Commons Minutes for January 2020

The monthly commons meeting was held January 17 at Ervald’s workplace in Østgarðr proper. Here are the minutes as recorded by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin. The officers’ reports are attached at the end.



  • Suuder Saran, Il-Khan
  • Lada Monguligin, Il-Khatun
  • Alienor Salton, Seneschal
  • Francisco de Braga, Exchequer
  • Drasma Dragomira, Herald
  • Laila al-Sanna’ al-Andalusiyya, Chatelaine 
  • Þorfinnr Hróðgeirsson, MoAS
  • Ervald LaCoudre, Armored Combat Marshal
  • Alec MacLachlan, Fencing Marshal
  • Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, Youth Marshal
  • Marion of York, Minister of Lists
  • Anne of Østgarðr, Webminister
  • Zahra al-Andalusiyya, Chronicler
  • Nagashima Ichiro Ujimichi, Lions End Seneschal
  • Esnede O Murrin
  • Thomas of Northpass
  • Aurora ffolkes
  • Oliver De Bainbridge
  • Perez Ben Meir Gershon
  • Bruno Bruni
  • Jibril al-Ghazal
  • Isabel of Østgarðr
  • Damion DiGrazia, Santa’s Knights


  • Vika Grigina z Prahy, Whyt Whey Seneschal
  • Angelica di Nova Lipa, Deputy Exchequer
  • Miriam of Thescorre

Volunteer opportunities: deputies & committees

Hello, everyone! Welcome to a new year of volunteer opportunities within Østgarðr!

Under our provincial bylaws, deputies serve through the end of each officer’s term. Officers whose terms began January 1st include Seneschal (me), Herald (Drasma Dragomira), Fencing Marshal (Alec MacLachlan), Historian (Sofya Gianetta di Trieste), Minister of Arts & Sciences (Þorfinn Hroðgeirsson), Minister of Lists (Marion of York), and Webminister (Anne of Østgarðr).

If you have any interest in becoming deputies to these good gentles, either because you are interested in working with them, or to gain experience in how their office works, please get in touch with them now to explore deputy options. Email addresses for all officers are on our website:

Officers who have filled your deputy position(s), please let me know!

We also have 2 active provincial committees in need of fresh members: the coronet (regalia) committee, and the storage committee. You can read up on the ongoing activities of these committees in our commons minutes, posted on our website
or using the search feature:

Hlæfdige Alienor Salton, known as Piglet
Canton of Whyt Whey, Province of Østgarðr, East Kingdom
Seneschal Østgarðr,

Deck the Halls of Valhalla

On January 11th, A.S. LIV (2020) at Deck the Halls of Valhalla in the Canton of BrokenBridge, Our Excellencies, Suuder Il Kha’an and Lada Il-Khatun after a day of classes and entertainment, delivered to Brandr nefsbrjotr Aronsson the Award of the Burdened Tyger awarded by their previous Majesties Ozurr and Fortune. Ragnarr blaskegg was also recognized for his continuing efforts as event steward of the event by being inducted into the Order of the Sea Dog.

Their being no other business before them, their Excellencies did thereupon close their court.

East Kingdom Twelfth Night

On January 4th, A.S. LIV (2020) our Viceroy and Viceriene invited Her Majesty Queen Margarita to celebrate Twelfth Night in the Crown Province of Ostgardr. Her Majesty graciously accepted and traveled to Her lands in Ostgardr bearing gifts for all. The day was full of much merriment, music, dancing and delicious food.

After a full day of joyous entertainment, Our Excellencies, Suuder Il Kha’an and Lada Il-Khatun, held Court and recognized the following citizens of Ostgardr for their service to the Province with beautiful words and scrolls:

  • Vika Grigina z Prahy was inducted into the Order of the Sea Dog.
  • Ervald La Coudre was inducted into the Order of the Silver Sea Lion.
  • Sofya Gianetta di Trieste was inducted into the Order of the Silver Lantern.
  • Alienor Salton was inducted into the Order of the Seahorse. 
  • Rufina Cambrensis was awarded a certificate for her William Blackfox Award nomination. 

Shortly after, Her Majesty Queen Margarita also held Court and called forth many good gentles bestowing the following awards to citizens of Ostgardr:

  • Zahra al-Andalusiyya was awarded Arms.
  • Duggmore Dougles was awarded the Silver Wheel.
  • Nagashima Ichiro Ujimichi known as Uji was awarded the Silver Wheel, and also was awarded Arms.
  • Alienor Salton was awarded the Silver Brooch.
  • Friderich Grimm inducted into the order of the Maunche.
  • Marion of York was inducted into the order of the Silver Crescent.

After concluding all business Her Majesty needed to conduct, Court was closed, that all might retire to feast. 

December 2019 Election Results

From the Viceregents:

Greetings to the populace of Ostgardr,

The votes for new officers have been tallied and the results are in. Out of the two officers positions that had more than one candidate are as follows and will take their office as of January 1st:

  • Provincial Seneschal: Alienor Salton
  • Provincial Herald: Drasma Dragomira

Results of the other offices that only had one candidate have been posted by our acting seneschal [ed. note: see below]. Welcome one and all officers, we look forward to working with all our them in the coming year.

Thanks to all who raised their hands to offer themselves up and to all who are staying, without you guys this wouldn’t work. We love you all. Also thank you to our outgoing officers, we really appreciate the service and work you’ve done.

Happy holidays and a Happy New Year to all!!

In Service,
Suuder and Lada

From the Acting Seneschal:

Greetings All,

As I’ve mentioned, there was an on-line vote held among the officers for those positions for which there was only one candidate. These being:

  • Fencing Marshal: Alexander MacLachlan
  • Historian: Mistress Sofya Gianetta di Trieste
  • Minister of Arts and Sciences: Thorfinn Hrothgeirsson
  • Minister of Lists: Marion of York
  • Webminister: Anne of Ostgardr

This vote ended this past Saturday night, and all of these people have been approved by the officers.

Three of these people were running for re-election, and two were running for the first time. Mistress Sofya, Anne, and I will continue in our roles (listed above). Thorfinn and Marion are scheduled to assume their positions as of this coming January 1st. As the position of MOL is currently vacant, I have asked Marion to take on the role immediately as an appointment for the remainder of the year.

I would like to thank all of these people for their past and continuing service. Everyone looks forward to working with them.

In Service,

Alexander MacLachlan
Acting Seneschal

Procedures for December Election

Greetings All,

Starting December 1st, and going through December 14th, residents of the Province will be able to go on line and vote for the positions of Provincial Seneschal and Provincial Herald. Voting will be open to all paid members, who reside within the Province and its Cantons, and are at least 14 years old. Voting will be done using the “Borda Method”. This is a ranked voting system. People will pick out their first choice of candidate for the position and this will be recorded when their form is submitted. You will then get an email confirming your choices.

The link to vote is here:

I will be verifying whether people are eligible to vote. Our Viceregents will have access to the actual votes.

If your membership has expired recently, and you have renewed, please print out a copy of your renewal and send it to me when you vote.

In addition, there are five other provincial officer positions that will only be voted on by the officers through email, as there is only one candidate for each of them. These are: Minister of Lists, Minister of A&S, Fencing Marshal, Historian and Webminister. Officers please check your gmail accounts.

I have asked our Chronicler, Zahra, to re-print the candidate statements for Herald and Seneschal (that were posted on Facebook) in the SEAHORSE, which has just been published.

Below is a list of all the Candidates. People can ask them questions directly, even if they are only being voted on by the officers. If anybody has a concern about any of the candidates, they should contact either the Viceregents or myself.

The positions and candidates are:

  • Seneschal: Alexander MacLachlan, Alienor (Piglet) Salton (Populace Vote)
  • Herald: Drasma Dragomira, Ragnarr Bliskegg (Populace Vote)
  • Fencing Marshal: Alexander MacLachlan (Officer Vote)
  • Historian: Mistress Sofya Gianetta di Trieste (Officer Vote)
  • Minister of Arts and Sciences: Thorfinn Hrothgeirsson (Officer Vote)
  • Minister of Lists: Marion of York (Officer Vote)
  • Webminister: Anne of Ostgardr (Officer Vote)

In Service,
Alexander MacLachlan
Acting Seneschal of Ostgardr

Minutes for November 2019 Østgarðr Commons

The November commons meeting was held November 15 at the Greenvale Diner in Lions End. Here are the minutes as recorded by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin.



  • Suuder Saran, Il-Khan
  • Lada Monguligin, Il-Khatun
  • Alec MacLachlan, Acting Seneschal, Fencing Marshal
  • Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, Herald, Youth Marshal, Deputy Webminister
  • Arnbiorg Helga Niálsdóttir, Archery Marshal
  • Zahra al-Andalusiyya, Chronicler
  • Ian of Clan Mitchell, Chamberlain
  • Brandr Aronsson, Brokenbridge Seneschal
  • Katherine Gilliesfleur, Deputy Chamberlain
  • Duggmore Dougles, Lions End Castellan
  • Marion of York, Lions End Lieutenant of Fence
  • Alienor Salton
  • Oliver de Bainbrig
  • Jenna Childslayer
  • Drasma Dragomira
  • Monkey Makgee
  • Ronan FitzRobert

Upcoming In & Around Østgarðr: December 2019 & January 2020

Some of our practices have ended now that the cold weather is coming, but some are still running indoors. In particular, it seems that armored combat has moved to an indoor location, usually Tuesday nights on 133rd St. Updates to armored combat practice location, as well as possibly other practices and events, may be found at the Facebook group “SCA NYC: Crown Province of Østgarðr“.

Østgarðr Commons meetings, which are open to the populace, are always on the third Friday of the month, and rotate location through the province — check the prior Commons agenda for the latest on locations, or Facebook! For those in Manhattan, Whyt Whey Commons tend to be on the first Thursday, colocated with their monthly arts&sciences Evening in the Solar. In Brooklyn, Brokenbridge Commons are on weekends to be announced.
Note that there will be no December Østgarðr Commons – instead, we will be voting in new provincial officers online. The link to vote will be posted December 1 in the Seahorse newsletter, and you must have a non-expired SCA Membership (“blue card”) on December 1 to vote.

(edited 2019-11-24 to correct date for Bhakail Yule and add BBM/Bergental Yule)

Nearby East Kingdom Events

December 2019

December 7: Barony Beyond the Mountain/Bergental Yule: New Britain, CT (Barony Beyond the Mountain)

December 14: Bhakail Yule/Baronial Investiture: Philadelphia, PA (Barony of Bhakail)

January 2020

January 4: East Kingdom Twelfth Night: Glen Head, NY (Crown Province of Østgarðr)
Find out more at
Volunteer to help at the event at

January 11: Deck the Halls of Valhalla: Brooklyn, NY (Canton of Brokenbridge)

January 11: Southern Region Service Schola: Moorestown, NJ (Barony of Iron Bog)

January 11: CENA MEMINISSE: A Culinary Exploration of the Great Roman Empire : Edison, NJ (Canton of Gryphonwald)

January 24-26: A Market Day at Birka: Manchester, NH (Barony of Stonemarche)

Commons Minutes for October 2019

The October commons meeting was held October 18 at the usual location for Schola in the Solar in Whyt Whey. Here are the minutes as recorded by Alexander MacLachlan. The officers’ reports are attached at the end.



  • Suuder Suran – Il-Kha’an
  • Lada Monguligin – Il-Khatun
  • Alexander MacLachlan – Acting Provincial Seneschal and Provincial Fencing Marshal
  • Oliver de Bainbridge
  • Anne of Osgtardr – Provincial Webminister
  • Isabel of Ostgardr
  • Apollodora
  • Zahra al-Audalusiyya – Provincial Chronicler
  • Tom Martin
  • Sydoc Nic Talmach
  • Master John Elys
  • Bruno Bruni
  • Alienor
  • Ibrahim
  • Godiva de Mer – Whyt Whey Mistress of A&S
  • Catelin Straquhin -Broken Bridge Mistress of A&S
  • Bahja al-Azraq – Provincial Deputy Chatelaine
  • Arnora Ketilsdottir – Provincial Chancellor Minor
  • Branimira of the Isles
  • Mistress Sofya – Provincial Historian
  • Franciso de Braga – Provincial Exchequer
  • Ronan
  • Mathghamhian Ua Ruadhain – Provincial Youth Marshal and Herald


  • Countess Brekke
  • Jenna Childslayer