- Seeking event steward and other crew chiefs for the “Test of An Dubhaigeainn and Østgarðr”, to take place in early June 2014. If you’re interested, please contact viceroy@ostgardr.org, vicereine@ostgardr.org, and seneschal@ostgardr.org.
- A number of Østgarðr officer positions will expire at the end of December; see list of openings and procedures for nomination below.
The following positions on the Ostgardr Officer Council will have their terms end on December 31, 2013:
- Exchequer,
- Minister of Lists,
- Herald,,
- Chronicler,
- Marshal of Fence,
- Thrown Weapons Captain,
- Chamberlain, and
- Historian
Descriptions of the requirements for being a provincial officer may be found in the Ostgardr bylaws.
All those gentles interested in serving in one of these positions, including all current officers seeking to renew for an additional two year term must submit a letter of intent to the Viceregents and the seneschal by November 15, 2013. The letter of intent must include:
Sca member number and expiration date
Home address (with zip code and county)
Length of activity in the crown province
List of current/prior offices in the Sca, if any
If any of the officers current serving in the above positions do not wish to serve an additional term, but are willing to serve if no other suitable candidates arise, please say so in your letter of intent.
Letters of intent should be sent by e-mail to viceroy@ostgardr.org, vicereine@ostgardr.org and seneschal@ostgardr.org.
The list of candidates for each position will be posted by November 20, 2013. Approval of candidates will happen after that date with officers being selected by and beginning their new terms on January 1, 2014.
Many thanks to those who volunteer.