatelaine
  • Minister of Arts & Sciences
  • Knight Marshal
  • Minister of Lists
  • Chronicler
  • Chamberlain
  • Archery Marshal
  • Youth Combat Marshal
  • Chancellor Minor

Would you like to volunteer for any of these offices?  I am calling for nominations from the populace from anyone who would like to serve in any of these positions. Role descriptions are below.  If you are interested in any of the positions, I urge you to check out the relevant website for the position.  None of these positions are term-limited, so the incumbents are also welcome to run again.

Upcoming virtual events in the province, October 2020

Monthly Bardic Circle: Wednesday, October 14 at 7pm

Østgarðr’s welcoming fire burns bright every 2nd Wednesday of the month.  Join us as we warm ourselves sharing song & story!  
7-9pm, Wednesday October 14th.
You may RSVP to the Facebook event here:

Monthly Commons: Friday, October 16 at 7:30pm

Østgarðr commons (social gathering & business meeting) will be held on our usual 3rd Friday of the month.  Call starts at 7:30pm; business portion of the meeting will begin at 8pm, and is likely to last ~45 minutes.  Socializing continues until everyone drops.
To join by phone instead, dial ‪+1 402-364-0138‬ and enter this PIN: ‪616 864 602#‬
You may RSVP to the Facebook event here:

Class: Intro to SCA/How to get involved: Sunday, October 18 at 3:30pm

Find out more on Facebook at

New to the SCA? Want to get an idea of what there is to do/get involved in? Or maybe you’ve been around for a bit and want to explore other things to try.

This class will cover the basics to getting started (including how to read an event announcement and some SCA-specific vocabulary), explore types of garb, things to do at events, and any questions you might have about getting started. There will be plenty of opportunity to ask questions. There will be handouts that are basic class notes provided via PDF.

Google Meet link will be posted about 15 minutes ahead of the start time. There will be an option for dial-in by voice only, as well.

Upcoming Virtual Provincial Classes, September 2020

Creating Your East Kingdom Wiki Page

When: Tuesday 9/1/2020 from 7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. EST

Where: On Google Meet 
Meeting ID
Phone Numbers (‪US‬)
‪+1 617-675-4444‬
PIN: ‪601 132 068 5638#‬

Description:  Not sure how to make a personal page on the East Kingdom Wiki (or even just wondering what the East Kingdom Wiki is?).  Join this class to walk through how to make a basic personal page for yourself.  

Creating your SCA Persona, an Introduction

When: Thursday 9/10/2020 from 7:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Where: On Google Meet
Meeting ID
Phone Numbers
‪+1 617-675-4444‬
PIN: ‪443 344 016 8787#‬

Description:  Have you wondered what an SCA Persona is or wanted to make your SCA Persona more useful?  Join this class to review the basic concepts of persona and how to the persona work for you in your SCA experience.