Provincial Commons Minutes – December 2022

Wednesday, December 21, 2022 Commons Meeting


Absent Officers:
We note that the number of officers able to attend  has been negatively influenced by the resurgence of Covid-19 and seasonal influenza in the area.

  • Sofya Gianetta di Trieste, Vicereine
  • Arnora Ketilsdottir, Brokenbridge Seneschal
  • Brandr Aronsson, MOAS
  • Arnbiorg Helga Niálsdóttir, Archery Marshal
  • Ian of Clan Mitchell, Chamberlain, retiring at end of 2022
  • Francisco de Braga, Exchequer, retiring at end of 2022
  • Kunigunde Wedemann, Chancellor Minor
  • Albrecht Anker, Chatelaine

7:30 Meeting called to order.

Bullying & Harassment Policy was displayed and read

Notable Ostgardian Accomplishments

At 100 Minutes War

  • Arnora Ketilsdottir won the East Kingdom Novice A&S competition  (from the chat:  “Arnora’s project was math themed and it was very in depth and got a ton of interest.”)
  • Suuder Saran inducted into the Order of the Pelican – Congratulations!

Officer Elections

The below Officer Candidates who were unopposed were voted on and approved by the sitting Ostgardr officers present:

  • Alienore Salton for Exchequer
  • Albrecht Anker for Chatelaine
  • Zahra De Andaluzia for  Chronicler
  • Brandr Minister of Arts and Sciences
  • Vitasha Ivanovich Doch for  Minister of Lists
  • Ervald LaCoudre the Optimistic for Knight Marshal
  • Kunigunde Wedemann for Chancellor Minor 
  • Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin for  Historian 

Offices unfilled for 2023

  • Captain of Archers  (Arnbiorg Helga Niálsdóttir retiring end of 2022)
  • Chamberlain   (Ian of Clan Mitchell retiring end of 2022)

Officer Report Items For Discussion

Provincial Storage 

in a retail facility has been approved by the populace, Seneschal, and the Financial Committee.   Alec MacLaughlin will take on the responsibility of renting the unit, and be reimbursed for those expenses.  

Lions End proposal 

to move their border to encompass portions of eastern Queens currently in Ostgardr Proper would not be opposed by the Province, so long as the East Kingdom saw no impediment.   The expansion is seen as a way to increase the population of the Canton, and increase the number of individuals available to serve as Canton officers.  A casual query was raised as to whether Brokenbridge would also care to expand their boundaries.   

Other Items For Discussion

Brewers’ Guild 

Representative Fiona the Volatile formally requested that Ostgardr host a Brewers’ Guild Event, Brew U, at Blue Mountain Lodge in the Peekskill area in northern Ostgardr  (Northwestern Westchester County), preferably in April or May of 2023.   Oliver De Bainbridge will, if dates are available, to reserve the booking for Brew U as well as for other Ostgardr events which use the site.    Fiona would serve as the Event Co-Steward.  Ostgardr would retain any profits.  

Northern Ostgardr

As stated during the initial inquiry regarding the settlement of a lawsuit against the SCA and the return of Northpass, Uji is not at liberty to discuss this at this time. The previous information was redacted by Uji because I was tired and revealed more information that I should have. I am asking those in attendance at the commons meeting to ignore what was said by me in this regard. Please do not discuss any information regarding Northpass. Thank you.

Deck the Halls of Valhalla – Saturday January 14th, 2023

promises great fun but don’t wait to pre-register… There are already  20 pre-reg’d and the event is capped at 70.   

  • viking games
  • kids’ bardic
  • A medieval themed photo booth.
  • Medieval gift exchange – bring a wrapped medieval themed gift in good condition.  But don’t worry if you come up short, others will bring extras.
  • Ostgardr Bardic Champion Competition
  • multiple classes.  Vitasha has offered viking wire weaving. 
  • Delicious Dayboard being planned!  People with special dietary needs should contact Perez ASAP so accommodations may be made.    
  • looking to add fiber classes.   People who want to teach please contact  Uji, the  class coordinator at    

Gallery Sunday

Whyt Whey (name change to Appleholm submitted) invites all to join them on January 22nd, for a 1 PM visit to the exhibit Ritual and Memory: The Ancient Balkans and Beyond at the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, 15 East 84th Street (between Madison and Fifth Avenues)  New York, NY 10028.  This is a block away from the Metropolitan Museum of Art.    The exhibit shows artifacts from the Neolithic through Iron ages.   Background information:

Entry is free to the public.

It is expected that some attendees will choose to stop at a local establishment for food and drink later. 

Same day Commons and Fighter Practice – problem or opportunity?

Ervald suggests that since Commons and Fighter practice are now both on Wednesdays during cold weather that some attending Commons do so from the Manhattanville Community Center.  We will test wi-fi and cell capability at the next opportunity. 

New Rochelle A&S workshop on Saturday April 8th, 2023, 11 AM to 3 PM.  Lada will teach a scribal class.  Richard will bring games if he can have a table.   Other activities are being planned.   Gibbs notes that the activity is on an especially good day to be there as the library has its booksale open on Saturdays.    The library is reported to be handicap accessible, and easily accessible on foot from the MetroNorth train station.    

From Chat

  • Many exchanges of holiday greetings by the populace
  • Perez ben Meir Gershon says “For those who haven’t seen, highly recommend the new “Catherine Called Birdie” on Amazon. Stars Bella Ramsey (Lady Mormont from GoT)”


  • Meeting closed at 8:10 PM

Upcoming in Østgarðr: December 12th to December 25th

Here is what’s happening this week in Østgarðr. Come join us for…

6:00 p.m. –
8:00 p.m.
Østgarðr Winter Indoor Fighter Practice
Crown Province of Østgarðr
(Manhattan, NY)
7:00 p.m. –
8:00 p.m.
Østgarðr Arts & Crafts Night
Crown Province of Østgarðr
Details to

And next week…

6:00 p.m. –
8:00 p.m.
Østgarðr Winter Indoor Fighter Practice
Crown Province of Østgarðr
(Manhattan, NY)
7:00 p.m. –
9:00 p.m.
Østgarðr Provincial Commons & Social
Crown Province of Østgarðr
Details to

Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.

Winter Indoor Fighting & Fencing Practice 2022

Join the NYC chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism for our weekly indoor Fighting & Fencing practice, held on Wednesday in Manhattanville Community Center.

Do you want to learn to fight like the knights of the middle ages? Our Armored Combat practice is a full contact sport. We fight with heavy wooden weapons made from rattan and wear metal and leather armor for protection.

Additionally, SCA fencing practice happens on the same day at the same time.

Where: Manhattanville Community Center 350 West 133rd Street Manhattan, NY 10027

When: Wednesday evenings from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. (or later)

Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to try to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.

Read the E-Horse, Winter 2022

Come read The E-Horse, Østgarðr’s Electronic News Source!

This issue, Volume 16 – Winter 2022, includes:

  • The Tasting Room: We Wish You a Merry Hippocras!
  • Vyllage Square: Ragnar Bliskegg on Simply SCAdian

Download the E-Horse in PDF format here.

If you have any difficulty viewing it or if you would like an email subscription please contact

Østgarðr Provincial Commons Minutes – November 2022

Wednesday, November 17, 2022 Commons Meeting


Angelica di Nova Lipa, Vicereine

Sofya Gianetta di Trieste, Vicereine, Historian
Nagashima Ichiro Ujimichi, Seneschal
Drasma Dragomira, Herald

Albrecht, Chatelaine, Social Media Officer

Brandr Aronsson, Arts & Sciences
Zahra de Andaluzia, Chronicler
Alexander MacLachlan, Fencing
Kunigunde Wedemann, Chancelor Minor

Marion of York, Lists

Alienor Salton, Seneschal of Whyt Whey

Iola Wulfsdotter, Seneschal of Lions End
Lada Monguligin, Il-Khatun Emeritus
Mathghamhain Ua Ruadhain
Gibbs Moryss
Hanya Polotskaya
Eadwine the Younger

Ceandra of Ostgardr 

Jenna Childslayer
Vitasha Ivanova Doch’
Ilia Aleksandrovich

Absent Officers:
Francisco de Braga, Exchequer
Ervald LaCoudre, Armored Combat
Arnbiorg Niálsdóttir, Archery
Friderich Grimme, Webminister
Ian of Clan Mitchell, Chamberlain
Arnora Ketilsdottir, Seneschal of Brokenbridge

7:30 Meeting called to order. 

Bullying & Harassment Policy was displayed and read

Sofya: Thanks to all who attended apple harvest.
– Thanks to Lada for scribal workshops; next is Jan 22.
– Armored combat and fencing practices are moving indoors
– If you see someone who’s deserving of an award, put in a recommendation, at kingdom or provincial level. We love to acknowledge our populace.
– Uji: I’ve emailed Friderich about setting up a form for provincial award recommendations.
– Provincial champions are invited to attend a Champion’s Challenge in Smoking Rocks early next year.
– We’d like to arrange some A&S gatherings in northern region, perhaps a couple of Saturdays, in New Rochelle Public Library (which is available for $35). Perhaps banner-making workshop? Proposed dates are in our report.
– Tomorrow is an A&S class, finger loop braiding, taught by Alienor, please come.
– Hundred Minutes is this Saturday. It’s a great event. It will be cold. Reach out if you have questions.
– Deck the Halls (sixth year) is coming up early 2023, will include provincial bardic championships.
– Look at the EK calendar — things are getting scheduled for last year.
– Let’s think about holding another royal progress event next year; maybe a single-day event? 

– Deputies are still needed for provincial officer positions.
– Have received letters of intent for most of the positions whose terms are ending. Exchequer: Alienor; Chatelaine: Albrech; A&S: Brandr; Lists: Vitasha; Minors: Kunigunde; Historian: Mathghamhain. Still waiting for confirmation from Ervald regarding armored combat.
– Some positions remain open: Arnbjorg is stepping down. We don’t need strictly need a chamberlain, Uji can take on the relevant responsibilities.
– Confirmation of those volunteers by vote of officers in December meeting.
– Iola: what are the requirements for being an archery marshal?
– Uji: You need to be a warranted archery marshal, and interested in facilitating those activities in the province.

– Default event refund policy. Uji will mail officers to obtain confirmation.

– Fiona the Volitile has asked whether the province would be able to host Brew U. They would like to host at Blue Mountain, for which Uji is researching availability. Some time in first third of 2023.
– Lada: previous years it’s been held in April/May.

– Uji is interested in runing a Kimchi workshop at his house on December 3. Bring a jar and a couple of dollars for ingredients. Kimchi is a style of pickled vegetables, traditionally prepared in late fall. Will be making hot kimchi which is very-late period (following arrival of chili peppers from Americas). Could optionally also make a white kimchi, which is more solidly period.

– Brandr: discussions ongoing re holding an A&S event at his house mid-December.

– Ragnarr: we have signed our venue contract for Valhalla, January 14, 10 AM – 5 PM.
– PayPal pre-registration will be posted soon.
– Event planning is begining now. Volunteers needed.
– If you’d like to run a class or other activity, let them know.
– They will have a cash bar, outside alcoholic drinks subject ot $20 bottle fee.
– Big room on second floor with a stage which will be used for bardic. First floor has three smaller classes.
– Alec: Will there be a cap?
– Ragnarr: yes, 75 people (more than previous site).
– Alec: can the bartender customize the drink offerings?
– Ragnarr: yes, we’ll be talking with them to ensure they have cider and mead.
– Uji: will there be food?
– Ragnarr: Yes, working with Perez to offer a dayboard.
– Lada: what about a gift exchange?
– Ragnarr: that’s a good suggestion, I’ll add it to our plans.
– Kunigunde: how did you find this venue?
– Ragnarr: Folks liked our old location, but wanted to find something that was handicapped accessible and maybe cheaper. I found this through a third-party rental site. It’s normally a small concert site. It’s located in an industrial area of Bushwick, so lots of street parking on the weekends. Accessible via L train.

– Mathghamhain: I’ve designed a few promotional t-shirts for the province, available at <>. Let me know if you have suggestions for other designs. Most items cost $20; shipping starts at $5; items arrive in about two weeks. Proceeds of about a dollar will be donated to Whyt Whey.

– Meeting closed 8:05

Period Cooking Workshop – Kimchi

When: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2022 AT 1 PM – 4 PM

Where: 383 Littleworth Lane, Sea Cliff, NY 11579

Gather around the table and learn of the 4,000 year old national dish of Korea. We will be making both white kimchi and the more familiar spicy red kimchi. The knowledge gleaned from this transfers to other fermented vegetable dishes from around the world.

If you want to bring some home, please bring jars or other containers to carry it. Due to the cost of materials, it will be $1.50 per pint/pound of kimchi.

Due to space restrictions, this workshop is limited to 10 people. Please RSVP to the host by email at

Looking forward to seeing you there.
~Nagashima Ichirō Ujimichi (Uji)

A Change of Seasons

As the Crown Province of Østgarðr moves into the winter season, there will be a brief pause in official activities, but we will be back soon with an abundance of pre-17th century inspired activities, including:

  • Indoor Fighting and Fencing Practices
  • Arts & Crafts Workshops
  • Caligraphy
  • Commons & Social Activities

Check back in about a week for more details of what is happening in December and beyond.

Upcoming in Østgarðr: November 7th – November 20th

Here is what’s happening this week in Østgarðr. Come join us for…

7:00 p.m.

10:00 p.m.
Østgarðr Fencing & Fighting Practice
Canton of Brokenbridge
(Brooklyn, NY)
7:30 p.m.

9:00 p.m.
Lions End Virtual Commons & Social
Canton of Lions End
Details to
11:00 a.m.

Brokenbridge Commons
Canton of Brokenbridge
2:00 p.m.

4:00 p.m.
Scribal Workshop
Canton of Brokenbridge
(Brooklyn, NY)

And next week…

7:00 p.m.

10:00 p.m.
Østgarðr Fencing & Fighting Practice
Canton of Brokenbridge
(Brooklyn, NY)
7:00 p.m.

9:00 p.m.
Østgarðr Provincial Commons & Social
Crown Province of Østgarðr
7:00 p.m.

8:00 p.m.
Østgarðr Arts and Crafts Night
Crown Province of Østgarðr
to Follow