Cooks, both novice and experienced, can take pleasure as you prepare an historically informed feast in your own kitchen, to your own standards and specifications.  Our team of chefs have crafted three cookbooks, each providing complete recipes from one of three different cultures in the SCA period, all designed to be prepared in the home kitchen.  You may choose to cook a meal from a single cuisine, or for the ambitious, you may combine the recipes into a three course feast.  The team of chefs will provide a series of online classes and videos to show some of the preparations, and they will make themselves available to answer questions as you plan your personal feast.

A First Meal, From
Viking-Age Scandinavia

Menu items include:

  • Fläsk-Och Stew
  • Salmon with Leeks
  • Barley Flatbread
  • Lamb, Encased and Roasted
  • Rotmos
  • Simple Boiled Greens
  • Nut Patties

A Second Meal, From
13th Century Anadalusia

Menu items include:

  • Jimli
  • Guiso de Lentejos
  • Eggplant Isfiriya
  • Simple Flatbread
  • Zulabiyya

A Third Meal, From
Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica

Menu items include:

  • Roast Turkey
  • Beans
  • Red and Green Pipian Mole
  • Guacamole
  • Roasted New World Vegetables
  • Alegría
  • New World Fruits
  • Xocolatl (Aztec Chocolate)