Saturday Solar – Brokenbridge

Five people are working inside a workshop making jewelry. One person is working at a forge, while another young person is spinning a wheel of some sort to twist metal. The other three people are working t a long bench.
A goldsmith’s workshop – 1576
The British Museum Images. (n.d.). British Museum Images.

Have a project you need help with? Want some company for crafting?
Then join us in Marine Park, Brooklyn on Saturday March 16th

The closest public transport is the B31 and B100 busses.

RSVP at the following email:

*Food and snacks will be available during the solar.
If you have any allergies, please let me know when you RSVP.

From our Vicereagents – A January letter

Ostgardr court in session at Deck the Halls of Valhalla
Image courtesy of Sir Valgard Stonecleaver (mka Michael A. Cramer)

Deck the Halls of Valhalla infused our hearts with joy and warmth, marking a splendid beginning to the new year. The blend of new faces and cherished friends created an atmosphere of true delight, making the event exceptionally memorable. From outstanding classes to delectable food, every element of the day contributed to its perfection. Thank you to all who made this event a success, especially our two co-stewards Drasma Dragomira and Arnora Ketilsdottir.

Angelica and I were overjoyed to welcome Vitasha Ivanova doch’ into the esteemed Order of the Silver Lantern. Likewise, Abu Duruz Ibrahim ibin Musa al-Rashid received well-deserved recognition and joined the prestigious Order of the Silver Sea Lion and Silver Lantern.

But wait, there’s more to celebrate! This past Saturday at Birka in the Barony of Stonemarche, Perez ben Meir Gershon was honored with his induction into the Order of the Silver Brooch for his exceptional culinary skills.

Some samples of Perez ben Meir Gershon’s culinary delights!
Images courtesy of Perez ben Meir Gershon mka Gavin Skal

Cheers to these remarkable moments that continue to fill our hearts with warmth and delight!

Vivat! Vivat! Vivat!

Sofya Gianetta di Trieste & Angelica di Nova Lipa
Viceregents-Crown Province of Ostgardr

Sunday Solar – Brokenbridge

When: Sunday, February 18 from 2-5 pm
Where: Private – RSVP to Hanya Vladimirovna Polotskaya for the address

Have a project you need help with? Want some company for crafting? Then join us in Marine Park, Brooklyn.

The closest public transport is the B31 and B100 busses. RSVP at the email above to find the address.

January Commons Review – Agenda, Reports, Minutes, and a poll.

Liber Ethicorum des Henricus de Alemannia (de Voltolina, 1350s) (Source)

Thank you Ostgardr for coming to Commons on Wednesday.  Here are the Agenda, Officers’ Reports, and Minutes from the meeting (thank you, Zahra, for your help).  

Officer Reports
Commons Minutes (Minutes in Blue)

Please note, we are looking for an Event Steward for Viking Day.  If we do not find anyone to step up in the next sev/xen days, we will not be able to attend the demo.  Please let me know if you are interested. 

Also, there is an ask about moving commons to a new day.  Please use this survey to give your opinion on the best day for commons!  

Yours in service, 
Ragnarr Bliskegg
Seneschal of Ostgardr

Sunday Solar – Sewing Party

When: Sunday, February 4 from 2-5 pm
Where: Private – RSVP to Catelin for the address

Triumph of Minerva (detail of the right side) 1476-84
(Web Gallery of Art, Searchable Fine Arts Image Database, n.d.)

The next Sunday Solar will be an in person event where we will work on personal sewing projects. Bring what you are working on and stitch away in the company of others. Need assistance with your project? Ask, and we will do our best to assist you. There will be room to set up sewing machines if you wish to bring one to work on your project. 

As stated above, the Solar will be held at the home of Catelin in Mount Vernon, which is near the Metro North station. Please contact Catelin or Vitasha to RSVP and get the address.

January 17, 2024 Commons Meeting

Please join our regularly scheduled 3rd Wednesday of the month social and business meeting! Meet the new seneschal, as well as new and returning officers.

We will be discussing the merger of Ostgardr with Midland Vale, along with upcoming events.

The full agenda can be found here: January 2024 Agenda

The call begins at 7 pm. The business meeting will be called to order at 7:30 pm. Socializing will continue after the meeting.

You may join the Google Meet by computer, by mobile device, or by plain old telephone.

Here is the link for the meeting:

First Winter Indoor Practice! Sunday 1/14

We are excited to host our first indoor winter fighter practice!

Join us at the Kingsland Bar & Grill
269 Norman Ave #3634, Brooklyn, NY 11222 on Sunday, 1/14 from 12 to 3 pm

Facebook event page

  • Do you want to learn to fight like the knights of the middle ages?

    Our Armored Combat practice is a full-contact sport. We fight with heavy wooden weapons made from rattan and wear metal and leather armor for protection.
  • Do you want to learn fine control of the blade like the duelists of the Renaissance?

    Our Historical Fencing practice is a limited-contact sport. We fight with light metal swords and wear protective gear and fencing masks to keep each other safe.

The practice will be held in a 1-on-1 duelist format to get us ready for Birka tourneys both the fencing and Bear Pit armored combat.

– PARKING! There is plenty of street parking right by the venue
– Bathrooms on site
– Indoor heated location to change in
– Brick oven pizza and a full bar to celebrate our success afterward

Suggested donation: $10 per person

SPACE RESTRICTIONS: Due to space restrictions no polearms or spears will be allowed

A letter from our Seneschal

To the Populace of the Crown Province of Østgarðr,

Happy New Year to all my fellow Østgarðians!  This is my first official hello as your new Seneschal. This will be an exciting time for me as I work to get up to speed with everything that is going on within the Province.  I am truly looking forward to working with you all to make the Crown Province excel in this coming year.  

I first want to thank Lord Nagashima Ichiro Ujimichi for all your hard work as Seneschal of Østgarðr.  Your leadership has been valuable to the Province and I hope that I can continue all the good work you have done for us.  

To all the Canton Seneschals, I can’t wait to work with you all.  I will be reaching out this week to formally introduce myself and see what help you need and what major issues you are dealing with.  I want to make sure our Cantons are strong and healthy and will help where I can.

To all the returning officers of Østgarðr, thank you for your continued service.  Your knowledge and experience of the workings of your position will be invaluable during this time. You are the backbone of our Province and appreciate your continued support.

To all the new officers of Østgarðr, thank you for stepping up.  As a new officer also, I probably know some of the feelings you are experiencing right now.  Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. If you are in a position that you need help or guidance with, please let me know and let’s work on it together to help you succeed!

And last but by no means least, to the populace of Østgarðr, thank you for your support.  Thank you for being with us and being part of the SCA.  I have heard some exciting things are coming and I look forward to what we all can accomplish together.

-Ragnarr Blaskegg

Seneschal of Østgarðr