December 2019 Election Results

From the Viceregents:

Greetings to the populace of Ostgardr,

The votes for new officers have been tallied and the results are in. Out of the two officers positions that had more than one candidate are as follows and will take their office as of January 1st:

  • Provincial Seneschal: Alienor Salton
  • Provincial Herald: Drasma Dragomira

Results of the other offices that only had one candidate have been posted by our acting seneschal [ed. note: see below]. Welcome one and all officers, we look forward to working with all our them in the coming year.

Thanks to all who raised their hands to offer themselves up and to all who are staying, without you guys this wouldn’t work. We love you all. Also thank you to our outgoing officers, we really appreciate the service and work you’ve done.

Happy holidays and a Happy New Year to all!!

In Service,
Suuder and Lada

From the Acting Seneschal:

Greetings All,

As I’ve mentioned, there was an on-line vote held among the officers for those positions for which there was only one candidate. These being:

  • Fencing Marshal: Alexander MacLachlan
  • Historian: Mistress Sofya Gianetta di Trieste
  • Minister of Arts and Sciences: Thorfinn Hrothgeirsson
  • Minister of Lists: Marion of York
  • Webminister: Anne of Ostgardr

This vote ended this past Saturday night, and all of these people have been approved by the officers.

Three of these people were running for re-election, and two were running for the first time. Mistress Sofya, Anne, and I will continue in our roles (listed above). Thorfinn and Marion are scheduled to assume their positions as of this coming January 1st. As the position of MOL is currently vacant, I have asked Marion to take on the role immediately as an appointment for the remainder of the year.

I would like to thank all of these people for their past and continuing service. Everyone looks forward to working with them.

In Service,

Alexander MacLachlan
Acting Seneschal

Procedures for December Election

Greetings All,

Starting December 1st, and going through December 14th, residents of the Province will be able to go on line and vote for the positions of Provincial Seneschal and Provincial Herald. Voting will be open to all paid members, who reside within the Province and its Cantons, and are at least 14 years old. Voting will be done using the “Borda Method”. This is a ranked voting system. People will pick out their first choice of candidate for the position and this will be recorded when their form is submitted. You will then get an email confirming your choices.

The link to vote is here:

I will be verifying whether people are eligible to vote. Our Viceregents will have access to the actual votes.

If your membership has expired recently, and you have renewed, please print out a copy of your renewal and send it to me when you vote.

In addition, there are five other provincial officer positions that will only be voted on by the officers through email, as there is only one candidate for each of them. These are: Minister of Lists, Minister of A&S, Fencing Marshal, Historian and Webminister. Officers please check your gmail accounts.

I have asked our Chronicler, Zahra, to re-print the candidate statements for Herald and Seneschal (that were posted on Facebook) in the SEAHORSE, which has just been published.

Below is a list of all the Candidates. People can ask them questions directly, even if they are only being voted on by the officers. If anybody has a concern about any of the candidates, they should contact either the Viceregents or myself.

The positions and candidates are:

  • Seneschal: Alexander MacLachlan, Alienor (Piglet) Salton (Populace Vote)
  • Herald: Drasma Dragomira, Ragnarr Bliskegg (Populace Vote)
  • Fencing Marshal: Alexander MacLachlan (Officer Vote)
  • Historian: Mistress Sofya Gianetta di Trieste (Officer Vote)
  • Minister of Arts and Sciences: Thorfinn Hrothgeirsson (Officer Vote)
  • Minister of Lists: Marion of York (Officer Vote)
  • Webminister: Anne of Ostgardr (Officer Vote)

In Service,
Alexander MacLachlan
Acting Seneschal of Ostgardr