May 2024 Minutes

May Ostgardr Commons Meeting Report 

held on May 15, 2024

Officers in Attendance

  • Ragnarr Bliskegg, Seneschal
  • Suuder Saran, Deputy Seneschal & Archery Captain
  • Angelica Di Nova Lipa, Viceregent 
  • Sofya Gianetta di Trieste, Viceregent
  • Alienor Salton, Exchequer
  • Francisco de Braga, Deputy Exchequer
  • Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, Herald 
  • Kunegunde Wedemann, Chancellor Minor
  • Armiger Catelin Straquhin, Chatelaine
  • Vitasha Ivanova doch’, Minister of Lists
  • Brander Aronsson, Minister of Arts & Sciences
  • Albrecht Anker, Armored Combat Marshal
  • Alexander MacLahlan, Fencing Marshal
  • Arnora Ketilsdóttir, Youth Combat Marshal  
  • Antonius Gracchus, called Twyg, Web Minister
  • Zahra de Andaluzia, Chronicler
  • Lada Monguligin, Social Media Officer

The informal meeting began at 7 p.m., and Commons was called to order at 7:30 p.m., as a quorum was met.

The SCA Harassment policy was read.

Vicereines report

  • Vicereine Sofya acknowledged the members of the Province whole who received recognition from the Crown:
    • Caitlin Straquhin: Order of the Brooch
    • Drasma Dragomira: Order of the Silver Tyger
    • Count Ryouko’jin of Iron Skies: Sovereign’s Armored Combat Champion
    • Ivarr Valsson won first place at the archery tournament at Daffodils

The events that took place in the Province were recognized and appreciated. Thank you to everyone for their efforts, time, volunteering, and gifts, strengthening Ostgardr.

The full detailed report can be found in the officer reports.

Seneschal Report

Unification of Ostgardr with two Neighboring Shires, Old Stone Bridge and Midland Vale

  • Clarification was requested and made on the unification: Old Stone Bridge and Midland Vale would like to be Cantons of Ostgardr. 
  • To do so, members from both Shires and Ostgardr will be polled. The Kingdom will send the polling.
  • There is no update on the unification process. Ragnarr will look into it.

Review of the Charter Meeting

  • Seneschal scheduled a charter meeting on May 27th at 8 pm, but it has now been canceled.
  • A discussion was had that this date falls on Memorial Day and may not be ideal. 
  • Another date will be chosen once the Seneschal reviews his calendar.

Finance Committee meeting 

  • Seneschal is requesting a meeting to discuss finances and approved budgets.
  • Financial Committee members, please send your availability for the next two weeks to the Seneschal.

Officer Meeting

  • Seneschal, I would like to schedule an officer meeting in late June/July
  • Ragnarr will look at the dates for holding the meeting.
  • Officers are not required to attend, but this is an opportunity to discuss events, possible projects, or any other subject of conversation.

Storing officer reports

  • The Seneschal acknowledged that he saved some officer reports in the wrong shared folder and that they would be moved to the correct storage.
  • Thank you, Mathghamhain, for bringing this to his attention.
  • Mathghamhain: All officers are encouraged to share their reports or projects in this folder. This will make it easier for future officers to find when you step down from your position.

Two Upcoming Local Events 

Lions End Scola: Saturday, May 18th

  • Jenna: Please pre-register and attend! This is a free event. Spaces are limited to 45. So far, about 25 to 30 people have pre-registered.
  • The site is bone dry but has plenty of parking.
  • If you don’t want to enter the A&S Competition, please feel free to display your work.
  • Dayboard is pot-luck. 
  • The question was asked about what dish to bring. Uji will list the food dishes (primary, side).
  • Come and have fun!!

June 1st -Living History Demo in Farmingdale

  • Alexander, Steward of the demo, provided an update.
  • Firefighters will help set up green/white Friday—the fair starts at 10 am.
  • Please bring tables and chairs!! None are provided. Pop-ups are ok. (Chairs are available in Provincial storage if needed.)
  • Uji will be on shuttle duty on the day of the demo if you require pick-up from the train station.
  • Uji is available Friday night to pick up any extra items; however, Alexander stated he would go to the Provincial storage on Thursday.
  • No MoS is required for the event.
  • Lada: Items from Viking Day were not all returned to storage, and if needed, Suuder will drop them off at the Provincial storage.
  • Rain date: June 8th. If the demo is canceled due to weather, the rain date will be updated through official means (email, web page) and social media outlets.

More Local Events/Practices/Meetings

Archery Practice 

  • Archery Marshall, Suuder: Archery starts up on Sunday, May 19th-11 am at Willowbrook Park in Staten Island 
  • The goal is to have archery practice every Sunday.
  • Marshall will stay until noon and leave if no one arrives by then or notifies him they are attending.

Pilgrimage to Pride: May 31st

  • Join your fellow Scadians on May 31st at St. John’s Cathedral at 7 PM
  • There will be crafts, cocktails, and a campy show. 
  • Wear garb if you’d like.
  • There is a ticket entry charge of $25; however, it is on a sliding scale. 
  • More information can be found on Appleholm’s FB page and website.

Event Location Committee Meeting

  • Sofya: Our first committee meeting was held on May 1st with a great turnout.
  • Our next meeting is on June 5th, scheduled on the Ostgardr calendar.
  • Due to an error in scheduling, this meeting date will change.
  • All are welcome to join and help find event sites to host local and RP events.

Armor repair day

  • Ragnarr: Hosting an armor repair day at his home on June 8th from 11 to 4 pm
  • Please email Ragnarr if you’d like to attend, and he will send you his address.
  • Albrecht, Knight Marshall, will also attend if you have any weapons that need to be inspected.

East Kingdom Events

  • Beast of the East-May 18th
    • Combat Archery-Catelin will be entering
  • War of the Rose-May 24th-May 27th
  • Strawberry Raids (if you like to attend Darkenwald events, let Vitasha know! See has connections)
  • Southern Region War Camp
  • Concert/Sovereigns Archery Championship in Midland VAle
  • Beltaines 

Let Vicereines know if you know someone is getting an award.

Additional Business


  • We have event stewards: Catelin & Vitashia  
  • Catelin: Barleycorn will be held on September 14th, 
  • Please enter tournaments
  • Please sign up/volunteer
  • More information will be provided once the event is posted on the calendar.

A&S Championship

  • Edwin Latorre donated a wire necklace for Lions End Scola. Thank you!

Potted Arms: 

  • Jenna: Potted Arms in An Dub is on June 22nd
  • Jenna will pick up from the railroad if someone goes to the event.

Motion made by Seneschal to adjourn.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:09 pm.

July 2024 Minutes

Østgarðr Commons July 2024

Held online, Google Meet

July Agenda, full Officer Reports (please read), and June 2024 Minutes were available before the meeting, links for which are shown at the bottom of this document.   

Meeting Start 7:30 PM

Meeting Close 8:07 PM


THL Ragnarr Bliskegg, Seneschal

THL Angelica di Nova Lipa, Viceregent

Mistress Sofya Gianetta di Trieste, Viceregent

Hlæfdige Alienor Salton, Exchequer, Seneschal of Appleholm 

Lord Alexander MacLachlan, Fencing Marshal

Armiger Catelin Straquhin, Chatelaine

Lady Jóra Úlfsdóttir, Lions End Seneschal

Lord Albrecht Anker, Marshal of Armored Combat

Master Suuder Saran, Baron, Provincial ArcherCaptain, Deputy Seneschal

Lady Zahra de Andaluzia

Voevoda Lada Monguligin, Social Media Officer

Bóaire Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, Herald, Chamberlain, Historian

THL Vitasha Ivanova doch’, Baroness, Minister of Lists

Lady Meadhbh MacPharláin, Seneschal of Northpass

Lady Drasma Dragomira

Baroness Aislinn Chiabach

Lord Oliver de Bainbrig

Lord Ivarr Valsson,

THL Jenna Childslayer

Arminger Gibbs Moryss

Absent Officers

Lord Antonius Gracchus, called Twyg, Webminister

Lady Arnora Ketilsdottir, Youth Combat Marshal

Lord Brandr Aronsson, Minister of Arts & Sciences

Lady Kunigunde Wedemann, Chancellor Minor


SCA Anti-Harassment notice displayed and read aloud. 

Viceregal Report Summarized
Appreciation expressed for the many individuals in Ostgardr who organized, hosted, and participated in local practices and gatherings.
PennsicLess than two weeks away.  Angelica is Camp Master, and Brandrr is the Land Agent for the Pennsic Ostgardr camp. If you are registered for camp, please fill out the camper survey to advise of tent size, anticipated arrival/departure dates, and your availability to  assist with camp work.
Pennsic Pot-luck and Court – Thursday, August 8th, at 5:30 pm.Our Pennsic Pot-Luck is Roman-themed in preparation for the East Kingdom populace party held shortly after. Yes, that’s right. Your Vicereines are going early, early, early Italian!
Runnymede Dinner at PennsicOstgardr (with contributions from An Dubh, Old Stone Bridges, and many individuals) is coordinating the Runnymede dinner this year and are thankful to the volunteers working on making this an amazing event! 
Vivant to Ostgardian Champions Representing the East at Pennsic!Unbelted Champions:Honorable Lord Ragnarr BlaskeggLord Perez ben Meir GershonLord Albrecht AnkerHeroic Champion:Count Ryouko’jin of the Iron Skies.
Kudos to Lady Drasma Dragomira who has accepted the East Kingdom post of Blue Tyger Signet. 
Ostgardr lent Youth Combat gear to Eistethal for their recent event, which was much enjoyed by the kids who otherwise would not have been able to participate.  
Seneschal Report Summarized
Request for all paid members to vote in the Official Board-Sponsored Survey on East Kingdom Crown Tournament Experiment.   (closes at midnight on 7/17/2024, the day of this meeting)The survey is here –…Directions on how to have familmembers counted as paid members here –…/1hk0bOEBkX6WH81kAFTLB1P…/view
Charter Update Meeting July 10 organized by Ragnarr Bliskegg. Also attending/contributing were  Meadhbh, Mathghamhain, Marcus, Kunigunde, and Magnus. Target revisions:Update Section VI E with an amendment 6 on what constitutes the quorum for a commons meeting.Update VIII Borda Count to add Electronic Voting and voting in a meeting.Update events to include Paypal and Kingdom Profit.And a general rewrite of the events and demo section.  We will have versions of this together for the populous to look at in the next couple of commons.  
The Finance Committee met June 26th.  We talked about the current finances of Ostgardr (which are good), the passing of Northpass’ finances to Northpass.  We want to downgrade our storage to something cheaper because it will be going up in price.  Next Finance Meeting TBD after Pennsic. 
Unification of Midland Vale and Old Stone Bridges with OstgardrStill no update from EK on the polling.  I asked for an update in my Seneschal report to the East Kingdom.
Possible future events  Do we want to do the 2025 Deck the Halls of Valhalla. If so, need an Event Steward.  Damion DiGrazia (local steel fighting organizer) is looking to do a demo in a Brooklyn NYC Park on October 5th and asks if we would want to join.
Scheduled Events
Reminder of the weekly Tuesday fighter practice, Drawing a lot of attention and repeat visitors for the practice and after-practice socializing (Tacos!).   The practice is not restricted to fighters.  Having Scadians on site to work on individual projects or socialize, and talk with visitors would be advantageous. 
Sunday Archery Practice continues at Staten Island’s Willowbrook Park, behind the carousel.   Now includes a crossbow range.  Come on out!  Plenty of on-site loaner gear. Directions to Archery Range
August 24th, Settmour Swamp – Day of Champions – asking for Volunteers and attendees for this event including fencing, armored combat, and archery.   
August 31st, Arrows, Axes and Ales in An Dubh  Nice low key event,  Jenna willing to do a pickup at the nearby LIRR station. 
September 8, 2024  How to Make Your Own Heraldry – Online class to be taught by Mathghamhain, on how to choose a period appropriate name and how to design your own arms.  Especially appropriate for newcomers and others who do not yet have registered names or their own heraldic arms. 
September 14th, 2024 John Barleycorn update – Paypal pre-reg link is up.  Champions and their tournament choices are trickling in.   For heavy armored combat there will be five prizes:  Ostgardr Provincial Champion, Vicereine’s Choice, Finest Regalia, Most Glorious DefeatValiant Runner-Up.   Still looking for volunteers, for various purposes including set-up/take-down, dayboard. Catelin to email the Chamberlain on borrowing Provincial assets to use. 
Would like to post the Barleycorn event page on the Northpass website. Ostgardr and Northpass Webministers to talk about implementing.   
Bartertown at Barleycorn – Jenna asking for social media promotion.
September TBDAlec/Brett and Sofya note the need for protective jackets for new Fencers, and plan to have a work party for that project post Pennsic.  
October 6th, Sewing day at Catelin’s in Mount Vernon.  Show up and sew, and feel free to ask for helpful how-to with your own sewing.  
October 12th, King’s CountFiber Fest – Reach out to Catelin Straquhin to volunteer. 
October 19th and 20thGoat’s Inn – Simon is co-steward, looking for another steward, 
New Business
Possible Events
Sofya asks whether we want to sponsor Spring Crown, or another EK event, perhaps even a coronation. Would like to revisit at and after Pennsic.  
Alexander MacLachlan (Alec/Brett) would like us to consider sponsoring the next East Kingdom Fencing Championship – Usually held in November or December.   Sofya will call Don…
2025Northpass had a well attended and enjoyed online class on turnshoes.  The after-class survey answers suggested additional classes that Vitasha is working on fulfilling, looking to schedule  classes on using period appropriate natural fabrics, making fitted women’s kirtles, and veils. 
DonationsOliver is donating a case of mead for EK and another for Ostgardr.  Angelica will pick up.  Oliver notes that the mead cannot be left in a car to overheat, degrade, and pop the bottle’s corks.  Jóra quipped ‘No weapons of Mead Destruction’.  Angelica will transfer the cases of mead to Sofya to take to Pennsic. Thank you Oliver, for your generosity to Ostgardr and the East Kingdom!  

The next Ostgardr Commons is scheduled for August 21st, 


Links put into the online Chat

July Officer Reports:


July Agenda:

June Minutes:

Link to poll

Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin

7:48 PM

Directions to Archery Range


End ###

August 2024 Minutes

Ostgardr Commons August 21 2024

7:30 PM


THL Ragnarr Bliskegg, Seneschal 

THL Angelica di Nova Lipa, Viceregent

Hlæfdige Alienor Salton, Exchequer, Seneschal of Appleholm

Bóaire Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, Herald, Chamberlain, Historian

Armiger Catelin Straquhin, Chatelaine

Lord Albrecht Anker, Marshal of Armored Combat

Lord Alexander MacLachlan, Fencing Marshal

Lady Kunigunde Weidemann, Youth Combat Marshal, Chancellor Minor, Deputy Seneschal

Lord Brandr Aronsson, Minister of Arts & Sciences

Voevoda Lada Monguligin, Social Media Officer

THL Vitasha Ivanova doch’, Baroness, Minister of Lists

Lady Zahra de Andaluzia, Chronicler

Lady Jóra Úlfsdóttir, Lions End Seneschal

Lady Meadhbh MacPharláin, Seneschal of Northpass

Freiherr Matthias von Würzburg, Shire of Old Stone Bridges Seneschal

Baroness Aislinn Chiabach, Shire of Midland Vale

Lord Bróccín MacIvyr, Shire of Midland Vale

Lady Hanya Vladimirovna Polotskaya

Dominick D, 

Lady Drasma Dragomira

Lord Edwine the Younger

Meister Friderich Grimme 

Arminger Gibbs Moryss

Lord Nagashima Ichiro Ujimichi

Lord Ivarr Valsson 

THL Jenna Childslayer

Lord Oliver de Bainbrig

Ronan MacCodrom

Absent Officers

Mistress Sofya Gianetta di Trieste, Viceregent

Master Suuder Saran, Baron, Provincial Archery Captain, Deputy Seneschal

Lady Arnora Ketilsdottir, Youth Combat Marshal

Lord Antonius Gracchus, called Twyg, Webminister

SCA Harassment Policy shown and read aloud.

See following URLs for full text Agenda and Officer Reports: 


Officer Reports:…/1Cof6l73Os…/pub

Viceregal Report 

Recognitions So many members of the populace were recognized at Pennsic in many exciting ways.  We congratulate

Arnora KetilsdóttirSilver Crescent
Rebecca of OstgardrAoA
Brandr AronssonMaunche
Yehuda ben MosheReceived a writ asking whether he wouldJoin the Masters of Defense
Catelin StraquinSilver Mantle EK Combat Archery Command Promotion 
Albrecht AnkerPerez Ben Meir GershonRagnarr BlisskegMembers of the EK Unbelted Championship team – Pennsic LI
Ivarr ValssonEast Archery Champions Team – Pennsic LI
Lada Monguligin Suuder SaranOrder of the Seahorse, for their years of service to the Province.
          Ragnarr BliskeggDrasma Dragomira Perez Ben Meir Gershon Lada Monguligin  Awarded membership in The Company of the Order of the Pennonof the East for exceptional martial prowess on the field.
          Ragnarr BliskeggReceived his Squire’s Belt from Ozzur the Bootgiver
Populace of OstgardrHonored by the surprise visit of HRM Emerson to Provincial Court

Runnymede Dinner

Runnymede Dinner, the annual gathering of landed coronets at Pennsic, hosted this year by Ostgardr, was an unqualified success! For this glorious night we thank: 

Culinary contributions:Brandr and Hrefna Aronsson,Dala and Johana BrandrsdottirZaneAmelia Joan de Atri – known as MollyAttentive and Gracious Service staff:Simon the Tanner, Carrick MacSeáin,Madwen Gam, Anna of Midland Vale,Jenna Childslayer, Ellen Hughes 
Musicians and bards who gave of their time and talents to elevate the dining experience:  Solveig Bjarnardottir, Adelisa Salernitana, Aibhilin inghean Daibhidh, Deonna von Aachen, Rufina Cambrensis, John Elys, Þorfinnr Hróðgeirsson, Sabine de Kerbriant, Amalie von Hoehensee,  Drustan of Old Stonebridges, Cecelia Vogelgensangen, Ronan MacCodrom  Raziya bint Rusa, the East Kingdom Royal   Encampment Chief of Staff who  answered endless questions, graciously  provided a beautiful event space, and the  EK staff who moved tables and chairs,  provided a kitchen and answered every  need.   

Beverages, time and labor to produce gifts for the Baronage and volunteer staff were contributed by:

  Arnora Ketilsdottir: handmade   books  Sofya Gianetti di Trieste, Arabella de Mere,  Ellesbeth Donofrey:  stemless wine glasses  etched with the arms of House Runnymede
  Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin:   research and technical expertise   to reproduce the baronial   banners of the East and of    House Runnymede  Angelica di Nova Lipa, with the financial     support of Ostgardr: Reproduction / mounting   of the baronial banners of the East, and paddle   fans block printed with the populace badge,    Sparky.
  Carrick MacSeáin: a period    inspired ale  Baronesses of An Dubh who coordinated   beverages
  Arabella de Mere who not only set tables and hung baronial banners, but stayed   To wash dishes alongside Sofya

Ostgardr Pennsic Camp

We are deeply grateful to everyone who made the Ostgardr Pennsic Camp a success.

Our heartfelt thanks go to Brandr Aronsson for expertly managing the vital role of Land Agent.

We are incredibly thankful to Catelin Straquhin for coordinating the potluck, even sacrificing much-needed rest to prepare her famous Samoan Chicken.

We extend our gratitude to all who contributed to the Ostgardr Pennsic Camp, whether through food, water, ice, supplies, or the challenging work needed to set up, maintain, and break down the camp including setting up the water supply hose, electrical extension cords, tables, chairs, sheet walls, shelving, kitchen with camp stove, a dish and hand washing station, a fire pit, and common tent and shade shelters. A special thank you to everyone who managed the tent canvas and poles—taking them from storage, setting them up, staking them out, monitoring, taking them down, drying, folding, and transporting them back to storage. 

We are deeply appreciative of Sofya for generously donating ten comfortable, cushioned chairs to the Province for Pennsic use.

Every contribution is cherished and plays a significant role in making Ostgardr Camp the family it is. Thank you all!  

Local Activities

Tuesday Armored Combat Practice in McCarren Park in Brooklyn

Going Great!  Usually after Pennsic there is increased interest.  We will be losing two college students, one to Bhakail and another to Concordia.  They will probably be back with us next summer.

Preparing for Barleycorn and Ducal Challenge

Invitation to all of the populace to come and hang out, and to go out for taco’s after practice.

Sunday Archery Practice in Willowbrook Park on Staten Island

11:00 AM start.  Practice can be truncated if no one else shows. Come, join, let Suuder know if you plan on coming, and whether he needs to bring loaner gear.  Jest has expressed interest.  

August 25th, Sunday Solar in Appleholm at Madwen’s – last Sunday of the month 

is attracting newcomers.  People who went to Pennsic will be talking about what they learned.   We are working through a stockpile of nice fabric donated to Appleholm by Ysenda MacBeth, getting fabric to newcomers so they can sew their own garb. 

Sunday September 8th, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM.   Online session on personal Heraldry, how to find a historically feasible name and design arms to be registered.   Mathghamhain presenting/coaching/Q&A , Northpass sponsoring the meeting.    phone (US) +1 585-437-4449‬ PIN: ‪333 247 142‬#    

Sunday October 6th, Northpass sponsoring another stitch-kvetch at Catelin’s (Mount Vernon). Bring your sewing, ask questions about the process or ask for help troubleshooting your sewing. 

It is a cat-free home. 

October 12th, We were going to be doing the Kings County Fiber Festival, but as they did not cash our check from last year, and we do not therefore have a credit this year, we may decide not to attend.    Hanya notes that she is going to be heavily committed with study this autumn and would not be able to attend.  

October 19th-20th, Goat’s Inn.   Simon is Stewarding, Arnora has stepped in as Deputy Steward to help with planning and day of.   Brandrr volunteers to be the Merchant Coordinator.  

Saturday October 26th, 11 AM to 4 PM 

Brandrr is offering his home in Brooklyn for a day on ‘How to Plan and Cook a Feast’.  possible dates weekend of Oct 26, or Nov 9th.    

Sunday November 3rd, Northpass sponsoring a Brass Etching Class. In person with Twyg, in Ossining.  Details TBD. 

The big all-hands-on-deck event coming up fast is 

Saturday September 14th,  John Barleycorn, Day of Champions

Offerings include the traditional Sir Edward’s Challenge Tournament including a written test.   This will be run by Sir Samson.  Single or double elimination depending on the number of fighters.

In addition to the Ostgardr Championships of 

Armored Heavy List 

Fencing/Rapier waiting on the format 

Archery. Eanraig has devised a scenario of six shoots “The Hunt for Epic Loot”  two winners, including the next champion.

Thrown Weapons  waiting on the format 


Youth Combat   (Youth Combat Loaner gear is held by the Youth Combat Marshal) – Bring Children!

Youth Activity Point (near Youth Combat)  Activities:  Mini-catapult making,  Medallion making, materials to make necklaces and bracelets.  Medieval Board Games.  Children 9 and under must be within direct eyesight of their parent. 

Bartertown session 

Following site rules in addition to standard Bartertown guidelines. Objects  will be Medieval/SCA items, No cash, all barter (can include songs, jokes, etc), no alcohol, PG 13.    

Request that food allergies be communicated to Vitasha and Graine

Pia, on behalf of the EK Brewer’s Guild, will host an afternoon Brewing showcase of non-alcoholic beverages in the barn.  

Marcus and Catelin are working to update the 2023 Barleycorn website to include recipes for the showcase.    

Submissions must have minimal amounts, or no alcohol at all.  (see website [in process] for specifications)   

People who want to participate in the Brewer’s Showcase will be able to sign up at Gate, and also be able to judge submissions, using the East Kingdom Brewer’s Guild rubric. 

Food Drive

Shelf stable items may be dropped off in the donation bin at the Gate.   

Fellowship of the Harvest graphic:

A Google Form survey is being developed by Lada for sign-ups. 

Barleycorn Volunteers needed for 

Set up changing rooms (pop-ups in the barn)  7 AM to 10 AM
Dayboard (cold lunch)  to Assist Lady Graine. Staging, Serving, transport, and Cleanup, packing. 
Assist Lady Kunigunde at Youth Point
Staged take down during the day 
Final take down  After Court, until 7 PM exit from site
Taking items to storage

Ostgardr Chamberlain requests (post-event)  listing of items used, to evaluate which items are used and which items are not used, which are worthy of keeping in storage.

Regional Events 

August 24th  Settmour Swamp Day of Champions

August 31st,  An Dubh, Arrows, Axes and Ales.   Jenna offers a limited number of rides to event from Hicksville LIRR station. 

Friday September 13th – Sunday 15th, Stonemarche, Harper’s Retreat.  Ronan will be teaching.  

September 28,   Settmour Swamp, Ducal Challenge

Saturday September 21st, Concordia Tyger Family Schola – Aislinn and Bróccín are teaching.

September 29th Bhakail’s Day of Champions

October 12th, in Carillion – Manalapan , NJ   Ghosts, Ghouls, and Goblins.  A Baronial Arts and Sciences Challenge.  Brandrr encourages Ostgardians to participate.

New Business

Brandrr wants to have a major Arts and Sciences schola in Ostgardr in 2025, to bring teachers in from all over the EK.  With Dayboard.  Wants volunteers for a steering committee to plan and work to staff the event.    Vitasha is familiar with such events from Caid, and notes that schools, especially those with a home economics suite, are good choices for venue.  Vitasha also volunteers her knowledge of setting up the class tracks.   

Hanya notes that Brooklyn College allows rentals.   Ronan notes he’s been told in Atlantia that this sort of event is one of the best ways to learn Event Stewarding.    

Brandrr would like to be able to set up an indoor forge.   Paid parking is available across the street from Brooklyn College.   

The next commons will be September 18th.   

There being no further business, and the move to adjourn seconded, the Commons Meeting Closed at 8:18 PM


People encouraged to stay on the video conference to discuss their Pennsic experiences, etc.   

Relevant subjects posted in Chat: 

Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin

7:24 PM

Changing the name for your EK Gmail account:

Vitasha Ivanova doch’

7:42 PM   Fellowship of the Harvest graphic:

Gibbs Moryss

7:55 PM

So no pepper-as-veg for Aislinn.

Matthias von Würzburg

7:58 PM

Arabella has a helmet to donate

April Commons Minutes – April 2023

The province’s monthly commons meeting was held April 19, 2023. Here are the minutes as recorded by Mathghamhain ua Ruadháin. The officers’ reports are attached at the end.



  • Angelica di Nova Lipa, Vicereine
  • Sofya Gianetta di Trieste, Vicereine
  • Nagashima Ichiro Ujimichi (“Uji”), Seneschal
  • Alienor Salton (“Piglet”), Exchequer and Seneschal of Appleholm
  • Drasma Dragomira, Herald
  • Zahra de Andaluzia, Chronicler
  • Friderich Grimme, Webminister
  • Albrecht Anker, Chatelaine and Social Media Officer
  • Ervald LaCoudre Edwardson, Armored Combat Marshal
  • Alexander MacLachlan (“Alec”), Fencing Marshal, Deputy Seneschal, and Lions End Exchequer
  • Vitasha Ivanova doch’, Minister of Lists
  • Kunigunde Wedemann, Chancellor Minor
  • Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, Historian and Appleholm Herald
  • Arnora Ketilsdottir, Seneschal of Brokenbridge
  • Iola Wulfsdotter, Seneschal of Lions End
  • Ragnarr Bliskegg, A&S Champion
  • Catelin Straquhin, Brokenbridge Herald
  • Eadwine the Younger, Brokenbridge Exchequer
  • Hanya Vladimirovna Polotskaya, Brokenbridge Arts & Sciences
  • Richard the Poor, Northpass Exchequer
  • Simon the Tanner, Northpass Arts & Sciences
  • Gibbs Moryss
  • Ilia Aleksandrovich
  • Jenna Childslayer
  • Lada Monguligin
  • Oliver De Bainbridge
  • Robert d’Whitmont (“Harry”)

Absent Officers

  • Brandr Aronsson, Arts & Sciences


  • Called to order at 7:30 P.M.
  • Uji: Read the SCA Policy on Harassment and Bullying.

Vicereines: Thanks

  • Sofya: Please review our viceregal report, circulated by email.
  • Thank you to everyone who has contributed to recent classes, demos, events and more over the last month, including the New Rochelle demo, the scribal workshop, and Brew U. 
  • Particular thanks to folks who’ve gone above and beyond: Simon the Tanner for his leather exhibit at the New Rochelle demo, and to Piglet and Mathghamhain for setting up shelving in storage.
  • Put in your recommendations for folks deserving of recognition with kingdom and provincial awards.

Seneschal: Northpass

  • Uji: Northpass is proceeding towards reinstatement. Four officers have been warranted: Medhbh as Seneschal, Simon as Arts & Sciences, Richard as Exchequer, and Marcus as Webminister. 
  • I am unsure whether the canton is officially active yet, or when that will happen. There’s a rumor that it’s going to be made official at Crown Tourney, but I have no concrete evidence of that.

Seneschal: Kitchen Gear

  • Uji: At Brew U, several of the cooks discussed the Province’s feast gear.
  • We went through the knives, vegetable peelers, can openers, and other sharp implements, and have set the worst of them aside to be discarded (or perhaps to be given to Baron Ian as historical artifacts).
  • We are in discussion with the Vicereines to propose tossing those and buying new items to replace them.
  • Arnora: Do we have a few knives in good shape for use at Crown?
  • Uji: We have some usable knives, but we need a few more paring knives, etc..
  • Mathghamhain: Did these items go bad, or were they always bad? Do they just need to be sharpened?
  • Uji: Sharpening will only make them usable once. We would rather get a few quality pieces.
  • Friderich: The knives being discarded are very old serrated knives that were donated to the Province years ago and no longer useful at our events. (The good chef’s knives that we purchased recently are still in good shape.) 
  • Friderich: We have 7 good chef’s knives, 2 crappy paring knives, 2 peelers, 2 or 3 serving forks. We also have 2 make-do bread knives.
  • Mathghamhain: That sounds reasonable; let’s aim to get a few good knives, not a big set of sub-par blades.
  • Uji: A good knife will last for generations.
  • Ragnarr: I would love to have any knives you were going to discard for knife-sharpening practice.
  • Jenna: For the knives that are being kept, I would be happy to spend an hour in the kitchen sharpening them.
  • Friedrich: Most of the ones that are being kept just need to be honed with a steel, not really sharpened.
  • Uji: We will set up a committee (and mailing list) to research what to purchase, then make suggestions: a few paring knives, a few peelers, etc. 

Vicereines: Upcoming Events

  • Sofya: There are a bunch of upcoming events to discuss.
  • Thursday there’s a sausage making workshop at Brandr’s house and he’d like your help.
  • April 26 is An Dubh Schola
  • May 20 is Lions End Schola
  • May 20 is also possibly the date for the Viking Day Demo, if we’re proceeding with that.

Crown Tournament, May 6, Arnora

  • Arnora: Crown is approaching.
  • Pre-register by Tuesday!
  • We need volunteers for two shifts as food servers.
  • We are also recruiting volunteers for breakdown that evening (in addition to whatever help we’ll get from random people who didn’t explicitly sign up but nonetheless  stick around and help).
  • Arnora: We also need five easy-ups and nine tables (4’ or 6’ or 8’) for use in the food area. 
  • Reach out to me directly if you have some you can share for the event. 
  • We’re renting a cargo van, so if you get supplies to the new provincial storage unit in advance, we can transport them to and from the event for you.
  • Sofya: I have a long non-folding table I can donate to the province, 6’ or 8’.
  • Friderich: We have two eight foot tables, but Lilli and I cannot attend the event as we will be out of town.  Can anyone get the tables from us by the Thursday before?

Lions End Schola, May 20, Ragnarr

  • Sofya: The Lions End Schola is coming up — pre-register and join us!
  • Ragnarr: The site limit is 40 people plus staff; we’re currently around half that. Please pre-register.
  • Lunch is a potluck; let me or Jenna know what you’re bringing.
  • Jenna: Reminder, the site is bone dry, no alcohol at all.
  • Ragnarr: We will have great classes, and will post info soon.
    • If you want to teach, reach out to me. 
  • The Provincial A&S championship will be there. Come display you work. We will have four categories of awards. If you win, you get to hold the fancy book of champions, and write an entry in it about your A&S work.
  • Catelin: Can people submit A&S entries without attending?
  • Ragnarr: I will discuss that with the vicereines.

Viking Day, May 20, Lada

  • Lada: There was interest in doing a small-scale demo at Viking Day, by people who weren’t going to the Lions End Schola. 
  • We’re splitting up the responsibility for the event. 
  • We can use my house to stage up supplies: a couple of popups and tables/chairs to be carried into the park on the day of the event.
  • Alec will coordinate setup and hand off mid-day to Catelin who will coordinate until the end..
  • Catelin: I will coordinate with Albrecht on getting demo literature — pamphlets, banners, other Chatelaine material.
  • Catelin: We’re planning on a minimum of eight people, including a few fencers. Maybe an armored fighter can let kids use a foam sword to whack-a-knight. Bring your own bench. We’ll put on exhibitions for the audience.
  • Friderich: Was whack-a-knight allowed again?  It was banned for a while.
  • Arnora: Anyone who’s going to hold any kind of weapon at a demo needs to sign a waiver.

Farmingdale Demo, June 3, Iola

  • Iola: We’ve started working on the Farmingdale demo. 
  • Haven’t yet added it to the calendar. It’s the same date as SRWC.
  • The Junior Firefighters will set up green and white for us. 
  • Same garden area near the gazebo that we used in 2019. 
  • Uji: I will assist with getting this organized and on the calendar.

Local War Practice, June 25, Ervald

  • Ervald: Shoutout to the provincial fighters who were at Southern Region fight practice, including Perez, Ragnarr, Albrecht, Ryou, Francisco, Alec, Marion.
  • I’ve been talking up the idea of a war practice, Sunday June 25.
  • Some interest from knights and household leaders from around our region.
  • I’m selling it to the out-of-towners on the grounds that it’s close to the bridge, and close to a beer garden.
  • This will serve as a dry run for provincial fighters (and our neighbors) before we fight together at Pennsic.
  • It’s also an opportunity for the regional Gold Lance to practice together.
  • Albrecht: Gold Lance is one of the three divisions of the Southern Army.
  • Ervald: Do we think it’s important to bring tents?
  • Albrecht: People would be willing to bring their own popups.
  • Ervald: Should I ask for approval to put up tents?
  • Lada: Asking for a tent permit makes the Parks Department more skeptical.
  • Sofya: For a previous event of this type, folks brought chairs and tables but not popups; this approach should still work great — as long as it doesn’t rain.
  • Ervald: Okay, I won’t include tents in the permit request.
  • Ervald: I am inviting those who are interested in making this a success to volunteer:
  • Cooks, please make some food to bring. 
  • Come help people set up and move gear around.
  • Line marshals help with the fighting.
  • Chatelaines to talk to passersby..
  • Ervald: For the purposes of paperwork, this is a practice, not an event.
  • Mathghamhain: Does that mean no income, no expense? And means we can’t list it in the EK calendar?
  • Ervald: Yes; I would rather avoid paperwork. Cooks can put out a tip jar to cover expenses for food.
  • Alienor: Don’t let the paperwork daunt you. The reports are not onerous, and I am willing to run them for you.
  • Vitasha: That’s the same day as Pride.
  • Albrecht: I won’t be able to attend because of Pride, the city will be tangled.
  • Ervald: Okay, let’s talk offline.

Barleycorn, September 2, Alec

  • Alec: I’m still assembling a team. Catelin’s acting as my deputy.
  • It’ll be a one-day event, on September 2. 
  • We should put it on the calendar to ensure other people don’t conflict. 
  • Uji: Provincial procedure says we shouldn’t put it on​​ the calendar until we have a budget.
  • Uji: I will put it on the planning calendar to be visible to other event planners
  • Lada: I think it’s on the planning calendar already.


  • Ervald: Do you want me to run Sir Edward’s challenge?
  • Alec: We’ll talk about it, but it won’t be the provincial championship.
  • Simon: Let me know if you want help.

Queens County Fair, Sep 9–10

  • Sofya: We were invited to demo at the Queens County Fair, Sept 8-9-10.
  • This is the weekend after Barleycorn.
  • Do we have interest? We’d do setup on Friday and then have two full days.
  • Among the upsides are being able to have archery and thrown-weapons ranges.
  • Typically a low yield in terms of finding new participants from that audience.
  • Catelin: We’d get better results if we were by the food instead of by the rides.
  • Arnora: The pig-racing music is super annoying.
  • Lada: But that’s the only place that can support archery. They’re probably not willing to move us into the area of the rides.
  • Uji: It’s been a couple of years since we’ve done this.
  • Sofya: Yes, it’s a lot of work, during a time when we’re already busy.
  • Angelica: Their event coordinator is asking specifically for fighting, but we can only do that if we have buy-in from fighters.
  • Sofya: no conflicting events on calendar.
  • Jenna: normally would be all-in on this demo, worried about covid.
  • Should rebrand it as a small camping event. Potluck dayboard.
  • Always takes a long time to put up the green and white because debating where to place it. Math makes nice maps, but the problem is that the midway has crept further and further into our area. If rides block us, it’s less valuable.
  • Needs to be an incentive for the fighters / archers to come out – prizes
  • Arnora: What if we do something like an Østgarðr vs An Dubh showdown?
  • Catelin: We have a bunch of new local interested folks. Very small scale local event. Maybe combat archery if we have marshals, if the space allows it. But I would give up archery in order to get a better location.
  • Mathghamhain: I’m all for re-branding, but it’s inescapably a demo.
  • Jenna: yes, but we have privacy in the evening, camping potential, free overnight parking..
  • Lada: In recent years, we limited fighting and fencing to one day to concentrate the combatants into a single day.
  • Ervald: I’ve been doing this event for years and am fond of it.
  • We currently have a bunch of young local fighters who will be excited to participate. I suspect we can get a bunch of fighters two days in a row if we sell it as an opportunity to practice in a county fair in the city.
  • Generally instead of cooking we eat off site, because we can’t have a campfire. You can try to organize an after-hours activity, but the fighters will want to go eat afterwards.
  • We set up tents in the evening, then take them down in the morning. 
  •  You have to move your car after drop-off; don’t leave the car in camp. 
  • To drop gear off on-site, arrive in your car before 8 AM to unload and then move your car to the parking lot before the crowds arrive.
  • Catelin: Being gawked at is good marketing.
  • Sofya: Sounds like there’s interest; Catelin do you want to call them? Or should we find someone else to run the event?
  • Catelin: Sure, I will be the event coordinator.
  • Catelin: I’m also deputy steward for Barleycorn, assisting Alec, so I’ll be super busy for the next six months.
  • Uji: That sounds good.
  • Ervald: I’ll co-coordinate fighters.
  • Jenna: Catelin, ask them if we can use fire bowls.

King’s County Fiber Festival, October 7

  • Ragnarr: King’s County Fiber Festival asked us to participate again. 
  • They previously told us they are excited to have us back and would lower our rate and improve / enlarge our position. 
  • I might not be available because it’s Arnora’s birthday, October 7. Does someone else want to organize it? Are people interested in making it happen?
  • Uji: Did we get new people engaged as a result of last year?
  • Albrecht: We got emails as Chatelaine, but folks were maybe more SCA-adjacent rather than specifically SCA folks.
  • Lada: We got people following us on Instagram.
  • Sofya: It’s hard to quantify results. It was really popular. We re-activated an old member. I think it was worth it. Going again will get more people engaged. 
  • Ragnarr: At the next commons I will ask for a volunteer to run it.

Other Upcoming Activities

  • Ragnarr: On Sunday, April 30, I’m holding an armoring workshop at my home workshop. Might cook some  barbecue. Will plan another session in May or June.
  • Alienor: Dancing Fox is May 13, I have space in my car for folks who want to join us on the road trip. Reach out to me offline.
  • Mathghamhain: Join Appleholm at the Cloisters on Sunday!

Final Business

  • Uji: Albrecht, did you have news about Discord or Chatelaine activities?
  • Albrecht: I am looking for chatelaine help at events, and that I can eventually pass the role on to.
  • Also planning on making some improvements to our Discord service but haven’t had time yet. 
  • Kunigunde: Even if something doesn’t show up on the agenda, we should discuss upcoming events. For example, at last commons, we didn’t discuss the details of the New Rochelle gathering, which led to confusion about whether it was an event or demo, and if it was in garb or not.
  • Uji: We always have “old business” and “new business” on the agenda so those things can be discussed if they come up.
  • Zahra: Send me pictures, text, etc for the e-Horse! Thanks to the contributors!
  • Arnora: Event stewards, note that insurance certificates from corporate are taking a long time to arrive.


  • Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.

Viceregents • Sofya Gianetta di Trieste & Angelica Di Nova Lipa

  • New News:
    • 40th Annual Queens County Fair: Fri-Sun, Sept 8-10, 2023. We have been invited to attend the 40th Annual Queens County Fair. Are we interested in participating?
      • Reminder: Barleycorn is the weekend of September 1st.
  • Upcoming Events:
    • Arts & Crafts Night: Thursday, April 20th
      • Help prepare for Crown Tourney and enjoy some delicious sausage hosted by Lord Brandr.
    • Schola at the University: Wolfie Welcomes the Ducks: April 22nd: Support our An Dubh duckies!
    • Lions End Scola: May 20th
      • A&S Champion will be selected-Please enter!
      • Limited space, so please pre-reg!!
  • Thank you to all for making the past months demos, classes and events successful this past month!!!
    • New Rochelle demo: Thank you Oliver and Angelica for spearheading a demo with activities in our northern lands and thank you to all who participated in making it a great day.
    • Scribal Workshops: Thank you Lada for organizing successful scribal workshops in Brokenbridge!
    • Brew U: Great drinks and delicious food with amazing classes were on the menu for this event! Thank you Oliver and Fiona for organizing Brew U and making the event a success.
  • Special Recognition:
    • Simon the Tanner: Thank you for bringing your leather goods to the New Rochelle Demo and sharing with all your skill and talent.
    • Alienor and Mathghamhain: Thank you for taking the shelving to our storage facility and organizing our inventory! 
  • Kingdom award recommendations: Their Highness Brennan and Caoilfhionn have posted their award recommendation deadlines for Their upcoming reign. If you feel someone is worthy, please submit it online to the EK website. The next deadline is May 31st.
  • See one of Ostgardr’s consistent contributors?  By all means, nominate them for  recognition with a Provincial award… the easy-peasy process is on the Ostgardr website:

Seneschal • Nagashima Ichiro Ujimichi

Questions keep coming in regarding Northpass status, and there is a rumor being spread that I will address in commons. 

We are forming a committee to discuss getting rid of Ostgardr feast gear that is broken/damaged and creating a list of needed purchases and a wish list.

Exchequer • Alienor Salton 

Sent out check for Deck the Halls food reimbursement.  Filed final Deck the Halls and Bears Tavern event reports.

Set up shelving in the Østgarðr storage unit, replaced keyed lock with numeric (code added to officers drive inventory folder storage facilities information doc).  Unit was successfully accessed by others for Spring Crown equipment staging, Brew U equipment retrieval & return, and event sign retrieval (for repainting, vivat Arnora!).

Met with fellow local exchequers to talk about reporting and procedures.  Started a procedures manual on the Østgarðr exchequer shared drive.

Worked through Q1 exchequer report to kingdom twice, with Frank’s assistance; am $30 out of balance.  Have bumped to kingdom for support.  Was reminded by filling out the report that I have not been officially warranted.  Re-applied through the google form provided by the exchequerate.  I have received no response, so I continue to act as though I have been properly warranted.

Formatted gate sheets for use at Brew U, to expedite entry.  Working on likewise for Spring Crown.  How it works: the gate sheet is one tab of a Google sheet with separate tabs for paypal, mail-in and combined registrations, formatted gate sheets, and refunds.  The PayPal tab is copied and pasted from the sheets sent by the PayPal team.  Mail-in is filled in by the person taking mail-in registrations (generally the exchequer).  The combined tab is populated by a query of the PayPal and MailIn tabs.  The formatted gate sheets then pull from the combined tab.  The Refunds tab is kept there so all registration information is in the same place.  Its behavior is not automated.

Herald • Drasma Dragomira

Not much to report this month (again). Heraldry submissions from the populace are still moving along nicely.

I am still looking for deputies; if you’re or someone you know is looking to learn or do either court heraldry or book heraldry, this job has opportunities for both.

Also, Herald’s Q2 Kingdom reports are due May 1st.

Chatelaine •  Albrecht Anker

Quite a few emails from newcomers this month.  With spring moving into summer I see these picking up more.

Chancellor Minor • Kunigunde Wedemann

There will be a Youth Pointe at Crown Tournament, alongside the location for Youth Rattan Championships. I will have materials available for various activities to prevent complaints by the Youth of the EK that there is nothing for them to do.

Arts & Sciences • Brandr Aronsson 

We will be having our April Arts and Science Night on Thursday April 20 from 7pm to 10pm. We will be learning to make sausage as well as helping Brandr make a vast amount of sausage for Crown Tourney.  

The Ostgardr Arts and Science Championship will take place at the Canton of Lion’s End Schola “Let the Lions Roar” Saturday May 20th from 11am – 5pm. I encourage all Ostgardian Artisans to participate in this event even if you just come to display what you are working on.

Armored Combat • Ervald LaCoudre

Fighter practice has moved, with the fencers, back to McCarren Park in Brooklyn on Tuesdays, official time, 7 PM – 10 PM, but people are encouraged to gather as early as 6:30 for warm-ups and all the other things that people do before they put on their armor.

There were a half-dozen Ostgardrians making their mark at the Southern Region Sunday war practice. There are estimates of about ten fighters with us (including combat archery) for Pennsic, which brings up the subject of our Sunday, June 25th war practice. I am filling out the application, and I will find out if there are rules regarding tents and shelters. I spread the word among folks at the SRS, and there was interest, especially considering the Czech beer garden not far from Astoria Park. My armor workshop is shut down for the moment, but I can travel to help people build or repair armor. I also can still loan out armor, most of which is in my storage in Astoria.

Fencing • Alec MacLachlan

Fencing practice has moved back to McCarren Park in Brooklyn as of  April 4th.  

We had 4 fencers last week and I’ve had some people talk to me about it (either in person or by email).

We got a fencer re-authorized yesterday at the Southern Region Army practice in NJ.

Minister of Lists • Vitasha Ivanova doch’

No activity this past month for the Minister of Lists. However, in May, I will be assisting the Kingdom MoL with the lists at Crown since we are hosting.

Webminister • Friderich Grimme

I am continuing to update the website on a weekly basis.  Many thanks to the officers who have either emailed me requesting information or who have placed their activities directly on the Ostgardr calendar.   If any officer needs instructions on how to add events directly to the Ostgardr calendar, please email me.

When posting events/activities, please try to give me 2+ weeks notice, as the Ostgardr ongoing posts give information in two week chunks.

Chronicler • Zahra de Andaluzia

No report.

Social Media • Albrecht Anker 

My focus stays on promotion and ensuring our social media is a safe space to share information with everyone. 

Historian • Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin

No report.

Whyt Whey • Alienor Salton 

Since last provincial commons, Appleholm has hosted a weaving evening and 2 dance practices.  We anticipate scheduling several outdoor dance practices at General Grant Memorial Overlook Pavilion (122nd at Riverside) in the coming month, as we prepare for a road trip to Dancing Fox, May 13th.

We have an outing to the Cloisters on April 23rd, 1pm, to visit their gardens and the special exhibit of late-medieval objects from middle-class European households.

Our next canton commons (which we hold quarterly on the 4th Monday of the relevant month) will be April 24th, 7pm, at our usual Meet link:

Lions End • Iola Wulfsdotter

Spring Schola planning is complete. Date set for May 20th.

‘Planning for Farmingdale Demo in progress. Contacted the liaison for the Farmingdale Fire Dept. & was approved by their council. Date set June 3rd. Rain date June 11th. Not posted to the EK events calendar as of yet.

Brokenbridge • Arnora Ketilsdottir 

Brokenbridge had a commons on Monday, April 17th.  After an intense rap battle, we elected Catelin Straquhin as our new herald.  Plans for Viking day progress.  Armoring workshop/potluck BBQ to be held on April 30th at Ragnarr/Arnora’s house.  

Discussions on going inactive continue.  If we do so, our funds become part of the Ostgardr general fund after two years of inactivity.  We will be inviting the EK Group Lifecycle Deputy to our next commons meeting (05/15/23 at 8pm) to answer any questions that we have.

March Commons Minutes

The Province’s monthly commons meeting was held on March 15, 2023. Here are the minutes as recorded by Mathghamhain ua Ruadháin. The officers’ reports are attached at the end.



  • Angelica di Nova Lipa, Vicereine
  • Nagashima Ichiro Ujimichi, Seneschal
  • Alienor Salton, Exchequer and Seneschal of Appleholm
  • Drasma Dragomira, Herald
  • Brandr Aronsson, Arts & Sciences
  • Zahra de Andaluzia, Chronicler
  • Friderich Grimme, Webminister
  • Ervald LaCoudre Edwardson, Armored Combat Marshal
  • Alexander MacLachlan, Fencing Marshal and Deputy Seneschal
  • Vitasha Ivanova doch’, Minister of Lists
  • Kunigunde Wedemann, Chancellor Minor
  • Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, Historian
  • Arnora Ketilsdottir, Seneschal of Brokenbridge
  • Ragnarr Bliskegg, A&S Champion
  • Fiona the Volatile
  • Freddie
  • Gibbs Moryss
  • Hrefna Aronsson
  • Ilya Alexsandrovich
  • Jenna Childslayer
  • Lada Monguligin
  • Oliver de Bainbrig
  • Perez ben Meir Gershon

Absent Officers

  • Sofya Gianetta di Trieste, Vicereine
  • Albrecht Anker, Chatelaine and Social Media Officer
  • Iola Wulfsdotter, Seneschal of Lions End


  • Called to order at 7:35P.M.
  • Anti-harassment statement was reviewed.

April A&S Gathering

  • Angelica: We need someone to lead an open Arts & Crafts evening in April. Brandr, as A&S minister, can you organize it?
  • Brandr: I’ve been traveling with the forge but can host things when I get back to the city. What date did you have in mind?
  • Angelica: It’s always the third Thursday of the month. Next will be Thursday, April 20.
  • Brandr: Okay, we’ll have people over at my house for a hands-on workshop on sausage making, with the results to be served at Crown Tournament.


  • Angelica: Thanks to Alienor for organizing a local dance practice in recent weeks. 
  • Alienor: We’ve done three so far. The next is Sunday, April 16. And Dancing Fox is May 13.


  • Angelica: Send in award recommendations! It’s not hard. There are links on both the provincial and kingdom websites.
  • Perez: How do I provide extra information about how the recipient would prefer to be recognized?
  • Uji: If they don’t have a wiki to hold that kind of information, use one of the fields on the web form to include it with your recommendation. 

Northpass Update

  • Uji: The Kingdom Seneschal has confirmed that Northpass is being reinstated and the Province is not involved in that process. 
  • Uji: A small corps of officers has been selected. They are currently being warranted. Once that’s done, the canton will be established. The new officers will be seeking out people who can be designated as deputies once the canton is official.
  • Uji: I’ve been meeting with them weekly and will continue to share information as needed. They’re currently selecting a bank to host their account. 
  • Oliver: Is there a timeframe — months?
  • Uji: Perhaps a month or two.

Health of the Cantons & Province

  • Uji: I wanted to talk about the health of the province and cantons. Lions End and Brokenbridge both had meetings about this recently. I am concerned about the health not just of the cantons but of the province. 
  • We’re about to undertake our third royal-progress event in thirteen months. I am concerned about people burning out. Pace yourself. Join the order of the carrot.
  • Arnora: Regarding Brokenbridge, at our last commons, we started an unofficial discussion about letting the canton go dormant. Nobody is eager to do it, but we’re struggling for a few different reasons. We’ll talk about it more in our canton commons meetings. It won’t be decided by a vote – it’ll be decided by people either stepping up for officer positions, or not. Show up to our meetings, and everyone’s opinion counts.
  • Uji: In Lions End, we’ve discussed several ways of keeping the canton healthy, including expanding to cover zip codes that are currently Ostgardr Proper. Healthy cantons means a healthy province.
  • Lada: I’ve spoken with other baronies with cantons that have gone dormant. It’s okay, it happens periodically in every group, due to the natural ebb and flow of energy in the populace.
  • Jenna: An Dubhaigeainn had a canton that shut down because its most active members all became baronial officers and couldn’t simultaneously be canton officers.
  • Mathghamhain: A lot of cantons have gone into abeyance over the last decade; even before Covid the East Kingdom was seeing a decline in the number of cantons. I suspect that in many areas, cantons were more vital twenty or thirty years ago, when most communication was face-to-face, and that nowadays online communications means it’s as easy to coordinate Province-wide without driving two hours across the city.
  • Uji: There’s no strict time-limit on restarting from dormancy. One local branch went dormant for ten years and then restarted. It’s also possible to run a quiet canton on a very limited basis, with just three officers.
  • Uji: For Lions End, zip code expansion into Queens now looks like the least viable approach. 
  • Uji: If you have suggestions, please contribute to the ongoing discussion we’ll be having in the months ahead.


  • Fiona: Twenty people have registered, six classes are planned so far, but we need forty people to break even. Have collected $1100, need $2000 to cover expenses.
  • Oliver: The last of these events had to be canceled for poor attendance. Perhaps the EK Brewers Guild should have their events concurrent with another event.
  • Friderich: Is there a site-rental cancellation fee? That would influence the cost comparison between continuing or canceling.
  • Oliver: I would have to look into it.
  • Uji: Oliver, please research the site cancellation fee.
  • Fiona: Was the site rental fee $700 or 900? 
  • Oliver: We paid the “in-county” rental fee of $700.
  • Alienor: It was paid for via the carryover from Goat’s Tavern being canceled due to site problems last fall.
  • Uji: We could auction off random items from the lost and found.
  • Uji: Does that loss include if you adjust the food budget for lower attendance?
  • Oliver: Even if we adjust the food budget, we’d be $200-300 short.
  • Jenna: How much could you trim the food budget if the number of people was lower?
  • Friderich: I don’t have the final bid, but the food budget was $25 for Saturday lunch and dinner plus Sunday breakfast.
  • Fiona: If we cut the food budget by $100, we’re still about $530 in the red.
  • Fridrich: Are people daytripping or staying overnight?
  • Fiona: Paypal has 14 overnight and 6 day trippers, and Oliver has checks for 6 overnight.
  • Uji: When we’ve had uneaten food in the past we’ve managed to save it for future events.
  • Angelica: It still ends up mostly being a loss.
  • Friderich: When will we know for sure so I can start buying food and prepping it? I’d like to have four weeks to be sure. Two weeks is the absolute minimum but would make prep rushed and more difficult.
  • Fiona: I’d like to have another week to recruit people.
  • Alec: Can we pick a date by which we’ll make the choice?
  • Friderich: If we’re going to do this, I would like to start working on March 25th. Pushing back to April 1 makes things harder.
  • Fiona: Perhaps if we don’t get enough pregregs to justify it by March 24th?
  • Mathghamhain: Can we get updated financial numbers before the decision has to be made?
  • Friderich: Can we have a meeting to review on Friday, March 24th?
  • Mathghamhain: That doesn’t need the entire officer corps; I think you would only need the finance committee to review.
  • Uji: I’ll gather information next week and review with the finance committee.
  • Mathghamhain: If you’re only looking at losing a limited amount of money, we could accept a bit of a loss — some events make a bunch of money, it’s okay if others lose a little.
  • Angelica: What would we be willing to lose? Maybe $200?
  • Mathghamhain: A $250 loss wouldn’t be upsetting when we have $10,000 in the bank.
  • Angelica: Uji, please schedule that meeting for March 24, and make sure that we have the necessary information, including pre-registrations and rental cancellation fee.
  • Alienor: Paypal has only been up for a week. The bid says that it sells out every year. Perhaps with more advertising you could sell out the remaining seats.
  • Uji: I haven’t pre-registered yet.
  • Alienor: Is the event being marketed online? I haven’t seen it.
  • Fiona: I’m trying to post about it on Facebook, please support it.
  • Mathghamhain: Please send something ready-to-post to Friderich for the website/mailing list. And If you send me something ready-to-post I can post it on the kingdom discord.
  • Fiona: I’ll do that.

Lions End Schola

  • Ragnarr: I’ve agreed to be the official event steward for the Lions End Schola, and am excited to help make the event happen, currently two months away.
  • Ragnarr: This is your chance to enter the provincial A&S competition, which will have four separate awards. 
  • Jenna: For non-drivers, note that this event is located at an LIRR station.
  • Uji: Vitasha, you mentioned maybe teaching a class?
  • Vitasha: I have family obligations to deal with, and can’t guarantee whether I can make it to the event or not.

Youth Activities at Events

  • Kunigunde: There’s been a discussion online about activities that kids would enjoy at events, and I’d like input. 
  • Kunigunde: Most of my tenure has been taken over by plague, and then a recent event cancellation, so it feels like I’m operating in a vacuum.
  • Fiona: I’ve done kids activities in An Dubh. Avoid things that are too complex or that require too many kids, they fall apart. Crafts work, as do scavenger hunts. I have lots of projects I could share.
  • Fiona: It’s hard to predict what mix of kids you’re going to get. 
  • Arnora: The biggest draw for us as parents would be to know that there were going to be more kids in the same age range there. 
  • Arnora: At St. Andrews there were no little kids, but they had a picnic table with “old fashioned” games (not necessarily period) with wood pieces that allowed for imaginative play.
  • Kunigunde: It’s nice that simple board game pieces can be used for free play.
  • Fiona: Teens are over youth activities, and they don’t want to be at the “little kids table.” For older teens, it’s more engaging to find ways they can contribute to the adult activities.
  • Kunigunde: Yes, we can provide a table for teens to congregate at, but it’s harder to handle younger kids.
  • Fiona: It’s awkward to have the youth point off in the corner of the event; you don’t want to get stuck babysitting when parents leave. 
  • Mathghamhain: I think the most important part of youth point is that it’s a place for kids to meet up with other kids — spending time with the other kids is more important than organized activities.
  • Alienor: For older kids, I think it’s fine for them to have their headphones, give them outlets so they can recharge their devices, and let them hang out in their own space.
  • Kunigunde: But somewhere close enough that adults can keep an ear out for trouble.
  • Jenna: For the Spring Crown event, maybe put them near the barn, where they can get an extension cord, on the margins so they’re not an eyesore, but close enough to keep an eye on.

Crown Tourney

  • Arnora: Our bid was accepted, and the event is just eight weeks away. 
  • Arnora: I’m still waiting for an answer on whether it will also include youth champs, but hope to get that soon.
  • Arnora: Attendance cap was increased from 300 to 450, but dayboard count was not, so there are now 150 extra spots that are cheaper but don’t include dayboard.
  • Arnora: Paypal pre-reg opened this morning. There will be separate pre-reg flows for entrants/consorts, for royal staff, and for volunteers.
  • Ragnarr: When can combatants register?
  • Arnora: Entrants are supposed to enter by April 6. There’s a kingdom form that is currently closed but should open soon. 
  • Arnora: There’s word-of-mouth knowledge about the Veterans’ Memorial Park, but it’s not written down and nobody knows it all. I’ve started a document to gather notes about the site as an institutional memory.
  • Ervald: Are we expected to provide the marshals?
  • Arnora: I’ll find that out tomorrow.
  • Mathghamhain: The marshals and heralds are all provided by kingdom.
  • Alec: Are there any other martial activities at Crown?
  • Lada: No. Just rattan.
  • Brandr: We learned some lessons from doing Barleycorn at this site, so we’ll be better able to prep, and Arnora is working on getting us additional kitchen equipment. 
  • Brandr: Perez is going to cook some dishes and help with prep, and will organize his own assistants to help him with that prep work. 
  • Brandr: Beth is running the kitchen on the day, and managing the calendar for the prep schedule.
  • Brandr: I will be cutting up a lot of meat and will need help.
  • Brandr: We need a lot of help. On the day we need a kitchen prep person and a runner. 
  • Kunigunde: What does the runner do?
  • Brandr: Move food back and forth between the  indoor kitchen (refrigerators and sinks) and the outdoor kitchen (cooking and serving)
  • Brandr: Biggest problem at the last event was lack of servers and someone to oversee them. For this event we’re going to recruit a volunteer to lead the service.
  • Uji: How can we help? Should we schedule weekly meetings?
  • Arnora: I don’t want to put too much burden on local people who might be on the edge of burning out. In the coming days I’ll reach out to neighboring groups and ask them to provide teams to cover volunteer slots. 
  • Arnora: If you want to help, or if there’s a specific role you want to play, reach out to me now. At the next commons I’ll recruit more aggressively for positions we haven’t filled yet.
  • Zahra: If someone asks for volunteers, I don’t know what to offer, but if someone asks me for specific help with a specific role at a specific time, I’m happy to do it.
  • Arnora: I’m glad to play that role. 
  • Arnora: I want someone to make an Event Steward baldric so that it’s easy for people to find me on the day of the event.
  • Angelica: I’ll make the baldric.


  • Arnora: I’d like to know when the inventory will be complete and centralized so I can figure out what needs to be purchased for Crown.
  • Uji: I’ve started working on this, and may be able to work on it again this Sunday, or next Sunday. 
  • Uji: Stuff is scattered around the province and I’m working on getting it centralized.
  • Arnora: Where is it located?
  • Uji: The pig roaster is at Lada and Suuder’s 
  • Lada: Also a couple of other things: sandwich boards, maybe a few small odds and ends.
  • Uji: There’s gear that Francisco held that’s listed in the spreadsheet.
  • Uji: The inventory list is online, I will work on updating it. 
  • Uji: Volunteers would be appreciated.
  • Arnora: Volunteers for working in the unit, or for moving stuff to it?
  • Uji: We need to do both. 
  • Mathghamhain: If someone wanted to help, could they go to the storage or would they be locked out?
  • Uji: Alec, do you have the key?
  • Alec: The lock that is in use is a key lock. I haven’t been back to the site since it was set up.
  • Uji: I’ll need to get that key from you.
  • Angelica: The numeric padlock gave Alec trouble. He will give it to Uji, who will apply it to the unit. There’s a numeric code for the building and the lock.
  • Alec: The list poles from Barleycorn are at my family’s house in Mt Sinai, enough for 4 lists.
  • Alec: Also, An Dubh might have extra gear we could borrow.
  • Alienor: We have shelving that was purchased for the storage unit. We need someone with a vehicle to move it to the storage unit. 
  • Uji: I’d like to go to the storage unit on Sunday. I will make arrangements to come by and pick up the shelving.

Scribal Event Proposal

  • Lada: The kingdom’s Signet office reported that over the last year, the kingdom dropped from 90 active scribes to 60. I’ve been trying to train people to join their ranks. 
  • We have several talented people in our area who are willing to train, and there appears to be folks in the southern region who are interested in learning. 
  • I would like to organize a scribal schola/workshop event in Brooklyn.
  • Goal is to be newcomer-friendly. Would relax the garb requirement.
  • I’ve started putting together a draft budget. 
  • Site rentals for 2,000-square-foot spaces in Brooklyn for eight hours going for $450-570 on
  • Other expenses would be minimal: potluck dayboard; no site tokens; maybe $50 for an insurance certificate. 
  • We would break even if we got 40 people paying $15 each.
  • Lada: Looking at dates around the end of June or early July.
  • Jenna: I will check with An Dubh about the schedule for Potted Arms.
  • Jenna: Too bad this couldn’t be combined with Brew U. 
  • Lada: That’s not a great venue for this event; we need bright lights and work surfaces.
  • Kunigunde: Good lighting is not optional for scribes. We need light!
  • Jenna: Lions End is still waiting for a date on the Farmingdale demo, around the beginning of June.
  • Lada: I don’t w​​ant to move out onto Long Island for fear of losing visitors from New Jersey.
  • Mathghamhain: An outdoor demo for the public doesn’t seem like a great venue for scribes who want to sit indoors and talk to each other.
  • Alienor: For sites, we care about tables and chairs and lighting.
  • Mathghamhain: The event sounds like a great idea.
  • Alienor: I’ll follow up with you about a scriptorium. Would you want to include a backlog scroll session? A handful of local scribes drove down to Delaware for a scribal backlog day a few years ago and it went very well.
  • Lada: Yes, I would love to include both structured and unstructured activities.
  • Lada: Okay, I’ll reach out to the sites and research costs and dates and follow up.

Fighting practice

  • Ervald: We have enough local fighters to fight as a unit this summer. 
  • There are places in the city where we could have a regional practice, not just for the province, and invite folks in from neighboring groups. 
  • This would be a fight practice, not a formal event as such. 
  • When we’ve done this in the past it helped to have non-fighters come and provide support.
  • Ragnarr: It sounds great. 
  • Alec: We had practices like that 15 years ago and they were great.
  • Ervald: Jibril has suggested something similar. 
  • Ervald: We could look at Kissena Park, Astoria Park, Prospect Park. But McCarren Park is too crowded.
  • Ragnarr: Do we need a permit to do this in a city park?
  • Perez: Note that kingdom war staff has emphasized including other skills, including combat archery and siege, so we should either include those disciplines, or make it clear that the venue doesn’t allow it.
  • Ervald: We probably can’t have archery in city parks.
  • Lada: Victory Field in Queens has good parking, but it’s not transit-accessible.
  • Ervald: If you have other ideas, let me know. When would you want it?
  • Uji: Before Southern Region War Camp.
  • Ervald: Should it be Saturday or Sunday? I’m leaning towards Sunday.
  • Alec: Not as much planned for mid-late June.
  • Perez: Lots of fighters will be away for Beltane and NRWC.
  • Kunigunde: Northern Region War Camp is June 30- July 2
  • Ragnarr: Central Region War Practice is this Sunday.
  • Alec: There will be fencing at Central Region War Practice..
  • Ragnarr: Southern Army Sundays are these dates: April 16, May 14, June 18, July 16, Aug 20, Sept 17, Oct 15
  • Mathghamhain: Maybe on Sunday, May 21? Or June 11? Or June 25?
  • Perez: Post the idea to the Southern Army page to get a preview of who might be interested and what dates work.

Final Business

  • Jenna: On March 29th I’ll be holding an online “Pennsic 101” class.
  • Zahra: Thank you for sending material to the E-Horse, keep sending me art and articles! The next issue will be June 1.
  • Mathghamhain: I noticed that Friderich’s report mentioned that he would not be seeking another term and wanted to thank him for his service; he’s done a great job of posting regular updates to the website and mailing list.
  • Angelica: Hail Friderich!
  • Meeting ended at 9:44 PM.

Viceregents • Sofya Gianetta di Trieste & Angelica Di Nova Lipa

Bid for Crown Tourney-May 6th-Accepted

His Majesty has verbally confirmed that our bid for Crown Tourney has been accepted. Arnora will speak further when we discuss the event.

Special Officer Meeting

On Friday, February 24th, 2023, as mandated by the Charter, a Special Meeting of the Ostgardr Officers’ Council was called to discuss the validly submitted petition to remove Lord Nagashima Ichiro Ujimichi from the Office of Seneschal.   A quorum of the Officers’ Council was achieved.   There were insufficient votes from Officers’ Council members to move the proposal forward. We thank the interested populace members for expressing their views before and during the meeting. We also thank the Officers’ Council members for their careful consideration of the petition and counter-arguments, and for their promptly submitted votes.

Reinstatement of NorthPass: Uji will speak further however, we would like to share information provided by our EK Seneschal on February 22nd via email:

“Northpass *will* be re-established as a Canton. This is not negotiable, and Ostgardr Proper does not get a say in how it is done. This is being handled outside the normal procedures due to the settlement. Once the group is established according to the settlement, which is being managed by Society, Society will be stepping out of the management, and all future running of the group will be handled per Kingdom and Society Governing Documents.

What are the re-establishment steps?

  • A beginning slate of officers reviewed and approved by Society
  • Return to Active status
  • Return of Name / Group Arms
  • Establishment of bank account and return of funds

All of these steps are being handled by Society, my office, and the plaintiffs.

Once these steps are complete, I will notify Ostgardr that it is done and routine procedures for all groups are to be followed.

Those who have a zip code in Northpass who do not wish to participate in Northpass activities are not required to do so. They can play wherever they wish”

Arts & Crafts Night: Thursday, March 16th

Lady Alienor: The topic will be weaving writ small, illustrating weave structures with potholder loops & looms.  In-person event-Appleholm. More information is available in the event announcement.

Would someone like to teach for April’s A&S?

Scribal Workshop: Sunday, March 19th, from 2 to 4 pm in Broken bridge

Brew U: April 15-16th


Schola at the University: Wolfie Welcomes the Ducks: April 22nd:

Support our An Dubh duckies!

Lions End Schola: May 20th

A&S Champion will be selected-Please enter! Limited space, so please pre-reg!!

Special Recognition:

Alienor & Math: Dancing!!

Kingdom award recommendations: Their Highness Brennan and Caoilfhionn have posted their award recommendation deadlines for Their upcoming reign. If you feel someone is worthy, please submit it online to the EK website. The next deadline is March 31st.

See one of Ostgardr’s consistent contributors?  By all means, nominate them for  recognition with a Provincial award… the easy-peasy process is on the Ostgardr website:

Seneschal • Nagashima Ichiro Ujimichi

I continue to be involved with the re-establishment of Northpass, including online meetings with the selected officers. Officers have started the warranting process and will be seeking deputies once Northpass has come back officially.

Exchequer • Alienor Salton 

Sent checks for Deck the Halls food reimbursement, Bears NMR, Spring Crown site fee, Spring Crown insurance certificate reimbursement, and Storage Post (northern counties storage) through June.

Set up PayPal (with EK PayPal team) for Brew U and Spring Crown.

Created shared Østgarðr exchequer drive, managed by the exchequer and deputy exchequer, visible to the seneschal and viceregents.  Have begun the slow-burn process of archiving material from Frank & Angelica’s shared exchequer folders into this drive.  (The difference between Google shared drive and shared folder means that the offices can own the shared drive, and so access transfers automatically when positions change.  If other offices have shared folders that they are passing to their successors, I would suggest an upgrade to a shared drive.  I can help you figure out how to create it, add your office and then remove yourself.)

Received event report for Bears from Oliver; have not yet processed it. Event report for Deck the Halls needs final polish (I was late with the reimbursement check, oops).

Storage Post rates go up April 1st, from $34 to $40 for our unit.

I understand that the provincial storage unit has been provided with a keyed padlock.  Our discussion was that would be a numerical padlock, which I understood had been provided by Angelica.  Was there a problem with that lock, who paid for the new lock, and how do we proceed from here with getting a key-less lock on that door?

What’s up with the New Rochelle Library A&S night?  I will need some lead time to write them a check, since they have to circulate via USPS.

I am working on the new signatory form for corporate.  Will be conferring with the signatories in the next month to schedule a bank signing party.

Herald • Drasma Dragomira

Not much to report this month. Heraldry submissions from the populace are moving along nicely as there’s a few of them that have made it into the submissions process the last few months.

Chatelaine •  Albrecht Anker

Quiet for the end of February into March I believe it is a vacation window to most. I need a Chatelaine team.  We have lots of events coming down the pipe and one person is not enough to maximize our coverage to draw interest from new players.

In summary, I think everyone should take a look at the potential Discord changes and send me any questions as well as offers to join the Chatelaine team.  I will be unable to attend this month’s meeting as I am away on vacation.

Chancellor Minor • Kunigunde Wedemann

I have nothing to report. However, I would like to open a short discussion on what kinds of youth activities people would like to see at local events, and which events should have youth activities. A discussion in the unofficial EK discussion group on the Book of Faces about events being family friendly/not family friendly had me thinking.

Arts & Sciences • Brandr Aronsson

Greetings not much to report either.  I will be back in NYC in three weeks and hope to begin some arts and craft nights.

Armored Combat • Ervald LaCoudre

While fighter practice has been regularly happening at the Manhattanville Community Center on Wednesday nights, attendance has been low, particularly among armored fighters. I understand that some of them have been going to the armored combat practice in Nutley, NJ.

But in the meantime, there have been several new people who have been showing up for training, giving me and Sir Ilya the opportunity for focused training in things like sword technique, footwork, and distance. Several of the GladiatorsNYC fighters (who’s practice runs concurrently with ours at that location, and by whose generosity we are able to use the space) have also benefited from this training. Some of them intent to authorize and hope to join us at Pennsic.

This week’s cold and snow notwithstanding, I expect the weather to be nice enough to start practice inMcCarren Park on Tuesdays on the first week in April.

Regarding my workshop and loaner armor: I have lost my apartment, so my workshop is closed and all the armor I have is in storage near that apartment. The armor can be retrieved as needed for loan and use, it will simply require specific notice at least one day in advance. Coming to help pick it up and transport it to and from practice is a plus.

I have a friend with a workshop in Brooklyn next to Industry City, and he is very amenable to letting it be used for armoring, so if anyone needs armor work done, let me know and we can make an appointment.

I am also considering one or two “group armoring” workshop days between now and Pennsic. This would be targeted towards making sure armor is ready for authorizations, war practices, and, of course, Pennsic itself.

With this in mind, i believe we are approaching a “critical mass” of Pennsic Ostgardr fighters to do the following:

I would like the province to consider hosting a large open/invitational fighter practice (not necessarily an official regional or kingdom practice) between now and Pennsic. Possibly in Astoria Park, Prospect Park, or Kissena Park, probably on a Sunday. This would enable those who have trouble getting out of town for a big war practice to have some sort of war practice here in town. We could hold authorizations in time for Pennsic for those who had not gotten authorized yet. Also, Sunday used to be a popular weekly fighter practice day for the province.

To this event we would invite Ostgardr-based fighting households, Ostgardr-adjacent households, neighboring baronies, and regional and kingdom commanders. This would raise our profile in their eyes, give them all one more chance to practice together before the war, as well as give newer Ostgardians an opportunity to meet more of our neighbors.

This has been done before, in Kissena Park, our old Sunday fighter practice site. One thing that made it work was a team of non-fighters who helped to support this “event,” with water, refreshments, first aid, and other “fetch-and-carry” type stuff. A few people provided homemade snacks for the fighters, with donations accepted to defray the cost. The donations turned out to be so generous from the out-of-town fighters, there was a profit!

By doing this as a practice rather than an “event,” we would not have the attendance level and demographics of a full event, and thus not the expectation and obligation to commit the degree of labor and resources that a full event would require (no court, no feast, no changing rooms, no troll, etc).

If we can pick a day at the upcoming meeting, we can start planning and sending the invites right away.

I will be at fighter practice tonight, splitting my time between training and paying attention to the meeting. Fel free to call me when it is my turn to report or if anyone has a question for me.

Fencing • Alec MacLachlan

Fencing Continues at the Manhattanville Community Center on Wednesday nights.  Still just two of us,

I think towards the end of April we will be going back to McCarren Park for practice.  (When it’s warmer.)

Minister of Lists • Vitasha Ivanova doch’

Nothing to Report

Webminister • Friderich Grimme

I am continuing to update the website on a weekly basis with a list of upcoming activities in the province.  If you would like something promoted in a separate blog-post to the website please let me know.  Related, if you would like an event website created, please let me know.

Looking to the future, I am not planning to seek renewal of my warrant when my term as web minister expires in December of this year.  I am actively looking for someone to succeed me in the office.

Chronicler • Zahra de Andaluzia

No report.

Social Media • Albrecht Anker 

My focus stays on promotion and ensuring our social media is a safe space to share information with everyone.

The big thing I am working on is converting our discord server to a Community server.  This will give our group more visibility and more tools for us to use to make Discord a place to communicate, plan and grow.  With that comes some changes:

• Members will have to have a verified email before they can send messages.

• Discord will automatically scan and delete media sent in the server that contains explicit content (this excludes channels that are designated as age-restricted).

• We will have a community updates channel made so discord can send updates for Community admins and Moderators, this will need to be a private staff channel.

• Have a title and description that accurately describes the server.

• Have clearly posted rules and guidelines.

• Have a moderator team.

Historian • Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin

I’ve continued to record local happenings in our Annals, and am expanding my list of “old timers” who I would like to interview to collect memories of the province in its earlier decades.

Whyt Whey (Appleholm) • Alienor Salton

Since last provincial commons, Appleholm has hosted 3 dance practices, including a live music session, all of which went very well.  Next indoor practice is April 16th.  Hopes are high for outdoor practice as the weather cooperates.

Our cultural outings to the Morgan Library (for She Who Wrote) and the Bard Gallery (Staging the Table) were well attended.  Appleholm will be hosting a serrated-fan folding paper/linen workshop, based on a video in the Staging the Table exhibit, in the near future.

The Morgan Library will be hosting an exhibit on Medieval Money, Merchants & Morality at the end of this year.  In November, we will plan an outing.

The Met will continue hosting Chroma: Ancient Sculpture in Color, for another week.  If you can’t make it to the gallery, you can check it out online:

Upcoming activities:

• Østgarðr A&S evening: Weaving Writ Large (swatching historical textiles with potholder looms), Thursday, March 16, 7-9pm, 255 W. 105th St., Apt. 21

• Taci e Balla! dance practice, Sunday April 16, 3-4pm, Bridge for Dance, 2726 Broadway, 2nd floor

Our next canton commons (which we hold quarterly on the 4th Monday of the relevant month) will be April 24th, 7pm, at our usual Meet link:

Lions End • Iola Wulfsdotter

No report.

Brokenbridge • Arnora Ketilsdottir 

BrokenBridge should be having a Herald election (Ragnarr vs Catelin: The Final Battle) at our next commons.  

Following commons last month, and probably following each of our commons’ going forward until September, BB is having an unofficial discussion about becoming inactive.  Our next commons is on Monday March 20th at 8pm if you wish to join (zoom link).  Brokenbridge considers its populace to be anyone who is active in Bb, and all opinions are welcome.

We are having this as an unofficial discussion because it is not something that happens with a bang (like a big vote) but with a whimper (simply no one steps up to fill certain officer positions).  The discussion has included people’s reasons for feeling one way or the other as well as memories and feelings towards Brokenbridge.  So far, no one has been particularly in-favor of becoming inactive but rather willing to accept that it might be the best route to go given the circumstances.  We welcome anyone to join us next week to be part of this discussion.

Provincial Commons Minutes – December 2022

Wednesday, December 21, 2022 Commons Meeting


Absent Officers:
We note that the number of officers able to attend  has been negatively influenced by the resurgence of Covid-19 and seasonal influenza in the area.

  • Sofya Gianetta di Trieste, Vicereine
  • Arnora Ketilsdottir, Brokenbridge Seneschal
  • Brandr Aronsson, MOAS
  • Arnbiorg Helga Niálsdóttir, Archery Marshal
  • Ian of Clan Mitchell, Chamberlain, retiring at end of 2022
  • Francisco de Braga, Exchequer, retiring at end of 2022
  • Kunigunde Wedemann, Chancellor Minor
  • Albrecht Anker, Chatelaine

7:30 Meeting called to order.

Bullying & Harassment Policy was displayed and read

Notable Ostgardian Accomplishments

At 100 Minutes War

  • Arnora Ketilsdottir won the East Kingdom Novice A&S competition  (from the chat:  “Arnora’s project was math themed and it was very in depth and got a ton of interest.”)
  • Suuder Saran inducted into the Order of the Pelican – Congratulations!

Officer Elections

The below Officer Candidates who were unopposed were voted on and approved by the sitting Ostgardr officers present:

  • Alienore Salton for Exchequer
  • Albrecht Anker for Chatelaine
  • Zahra De Andaluzia for  Chronicler
  • Brandr Minister of Arts and Sciences
  • Vitasha Ivanovich Doch for  Minister of Lists
  • Ervald LaCoudre the Optimistic for Knight Marshal
  • Kunigunde Wedemann for Chancellor Minor 
  • Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin for  Historian 

Offices unfilled for 2023

  • Captain of Archers  (Arnbiorg Helga Niálsdóttir retiring end of 2022)
  • Chamberlain   (Ian of Clan Mitchell retiring end of 2022)

Officer Report Items For Discussion

Provincial Storage 

in a retail facility has been approved by the populace, Seneschal, and the Financial Committee.   Alec MacLaughlin will take on the responsibility of renting the unit, and be reimbursed for those expenses.  

Lions End proposal 

to move their border to encompass portions of eastern Queens currently in Ostgardr Proper would not be opposed by the Province, so long as the East Kingdom saw no impediment.   The expansion is seen as a way to increase the population of the Canton, and increase the number of individuals available to serve as Canton officers.  A casual query was raised as to whether Brokenbridge would also care to expand their boundaries.   

Other Items For Discussion

Brewers’ Guild 

Representative Fiona the Volatile formally requested that Ostgardr host a Brewers’ Guild Event, Brew U, at Blue Mountain Lodge in the Peekskill area in northern Ostgardr  (Northwestern Westchester County), preferably in April or May of 2023.   Oliver De Bainbridge will, if dates are available, to reserve the booking for Brew U as well as for other Ostgardr events which use the site.    Fiona would serve as the Event Co-Steward.  Ostgardr would retain any profits.  

Northern Ostgardr

As stated during the initial inquiry regarding the settlement of a lawsuit against the SCA and the return of Northpass, Uji is not at liberty to discuss this at this time. The previous information was redacted by Uji because I was tired and revealed more information that I should have. I am asking those in attendance at the commons meeting to ignore what was said by me in this regard. Please do not discuss any information regarding Northpass. Thank you.

Deck the Halls of Valhalla – Saturday January 14th, 2023

promises great fun but don’t wait to pre-register… There are already  20 pre-reg’d and the event is capped at 70.   

  • viking games
  • kids’ bardic
  • A medieval themed photo booth.
  • Medieval gift exchange – bring a wrapped medieval themed gift in good condition.  But don’t worry if you come up short, others will bring extras.
  • Ostgardr Bardic Champion Competition
  • multiple classes.  Vitasha has offered viking wire weaving. 
  • Delicious Dayboard being planned!  People with special dietary needs should contact Perez ASAP so accommodations may be made.    
  • looking to add fiber classes.   People who want to teach please contact  Uji, the  class coordinator at    

Gallery Sunday

Whyt Whey (name change to Appleholm submitted) invites all to join them on January 22nd, for a 1 PM visit to the exhibit Ritual and Memory: The Ancient Balkans and Beyond at the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, 15 East 84th Street (between Madison and Fifth Avenues)  New York, NY 10028.  This is a block away from the Metropolitan Museum of Art.    The exhibit shows artifacts from the Neolithic through Iron ages.   Background information:

Entry is free to the public.

It is expected that some attendees will choose to stop at a local establishment for food and drink later. 

Same day Commons and Fighter Practice – problem or opportunity?

Ervald suggests that since Commons and Fighter practice are now both on Wednesdays during cold weather that some attending Commons do so from the Manhattanville Community Center.  We will test wi-fi and cell capability at the next opportunity. 

New Rochelle A&S workshop on Saturday April 8th, 2023, 11 AM to 3 PM.  Lada will teach a scribal class.  Richard will bring games if he can have a table.   Other activities are being planned.   Gibbs notes that the activity is on an especially good day to be there as the library has its booksale open on Saturdays.    The library is reported to be handicap accessible, and easily accessible on foot from the MetroNorth train station.    

From Chat

  • Many exchanges of holiday greetings by the populace
  • Perez ben Meir Gershon says “For those who haven’t seen, highly recommend the new “Catherine Called Birdie” on Amazon. Stars Bella Ramsey (Lady Mormont from GoT)”


  • Meeting closed at 8:10 PM

Østgarðr October 2022 Commons Minutes

Wednesday, October 19, 2022 Commons Meeting


Angelica di Nova Lipa, Vicereine
Nagashima Ichiro Ujimichi, Seneschal
Francisco de Braga, Exchequer
Drasma Dragomira, Herald
Zahra de Andaluzia, Chronicler
Alexander MacLachlan, Fencing
Kunigunde Wedemann, Chancelor Minor
Lada Monguligin, Il-Khatun Emeritus
Mathghamhain Ua Ruadhain
Gibbs Moryss
Hanya Polotskaya
Eadwine the Younger
Vitasha Ivanova Doch’
Ilia Aleksandrovich
Barbara the Nearly Naked Fresian
Robert L’Chat 

Absent Officers:
Sofya Gianetta di Trieste, Vicereine, Historian
Albrecht, Chatelaine, Social Media Officer
Brandr Aronsson, Arts & Sciences
Ervald LaCoudre, Armored Combat
Arnbiorg Niálsdóttir, Archery
Marion of York, Lists
Friderich Grimme, Webminister
Ian of Clan Mitchell, Chamberlain
Arnora Ketilsdottir, Seneschal of Brokenbridge
Alienor Salton, Seneschal of Whyt Whey
Iola Wulfsdotter, Seneschal of Lions End

Bullying & Harassment Policy was displayed and read

Angelica: highlights of past month (Cloisters, Fiber fest, Ragnarr interview, Scribal workshop)


  • Call for Letters of Intent for new officers. If one is opposed, we will have a meet the candidates and the vote will be at December commons. Deputies needed for all positions.

– New refund Policy

Francisco: Change to provide timing window regarding profitability. Refund requests 7 days or more before event will be granted regardless of event profitability.

Mathghamhain supports

Uji to make adjustment and have new version for vote ASAP

– Provincial Storage Unit: 2 basically equal sites in different locations: Mt. Vernon (accessible by 6 train) and Floral Park

Populace needs to vote on storage, and then financial committee. Kitchen gear, green-and-white, and gold key will be stored. Cost is about $1,200/yr. Needs easy accessibility to people w/vehicles and close to event sites, plus accessibility from city is also good. Seems like Mt. Vernon is more accessible to all, but both are basically equivalent.

Populace vote: 10 in favor of Mt. Vernon, 0 in favor of Floral Park

Angelica: upcoming events/workshops/practices

Weekly fighter practice will be moving indoors to Manhattanville. Goat’s Inn this weekend.

Crown Tourney: Valgard and Padraig fighting in it. Provincial Apple Picking 9/29 and Cider Pressing 9/30. A&S future banner workshop? Whyt Whey museum outing 11/6. St. Andrew’s in An Dubh 11/5. 100 Minutes War 11/19. Virtual A&S 11/17

Meeting ends

Ostgardr Provincial Commons Notes from September 2022

Below are the commons notes/minutes from the September Provincial commons meeting.

Wednesday, September 21st Commons Meeting
Ceandra of Ostgardr
Edwin Latorre
Gibbs Moryss
Ilia Aleksandrovich
Marion of York
Vitasha Ivanova Doch’
Richard the Poor
Alexander MacLachlan

Call to order at 7:32 pm

Harassment and Bully Policy shared and read.

Seneschal: Welcomed all and requested Vicereines start.
 Thank you to all!
 Please read their detailed officer report outlining awards given at Barleycorn and other
important information!
 Apple picking: join Ostgardr on our 2nd apple picking outing. Dates are in our office
reports. The location will be determined later.
 Princess Favor: Make some for Her Highness. Sofya will create kits for those interested.
 Are all items out of Lada and Suuder’s storage? Not yet, which led to the Seneschal
leading the discussion on storage.

The Green and white tent is in his car, but he doesn’t have anywhere to put it. The
financial committee needs to meet to discuss this. The question was asked if there was room in
the Westchester facility. Not a lot. Baron Ian is stepping down as Chamberlain, but we can still
keep stuff in storage. An in-depth discussion began about what we have as Provincial property,
where it is being stored, whether we can throw anything out and how much storage would cost.
The question was asked do we need a chamberlain position? Sounds like we do. If we don’t, we
should at least put items on a shared list. A suggestion was made to put a list together of
everything that’s needed and where it is. Can we afford storage? Long island city was found to be central in the past.

Can the finance committee consider paying for the storage? We generally maintain the same
income yearly, so can we afford the added expense? The idea of a trailer was mentioned. Pros
and cons. One outright cost would be cost-effective in the long run, but where do we store it?
Do we have anyone? Registration issues. Safety issues (locks need to be purchased).
Albrecht volunteered to serve as committee head to look into what we have and take inventory.

Brandr: New A&S Minister
Deputy Minister of List: Marion has spoken to Misha
Eleonor: Deputy Exchequer of Ostgardr
Deputies needed: Social Media and Chatelaine

Marketing and training for chatelaines would be nice: cards have been purchased for demos
Change Ostgardr charter:

A policy change will be posted and will be voted on next month.⅔ of officers must vote
for the charter change to pass.

Brandr: discussed A&S and marketing in a way newcomers can find workshops going on.
What can we call it that will be familiar to people and understand what it means? I.e.
crafts, Brandr will work on putting together wording, marketing, etc.

Dates for events:
Arts crafts night at Brandr’s
Having monthly A&S meetings online
A robust conversation was had on how to make Arts & Crafts accessible for newcomers. What
works and what needs to improve? Need to look into locations to have standing events.
Lada: Scribal workshop 10/16
Ragnarr: 11/17 Online A&S workshop to capitalize on demos.
Kunigunde: Concern about A&S in public space as being on display
Mathghamhain: Monthly arts and crafts night starting in November
Brandr: Arts & Crafts nights for hanging out and doing A&S together in person.
Misha: Sunday solar once a month, class sometimes offered
Brandr and Mathghamhain: A&S following business meetings
Angelica: Marketing Arts & Crafts in public spaces to attract newcomers
Uji: Marketing videos for arts & crafts that we do
Friderich: Brandr access to Ostgardr Calendar? Friderich will look into access for officers.
Mathghamhain: Reminder about Cloisters

Østgarðr September 2022 Commons Minutes

Wednesday, September 21st Commons Meeting







Ceandra of Ostgardr


Edwin Latorre


Gibbs Moryss

Ilia Aleksandrovich




Marion of York


Vitasha Ivanova Doch’

Richard the Poor


Alexander MacLachlan



Call to order at 7:32 pm

Harassment and Bully Policy shared and read.

Seneschal: Welcomed all and requested Vicereines start.


  • Thank you to all! 
  • Please read their detailed officer report outlining awards given at Barleycorn and other important information!
  • Apple picking: join Ostgardr on our 2nd apple picking outing. Dates are in our office reports. The location will be determined later.
  • Princess Favor: Make some for Her Highness. Sofya will create kits for those interested.
  • Are all items out of Lada and Suuder’s storage? Not yet, which led to the Seneschal leading the discussion on storage.



The Green and white tent is in his car, but he doesn’t have anywhere to put it. The financial committee needs to meet to discuss this. The question was asked if there was room in the Westchester facility. Not a lot. Baron Ian is stepping down as Chamberlain, but we can still keep stuff in storage. An in-depth discussion began about what we have as Provincial property, where it is being stored, whether we can throw anything out and how much storage would cost.

The question was asked do we need a chamberlain position? Sounds like we do. If we don’t, we should at least put items on a shared list. A suggestion was made to put a list together of everything that’s needed and where it is. Can we afford storage? Long island city was found to be central in the past. 

Can the finance committee consider paying for the storage? We generally maintain the same income yearly, so can we afford the added expense? The idea of a trailer was mentioned. Pros and cons. One outright cost would be cost-effective in the long run, but where do we store it? Do we have anyone?  Registration issues. Safety issues (locks need to be purchased).

Albrecht volunteered to serve as committee head to look into what we have and take inventory.


Brandr: New A&S Minister

Deputy Minister of List: Marion has spoken to Misha

Eleonor: Deputy Exchequer of Ostgardr

Deputies needed: Social Media and Chatelaine

Marketing and training for chatelaines would be nice: cards have been purchased for demos

Change Ostgardr charter: 

A policy change will be posted and will be voted on next month.⅔ of officers must vote for the charter change to pass.

Brandr: discussed A&S and marketing in a way newcomers can find workshops going on.

What can we call it that will be familiar to people and understand what it means? I.e. crafts,  Brandr will work on putting together wording, marketing, etc.

Dates for events: 

Arts crafts night at Brandr’s

Having monthly A&S meetings online

A robust conversation was had on how to make Arts & Crafts accessible for newcomers.  What works and what needs to improve? Need to look into locations to have standing events.

Lada: Scribal workshop 10/16

Ragnarr: 11/17 Online A&S workshop to capitalize on demos.

Kunigunde: Concern about A&S in public space as being on display

Mathghamhain: Monthly arts and crafts night starting in November

Brandr: Arts & Crafts nights for hanging out and doing A&S together in person. 

Misha: Sunday solar once a month, class sometimes offered

Brandr and Mathghamhain: A&S following business meetings

Angelica: Marketing Arts & Crafts in public spaces to attract newcomers

Uji: Marketing videos for arts & crafts that we do

Friderich: Brandr access to Ostgardr Calendar? Friderich will look into access for officers.

Mathghamhain: Reminder about Cloisters

Commons Minutes for April 2022

The Ostgardr commons meeting was held April 20. Here are the minutes/notes as recorded by Nagashima Ichiro Ujimichi. The officers’ reports are attached at the end.


  • Suuder Saran, Il-Khan
  • Lada Monguligin, Il-Khatun 
  • Nagashima Ichiro Ujimichi, Seneschal 
  • Francisco de Braga, Exchequer
  • Drasma Dragomira, Herald
  • Catelin Straquhin, Chatelaine
  • Kunigunde Wedemann, Chancellor Minor
  • Ervald LaCoudre, Armored Combat Marshal 
  • Alec MacLachlan, Fencing Marshal
  • Friderich Grimme, Webminister 
  • Albrecht Anker, Social Media
  • Sofya Gianetta di Trieste, Historian
  • Alienor Salton, Whyt Whey Seneschal 
  • Ragnarr bláskegg, Brokenbridge Seneschal 
  • Angelica di Nova Lipa 
  • Gibbs Moryss 
  • Edwin the Younger
  • Perez ben Meir Gershon
  • Jenna Childslayer
  • Hanya Vladimirovna Polotskaya
  • Richard the Poor
  • Victoria Hofmo
  • Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin

 Absent Officers:

  • Randve L’il Hammar, MoAS
  • Arnbiorg Helga Niálsdóttir, Archery Marshal
  • Zahra de Andaluzia, Chronicler
  • Ian of Clan Mitchell, Chamberlain
  • Marion of York, Minister of Lists
  • Iola Wulfsdotter , Lions End Seneschal


Called to order at 7:30pm

Victoria Hofmo, President of Scandinavian East Coast Museum spoke to us about the Viking Fest. It will be held on Saturday, May 14th in Owl’s Head/Bliss Park in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. Catelin Straquhin has volunteered to be involved in planning, but does not want to take point. We need a volunteer to be the lead organizer for this demo. I realize this is short notice, however our participation would be beneficial to the museum, the community, and the Province. That being said, we do not have to participate this year if it is too much and too short.
What is expected of us? Fighting and fencing are our most visual activities and tend to draw a crowd. A&S displays and demonstrations can also be a draw. A Scavenger Hunt will be held for students, to explore displays/demos provided by reenactment organizations. The museum asks each group to send us 6 – 10 questions for the students that are relevant to their offerings. All re-enactment groups are given a stipend.

Officer Report Items For Discussion:

Congratulations to Gibbs Moryss, Edwin the Younger and Hanya Vladimirovna Polotskaya for receiving their Arms, Jenna Childslayer received her Silver Brooch, Ibrahim al-Rashid received a Writ for the Order of The Laurel which will happen at Northern Region War Camp, and Padgraige our Armored Combat Champion received a Silver Wheel. Anyone interested in helping the planning of Ibrahim’s Laurel celebration, contact Lada and she will add you to the gmail discussion group headed by the Sharc Pit.

Ostgardr trim is available for distribution and will be made available at upcoming local events.

With another RP coming in September, it is a good time to write in people for awards, both Kingdom and Provincial. It was recommended that EK wiki pages are used for listing awards, achievements, positions held as officers or event staff. They become a useful reference for your friends to check what awards you have and possibly what awards you should get. Descriptions of awards can be found here:
To write someone in for awards:
Provincial: email with recommendations.
Searchable database to see what awards people have:

Friderich Grimme said he is planning on running a class on writing someone in for an award. Perhaps to be run during one of the Solars or a weeknight. Jenna suggested that Gianetta <sp?> from An Dubh has run a similar class.

Pollings are sent out periodically by the Crown for the various polling orders. Award process takes about 8-12 weeks. Any recommendations submitted before the end of last year should be resubmitted.

Please pre-register for Pennsic if you are planning on going. Non-Ostgardrians should reach out to the Viceregents for permission to camp with Ostgardr. Meeting to discuss camping with Ostgardr will be scheduled in the not-too-distant future.

Catelin is stepping down as Chatelaine at the end of the month and Albrecht has volunteered to step up as Acting Castellan. A request for letters of intent will be posted at the beginning of the month. Elections to follow that if there is more than one candidate.

Elizabeth Rodriguez <sp?>, site coordinator for Castle Hill YMCA and PS 108 emailed Catelin to ask for a quote or invoice for Ostgardr coming to site to educate kids on Middle Ages and Renaissance culture. Questions for them:

1. What sort of budget are they looking at?

2. What sort of access is there for bringing in equipment?

3. Is there parking available?

4. Do they want this midweek during work hours?

5. Would there be any weapons restrictions?

6. What would they want from us? Lectures, hand-on demos, combat exhibition, etc?

7. What sort of setting would it be in?

8. How many people, for how many hours?

YMCA is a larger organization and a successful demo/lecture would help get us a recommendation for other YMCA facilities in the city. Catelin said she would take point, but would prefer a co-organizer. Albrecht volunteered to assist.

Friderich requested someone with a graphics background design a banner for “Upcoming in Ostgardr” for the website. Three volunteers stepped up.

Fighter practice in McCarren Park has started up again. Ervald is all in favor of fighters organizing trips to various practices and events and wants to know about it so he can get involved too. Ervald has set up a room in his apartment as an armor workshop.

Perez and Albrecht are going to Balfar’s Challenge and Southern Army Sundays the following day.  Padgraige has offered a ride and to transport gear to SAS. There are a couple seats left. Fighters are also going to Daffodils. There should be some fencers at SAS.

E-Horse – Submissions are needed for Summer edition, which should be publish in June.

Coronation Wrap-Up – Food and Decor got rave reviews. Fighting tournament went smoothly.

Going forward:

More parking coordination

Rent all the tents or host events later in the season where we can mark out the sprinkler system and stake things down. Possible replacement for G&W.

Gate would need to be set up on the south lawn field, to prevent mundanes walking through event. Legend was created by Catelin as she ran down and stopped a large quinceañera party from cutting through the event.

Brochures, business cards, and fliers, as well as a number of people for outreach/chatelaine duties would be beneficial.

We need someone to take propane use/handling exam, so we do not need to balance with an off site kitchen. Idea of a food truck was brought up but not really viable for a large event. Perhaps reaching out and getting someone from the FDNY to be there instead of getting a propane certification. Sofya volunteered to get propane certification.

Having a staff member devoted to reminding people to hydrate and eat.

Kunigunde brought up that youth activities area was kind of hidden.

Keeping to schedule would help breakdown squad from getting burnt out.

Event turned a profit despite going way over the food budget.

Richard the Poor brought up info about Unesco website and fun and outrageous activities that took place in the middle ages.

Francisco brought up issue about the fact that we don’t have a refund policy. This discussion has been tabled for the financial committee.

Upcoming Events/Activities

Sponsored by Østgarðr or its Cantons

5/14 Lions End Spring Schola – Levittown, NY

5/14 Viking Fest – Brooklyn, NY ?

Of interest to the populace

4/23 Balfar’s Challenge – Dragonship Haven

4/23 Black Gryphon Inn – Gryphonwald

4/30 Tournament of the Daffodils V – Port Jervis, NY

5/7 East Kingdom Crown Tourney – Nicolet, Quebec

5/27-30 Leonardo’s Quest for Wit and Wisdom – Pittstown, NJ 

6/3-5 Southern Region War Camp – Manalapan, NJ

6/4 Consort’s Championship of Arms – Nazareth, PA

6/16-19 Les Baltaines – Saint-Mathieu-du-Parc, QC 

6/18 Potted Arms and Fancy Faire – Huntington, NY

Upcoming Commons Meetings

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Wednesday, July 20, 2022


Meeting closed at 9:35pm

April 2022 Compiled Officer Reports

  1. Viceregents • Suuder Saran & Lada Monguligin

Thank you everyone for the amazing work on Coronation. We feel the Province really went above and beyond here and we set a very high bar for other events and especiallyother Coronations across the SCA.

Congratulations to Our Populace who got recognized by Their Majesties at Coronation:

Gibbs Moryss,Edwin the Younger and Hanya Vladimirovna Polotskaya received their Arms

Jenna Childslayer received her Silver Brooch

Ibrahim al-Rashid received a Writ for the Order of The Laurel

and Padgraige our Armored Combat Champion received a Silver Wheel

I am sorry I had the box with the Ostgardr trim with me and completely forgot to hand it off to Alienor to distribute. So… I still have the Box

We are looking for award recommendations for our 3 upcoming courts: Lion’s in Spring Schola 5/14, Pennsic and Barleycorn.

Please also look   consider recommending your friends and fellow SCAdians for Kingdom Awards. We have another Royal Progress happening in Ostgardr in September, which is a very good amount of lead time to write recommendations.

Pennsic is 100 days away. If you are camping with Ostgardr please pre-register so we can get our land. If you are not an Ostgardr resident but would like to camp with Ostgardr please reach out to Suuder and Lada to request permission to camp with Ostgardr.

Do we need to have a Pennsic Camp meeting?


General Feedback from Coronation has been excellent. This is both from Their Majesties and the populace.

The site loved us and will absolutely welcome us back

Things that went REALLY well:

  • The food was delicious and keeps getting rave reviews.
  • Our decor in coordination with the Royal Decor team looked amazing.

Things that we can do better next time at this site:

  • Control on parking at this site. We will need someone who is priority parking who can manage that area directly and tell people to drive off and not park there just because there is space.
  • While we did manage to get our tents up with weights. It was not optimal. We need to either rent all the tents we will be using in that space or host events later in the season where we can mark out the sprinkler system and stake things down.
  • Gate would need to be set up on the south lawn field. We had a lot of mundane people wandering through because they did not realize this was a private function.
  • We got a lot of exposure at the site and having multiple folks to chatelaine on hand with brochures, business cards would be good.
  • If we do hot food at this site, we now have enough lead time to have someone take the propane use/handling exam, so we do not need to balance with an off site kitchen.

Budget wise:

We went over budget. Mainly in the food /dayboard bracket.

Here is the financial report for review.

It is pending on me receiving the last of the receipts from Arnbjorg for the food. I am going off the # she gave me here.

I’ve added a tab with our original budget for comparison purposes.

  1. Seneschal • Nagashima Ichiro Ujimichi

Thank you everyone for your work in making Coronation a successful event, and congratulations to the Ostgardrian award recipients!

Our chatelaine is stepping down at the end of this month and Albrecht has volunteered to step up temporarily. We will need deputies as well.

On a more somber note, I had to open a bullying and harassment investigation that has gone up the chain beyond the East Kingdom Seneschal. It saddens me that this happened, but I am resolved in my duty as seneschal to perform my duties to the best of my abilities.

  1. Exchequer • Francisco de Braga
  • Currently waiting for Kingdom to respond to our request to add/remove signatories on our banking account.
  • I will be assisting Brokenbridge in an effort to get their new and up to speed.
  • Northern Storage deposit is due and will be paid this weekend. I will submit a request for reimbursement afterwards.
  • Coronation Refund checks have been issued to those who requested it prior to the event. I am waiting on Reimbursement request submissions and will write appropriate checks for them once reviewed by the event stewards.
  • I would like to formally request that we review our Financial policy on event refunds. It does not appear we currently have anything written.
  • 2022 – Q1 Reporting is due at the end of this month. As always, anyone wishing to see our quarterly reports (past and/or present) may reach out to me.
  1. Herald • Drasma Dragomira

While I do have some submissions rolling from Coronation and beyond the last couple of weeks, if you’re thinking of working on a name, device, or badge, feel free to reach out to me. 

  1. Chatelaine • Catelin Straquhin

I’ll be stepping down as Chatelaine after this month. It has been an absolute pleasure working with everyone.

The site coordinater for Castle Hill YMCA has reached out asking for a quote for our demonstration services. They are interested in having us come to educate children on pre 17th century history, focusing on the middle ages and the Renaissance. I think working with them would be an excellent opportunity.

  1. Chancellor Minor • Kunigunde Wedemann

My background check went through and I was cleared for working with our youth only days before Coronation! Youth activities were successful at Coronation, although I did expect more kids to come by. All in all, I still had a total of 9 kids come by. Some of them hung out in the Youth Point pavilion and the others made something and left. The most popular project was stab binding, followed by making blue tyger flags. One adult, who was accompanied by children, also learned to do stab binding. A big thank you to Mathghamhain, for being my second adult, and helping to keep things legal by being present at the Youth Pavilion. My next big event to focus on for activities is Barleycorn. 

  1. Arts & Sciences • Randve L’il Hammar

No report

  1. Armored Combat • Ervald LaCoudre

No report

  1. Archery • Arnbiorg Helga Niálsdóttir

No report

  1. Fencing • Alec MacLachlan

Fencing practice will resume on Tuesday, April 27th, At McCarren Park in Brooklyn, at 7pm. 

  1. Youth Combat • Vacant

No report

  1. Minister of Lists • Marion of York

No report

  1. Webminister • Friderich Grimme

My report to EK Webminister was submitted on April 5, 2022.

The website for Coronation seems to have been well received.

EK web ministry alerted me to a malformed Fusion Directory entry ‘recording.secretary.’ It looks like this was intended to be an email address but was never set up properly. Since it was not working and does not match an official Ostgardr officer position, I deleted it. We can always remake it if needed.

Wanted: Are there graphics designers among us who could create a banner or graphic/icon for the weekly ‘Upcoming in Ostgardr’ post? If yes, please contact me.

Also, I am planning on setting up some static picture galleries for past events and practices. I need to review the photo-release requirements before putting this up. I will probably start canvassing for pictures next month.

As always, please let your Web Ministerknow when you are running practices and activities, so I can add them to the Ostgardr calendar and the ‘Upcoming in Ostgardr’ posts. I try to have posts up about 2 weeks in advance. While I can pull announcements from facebook, I’m often left guessing about how you would like the announcement formatted on the web (and facebook makes collecting links a pain).

  1. Chronicler • Zahra de Andaluzia

No report

Social Media • Albrecht Anker 

We had success working with the kingdom’s social media, and web ministry team on “streaming” the coronation.

We ran into bit rate issues once coronation started. Bitrate tanked because of the sheer number of cell usage in the area. We are going to be looking into doing at least a recording that could be rapidly posted if live streaming isn’t feasible.

But we managed to get a good recording with great sound so that is a lot of value.

I have a couple of ideas to do a Social media push for spring which I will bring up at commons.

Facebook page views are up 

141.18% vs. Mar 22, 2022

  1. Chamberlain • Ian of Clan Mitchell

No Report

  1. Historian • Sofya Gianetta di Trieste

March 17th

Being the Court of Their Majesties/Their Excellencies held on March 17, 2022, in the SCA East Kingdom YouTube Channel at Ethereal Court of Their Royal Majesties Ioannes II and Honig II the following good gentles of Ostgardr received writs.

  • Lord Brendan Firebow received a writ for the order of Defense
  • Lord Thorfinnr Hrothgeirsson received a writ for the order of the Laurel 

April 9th

On April 9th, A.S. LVI (2022) Their Majesties Ioannes Aurelius Serpentius II and Ro Honig von Sommerfeldt II held Their last Court in the Crown Province of Ostgardr bestowing gifts and accolades. Soon to follow, Their Majesties Ioannes Aurelius Serpentius II and Ro Honig von Sommerfeldt II stepped down and Ryouko’jin of the Iron Skies & Indrakshi Aani Aravinda were crowned King and Queen of the East! Long live the King and Queen of the East!

Being the First Court of Their Majesties Ryouko’jin & Indrakshi in the Crown Province of Ostgardr at Coronation, Their Majesties called forward the following good gentles of the Crown Province and awarded the following:

  • Gibbs Moryss was called forth and awarded Arms (AoA)
  • Edwin the Younger was also called forth and awarded Arms (AoA)
  • Hanya Vladimirovna Polotskaya was called forth as well and awarded Arms (A0A)
  • Jenna Childersley was inducted into the Order of the Silver Brooch for service to Ostgardr and the East Kingdom
  • Ibrahim al-Rashid received a Writ to answer the question of whether he will join the Order of The Laurel

Whyt Whey • Alienor Salton
Whyt Whey had its quarterly commons last week. We resumed discussion of a new name for the canton. Fort Tryon Park Medieval Festival (Cloister demo) is Oct. 2, 2022. Mathghamhain is our event steward for the demo. Damion DiGrazia (of Santa’s Knights and steel combat) is the new festival coordinator.
Lions End • Iola Wulfsdotter

No report

  1. Brokenbridge • Ragnarr bláskegg

Brokenbridge is proud to have two new AoA recipients. Our A&S Minister, Hanya Vladimirovna Polotskaya and our seeing to be exchequer Edwin the Younger.

We are looking to see if we can do something at the old stone house this spring/summer and looking for a new space for Deck the Halls of Valhalla.

We are also looking into some street fairs to demo at.

Lastly Brokenbridge Seneschal LOI are due April 30.

  1. Committees

Coronation Planning:

No report

Flair Committee:

No report