Annal for A.S. XLVIII (5/13 – 4/14)
The Viking Day Demo was held on May 18. At the Feast of John Barleycorn in Northpass on September 7, Ibrahim al-Rashid became the Fencing Champion; Helga Nielsdottir became the Archery Champion; and Wolfgang der Sucher became the Thrown Weapons Champion. Also at that event, John the Bear was named a Silver Sea Lion for his contributions and skill in thrown weapons.
On June 1, Subotai Cinoa became the seneschal of Whyt Whey, and on September 1, Richard the Poor of Ely took over as exchequer.
A demo was held at the Queens County Fair on September 21 and 22. Season’s Beatings was held on February 1.
At Mudthaw on March 22, Lada Mongguligan was honored with a Silver Crescent and Luis de Castilla was honored with a Knighthood.
At some point during this year, Eilionora inghen ui Ruairc took over as Seneschal.