Commons Minutes for December 2021

December 2021 Minutes • Østgarðr Commons

The December commons meeting was held December 15. Here are the minutes/notes as recorded by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin and edited by Alienor Salton. The officers’ reports are attached at the end.



  • Suuder Saran, Il-Khan
  • Lada Monguligin, Il-Khatun
  • Alienor Salton, Seneschal
  • Francisco de Braga, Exchequer
  • Drasma Dragomira, Herald
  • Catelin Straquhin, Chatelaine 
  • Kunigunde Wedemann, Chancellor Minor 
  • Randve L’il Hammar, MoAS
  • Alec MacLachlan, Fencing Marshal
  • Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, Youth Marshal, Whyt Whey Seneschal, Deputy Webminister
  • Friderich Grimme, Webminister
  • Zahra de Andaluzia, Chronicler
  • Albrecht Anker, Social Media
  • Sofya Gianetta di Trieste, Historian
  • Nagashima Ichiro Ujimichi, Lions End Seneschal
  • Ragnarr bláskegg, Brokenbridge Seneschal, Deputy Seneschal
  • Angelica di Nova Lipa, Deputy Exchequer
  • Brekke Franksdottir
  • Gibbs Moryss
  • Perez ben Meir Gershon
  • Jenna Childslayer
  • Hanya Vladimirovna Polotskaya
  • Edwin de la Torre
  • Berakha bat Mira v’Shlomo
  • Simon the Tanner
  • Richard the Poor
  • Iola Wulfsdotter

Absent Officers

  • Ervald LaCoudre, Armored Combat Marshal
  • Arnbiorg Helga Niálsdóttir, Archery Marshal
  • Marion of York, Minister of Lists
  • Ian of Clan Mitchell, Chamberlain


  • Called to order at 7:30pm.
  • This morning in Orange County criminal court, Luis Rondon was sentenced to 25 yrs. to life for 2nd degree murder.  Our sympathies are with the Waldinger family and everyone else affected by this tragedy.
  • Seneschal: Vivat to Lord Albrecht Anker, receiving his AoA at 100 mins. war.
  • Vivant to everyone who came out to the Cloisters museum for WW’s outing; it was a delightful afternoon.
  • Vivant to Zahra and her contributors for another stellar issue of the e-horse!  Next publication date is march 1st.

Officer Report Items For Discussion

  • The viceregents are looking for heirs.  2.5 more weeks to submit your letter of intent.
  • Deputy exchequer position is vacated for the upcoming viceregal polling.  A volunteer to fill in for the position would be most welcome, as our exchequer would like to keep us in compliance with kingdom policy.
  • Please submit your 2022 event bids to our exchequer, so he can include them in our q4 financial report.  Site reservation checks have been mailed for Bear’s Tavern and Goat’s Inn.
  • Our social media is buzzing along, particularly the TikTok.
  • Seahorse trim is a go!  Comment on the the Facebook post or reach out to Lada to order more.
  • Armored combat fighter practice begins indoors at Manhattanville Community Center next Wednesday, 6-8pm.  Fencing may start up at this location, please stay tuned.  Mudthaw will be the 1st youth combat in our region this coming year.  Mathghamhain is resigning as Østgarðr youth combat marshal during the upcoming viceregal polling.
  • As you schedule events and happenings, please email their details to
  • Østgarðr coronation bid in progress.  Chancellor minor is prepared to offer youth activities.  Extensive and productive  discussion of bid details followed.
  • individual motions to affirm in office, all passed: 
    • Drasma Dragomira, Herald
    • Sofya Gianetta di Trieste, Historian
    • Friderich Grimme, Webminister
    • Albrecht Anker, Social Media
    • Alec MacLachlan, Fencing Marshal
  • Huge thank yous to all of my officers, who have been AMAZING during my tenure(s) as seneschal.  I so appreciate you all for everything you do to keep this province and its cantons going.  You’ve made my job easy, and I know you will support our next seneschal with the same vigor.  Working with you has been the best part of this job, and I look forward to continuing our collaborations in new & different ways.
  • Please welcome your new seneschal, Nagashima Ichiro Ujimichi, known as Uji.

Upcoming Events/Activities

Sponsored by Østgarðr 

  • Brokenbridge commons, Dec. 19 (followed by intro to casting class)
  • online Pennsic 101 class by Jenna Childslayer, Dec 27, 7pm Eastern via the FB group Pennsic Newcomers, and Feb 5, University of Atlantia
  • Whyt Whey commons, Jan. 6 (online, 7pm)
  • Østgarðr bardic circle? Jan. 12 (online, 7pm)
  • Deck the Halls of Valhalla, Jan. 29 (online 6-10pm, bardic championship)
  • Bear’s Tavern, Feb. 25-27 (Blue Mountain Lodge, Peekskill)
  • So you want to be an outlaw?, April/May 2022
  • Lions End Spring Schola, spring 2022
  • Barleycorn, Sept. 9-11 (Camp Morty, N. Salem)
  • Goat’s Inn, Oct. 21-23 (Blue Mountain Lodge)

Of interest to the populace

  • Bellringer’s, Jan. 22, Manalapan, NJ: Carillion’s Baronial Birthday Party, hunt for medieval beasts
  • Aedult Swim 2022, Feb. 19, Milton, PA: several hundred armored combatants and fencers
  • Mudthaw, Mar. 26, Randolph, NJ

Upcoming Commons Meetings

  • January 19
  • February 16
  • March 16


  • Meeting closed at 8:40pm.

Links Contributed in Chat

December 2021 Reports • Østgarðr Commons 

Viceregents • Suuder Saran & Lada Monguligin

-Lord Albrecht Anker received his AOA at the 100 Mins war.  Hooray!!

-Ostgardr is putting together a Bid for Coronation

-Heirs: We are still looking for heirs.  There is still 2 and a half weeks left for anyone who wishes to give letters of intent to become our heirs.  We will wait until the last stroke of the Year. 

-With the orders we have for the Seahorse Trim we are over the minimum requirement and are getting the trim.  Anyone who wants more or wants to get in can contact the Vendor on the relevant facebook post or contact Lada who will forward it to them.

Seneschal • Alienor Salton

Huge thank yous to all of my officers, who have been AMAZING during my tenure(s) as seneschal.  I so appreciate you all for everything you do to keep this province and its cantons going.  You’ve made my job easy, and I know you will support our next seneschal with the same vigor.  Working with you has been the best part of this job, and I look forward to continuing our collaborations in new & different ways.

This morning in Orange County criminal court, Luis Rondon was sentenced to 25 yrs. to life for 2nd degree murder.  Our sympathies are with the Waldinger family and everyone else affected by this tragedy.

Exchequer • Francisco de Braga

  • Checks have been issued to reserve sites for both Bears & Goats Tavern this year. One check was rolled over from a previous year that was not used.
  • Please submit any Event bids for 2022 that were discussed during November Commons which have not already. I will need to include these in our Q4 Reporting and proposed budget for 2022.
  • Our deputy Exchequer has stepped down from the office as they have submitted their letter of intent to serve as Vicereine of the province. As a result I am looking for a deputy exchequer to fill in for the position and to comply with Kingdom Policy. Please let me know if you are interested. I can provide a brief description for anyone interested in what the position will require.

Herald • Drasma Dragomira

Nothing special to report this month.  Still open to help with name and armory submissions, new and in progress.

Chatelaine • Catelin Straquhin

I have nothing significant to report for this month.

Chancellor Minor • Kunigunde Wedemann

I have been asked to help with youth activities at Coronation should the bid go through, and I have accepted. Otherwise, there is nothing to report.

Arts & Sciences • Randve L’il Hammar

Nothing to report; kingdom report has been submitted.

Armored Combat • Ervald LaCoudre

Fighter practice for the winter will be on Wednesdays from 6 – 8 PM at the Manhattanville Community Center starting next week.

Archery • Arnbiorg Helga Niálsdóttir

No report submitted.

Fencing • Alec MacLachlan

Fencing practice stopped on Nov.  16th.

Waiting to hear about the Manhattanville Center as a possible indoor site.

Youth Combat • Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin

Turnout was very low at the last youth combat event of the season, Hundred Minutes War, but I am optimistic that with the continuing vaccination of younger kids over the winter we will see larger numbers in the spring. Mudthaw is expected to be the first youth combat in our region next year.

As East Kingdom Law prohibits baronial and viceregal candidates from holding offices during the period of time in which the seat is being contested (except at the discretion of the Crown), I have tendered my resignation from this office effective at the end of the month. Should the Province decide to appoint someone else to the position, I would be glad to work with them to help them get up to speed.

Minister of Lists • Marion of York

I have nothing to report. 

Webminister • Friderich Grimme

266 sessions on our website, which is up from last month, but remains low compared to social media.  I don’t think this is cause for concern, but I will be putting some thought into the purpose of the website and how it supports/interacts with our various social media pages.

I am trying to update the provincial website weekly, with a summary of activities happening in upcoming weeks.  If people want me to post other content, please let me know.  I would also love to have a graphic or picture to go with this weekly posting.  If anyone can help with this, I would be grateful.

In the past months I have noticed happenings being announced on facebook, posted on discord, etc. but not necessarily added to the Ostgardr google calendar or forwarded to me.  While I try to catch things when I see them, I’m sure I will miss happenings and I might accidentally post wrong information or publicly post an unofficial gathering by accident.  The current non-system is a problem waiting to happen.  

If you wish to run an official commons, practice or gathering, please, please please, include me in the email chain (along with the Seneschal,etc.), so it can be added to the website and the Ostgardr calendar.  My email is

Chronicler • Zahra de Andaluzia

This month we issued the Q4 issue of the E-Horse on December 1. Many thanks to all who contributed! I received positive feedback from a few sources.

On to the next! Please send me your art, articles, thoughts, memes, jokes, etc. Next issue will be published March 1, 2022. Thanks!

Social Media • Albrecht Anker

Some end of the year numbers to report:

Since our last meeting, we have had 20 new followers to our Facebook page.

The Ostgardr Tiktok is up to 1388 Followers and over 10k likes our wondrous Chatelaine Caitlin is keeping it going strong.

The Østgarðr Discord is at 34 active members and there are various chats happening daily.  I will post a link to join tonight as well.

It is the holiday season so there will be a downtick in social media activity but I am sure that will pick up soon with Deck the Halls of Valhalla right around the corner.

Chamberlain • Ian of Clan Mitchell

No changes from last month.

Historian • Sofya Gianetta di Trieste

Lord Albrecht Anker received his AOA at the 100 Minutes war in Sparta, NJ on November 20th in the Shire of Rusted Woodlands.  Vivat!

Whyt Whey • Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin

Our outing to the Cloisters was both educational and a lovely opportunity to reconnect with folks we haven’t seen in person for a while; my thanks to the dozen people who spent the afternoon with us.

Based on the results of the canton-name survey conducted this fall, and following conversations with a number of branch officers and other interested parties, our first step forward will be to see whether the canton can register the name “the Company of the Grate Whyt Whey,” incorporating the word “great” that many early members were sentimentally attached to but was omitted from the initial submission back in 1989. If that is accepted, we’ll reevaluate possible next steps from there.

We have a full slate of the necessary officers, but some folks have served in the same positions for many years and might be ready for a change, so I’ve put out a call to our populace encouraging them to volunteer for positions or serve as a deputy, as a stepping stone to greater involvement in the future.

Lions End • Nagashima Ichiro Ujimichi

I ran my last meeting as seneschal of Lions End. Still in early planning stages for spring Schola. Jenna will be running upcoming Pennsic 101 class online – kibitzers welcome.

Brokenbridge • Ragnarr bláskegg

Brokenbridge will have their commons on December 19th if you want to join.  We will talk about prep for Ethereal Deck the Halls of Valhalla, which will be January 29th.

Also after commons, will be will teach a class on intro to casting.