Lady Arnbiorg Helga Niálsdóttir is preparing a wonderful dayboard menu and Lady Monkey Makgee is creating a delicious feast that will tempt and satisfy any appetite. If you’ve ever had the fortune of eating their food, then you know you will want to make sure you’ve reserved a seat for this special event!

The feast is limited to 110 seats and will sell out — pre-register early or miss out!

*** Update, October 13:  Feast has sold out.  ***

A preliminary menu is attached below. (Please note, the menu is a work in progress and subject to revision. Please contact us if you have questions or concerns about the meal.)

Miniature from “La Vraye Histoire du Bon Roy Alixandre,” circa 1400-1425.

Dayboard Menu

Bread and Butter and Jams
Crumb Cake
Coffee, Tea, Hot Chocolate

Deviled Eggs
Assorted Meats and Cheeses
Assorted Olives
Roasted Root Vegetables
Mushroom Pie
Chicken Pie
Sausage Boiled in Wine

Feast Menu

Our dinner recipes are drawn from The Forme of Cury (English, 14th C.).

First Course:
• Sawge Yfarcet: Fried sausage balls
• Frytor of  Pasternakes, Skirwittes and Apples: Parsnip, carrot and apple fritters
• Cyhehes: Roasted chickpeas
• Bread and Assorted Butters

Second Course:
• Cyckens in Hocche: Chicken with grapes and garlic
• Iusshel: Bread and egg
• Funges: Mushrooms cooked with leeks

Third Course:
• Meat Pie: Beef and Onion Tarts
• Ember Day Tart: Herb and Onion Tarts
• Tart de Bry: Cheese Tarts

Fourth Course:
• Epiphany Cake
• Assorted Sweets