Historian’s Report – March 2019

There was much to report this month in the history of Ostgardr:

In the Barony of Dragonship Haven, on the 23rd of February, anno societatis LIII, Their Majesties Wilhelm and Vienna called into court our own Il-Khatun, Lada Monguligin. Much to her surprise, she was sent off by Their Majesties to contemplate the question of joining the Order of the Laurel.

Later in the evening Her Majesty’s Bardic Champion, Geoffrey of Exeter, was called into court, praised for his performance and released him as her Bardic Champion. At this time the herald called Laila al-Sanna’ al Andalusiyya forward and named her Queens Bardic Champion. There was much rejoicing in the audience.

After a number of court awards and recognitions, Lada Monguligin was called into court to answer the question put upon her that morning. Lada Monguligin answered yes, swore her fealty and Their Majesties gave Their own. Before the Laurels could sweep her away, her beloved Il-Khan, Suuder Saran presented her with a ring and asked her to build a family with him. She said yes!! Then she was taken away to be welcomed by the Laurels and celebrate with family and friends.