Annal for A.S. XXXVIII (5/03 – 4/04)

Demos were held at a Scandinavian Fair on May 17, and for the Brooklyn Childrens Museum on February 7 and 8. The last Huntington Renaissance Faire (the people who had been running the fair were burned out with no replacements, and it wasn’t making enough money to justify continuing it) was held on May 24 and 25.

Northpass’s Barleycorn event on September 7 was a celebration of Edward Zifran of Gendy’s twenty years in the Province (and in the East Kingdom). At this event, Provincial Championships were held in Archery and Fencing. Dietrich von Karo won the former, and Yeh-Lu Targai the latter.

Queens County Fair was held on September 21 and 22. At Agincourt on November 1, Jabril became the Provincial Champion and Friedrich of Northpass was awarded a Seahorse. Celtic Silliness was held on March 13 (where Seahorses were awarded to Conor O’Ceilligh, Brithwen Bores Hulla, and Sancha de Flores), and Brewers Collegium on March 27.

At 100 Minutes War on November 22, John Elys was inducted into the Order of the Laurel. Sancha de Flores received a Maunche at Coronation on April 3.

In March, Aellin Olafsdottir took over as Minister of Arts.

Annal for A.S. XXXVII (5/02 – 4/03)

As the first action of His reign, King Darius suspended Ian and Katherine from their positions as Viceroy and Vicereine. Over the summer, there were no Provincial events, but demos were held at the Huntington Renaissance Fair (5/25 & 26), the Queens County Fair (9/21), and a Scandinavian Day fair (10/13).

Agincourt was held on December 21 (a wedding had taken our expected date in November). It was a Royal Progress – the first non-Kingdom level event sponsored by the Province to have been an RP in thirteen years. At this event, the Provincial Champions Tourney was held – the winner in a field of three was Luis de Castilla.

Awards bestowed that day included a Seahorse to Lady Lassar, a Maunche to Lady Brianna MacBain, and a Laurel to Elizabeth Cameron nic Ian (this is believed to be the first parent-child Peerage combination in the East).

Brewers’ Collegium was held on the weekend of January 4 and Celtic Silliness on March 15.

At Twelfth Night on January 11, Silver Crescents were awarded to Aurora ffoulkes, Thomas the Constable, Patricia of the Tangled Wyldes, and Jacqueline Loisel. A Queen’s Order of Courtesy was given to Tadg ui Duinn.

At King & Queen’s Fencing Champions on January 24, Aureila du Vrai Couer received a Maunche. Ana Ravaya de Guzman was named King’s Bard at the Bardic Championship on February 22.

Don Alexandre d’Avigne became the seneschal of Whyt Whey in February. In March, the incipient canton of Brokenbridge was dissolved by the Kingdom Seneschal for failure to submit any of the necessary paperwork.

At Coronation on April 12, HRM Isabella of York gave Court Baronies to Jacqueline Loisel and Sirhan al Cyani ibn Ati Akarel Diablu.

Film review: “Juana la Loca” (aka “The Madness of Love”), reviewed by Ana Areces

Film Review: “Juana La Loca”, aka “The Madness of Love”

by Donna Ana de Guzman

from the ??? 2002 Seahorse

Foreign movies on period subjects theoretically have an advantage in that the producers and directors might have more of an interest in getting the historical detail correct. Distribution to the US being what it is, though, some sacrifices to said detail may occur. The translation of the title instead of being “Joan the Mad” has been brought to these shores as “The Madness of Love.”

This film is a serious contender for the Foreign Language Oscar, and I can see why. It was only on for a few days at the Walter Reade Theater here in NYC, but if you get a chance to see it either on cable or DVD/video, it’ll be worth it. I may not have as well a trained eye as some regarding garb, but I can safely say that this film tried and mostly succeeded in getting the visual details right, from the color of Isabel la Catolica’s hair in the beginning of the film to the heraldry on the ceremonial surcoat that Juana wears toward the end of the film. (This was made in Spain, after all, not LA, and this story is a fascinating part of Spanish history.)

Director Vicente Aranda has his actors telling the story of Juana de Castilla’s descent into madness after marrying the Hapsbourg Archduke Felipe el Hermoso with a light touch, almost to the point of sugar-coating. He plays a bit loosely with history, making Felipe El Hermoso still quite handsome (played by Italian actor Daniele Liotti– somewhat resembling Squire Conrad Ulm, no less) but a little less abusive toward Juana, and implying that some of her “madness” might have been a more modern outlook on her part regarding certain customs, but which were deemed scandalous at the time.

After she gives birth to Leonor, their first child, she insists on nursing the baby herself, and makes no effort to hide the fact that she enjoys doing so. “Estas loca,” her husband tells her affectionately, but with a hint of worry. In another scene, she is dancing a galliard at a ball when she gets a panicked look on her face, excuses herself hastily, and rushes off to quickly give premature birth (a little over 8 months) to the son who would become Carlos V. I can’t speak to the first scene, but the second is taken from recorded fact.

There’s the cinematic implication that since she was either pregant or in post-partum much of the time, her mood swings could have easily been hormonal as well, and that the men in her life, especially her father and her husband, exploited her condition to fabricate more madness than there actually was as an excuse to put her away and rule in her stead.

Pilar Lopez de Alaya looks a little like a Spanish Winona Ryder. She manages to portray Juana convincingly as a somewhat moody young woman who was not quite ready to accept her role as a princess marrying for politics, but does her duty anyway. She’s at first ecstatic at landing a spouse who turns out to be extremely easy on the eye, and starts turning out child after child. The film digresses from recorded history in that Felipe does not take her Spanish entourage away from her from the beginning, replace them with his people, sytematically make her useless for all purposes but breeding, and flaunt his mistresses almost to her face. The film paints a nicer picture of him, making him coolly abusive and ruthless toward her only after a series of deaths in her family make *her* the sole heir to Spanish lands, and makes him actually repentant of his conduct toward Juana on his deathbed. Whether such a deathbed plea for forgiveness actually happened is anyone’s guess, but for Juana’s sake it would have been nice.

The one point that I took serious issue with in the entire film has to do with one of the mistresses, and a scene when Juana confronts said mistress. You’ll know which one I mean when you see it. (Not the hair-cutting scene–that one is taken from life, and actually more subdued than the record of that event would have it.)

In short, this is a darker Spanish version of Shakespeare in Love, a bit of historical fiction very well done, a feast for the eyes with a little food for thought as well.

This one is *not* for young children to watch, since one emphasis of the film is on the grand unshakeable passion Juana had for Felipe. Of course, I’m somewhat of a prude by SCA standards, so take the above with however much salt you wish. It has as much eroticism as Shakespeare in Love did, but with a much unhappier ending.

Annal for A.S. XXXVI (5/01 – 4/02)

The Huntington Renaissance Fair was held on May 26 & 27. Heavy rain on Saturday forced the Provincial Champions Tourney to be fought on Sunday; the winner was Kazimir of Ostgardr (it should be noted that due to the inclement weather, he was the only fighter eligible for the tourney who showed up – but he was not given the position by default; he was made to run a gauntlet of all former Champions present to prove his worth).

At the Riding of the Marches in Northpass on June 2, Lady Brianna McBain was inducted into the Order or the Seadog for her contributions as autocrat and Seneschal. Also at that event, the Sea Star was inaugurated. It is an official token of thanks for service at an event, to be given out at that event. The Viceroy, Vicereine, and Provincial Seneschal are those authorized to besotw it. The first recipient was Alastair of Clan Campbell (from Rusted Woodlands), the event’s Head Chef.

On June 16, Geoffrey St. Albans of Eastwood was inducted into the Order of the Silver Crescent. At Barleycorn on Sept. 8, Lady Brianna McBain was inducted into the Order of the Seahorse, and Bleiddwan of House Three Skulls became the Provincial Archery Champion. Brewers’ Collegium was held on January 11-13. It was moved from December to avoid conflicts with holiday festivities. In January, Friderich of Northpass became the Seneschal of that Canton. In February, Sean de Londres became the Provinicial Seneschal for the second time, Eleanor the Fair became the seneschal of Lions End, and Brekke Franksdottir took over as Minster of Sciences.

At the Pirate’s Day of Love in Lions End on February 16, Elizabeth Cameron nic Ian was made a Companion of the Seahorse, and Guillame de Gtace and Maeve of Abbeydorney were given the Order of the Seadog for their contributions to Lions End. At the Cavalier’s Cavalcade in Northpass on February 23, Seadogs were given to Friedrich of Northpass and Richard the Poor of Ely, and John the Bear was made a Companion of the Seahorse. At Vlad the Impaler’s Celtic Market Day (i.e. Celtic Silliness) on March 16, Seahorses were given to Jacqueline Loisel, Ervald la Coudre the Optimistic, Ana Ravaya de Guzman, Sirhan al Cyani ibn Ati Akarel Diablü, and Yosef ben Lazar. Seadogs were given to Kamilah al- Sudani and Tadg ui Duinn of Whyt Whey, and Ragnar Freydasen and Moira MacGregor of Lions End.

Annal for A.S. XXXV (5/00 – 4/01)

Ervald the Optimistic, on his thirteenth attempt, became the Provincial Champion at the Huntington Ren Fair on May 27. His Queen of Love & Beauty was Kara Lorcalon. Sean de Londres was made a Laurel at Crown Tourney on May 13. At Southern Region War Camp on July 22, Rufina Cambrensis was made a Laurel and Katherine Gillesfleur was made a Pelican.

On September 9, Boal Mergen became the Provincial Archery Champion. East Kingdom University was held on October 21; there Brianna McBain was inducted into the Order of the Silver Crescent. Agincourt was held on November 11, Brewers’ Collegium on December 9, Sated Sultan on January 20, and Celtic Silliness on March 17.

At Twelfth Night in Nordenhal on January 13, Eleanor the Fair was made a Court Baroness. Maunches were given to Katerina Gioccini, Maddalena Salutati, Renier Verplanck, and Latifah. Also receiving awards were former Ostgardians Ateno of Annun Ridge (Laurel), Gianetta Alegretta (Maunche), and Emma Atwater (Silver Crescent).

Richard the Poor of Ely was given a Silver Crescent at Mudthaw on March 10.

Annal for A.S. XXXIV (5/99 – 4/00)

John the Bear became the Provincial Champion on May 29 at the Huntington Ren Fair. Brithwen of Bores Hulla became Archery Champion at Barleycorn on Sept. 11. At Pennsic, Suzanne Neuber de Londres received her Laurel and Kamilah al-Sudani got her Maunche. Ana Ravaya de Guzman was made a Maunche at the Royal Bardic competition on March 11. Luigi Vascili received a Seahorse at Celtic Silliness on March 18.

In September, Jacqueline Loisel became the Minister of Lists and Conor O’Ceallaigh became the Captain of Archers. He also received his Sagittarius on November 20.

The Queens County Fair was held on Sept. 25 & 26, Agincourt was held on November 13, and the Brewers’ Collegium was held on Dec. 10-12.

A celebration of Ian and Katherine’s twentieth year as Viceroy and Vicereine was held on January 22. At that event, Seahorses were given to Joshua ibn-Eleazar, Rufina Cambrensis, and Cassandra of Beth’lem (who was Katherine’s predecessor as Vicereine). Presentations honoring Their Excellencies were made by Clan MacBain, the Shire of Eisental, House Silver Horde, Mistress Anne of Hatfield, Houses Estoile and Fox’s Den (on behalf of Morningstar the Mercenary) and Edward Dragonslayer and Morwenna Durwood (on behalf of Cassandra of Beth’lem).

Film review: “The Thirteenth Warrior”, reviewed by Jarl Valgard

Film Review: ” The Thirteenth Warrior”

by Valgard Jarl, Ulfhednar, Stiersman of Tribe Rot Mahne, Bundir to Alfrik Favnesbane

from the Sept. 1999 Seahorse

Okay, first the petty SCA nitpicking: I hated the armor, as most other SCA people will hate the armor, and the ships were a bit too Boris Vallejo for me. There is no reason to put Beowulf in fantasy/gothic plate. I also hated it when a couple of characters showed up wearing SCA armor (though it looked better then the other stuff). Normally we get to gripe about how the armorers knew nothing and how we SCA people could do so much better, but since the weapons (and probably some of the armor) were made by SCA people up in Lionsgate, we get to gripe at ourselves for a change. (Of course if Sir Gaston had won the bid it might have been a bit different). For a movie based on a book with such fine anthropological detail, that was gnawing — especially since the rest of the film was very good in that regard.

That being said, the movie is awesome. I’ll probably go see it again this afternoon. They made very few changes in the story to accommodate the filming, adding a small subplot and changing how some of the battles play out to make them more spectacular. If you’ve read the book you won’t be very disappointed. They dropped a few things to make it more palatable, like the fact that before a woman was burnt with a king she had sex with every member of his crew — which is part of Ibn Fadhlan’s development into a warrior when he does the same at Buliwyf’s funeral. And they did not show Buliwyf’s funeral, which would have been a good visual to end the film on. I also really wanted to see the scene about the “Soup Sickness.”

An interesting point: the reason Crichton has a directing credit on this film is because he had a fight with John Mactiernan over how the ending would be edited, and he won. It is good to see an author of a novel maintain that kind of control when his books are made into movies (Crichton and Stephen King are about the only ones who can. Even Tom Clancy couldn’t fight the producers when they wanted to fire Alec Baldwin and hire Harrison Ford — whom Clancy thinks is totally unsuited to the role — to play Jack Ryan). Making the Vendel bear berserks (which I don’t recall from the book) was really cool as far as I was concerned, especially since, even though it was a change from the book, it is one which was not too far off from period Viking culture.

Visually the film is rich in color and scenery. It was shot in the fjords in BC (one film which could not have been made as well in Hollywood), and the landscapes are stunning. Even better are the two CGI scenes which open the film, the one of Buliwyf’s longboat surfing down a fifty foot wave during a storm, the other of 10th Century Baghdad at sunset. Not only are they beautiful, but they open the film with two perfect visual contrasts between Ibn Fadhlan’s old life and his new one.

The casting was superb. They hired Scandinavian and English actors to play the Vikings, which not only gave them a foreign quality but it meant they were being played by people who really looked like Vikings instead of coverboys for Flex magazine.

But the best thing about the film is the way it portrayed the Viking spirit. Their embrace of battle is truly joyous, and when they are sure they are going to die even more so, as they are sure they will reach Valhalla. The scene where the twelve heroes volunteer for the journey is one of the best portrayals of Vikings in American cinema — better even than Kirk Douglas’s film (which had the benefit of the Vikings’ armor being more or less accurate and the English armor only being about 200 years too late). It is clear from everything they do that these are warriors for whom death is a constant companion, whose only fear is to die poorly, and whose greatest hope is that songs will be sung about them when they are gone.

I loved this film. It made my Viking blood boil.

Annal for A.S. XXXIII (5/98 – 4/99)

Crown Tourney was held in Northpass on May 2. Maunches were received by Rufina Cambrensis, Joshua ibn-Eleazar, and Jacqueline Loisel. Silver Crescents were received by Sean de Londres, Andrea MacIntire, Suzanne Neuber de Londres, Ateno of Annun Ridge, and Elizabeth Talbot. Derek von Schwarzwald was named to the Order of Tygers Combattant.

[Added, Aug 2021:] As Lilie Dubh wrote in The East Kingdom Gazette:

Autocrat for the day was Lady Andrea MacIntyre (now Meesteres Annetje van Woerden). The site was in the Canton of Northpass – a lovely old retreat house and grounds, owned by Episcopal nuns. The tourney yielded up Brion Tarragon and Anna Ophelia Holloway as the new Crown Prince and Princess, and court was a flurry of AoA’s for those in Østgarðr who had become part of the fabric of the local SCA through their work, art and skills.

At Southern Region War Camp in Eisental on July 25, Jehan le Batarde was made a Silver Crescent, and Brekke Franksdottir finally received her Laurel (she was supposed to get it many years ago, but her reign caused a postponement of the plans). Henry Kersey of Devon was made a Laurel by Timothy and Gabrielle (later of Æthelmearc) at Pennsic on August 13. On September 19, Elwisia Mouche de Voujeacourt received a Silver Crescent.

In July, several offices changed hands. Brithwen of Bores Hulla became Chatelaine, and Luigi Vascili became the Knight Marshal. The A&S ministry was spilt up, with Brekke Franksdottir and Sean de Londres becoming Ministers of Arts & Sciences, respectively.

The Order of the Sea Dog, for service to the cantons, was founded at Agincourt on October 31. The initial recipients were Brekke Franksdottir and Marion of York from Lions End, Aurora ffolkes and Thomas of Northpass from Northpass, and Brithwen of Bores Hulla and Anabel Ravaya de Guzman from Whyt Whey.

Andrea MacIntire was given a Maunche at Twelfth Night on January 16. At Mudthaw on March 27, Gideanus Tacitus Adamantius received a Silver Crescent and Geoffrey St. Albans of Eastwood received a Maunche.

At the Valentines Revel on February 20, Elwisia Mouche de Voujeacourt was made a Sea Dog and Lazarro became the Provincial Bard. Other events were the Brewers’ Collegium on December 5, and Celtic Silliness on March 20.

Annal for A.S. XXXII (5/97 – 4/98)

At Southern Region War Camp in Eisental on July 26, Gideanus Tacitus Adamantius was made a Laurel for his cooking skills by Hanse and Moruadh. Also in July, Renier Verplanck and Jesca de Deux Roses became the Seneschals of Northpass and Lions End, respectively. That fall, a canton in Brooklyn (Brokenbridge) was organized, with Ben of Brokenbridge as its Seneschal. They became incipient in January. Lucan & Caitlin held their Twelfth Night at the Garden City Cathedral in Lions End on January 3. At the Valentine’s Revel on February 14, Anabel Ravaya de Guzman became the first Provincial Bard. Also in February, Andrea MacIntire became the Provincial Seneschal. Tadg ui Duinn of Isle Magee received a Maunche on April 4.

Annal for A.S. XXXI (5/96 – 4/97)

Bjorn and Morgen made two more Pelicans in the Province: Ygraine of Preston in Northern Outpost on May 4, and Brekke Franksdottir at the Festival of the Pillar in Sterlyng Vayle on September 28. In June, Rufina Cambrensis became the Chronicler. In July Gabriella Verde became the Captain of Archers. Suzanne Neuber de Londres took over as Minister of Lists in October. Joshua ibn-Eleazar became the Province’s first Web Minister in January. In February, Alexander de Pantera became Seneschal of Northpass. In March, Kamilah al-Sudani became the Seneschal of Whyt Whey.

At Lions End’s Lions in the Sun event on June 21, Seahorses were given to Eleanor the Fair and Marion of York. The entire Moose Guard received that honor on September 7 at Barleycorn.

Ygraine of Preston had her Arms Augmented at the Coronation of Lucan and Elspeth on October 6.

The Queens County Fair was held on September 14 and 15.