A fundraiser in aid of the Royal travel fund

At the Kings and Queens Arts and Sciences and Bardic Championships there will be an auction by raffle to add to the Royal Travel fund.

A call for donation of prizes

We are asking gentles of the Kingdom to donate items that can be auctioned by raffle at the Championships.

We envisage two kinds of donations:

  • Goods of interest to the populace: mundane books, pictures, or other media that speak to our Society and its Arts and Sciences
  • Works by the artisans, artists and artificers of the East

Handling of the prizes

We would ask that any donor who will also be present at the Championship kindly bring their donation to the auction on the day (or, if not attending, send it via someone who is attending). Please indicate:

  • What the item is, if otherwise unclear
  • The name of the donor / creator
  • Whether it should be classified as Goods or Works

Forms with the headings above and a space for personal words will be available

The raffle

Event attendees may purchase tickets for the two kinds of prize, one eligible for Goods ($2 mundane) , the other, at a somewhat higher price, for Works. It shall be fruitless to use a Goods ticket for Works, and folly to do the reverse.
Some Goods and some Works will require a minimum of two, three, or even more tickets.

The tickets will be placed in cups before the items. Any gentle may place as many tickets as they desire in any cup (but heed the minimum where in force).


At the close of the day, just before Court, the draw will be cried. The draw will then be made by a gentle of good standing and impeccable renown and the winners announced.

The event attendees are invited to attend the drawing, and each winner to claim their prize.

Should the winner not attend the draw, their ticket will be affixed to the prize for the remainder of the event. Winners are cordially invited to repair to the auction house and claim their prize by forfeit of the matching ticket to the steward of the auction.

At the end of the event, unclaimed prizes will return to the keep of the Kingdom to increase the store of largesse and gifts Their Royal Majesties may at their pleasure bestow.

Questions or comments?

Please contact Simon Talbot at Simon Talbot

Commons Minutes for December 2017

Herein are contained the minutes for the December 15, 2017 Commons and Officers Council meetings, as recorded by John Elys.


Francesco Gaetano Greco d’Edessa, Seneschal
Sofya Gianetta di Trieste, Minister of Arts & Sciences
Ervald LaCoudre, Knight Marshal
Marion of York, Fencing Marshal
Alec MacLachlan, Deputy Fencing Marshal
Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, Youth Combat Marshal
Ian of Clan Mitchell, Chamberlain
Rufina Cambrensis, Chronicler
John Elys, Deputy Chronicler
Richard the Poor of Ely, Historian
Brekke Franksdottir, Lions End Seneschal

Absent Officers

Suuder Saran, Viceroy
Lada Monguligin, Vicereine
Angelica di Nova Lipa, Exchequer
Mongu Chinua, Herald
Beatrice della Rocca, Chatelaine
Arnbjorg Helga Niálsdóttir, Archery Marshal
Erich Guter Muth, Minister of Lists
Arnora Ketilsdottir, Webminister
Alienor Salton, Whyt Whey Seneschal
Wilhelm of Northpass, Northpass Seneschal
Brandr Aronsson, Brokenbridge Seneschal

 Officers Reports

Seneschal (Francesco): K&Q want to move Pennsic Court from Weds. to either Tues. or Thurs. (to avoid conflict w/Midnight Madness); they want feedback from the Populace.  Discussion.

Historian (Richard the Poor): None.

Fencing (Marion): Not running for another term.  We may have a practice space on Sunday afternoons in Levittown.

Lions End (Brekke): Working on June 2 demo; will need a bunch of Ostgardr help, especially hands-on child-friendly stuff.  Discuss fighting, G&W vs. pop-ups, etc.  There’s a $ stipend.  Brekke stepping down as Seneschal in June.

Fighting (Ervald): Outdoor practice over for the season.  Still negotiating insurance with potential practice site at Sussman Automatic.  Seamus has mostly finished making 5 suits of loaner armor.  Will invite fighters to June 2 demo.

Stuff (Ian): Cooking gear in Northpass.  Green & white pavilion is still in Whyt Whey.

Chatelaine (report via Sofya): Gold Key is in good shape, at Sofya’s place.  If you need Gold Key, contact Chatelaine well in advance, and make sure you return it.

MoAS (Sofya): Preparing for K&Q A&S & Bardic Championship.  Participate!

Youth Combat (Mathghamhain): Not much happening, as kids are in high-school-admission flurry.

Chronicler (Rufina): Recap from Nov Commons: considering supplying some old Seahorses for display at EK/Og 50Y, and also creating a “Best Of the Seahorse” handout.

Upcoming Events

A&S Bardic (Sofya): We’re hosting.  Preregister if possible: we want to minimize lines at the door because it’ll be cold.  Help out, wherever you are.

EK/Og 50Y (Sofya): 27-30 June.  Want to look good.  Judith will organize recorded music; would also like live performances of music, mumming, drama, etc.  Artifacts by some time in April.

Upcoming meetings: January at Alienor’s.  February possibly at Sofya’s. March undecided.

Officer Elections

We have nine officers present and ten proxies.

Non-Contested Offices

Web: unanimous Alienor
Herald: unanimous Mathghamhain
Chronicler: unanimous Rufina
Fencing: unanimous Alec


Brief discussion of voting procedure: secret written ballots with one name on each.  No decision in advance on whether the plurality wins, or there’s a second round omitting the last place finisher, or what.

Fortunately, there was a majority on the first ballot: Alienor is the new Seneschal.

Officer Appointments

To the populace of the Crown Province of Østgarðr, on behalf of their Viceroy and Vicereine, does Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin send his greetings.

Following this evening’s Commons meeting, the Provincial Officers Council gathered to review the candidates for those offices whose terms expire this month.

Herein are recorded the result of that session as I recall them.

Baronè Francesco Gaetano Grèco d’Edessa has stepped down as Seneschal. Please join me in thanking him for his service.

Hlæfdige Alienor Salton, called Piglet, has been selected as the new Provincial Seneschal by a vote of the Officers Council.

Alienor has also been appointed to be the province’s Webminister. The former occupant of that office, Lady Arnora Ketilsdottir, stepped down earlier this year to care for her newborn — our thanks and congratulations to her and her family.

Alienor is stepping down from her positions in the Canton of Whyt Whey, ceding those offices to her deputies; Lady Vika Grigina z Prahy will serve as the Seneschal of Whyt Whey, and Lady Anneke Valmarsdotter will become the Whyt Whey webminister.

Lord Mongu Chinua has stepped down as Herald. He has the province’s appreciation for his efforts in this office in recent years.

Your humble correspondent, Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, has been appointed to be the new provincial Herald. I have asked Chinua to stay on and assist me as deputy herald, for I shall have need of his knowledge.

I am stepping down from my position as Herald of Whyt Whey, and passing that office to my deputy, Lord Erich Guter Muth, who served in that position before me.

Lady Marion of York has stepped down as provincial Fencing Marshal. She has ably led the rapier corps, and we look forward to seeing her on the field again in the coming year.

Alexander MacLachlan has been appointed to serve as the Fencing Marshal. In recent months he has been actively working to energize the fencing program and we eagerly anticipate his continued success. Alienor has also asked him to assist her as deputy Seneschal, where his experience will be much appreciated.

Magistra Rufina Cambrensis has been re-appointed to her position as provincial Chronicler. Her reliable publication of our monthly newsletter, the E-Horse, is a valuable service to all members of the populace.

For the outgoing and incoming officers of the province — Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

By my hand at Straus Park on the feast day of St. Florentius, I remain yours in service,

— Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin
Seahorse Pursuivant

Provincial Officer Elections


At the November commons meeting, our Vicereine announced the names of those who have volunteered to serve in the provincial offices whose terms expire at the end of the year.

For the office of Seneschal there are three candidates:
• Alexander MacLachlan; currently the Provincial Deputy Fencing Marshal.
• Alienor Salton; currently the Seneschal of Whyt Whey.
• Mongu Chinua; currently the Provincial Herald.

For the office of Herald, the sole candidate is Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, currently the Herald of Whyt Whey.

For the office of Fencing Marshal, the sole candidate is Alexander MacLachlan, currently the Deputy for that office.

For the office of Webminister, the sole candidate is Alienor Salton, currently the Deputy for that office.

For the office of Chronicler, the sole candidate is Mistress Rufina Cambrensis, the current holder of that office.

Any members of the populace who have feedback or concerns regarding these appointments are invited to address them to the Viceroy, Suuder Saran, [viceroy at ostgardr.eastkingdom.org], the Vicereine, Lada Monguligan, [vicereine at ostgardr.eastkingdom.org], or the Seneschal of Østgarðr, Baron Francesco, [seneschal at ostgardr.eastkingdom.org], prior to the December 15, 2017 Crown Provincial Commons meeting.

At that meeting, the appointments will be discussed by the Crown Provincial Officers Corps, which is comprised of the Viceregents, The current Crown Provincial Officers, (not including deputies), and the Seneschals of the Cantons. The new Officers will be confirmed in their positions as of the end of the meeting.

For the contested Office of Seneschal, votes will be cast by the Officer Corps to choose between the candidates. If you are a member of the Officer Corps, but will not be able to attend the December 2017 Commons, please either submit your vote in writing or send someone as your proxy with a written authorization to cast this vote on your behalf.

The candidates for Seneschal are invited to send a statement describing their intentions for the position to the officers mailing list, ostgardr-officers at ostgardr.eastkingdom.org, prior to the meeting.

The work of the Crown Provincial and Canton Officers and Deputies are an important part of making our society possible. If you are interested in serving in any Officer position, please speak with the current Officer about becoming a Deputy, which will give you a hands-on opportunity to learn more about the position and its responsibilities.

I pray that you Fare Well,

+ Baroné Francesco Gaetano Gréco d’Edessa, OS, OSC
• Seneschal, Crown Province of Østgärðr

Post Script:
~ I would like to thank Mathghamhain for drafting this letter, for me to send to you. If I weren’t stepping-down as Seneschal, I’d ask you to serve as Scribe to the Seneschal.

Commons minutes for November 2017

Minutes of the Østgarðr Commons meeting of November 17, 2017
As recorded by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin.


Suuder Saran, Viceroy
Lada Monguligin, Vicereine
Angelica di Nova Lipa, Exchequer
Mongu Chinua, Herald
Beatrice della Rocca, Chatelaine
Ervald LaCoudre, Knight Marshal
Alec MacLachlan, Deputy Fencing Marshal
Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, Youth Combat Marshal
Erich Guter Muth, Minister of Lists
Rufina Cambrensis, Chronicler
John Elys, Deputy Chronicler
Alienor Salton, Whyt Whey Seneschal, Acting Webminister
Ben of Brokenbridge, Northpass Seneschal proxy
Zoya the Orphan

Absent Officers

Francesco Gaetano Greco d’Edessa, Seneschal
Sofya Gianetta di Trieste, Minister of Arts & Sciences, reported by email
Arnbjorg Helga Niálsdóttir, Archery Marshal
Marion of York, Fencing Marshal
Ian of Clan Mitchell, Chamberlain
Katherine Gilliesfleur, Deputy Chamberlain
Richard the Poor of Ely, Historian
Arnora Ketilsdottir, Webminister
Wilhelm of Northpass, Northpass Seneschal, represented by proxy and reported by email
Brekke Franksdottir, Lions End Seneschal, reported by email
Brandr Aronsson, Brokenbridge Seneschal, reported by email


Meeting called to order at 8:02.



Seneschal unable to attend tonight; no report.

Chinua: Officer nominations will be announced today; voting for contested offices will be held at December commons, in person, by officers or their representatives with a written proxy either stating their vote or stating that a named designee can vote on their behalf.

Viceroys: On Communications

Suuder: Take note that Facebook is not our official means of communication. Official mechanism for officer communications is through the EK-hosted email server. Remember that Facebook is a public forum, and not the appropriate mechanism for contact in your capacity as an officer. It’s also not an appropriate location for bickering that might alienate newcomers.

Chinua: Should we set up separate EK email addresses for event autocrats?
Alienor: EK mail services will all change in the next few months when we migrate to Google Apps. Everyone will have a <membernumber>@members.sca.org address, and officer accounts will forward to individual addresses.
Rufina: Will archives of old officer emails migrate over from old EK server?
Alienor: That’s still under discussion. Am in communication with webministry team which is figuring out some of these details as they go.
Suuder: Transition to Google will also mean that we can use Google Chat for instant messaging using officer identities, which will be official in a way that Facebook messenger isn’t.
Beatrice: It would be nice to have a workshop for people to get accustomed to using the new tools
Alienor: Agreed, we should organize such a workshop. Whyt Whey will be one of the first five branches to migrate, so we’ll be helping to figure this out before it gets rolled out to the rest of the kingdom.

Alienor: Has there been some recent event that prompted discussion of Facebook norms?
Suuder: Not locally, but these issues have come up elsewhere in the kingdom.
Chinua: Our local Facebook groups have occasionally had heated debates that spun out of control until they were deleted by an administrator, but not in the last couple of years.

Rufina: I can see how public groups are an effective marketing tool for recruiting newcomers, but I wonder if it would also be useful to have a closed members-only group for conversations we don’t want to have be public.
Chinua: Some groups have only private or even closed groups. We could create a second group for the province that was private.
Suuder: Instead let’s agree to not put that kind of discussion on Facebook in the first place. Take it to email or other channels.

Viceroys: Officer Positions

Lada: We have received nominees for the officer positions that are up for renewal.

For Seneschal, three people submitted letters of intent: Alec, Chinua, and Alienor.

For Herald the only volunteer was Mathghamhain.
Mathghamhain: I am new at this and will definitely call on Chinua and our other experienced heralds for assistance.

For Webminister the only volunteer was Alienor.

For Fencing we didn’t get any volunteers.
Mathghamhain: Do we know whether Marion is available and interested in continuing in this post?
Chinua: If we don’t get any new volunteers we assume the current officer will remain in the position.
The Fencers: We will check with Marion and confirm.
Erich: I volunteer as tribute.

Alienor: Was Richard available to take on the Exchequer position?
Several People: we believe he will remain as the emergency deputy.
Angelica: my warrant as exchequer expires in Feb. but I will renew.

Lada: We will have an election for the contested office at next month’s commons. An email will be sent to the officers’ list with rules for voting and proxies. If you are running, please post an email to the officers list with a blurb about what you would like to do in the office.

Viceroys: Other News

Lada: Save the date of Saturday, May 12. (The day before Mother’s Day, the weekend before Viking Day.) An Dubh is challenging us in everything. Champions vs champions. Details to follow.


Chinua: We had awards at Goat’s tavern. Seahorse for Aurora ffolkes. Sea Dogs for Oliver de Bainbridge, Mathghamhain, Jenna Childslayer, and Phillip the First.

Marshal of Fighting

Ervald: Note that the new title of this office is Marshal of Fighting rather than Knight Marshal.

I have renewed my marshal’s warrant.

Have been holding fighter practice every week, have had some attendees but lately some folks unavailable due to school, work, weather, etc. Attempting to recruit new fighters.

Working on access to an indoor site at my workplace for fighter practice. Questions about insurance; acting as intermediary between society corporate office and the local business’s insurance broker. Maybe in a few weeks we can use this space, in LIC near 33rd St stop on 7 train. If that goes well, maybe we could use space for fencing, other activities, although not simultaneously.

I will contact finance committee for reimbursement of loaner gear.

Youth Combat

Mathghamhain: We had a small meet at Goat’s Tavern, with two newcomers from the vicinity of Rusted Woodlands for whom this was their first event ever.

We’ve recently received a set of matching youth tabards from Lady Angelica for which we are very grateful; this will help our fighters in loaner armor look less garish on the field.

I’ve recently begun serving as the EK Southern Region deputy and as the webminister for the youth combat program.


Beatrice: Newcomers at Goat’s had a good time. Loaner garb was all returned and is in good shape. Let me know if you need gold key an upcoming events.

Beatrice: We have had inquiries about activities for very young children (~ 5 years); please let me know if you have suggestions for family-friendly activities that would be appropriate for kids in this age group.
Chinua: If we’re going to do more youth activities, we might need another background-checked person. However, “family friendly” activities with parents in attendance may not require a background-checked person.
Rufina: For family activities, we should talk to parents about what their kids would enjoy.
Everyone: we should brainstorm other activities.
Alienor: Children’s events at Goat’s were good; the youth coordinators did a fantastic job.
Everyone: That was Leona and Hugoline; they have a lot of experience and are great at it.


Angelica: We have money.

We’re set up to accept payments for A&S Championships via PayPal. Paperwork wasn’t difficult.

Østgarðr review of books is upcoming; Lions End completed.


Alienor: Have made several changes recently.
• Posted provincial Commons minutes back through Jan. 2016, redacting as needed.
• Updated WordPress, plugins and themes & did some minor mailing list maintenance.
• Updated officer’s page.
• Added Document Library to navigation.
• Made a mailing list for the bylaws committee, bylaws@ostgardr.eastkingdom.org

Whyt Whey Seneschal

Alienor: For scheduling convenience of our hosts, Evenings in the Solar are moving to the 2nd Thursday of each month. Provincial website calendar page of recurring local events and our shared Google calendar have been updated accordingly. This month’s solar was an illumination class, taught by Lady Lada. Next month will be bookbinding, taught by Lady Beatrice using paper provided by Lady Angelica.

Mention was made at our last commons of Whyt Whey’s bylaws. I have seen no such beast, and would inquire of our historian and other long-term members of its existence.

Has anyone seen the orange water cooler loaned to us for Cloisters by Jenna Childslayer?

Also, we still have the green & white in Whyt Whey, and need to arrange with the deputy chamberlain a suitable date and time for its return.

Minister of Arts & Sciences

Sofya, reporting by email:

Østgarðr has been very active hosting many A&S gatherings throughout the Province this past month. Thank you all that have hosted and for those who attended.

The Queen still needs favors! Queen Matilde’s favor design is available and ready to be made. Keep in mind you do not need to embroider them! You can paint them, stamp them or bead them. Get creative! Below is the pdf link you can download:

East Kingdom 50: Please keep sending me items you have that might be added to Ostgardr’s display at 50 year. Time passes quickly and EK50 will be here soon so don’t wait too long. The East Kingdom 50 year celebration runs June 28th thru July 1st, 2018. Please let me know if there is something you would like to share and send to ostgardr50@ostgardr.eastkingdom.org. Thank you to all who have submitted so far.

I have been holding on to fabric for the past three years that has been generously donated my members of the Province. As Southern Region Chatelaine I have read a number of reports from other baronies/shires that have little or no gold key. I would like to donate the fabric I am holding to baronies/shires in need to create gold key. There’s not a lot of fabric (less than a medium sized tub) and most is not period appropriate (hence, why we haven’t used it). I wanted to combine this fabric to the fabric that was generously given to me by Christos’s family as a gift from the Province. We are blessed to have an abundant gold key. Our workshops and recent donations have created a surplus in gold key. We can offer a choice of 2 or 3 outfits per person when previously I could barely scrap up one! In this season of giving, I think this would be a wonderful opportunity to ‘pay it forward’ and make use of fabric that has been sitting in a container for over 3 years to help others in need.
• Everyone: Carried unanimously.

Lions End Seneschal

Brekke, reporting by email:

The seneschal reported that the Bullying and Harassment Policy MUST be posted in plain sight (at the entrance to the event/meeting/etc) at ALL SCA meetings and events.

Our treasurer [Arnbjorg] was audited by Southern Regional for the previous three report periods, and a few minor problems were addressed. We do not seem to be in trouble.

Our rapier marshal [Marion] is having a major dose of Real Life, both in caring for her 96-year-old mother and with her work schedule, so is leaving most of it to her assistant, Alec MacLachlan. He is working with Historical Arts Rapier at practices in Central Park.

Our Chatelane [Duggmore] reports that there has been no activity, and no reports are past due.

A&S [Maeve] reports ongoing Bardic on Tuesday evenings and is pleading (as is usual) for articles for our newsletter.

Our Herald [Francesco] reports that he is actually (VERY HAPPILY!) doing “real heraldry work”, within the Province but not within the Canton.

The Østgarðr Seneschal [Francesco] noted that nominees for Provincial office are self-nominated, and if you’re interested in any office coming open, bids must be in soon (like Nov. 17).

Work progresses on the Provincial Bardic and A&S Championships, which are taking place on April 21 (opposite Balfar’s Challenge, as usual).

Keep our June 2 Demo open. If it’s pouring that day, it will be held on June 9. Parking will be available across Cherry Street (the back entrance to Village Green) for us, and we can use the Green & White as a large tent had been set up successfully on the green a few weeks ago.

Brokenbridge Seneschal

Brandr, reporting by email:

Greetings Your Excellency from the Seneschal of the most awesome Canton of Brokenbridge,
As Real life has made it impossible for me to attend the Provincial Commons tomorrow, here is my Seneschal’s report.

Brokenbridge is growing in leaps and bounds. At the last three commons/ A&S days we have had at least one and sometimes more new people who want to be involved in Brokenbridge and the SCA. At our Forge building class we had two new people attend. At our October commons / Sausage day we had three new people who I believe will be quite active within the canton. One couple was very eager to be involved. Anna, brought with her a skein of Scottish wool and was spinning it into thread during the meeting. She is not nor has she ever been in the SCA, it was remarked that she has been in the SCA he whole life but she just didn’t know it.

Our future commons meeting will involve another pewter casting day and an embroidery day in February taught by Sir Edward, embroidery laurel extraordinaire.

We are making plans for Deck the Halls of Valhalla on January 13. Everyone who is planning on attending should pre-reg as we are capping the event at sixty. IF you would like to teach a Viking themed class please reach out to Anneke as she is running the classes for the event. Once again we will be entertained by the amazing and barefoot Cedar the Unshod.

We are looking at sites for “Bacon Bridge Two – The Baconing” for sometime in the late spring.

A Brokenbridge bank account is still in the works.


Rufina: Subscribe to the newsletter!

Am amenable to posting newsletter to web site, as long as we remove mundane names and addresses. However, the print newsletter archive was produced with a sense that it had limited distribution, and am not sure we should post them to the web. Also not sure the creative material back then had releases signed at the time.
Mathghamhain: Am not sure there’s a real drive to post the paper issues online.
Ervald: It would be interesting to find some selected print materials to show online to give people a sense of our history.
Mathghamhain: Maybe we could select a sampling of material from the paper archives and share them at EK50?
Rufina: We may have some duplicate issues we could display.
Rufina: Perhaps we could make a printed “best of the seahorse” newsletter?
Everyone: Yes, that would be great.
Rufina: Okay, I will look through old issues to find selected articles for exhibition at EK50, perhaps in the form of a “best of” newsletter.

Northpass Seneschal

Ben: I am here as proxy for Wilhelm who it out with a cracked rib; his report follows.

Greetings from Northpass and its Seneschal to the Province of Østgarðr!

I apologize I will not be there in person but only in spirit. (I cracked a rib and unfortunately am not traveling well.) Please accept Ben to represent Northpass as my Proxy. I promise to make all efforts to attend the next meeting even if I must be carried to it! I hope all of you are well.

We have been busy in many, many ways. First and dear to my heart, we have begun planning out the events Northpass will host for next year ranging from the tiny to the giant. The enthusiasm and offers of help are quite encouraging in many ways as it shows the growth we have had over the last 7-10 years.

Goat’s Tavern (just completed a few weeks ago) had brand new faces from Northpass as well as other groups. I personally was touched by the service of a youngling and the willingness of their Excellencies to acknowledge that service. It was a wildly successful event and we look forward to more!

Just to share a quick list of the planned Northpass events:

Northpass Yule – December 31 – Port Chester “a chance to end the year with good company and good cheer” Strict limit to 30 people

Bears Tavern – March 2-4 Peekskill “The return of a popular longstanding event at Blue Mountain” – With the kind and in person request of their Excellency this event will host Østgarðr Thrown Weapons Championship (long before the revelry gets in high gear.)

Brew U – April 28-30 Peekskill “Brewing guild and Northpass partner to bring out teaching on all forms of Brewing”

Blood & Axes 2 – (proposed) last week of June – Carmel – “similar event to last year’s ‘all things martial but especially Axes’ with this edition planned to be a bit bigger in scope and attendance. The site can easily hold 150 but we expect 70-80.

Barleycorn, Goats Tavern, and likely a “Games and Dance” event expected also in the next 12 months.

We also reworked our Cantonal Bylaws. Lots of work is now complete with clear event and financial rules included. Some policy documentation will follow over the next few months as we invite many more to run the events. We have set new committees for work in the new year on several topics. We are looking to expand our officer corps. We will continue and expand A&S, archery, games, dance within our borders. (I said we are busy… This and much of the event planning was all within a three hour meeting earlier this week.)

One odd note, with regards to the officers of Northpass, we read in last months minutes that there was a request to know something about a non-resident Seneschal for our Canton. I have individually spoke to most of our current officers and a few of our non-officers and it is not apparent to us where this question is from. From the current possible choices who have offered none now live beyond the Cantonal borders.

In short, we are active, growing and enthusiastic. We are not only wanting to do SCA locally but want to help where we can our sister Cantons and the Province. (One note of thanks to Whyt Whey for hosting one of our newest Northpassins at their “Schola in the Solar” event. She loved it. Another note of thanks to Judith the Uncertain for helping us teach mask making locally.) Also in particular please share how we can help at K&Q A&S and Bardic as many of us are planning to attend.

Sidebar: Event Scheduling

Lada: Given that so many things are coming up, we should talk about how we do event scheduling.
Chinua: We need to be careful to avoid conflicts. Last couple of months were packed, with something nearly every weekend either in Østgarðr or surrounding area. The procedures manual says the provincial seneschal needs to sign off on events in writing.
Ben: We should check with EK seneschal on event policies; there may be a rule that parent groups shouldn’t need to sign off on on canton events.
Ervald: Local events like practices and A&S don’t count for this purpose, right?
Everyone: Agreed, this is only for larger events, those with a budget, etc.
John: Policies from PPM say there can’t be more than one event within the province on any given date.
Mathghamhain: I don’t think the PPM should have the force of law, since nobody has seen it or mentioned it in years.
Chinua: Yes, but the PPM has a lot of useful material that we should consider.
Alienor: We could set up a separate mailing list, or we could just use the officers list for the schedule resolution.
Lada: Let’s use the officers list.
Alec: Also need to make sure we’re checking for conflict against neighboring branches via EK seneschal list.
Alienor: Agreed; Whyt Whey did this recently and other seneschals were appreciative.

Alienor: In future meeting agendas, let’s combine demos and events into one portion of the agenda.
Everyone: Agreed.

Fencing Marshal

Alec: A quorum of fencers just had a meeting in the other room.
• Alec has been nominated to serve as provincial fencing marshal; Erich will step back.

We are ending outdoor practice after this week, as it’s too cold.
• Attendance recently has been limited, due to weather and other commitments.
• Looking for indoor spaces, but no luck yet.

The HART (Historical Arts Rapier Training) group on Facebook is growing.
• Will write up an announcement to be posted on the web site.

Minister of Lists

Erich: We have lists.

I have been looking at an indoor site for fencing.
• The ninth floor of Meetup’s space at Broadway/Lafayette might be available for use if we had a Meetup group. Am investigating

Recent Events

Goat’s Tavern

Discussed earlier.

Schola in the Solar

Alienor: Schola in the Solar was a roaring success. We had 18 attendees, 11 classes, 8 instructors. Budgeted $200 for food; spent $196.47. Collected $116 in donations for the feast. Cost to the canton: $80.47. Reports completed & filed with kingdom, checks cut & distributed.

Looking for a site for next year. Have a new site lead from Lady Lada, the Japan Society. Will also be looking at Barnard, as suggested by Lady Vika, and re-visiting Holy Trinity Church in Inwood, which asks for a percentage of the gate as its fee.

Upcoming Events

EK Twelfth Night: January 6

Alienor: It’s in Maine; anyone else interested in going to it?

Deck the Halls: January 13

Discussed earlier.

King’s and Queen’s A&S and Bardic Championships: Feb 10

Lada: Directions to the site in Mt. Kisco are now available on the web.

We are not arranging for the block of hotel rooms as it turned out they were actually cheaper on Travelocity then through the block contract.

Would especially love to get local volunteers from Northpass or nearby to assist with breakdown and cleanup at the end of the event.

Schedule: staff on site at 8:00, doors open at 9:00, court ends at 6:00, no feast, so hopefully can complete breakdown and be out by 8:00 or so.

Bear’s Tavern: March 3–5

Autocrat will be Oliver.

Other Events

Chinua: Given the hour, let’s table discussion of demos and other events that are more than four months in the future.

Old Business

Officer Elections

Discussed earlier.

Bylaws Committee

John: We made a bunch of progress at last meeting, on November 12. Will decide on next meeting date tonight and meet soon (January 6?). Then we will present material for consideration by the officers. Will need to set aside a significant amount of time for discussion at that time. Perhaps we can pick a separate date for this rather than trying to squeeze it into an evening commons, as it’s likely that we will need most of the day for it.

Regalia Committee

Lada: We are looking at getting field coronets as an intermediate step.
• Sofya asked Ervald to come up with some designs.
• Sofya suggested a craftsman who will make a proposal.
• Lada talked to Anton, who will also make a proposal.

Upcoming Meetings

• December 15: John and Rufina’s in Richmond Hill
• January 19: Alienor’s in Manhattan
• February 16: Seeking volunteers. Perhaps Jacqueline and Luigj, or Richard the Poor?

Other Discussion


Chinua: I have a concern about paragraph 4.B.3. of the PPM on financial liability, which states that event autocrats are liable for financial shortfall if an event goes over budget and incurs a loss.
John: The original version of this decades ago was that event autocrats were always liable for any loss incurred by the event. In the Alexandre and Eularia era, we changed this to only apply if they went over budget, and added a clause that the finance committee could waive that if the situation merited.
Chinua: The liability provision as written here may be in violation of EK policy.
Mathghamhain: Maybe we can rewrite this to clarify that it’s only intended for use in egregious situations.
• Bylaws committee will consider this at their next meeting.


Rufina: Motion to adjourn.
Beatrice: Seconded.

Meeting ended at 9:59.

Mask making workshop, in Northpass!

RSVP to conandild@yahoo.com by Nov. 2nd. Learn a bit about what sorts of masks were used in our period and how they were used.

We are fortunate to have Dame Judith Fitzhenry traveling to our Canton to instruct us and inspire us in this endeavor. She has extensive experience in making masks and performing with them.

We will be working with clay and papier-mache, please dress accordingly. Please bring paper bags or linen scraps for the creation of your mask; some materials will be available.

fox, rabbit, dog and lion masks
Visitors to Whyt Whey’s 2017 Cloisters demo trying on masks by Dame Judith.

Commons minutes October 2017

Minutes Østgarðr Commons meeting October 20, 2017
Transcribed by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin

Roll Call

• Branimira of the Isles, Hostess
• Suuder Saran, Viceroy
• Lada Monguligin, Vicereine
• Francesco Gaetano Greco d’Edessa, called Bish, Seneschal
• Ian of Clan Mitchell, Chamberlain
• Katherine Gilliesfleur, Deputy Chamberlain
• Brekke Franksdottir, Lions End Seneschal
• Rufina Cambrensis, Chronicler
• John Elys, Deputy Chronicler
• Alec MacLachlan, Fencing Deputy
• Richard the Poor of Ely, Historian
• Angelica di Nova Lipa, Exchequer
• Alienor Salton, Whyt Whey Seneschal, Acting Webminister
• Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, Youth Combat Marshal

# Absent Officers

• Mongu Chinua, Herald (preparing Goat’s Tavern site; report submitted)
• Beatrice della Rocca, Chatelaine (on vacation; report submitted)
• Wilhelm of Northpass, Northpass Seneschal (preparing Goat’s Tavern site; report submitted)
• Marion of York, Fencing (power outage; nothing to report)
• Sofya Gianetta di Trieste, Minister of Arts & Sciences (on expedition to Drachenwald)
• Ervald LaCoudre, Knight Marshal (on expedition to Drachenwald)
• Erich Guter Muth, Minister of Lists (on vacation)
• Arnbiorg Helga Niálsdóttir, Archery
• Brandr Aronsson, Brokenbridge Seneschal


The meeting was called to order at 8:01.

Officers Reports

# Bish, Seneschal
• Northpass has a new seneschal, Wilhelm. He is interested in recruiting a replacement.
• Northpass asked if a person who lives outside the canton can serve as seneschal. EK law (as confirmed by EK seneschal) says it is allowed if their canton bylaws specifically allow it.
• Oliver is willing to serve, but lives in a part of the province that is just outside border of the canton.
• Oral history suggests that Whyt Whey used to have such a provision as part of its bylaws, but that it was later removed.

# Lada, Vicereine
• Important to note that, if planning an event, please check to avoid conflict with neighbors. Use the seneschals’ list to ensure that you find events that weren’t listed on the EK calendar yet.

# Bish, Seneschal
• From EK, edict from Queen, Mord has been banished from the royal presence for the remainder of the term.
• Ian: 91 knights and masters submitted petition requesting court of chivalry, to banish from the kingdom for the remainder of the term.

# Rufina, Chronicler
• Seahorse is out. Encourage people to subscribe. It’s free and makes a tasty snack.
• Question: Would you consider moving the Seahorse mailing list to the EK server? This would simplify subscription process, and would mean that other people would be able to send the Seahorse if you were unavailable.
• Rufina: Prefer to keep current process as avoids issues with EK server downtime.
• John: Sending mechanism is via Panix command line. Agree that we should have that process documented, backed up somewhere.
• Question: Can we post issues of the Seahorse to the provincial web site?
• Rufina: Yes, this is possible; wasn’t done in recent years but have no objection to doing so in the future.

# Angelica, Exchequer.
• We have money, about the same amount as last time.
• Process for PayPal setup is underway, awaiting signoff from Lada, which is forthcoming.
• Once completed, PayPal can be enabled on an individual event basis, which means that people could pay for their reservations to that event by PayPal or credit card.
• Paypal does take a few percentage points as a fee, but the convenience makes it worth the overhead for some people.
• Some confusion about whether this would impact process for accepting checks, but no changes to that side of things at this time.

# Mathghamhain, YC
• Demos at Queens Farm and Cloisters were well received.
• We’ll have a small meet at Goat’s tomorrow.
• Efforts to hold local practice in Central Park have been stymied by scheduling difficulties; recent Wednesday and Saturday proposals were swamped by conflicts with after-school activities, sports teams, and high-school admissions craziness. Will keep trying.

# Alienor, Whyt Whey
• Seventy three(!) volunteers, many from other land groups, assisted at our Cloisters demo at Fort Tryon Park Medieval Festival at the beginning of the month. Extremely successful outreach & engagement.
• We had a weaving workshop as our A&S activity this month, complete with celebrity weaving visitor from An Dubh. 🙂 Very informative. Many thanks to Lady Angelica for teaching this class.
• Our Schola in the Solar is next week. We still have room for attendees! We are offering 11 classes for a range of experience from novice to proficient, please check them out on our website: http://whytwhey.eastkingdom.org/2017/10/11/schola-in-the-solar/

# Alienor, Acting Webminister
• Recently streamlined the web site.
• New Google inquiry form, 14 submissions.
• Document library will be made public on site soon.
• Bish: could we add links to office-specific forms like heralds’ quarterly reports?
• John: In addition to EK law we used to have a link to SCA corpora here.
• Alienor: (post-meeting addition) I forgot to mention the novice’s mailing list, newcomers@ostgardr.eastkingdom.org, managed by our Chatelaine, to which the newest inquirers from Cloisters & Queens Farm demos have been added.

# Brekke, Lions End
• Working on a demo in Farmingdale on June 2nd (raindate June 9th).
• Lions in Spring, our local bardic competition and arts schola, scheduled for fourth weekend in April.
• Trying to make this an annual event.

# Katherine, Deputy Chamberlain
• Green and white is out, will be returned soon.
• Alienor: We need to arrange to return this from our storage unit. Will follow up with Ian via email to find a time, maybe after next week, when Math or Alax can assist with the unloading.
• Katherine: Feast gear is still out, maybe have it brought back this winter?
• Ian: Maybe leave it in Northpass because that’s where it is most often used?
• Katherine: Fine to leave it there if we get an updated inventory.
• Bish: were new knives purchased?
• Ian: expense was authorized.
• Angelica: check was written.
• Bish: Presumably that means they’ve been purchased and are in collection in Northpass.
• Katherine: We should get the inventory updated to be sure.

# Richard, Historian
• Is it true that at An Dubh investiture, Sofya received a Maunche and was made a Laurel, both on the very same day?
• All: yes, it may seem crazy, but it’s true. Also was apprenticed and then released from apprenticeship.
• Richard is assisting several people who are investigating history for 50th.
• Annals are being shared now and plan is to print a nicely formatted copy for 50th.
• Lada: We could have scribes write it out. Maybe Alienor could work with other scribes to letter the whole thing?
• Richard: there’s a type of historical document called a canon table; we could do one of those for each of the various championships, each order, etc.
• Lada: there is a Seadog scroll which we need to update with recent recipients.

# Alec, fencing
• Have been holding practices in Central Park. Attendance last month has only been 2-4 people.
• Investigating an indoor space for use over the winter
• New Facebook page under construction for local fencing efforts named “HART”
• Several people: make sure you avoid confusion with the Hart of the Kingdom of Acre

# Chinua, herald, reported by proxy
• There was a court at Cloisters. New champions were selected. No precedence-creating awards given out.

# Wilhelm, Northpass, reported by email
• My apologies that I could not be able to attend in person but I am onsite helping to prepare for Goat`s Tavern. First, I look forward to seeing many or most of you there. If any of you are not yet decided on your attendance, you should consider the many classes, the great company, and the joy of gathering at the Blue Mountain lodge. It should be excellent.
• We completed another Barleycorn (John Barleycorn Silver Celebration) and appreciate greatly Lady Aurora ffolkes for her running of the event. We love the site and have happily run the event for either at least a quarter century and appreciate the support that Northpass has received from Greater Ostgardr and beyond. It is a very large endeavor and we will be beginning to plan for next year soon. There is a few remaining reporting items that have yet to be in final form as of this writing but all is in order.
• The other item of note is some officers have changed in the last few months. Firstly, Lord Thomas has stepped down, effective immediately after announcement at our last Northpass commons. The Cantonal Knight Marshal position is also newly declared open. So, as drop dead I am newly re-minted to be the Seneschal. I do not expect a long term though and my goal is to get deputies and seek one of them to take the post as soon as he /she is ready and willing.
• We have a very long list to things that are in process so we expect to have much to report going forward.

# Beatrice, chatelaine, reported by email
• We have had a great last month, with some really wonderful demos. Cloisters, by Whyt Whey was tremendously successful, with larger numbers than we had last year, from all reports. The weather was beautiful, and everyone had a great time. We also had Queens Farm demo, which was my first time there. Despite some unfortunate circumstances on my part, a good time was had by all. I think it’s a demo with a great deal of potential, and I’m looking forward to working with the autocrat to make it even better next year.
• All told, we had 86 potential newcomers sign up for more information. They have been added to a new mailing list, and information sent to them.
• Gold Key is still in good condition and all accounted for. A tub will be sent up to Goat’s Tavern this weekend, with Lady Angelica di Nova Lipa, my new deputy. Many thanks to the folks who reached out and asked for it.

Officer Elections

# Bish
• Several people have put in for officers positions.
• Lada: if you don’t have a deputy, publicize that you are looking for recruits.
• Bish: Open offices are seneschal, herald, webminister, fencing, chronicler,
• Alienor: Why is Exchequer not up for replacement, given that she has served for two years?
• Several people: Because it’s in the bylaws that Seneschal and Exchequer should not change hands at the same time because they are key members of the provincial finance committee.
• Others: We’ve reviewed the bylaws and they don’t mention this issue.
• John: There is a Policy and Procedure Manual, the PPM, which contains additional rules that aren’t in the bylaws. Some processes were recorded in this separate document to make it easier to change them without the overhead of changing the bylaws.
• Mathghamhain: I’ve never heard of this document and it does not appear to be available online.
• Lada: Would the current exchequer like to step down?
• Angelica: yes, as family obligations mean that sometimes I am out of town for several months which makes it hard to fulfill the duties of the office.
• Several people: Richard is the emergency deputy exchequer; perhaps he could be convinced to serve for one year and then seek new candidates in the next year’s election cycle.
• Richard: let me think about it overnight.
• Mathghamhain: we should put out a call for volunteers to either take on this role or serve as deputy.

Future events:

# Vika & Thorfinn, submitted by email
• Thorfinn and Vika intend to run Picnic in the Ruins again, at the same site. We will submit our proposal to the parks department in early November when proposals open up, and will request the last weekend in April, and failing that, the first Sunday of May. We won’t know whether we have the site for several months, and will update the officers when we find out.
• Several people: Need to resolve conflict with Lions in Spring
• Alienor: (post-meeting addition) Thorfinn and Vika have been informed and will select a non-conflicting date.

# Lada
• Deck the Halls of Valhalla, Jan 13, same plan as last year

# Lada
• K&Q bardic in Feb
• Have volunteers, could use more general assistance
• Would like to find a volunteer for royal liaison, although maybe royals will provide one from their end. Volunteer needs to be available for the full day, interested in playing this type of role, and able to go up & downstairs with ease.
• Was investigating hotel block, $125/night for nearby hotel. Regular rate is $160.
• Question about whether we should sign this contract as it requires that we’re on the hook if the event is cancelled.
• Need to decide this in next few weeks.
• Angelica: let’s check rates via alternate booking mechanism, and check the wording of contract.
• Lada and Angelica will discuss, and are empowered to make this decision as they see fit.
• Bish: would welcome the input of anyone who is running for next term of seneschal.

# Rufina:
• Musicians’ Day is usually in November, not happening this year due to site issues, but maybe next year.
• Also, unrelated, Alexandre and Eularia are in Finland for Drachenwald crown tourney.

# Katherine:
• Queens Farm about to go into quiet period for the winter, we could approach them to use their education building for events.
• They have a big space that could be used for a large A&S event, tent painting project, or other craft event that needs space.

Other Business

# Lada:
• Bylaws committee, want to meet at our place sometime soon? Propose Nov 12.
• Committee members will discuss and confirm.
• Alienor: do you want a mailing list for the committee?
• Lada: yes.

# Bish:
• Any updates on the regalia committee?
• Lada: No recent changes. There are a couple of design ideas in circulation. We’ll present those after we have a chance to talk w. Sofya.

Upcoming Meetings

• Nov 17: at Chinua’s in Staten Island

• Dec 15: at John and Rufina’s in Richmond Hill

• Jan 19: at Alienor’s in Manhattan

• Bish: thanks to Branimira for hosting tonight’s meeting here at her home.
• All: Enthusiastically seconded.


• Richard: Motion to adjourn, 9:12
• Many people: seconded

Orders and Awards

Confused about the orders and awards of the SCA, the East Kingdom, and our fair Province of Østgarðr? Prompted by a recent question on Facebook regarding our awards, one of our local heralds blogged about the award structure, and created a visual chart of our varied awards.

Presented here for your delectation is said chart, in all its glory.

Charts of non-Martial and Martial Awards of the SCA, the East Kingdom and the Province of Østgarðr

Pennsic Update from our MoAS

Mistress Sofya Gianetta di Trieste, our provincial Minister of Arts & Sciences, shares with us an update from this summer’s Pennsic War:

Children’s largesse

At Pennsic, on Tuesday, August 8th, the children of Østgarðr made a wonderful gift presentation to the King and Queen. Led by the drumming of Lady Angelica di Nova and the singing of Hlaefdige Alienor Salton, Østgarðr supporters and residents, the children pulled a wagon carrying two large dragons (one purple and gold, the other green and white) stuffed with mini dragons, princesses, puppets and games for the children’s largesse. The King and Queen of the East were delighted and appreciative of the gifts. I want to thank all who contributed to this presentation.

[slideshow_deploy id=’2962′]

​Lady Alienor’s words as sung to the King and Queen during the presentation:

Sing a song of Østgarðr!
​We captured these two dragons;
​Freed a score of princesses &
​Put them in our wagon.
​When you cut them open
​You loose the baby dragons.
​Isn’t this a grand largesse
​We carry on our wagon?

​Our king’s in his encampment —
​We call it EK Royal.
​Our queen is seated with him,
​A handmaiden loyal.
​Your subjects come before you,
​Bearing gifts for children.
​We hope you will accept our gifts
​And do not beat our children!


Many individuals from Østgarðr shared their time, knowledge and skill by teaching a class or several classes at Pennsic. Thank you all for volunteering!

Magistra Rufina Cambrensis:
• Citole Solar​​​
• Voices and Viols: Gamben Und Singen

Master John Elys:
• ​Medieval Music Notation: Petrucci’s Prodigious Press
• Medieval Music Notation: the Chansonniers of Marguerite of Austria

Hlaefdige Alienor Salton:
•​ Cords: Lucet vs. Tablets vs. Fingerloops (vs. 4-strand plaiting)
• Viking Era Headgear: A Survey

• Dancing for kids by a kid

Lady Conandil ingen Donngaile:
• Casa Bardicci Dancing in the Villa: Ball Prep for 15th-C Ball
• Casa Bardicci Dancing in the Villa: A 15th-Century Italian Ball

Lord Þórfinn Hróðgeirsson:
• Sixth-C Chinese Grain Wine from Qimin Yaoshu

Ariana De Gallo:
• Beginner Dance: English Country Dance
• Advanced Six Person Playford

Lady Vika Grigina z Prahy:
• Elizabethan Working Clothes
• A Brief Survey of Banners

Il-Khatun Lada Monguligin:
• Conversational Russian
• Russian Calligraphy

Mistress Sofya Gianetta di Trieste:
• The 16th Century Italian Zimarra

Jenna ChildSlayer​:
• Pennsic 101

Ibrahim al-Rashid:
• Basic nålbinding
• Egyptian nålbinding

Commons minutes September 2017

MINUTES OF Østgarðr COMMONS September 15 2017
Transcribed by Alienor Salton


Francesco Gaetano Greco d’Edessa, aka Bish, seneschal
Erich Guter Muth, minister of lists
Beatrice della Rocca, chatelaine
Angelica di Nova Lipa, exchequer
Alienor Salton, seneschal Whyt Whey
Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, youth combat marshal
Alec MacLachlan, fencing deputy
Jacqueline Helene Loisel
Richard the Poor of Ely, historian
Thomas of Northpass, seneschal Northpass
Philip White, EK MoAS
Mongu Chinua, herald

Reports submitted via email:

Brekke Franksdottir, seneschal Lions End
Sofya Gianetta di Trieste, MoAS
Rufina Cambrensis, chronicler

8:04am — meeting called to order

Bish, seneschal: office is coming up for election at the beginning of the year. We will need a new seneschal. Bring the information to your canton commons. Candidates should have letter of intent in by October Commons. Vote in person or via written proxy at the November Commons. Office starts in January. Other positions expire this year. Some discussion over when Angelica’s term as exchequer expires — this year or next year?


Erich, MoL: we had lists. Role of MoL is to help any fighters or fencers who need help running lists, to assist the marshallate of the respective field. Has paperwork in case they forget theirs. No reports received or sent. Exception would be at an extremely large tournament — if event does not have an MoL, he will supply it, but you have to reach out to him in advance.

Beatrice, chatelaine: 4 newcomers interacted w/ the chatelaine at Barleycorn. Luigi also brought 4 newcomers. No complaints. Everyone had fun. Gold Key was borrowed & returned in good condition.

Angelica, exchequer: we have money. Note to cantons: there will be a review of books (canton & provincial) coming up shortly, by EK.

Alienor, seneschal Whyt Whey: had to submit a 2nd insurance certificate specifically for the parks dept. w/ special wording. Was subject to corporate late fee, grrr. Beatrice will speak to royals tomorrow about their needs for the demo & ask for a contact name. Mongu says they may have a 12×18 travel pavilion. Festival organizer wants to put an archery range near us??!? Have expressed consternation. Still collecting parking pass info; thank you to everyone who is opting for public transit instead. Please let Alienor know if you need stuff picked up before the event.

Oct. 28th Whyt Whey Schola is on. Hosting it ourselves due to site search failure (selected site tried to charge us 30% more than their advertised rate). Is on EK event calendar. Brief discussion about insurance requirements, since we are too late to be in the Pikestaff, this cannot be an official event. However, we are not handing out awards and do not need an insurance certificate. Alec suggests we call it Schola in the Solar! Acclaimed.

Banners (new Whyt Whey device plus 2 personal arms) printed by spoonflower.com on polyester chiffon. $40 for 2 yards. Device passed 2 weeks before Pennsic and we were able to fly the banner at Pennsic. See Mathghamhain if you need assistance generating artwork to be printed via spoonflower.

We have the sheetwall from the EK royal encampment with the old device. Will display at EK 50th, then pass to the historian for archival. Will be making new sheetwall to present to royals at next Pennsic.

Mathghamhain, youth combat: fighting at Barleycorn included 6 fighters, one of whom was new (from Aethelmarc). Marshalled at River War, received donations of loaner equipment there. Identified some items to purchase to round out the gear to have 6 full sets. Rounding up kids for Queens Farm & Cloisters. Will be bringing the pell. Goal is to run some practices this fall. Coordinating with kids who want to do it & their parents to see if we can do Wednesdays near fencing / dancing or Saturday afternoons in Central Park.

Meeting interrupted by call from Viceroy. Bish told him we are more than halfway through officer reports. He is too far away to join us. Traffic is working against them.

Viceregal report (phone): Barleycorn was fun; thanks for showing up.

Alec, fencing: there was fencing at Barleycorn. Brendan Firebow (of Staten Island) is new champion. Allocated marshals-in-charge to 3 events (Yehuda at Barleycorn, Marion at Queens Farm, Alec at Cloisters). Beatrice reports 2 of the new fencers’ armors have been made. There are 2 more in the queue. Practice in Central park the last couple of weeks is going well. Have decided to try a new area further down the path — has better lighting.

Wishlist of loaner gear for the fencers: a couple of loaner masks for new people, a couple of gorgets, 2-3 pairs of gloves, a loaner sword. Total expenditure would be about ~$600-650 ($100 masks, $110 gorget, $60 gloves, $175 for the sword). Will suggests making our own gorgets; already have 3 loaner gorgets. Marion has a loaner mask passed to her by Bish at a Commons earlier this year. Will need loaner gloves in several sizes. Jackie asked about fundraising efforts — split the bill w/ Østgarðr. Thomas suggested putting out a donations bucket at Queens Farm. Consensus was that it would be better to do so at an event rather than a demo. Prefer to avoid taking money from non-SCAdians. Alec suggests bidding on a fencer at a tournament to raise money. Winners get a small prize, both fencer & bidder. $$ goes to fund.

Indoor site for fencing practice needed! Site search has turned up places that will accept anything but fencing.

Richard, historian: Brendan Firebow won provincial fencing champion. Ervald ran thrown weapons challenge tourney, however there was no winner because he didn’t know what the requirements were for being a champion. Discussion of whether there should be a minimum score. Mongu presents strong argument against it, to forestall situation where champion maintains position for 8 years. Richard suggests leaving to discretion of viceregents, as it is their champion. Final javelin throw at Barleycorn was an amazing finish to the contest. Archery champion Conor Ó Ceallaigh, who also became a member of the order of the sea lion.

Bish asked if Richard had been asked for material for EK 50th. Richard says yes, he will be submitting artifacts. Encourages others to do likewise.

Thomas, seneschal Northpass: Barleycorn went well. No negative vibes. Money still being worked out; think they broke even. Very labor-intensive. Thomas is at the end of his seneschal term (2 years). He will not be seeking a second term.

Mongu, herald: tournaments at Barleycorn. Conor Ó Ceallaigh became a companion of the order of the sea lion. Mathghamhain asks if there were order of precedence change lists from the order meetings. Lada took the notes; will check with her. Past reports have been that having the web order of precedence updated has not happened. Mathghamhain successfully put in 2 change requests that were handled within 24 hours. Will move forward with doing more. Richard as historian has info on what happened when, and can supply dates. Mathghamhain will email Richard & then put through the updates as needed.

Mongu, archery (unofficial): archery is happening. Long Island practice is sporadic. Staten Island is similarly sporadic, being held between events and on an RSVP basis. Will be having practice this Sunday (day after tomorrow). Next week is Queens Farm & then Cloisters, then 3Gs, then Goats Tavern (may or may not hold practice that Sunday). Check the Facebook page to see if practice is being held, and text or call if you are attending.

Brekke, seneschal Lions End (email): nothing to report.

Sofya, MoAS (email): A&S Report-September

• Favors for 50th: 1st set of Ostgardr 50 year favors have been completed! On Sunday, August 27th TeamOstgardr came together and finished close to 100 favors that were distributed at Barleycorn. Thank you Alienor, Beatrice, Angelica and Anneke for taking the time out and energy to make this happen. Production on another 100 favors will begin in October for distribution prior to the East Kingdom 50 Year celebration.

• Favors for the Princess: ​Princess Matilde’s favor design is available and ready to be made. Below is the pdf link you can ​download: ​http://im.eastkingdom.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/MatildeFavor.pdf ​Keep in mind you do not need to embroider them! You can paint them, stamp them or bead ​them. Get creative!

• EastKingdom50: Please send me your photos for the EastKingdom50 year celebration June 28th thru July 1st, 2018. Please let me know if there is something you would like to share and send to ostgardr50 at ostgardr.eastkingdom.org. Thank you to all who have submitted so far.

Rufina, chronicler (email): E-Horse is out. We held it until after Barleycorn so that we could include any Provincial awards given in Viceregal Court. We will not be at An Dubh investiture [family visit; see above], so if someone could report back to me about awards given at Court, I’d be grateful 🙂


Barleycorn: see above.

Queens Farm: Saturday & Sunday of next week. Ian is autocrat. Mongu asks if there will be thrown weapons at Queens Farm. Unsure if there is an archery marshal in charge. Marion is fencing MiC, Erich is running one or more tournaments.

Cloisters: see above.

Goats Tavern: Thomas reports that more classes are being created. There will be no live goats at the event. Information on the calendar event listing is minimal. Is a family-friendly schola with lots of socializing. Thomas will nudge the autocrat to update the description. Encourages Alec (who was curious about the event) to also call the autocrat and ask for more information. There will be youth combat.

Bears Tavern: needs an autocrat.


Thomas urges us to pitch in more with general site cleanup, post-event, to support the autocrat & seneschal.


October: Mongu Chinua
November: Alienor Salton (unless someone from Queens or Brooklyn wants to volunteer to spread things around geographically)
December: no meeting


Richard, seconded by many.

Meeting closed at 9:19.