Seeking Letters of Intent for Provincial Offices

The following Provincial Officers positions will become vacant at the end of the day on December 31, 2022..

  • Chancellor of the Exchequer
  • Chatelain
  • Chronicler
  • Knight Marshal
  • Minister of Arts & Sciences
  • Minister of Lists
  • Captain of Archers
  • Chamberlain
  • Chancellor Minor
  • Historian

All Provincial offices have two-year terms. Officers may serve multiple terms, except that kingdom policies limit seneschals and exchequers to a maximum of four years in office.

Now is the time to submit letters of intent for these offices. If one is interested in being a deputy for any of these offices, I ask that you also submit a letter of intent. The cutoff date for letters of intent will be November 14, 2022. A list of Candidates will be presented at the commons meeting on November 16, 2022. If there are multiple candidates for any positions, we will run meet the candidate sessions prior to the vote which will be held online from November 17, 2022 to December 19, 2022. Newly elected officers will be announced at the December 21st commons meeting. New officers will assume their offices on January 1, 2023.

In Service to the Dream,

Nagashima Ichirō Ujimichi

長島 一路 宇治道


Østgarðr Seneschal