A fundraiser in aid of the Royal travel fund

At the Kings and Queens Arts and Sciences and Bardic Championships there will be an auction by raffle to add to the Royal Travel fund.

A call for donation of prizes

We are asking gentles of the Kingdom to donate items that can be auctioned by raffle at the Championships.

We envisage two kinds of donations:

  • Goods of interest to the populace: mundane books, pictures, or other media that speak to our Society and its Arts and Sciences
  • Works by the artisans, artists and artificers of the East

Handling of the prizes

We would ask that any donor who will also be present at the Championship kindly bring their donation to the auction on the day (or, if not attending, send it via someone who is attending). Please indicate:

  • What the item is, if otherwise unclear
  • The name of the donor / creator
  • Whether it should be classified as Goods or Works

Forms with the headings above and a space for personal words will be available

The raffle

Event attendees may purchase tickets for the two kinds of prize, one eligible for Goods ($2 mundane) , the other, at a somewhat higher price, for Works. It shall be fruitless to use a Goods ticket for Works, and folly to do the reverse.
Some Goods and some Works will require a minimum of two, three, or even more tickets.

The tickets will be placed in cups before the items. Any gentle may place as many tickets as they desire in any cup (but heed the minimum where in force).


At the close of the day, just before Court, the draw will be cried. The draw will then be made by a gentle of good standing and impeccable renown and the winners announced.

The event attendees are invited to attend the drawing, and each winner to claim their prize.

Should the winner not attend the draw, their ticket will be affixed to the prize for the remainder of the event. Winners are cordially invited to repair to the auction house and claim their prize by forfeit of the matching ticket to the steward of the auction.

At the end of the event, unclaimed prizes will return to the keep of the Kingdom to increase the store of largesse and gifts Their Royal Majesties may at their pleasure bestow.

Questions or comments?

Please contact Simon Talbot at Simon Talbot

Commons Minutes for December 2017

Herein are contained the minutes for the December 15, 2017 Commons and Officers Council meetings, as recorded by John Elys.


Francesco Gaetano Greco d’Edessa, Seneschal
Sofya Gianetta di Trieste, Minister of Arts & Sciences
Ervald LaCoudre, Knight Marshal
Marion of York, Fencing Marshal
Alec MacLachlan, Deputy Fencing Marshal
Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, Youth Combat Marshal
Ian of Clan Mitchell, Chamberlain
Rufina Cambrensis, Chronicler
John Elys, Deputy Chronicler
Richard the Poor of Ely, Historian
Brekke Franksdottir, Lions End Seneschal

Absent Officers

Suuder Saran, Viceroy
Lada Monguligin, Vicereine
Angelica di Nova Lipa, Exchequer
Mongu Chinua, Herald
Beatrice della Rocca, Chatelaine
Arnbjorg Helga Niálsdóttir, Archery Marshal
Erich Guter Muth, Minister of Lists
Arnora Ketilsdottir, Webminister
Alienor Salton, Whyt Whey Seneschal
Wilhelm of Northpass, Northpass Seneschal
Brandr Aronsson, Brokenbridge Seneschal

 Officers Reports

Seneschal (Francesco): K&Q want to move Pennsic Court from Weds. to either Tues. or Thurs. (to avoid conflict w/Midnight Madness); they want feedback from the Populace.  Discussion.

Historian (Richard the Poor): None.

Fencing (Marion): Not running for another term.  We may have a practice space on Sunday afternoons in Levittown.

Lions End (Brekke): Working on June 2 demo; will need a bunch of Ostgardr help, especially hands-on child-friendly stuff.  Discuss fighting, G&W vs. pop-ups, etc.  There’s a $ stipend.  Brekke stepping down as Seneschal in June.

Fighting (Ervald): Outdoor practice over for the season.  Still negotiating insurance with potential practice site at Sussman Automatic.  Seamus has mostly finished making 5 suits of loaner armor.  Will invite fighters to June 2 demo.

Stuff (Ian): Cooking gear in Northpass.  Green & white pavilion is still in Whyt Whey.

Chatelaine (report via Sofya): Gold Key is in good shape, at Sofya’s place.  If you need Gold Key, contact Chatelaine well in advance, and make sure you return it.

MoAS (Sofya): Preparing for K&Q A&S & Bardic Championship.  Participate!

Youth Combat (Mathghamhain): Not much happening, as kids are in high-school-admission flurry.

Chronicler (Rufina): Recap from Nov Commons: considering supplying some old Seahorses for display at EK/Og 50Y, and also creating a “Best Of the Seahorse” handout.

Upcoming Events

A&S Bardic (Sofya): We’re hosting.  Preregister if possible: we want to minimize lines at the door because it’ll be cold.  Help out, wherever you are.

EK/Og 50Y (Sofya): 27-30 June.  Want to look good.  Judith will organize recorded music; would also like live performances of music, mumming, drama, etc.  Artifacts by some time in April.

Upcoming meetings: January at Alienor’s.  February possibly at Sofya’s. March undecided.

Officer Elections

We have nine officers present and ten proxies.

Non-Contested Offices

Web: unanimous Alienor
Herald: unanimous Mathghamhain
Chronicler: unanimous Rufina
Fencing: unanimous Alec


Brief discussion of voting procedure: secret written ballots with one name on each.  No decision in advance on whether the plurality wins, or there’s a second round omitting the last place finisher, or what.

Fortunately, there was a majority on the first ballot: Alienor is the new Seneschal.

Officer Appointments

To the populace of the Crown Province of Østgarðr, on behalf of their Viceroy and Vicereine, does Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin send his greetings.

Following this evening’s Commons meeting, the Provincial Officers Council gathered to review the candidates for those offices whose terms expire this month.

Herein are recorded the result of that session as I recall them.

Baronè Francesco Gaetano Grèco d’Edessa has stepped down as Seneschal. Please join me in thanking him for his service.

Hlæfdige Alienor Salton, called Piglet, has been selected as the new Provincial Seneschal by a vote of the Officers Council.

Alienor has also been appointed to be the province’s Webminister. The former occupant of that office, Lady Arnora Ketilsdottir, stepped down earlier this year to care for her newborn — our thanks and congratulations to her and her family.

Alienor is stepping down from her positions in the Canton of Whyt Whey, ceding those offices to her deputies; Lady Vika Grigina z Prahy will serve as the Seneschal of Whyt Whey, and Lady Anneke Valmarsdotter will become the Whyt Whey webminister.

Lord Mongu Chinua has stepped down as Herald. He has the province’s appreciation for his efforts in this office in recent years.

Your humble correspondent, Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, has been appointed to be the new provincial Herald. I have asked Chinua to stay on and assist me as deputy herald, for I shall have need of his knowledge.

I am stepping down from my position as Herald of Whyt Whey, and passing that office to my deputy, Lord Erich Guter Muth, who served in that position before me.

Lady Marion of York has stepped down as provincial Fencing Marshal. She has ably led the rapier corps, and we look forward to seeing her on the field again in the coming year.

Alexander MacLachlan has been appointed to serve as the Fencing Marshal. In recent months he has been actively working to energize the fencing program and we eagerly anticipate his continued success. Alienor has also asked him to assist her as deputy Seneschal, where his experience will be much appreciated.

Magistra Rufina Cambrensis has been re-appointed to her position as provincial Chronicler. Her reliable publication of our monthly newsletter, the E-Horse, is a valuable service to all members of the populace.

For the outgoing and incoming officers of the province — Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

By my hand at Straus Park on the feast day of St. Florentius, I remain yours in service,

— Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin
Seahorse Pursuivant

Provincial Officer Elections


At the November commons meeting, our Vicereine announced the names of those who have volunteered to serve in the provincial offices whose terms expire at the end of the year.

For the office of Seneschal there are three candidates:
• Alexander MacLachlan; currently the Provincial Deputy Fencing Marshal.
• Alienor Salton; currently the Seneschal of Whyt Whey.
• Mongu Chinua; currently the Provincial Herald.

For the office of Herald, the sole candidate is Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, currently the Herald of Whyt Whey.

For the office of Fencing Marshal, the sole candidate is Alexander MacLachlan, currently the Deputy for that office.

For the office of Webminister, the sole candidate is Alienor Salton, currently the Deputy for that office.

For the office of Chronicler, the sole candidate is Mistress Rufina Cambrensis, the current holder of that office.

Any members of the populace who have feedback or concerns regarding these appointments are invited to address them to the Viceroy, Suuder Saran, [viceroy at ostgardr.eastkingdom.org], the Vicereine, Lada Monguligan, [vicereine at ostgardr.eastkingdom.org], or the Seneschal of Østgarðr, Baron Francesco, [seneschal at ostgardr.eastkingdom.org], prior to the December 15, 2017 Crown Provincial Commons meeting.

At that meeting, the appointments will be discussed by the Crown Provincial Officers Corps, which is comprised of the Viceregents, The current Crown Provincial Officers, (not including deputies), and the Seneschals of the Cantons. The new Officers will be confirmed in their positions as of the end of the meeting.

For the contested Office of Seneschal, votes will be cast by the Officer Corps to choose between the candidates. If you are a member of the Officer Corps, but will not be able to attend the December 2017 Commons, please either submit your vote in writing or send someone as your proxy with a written authorization to cast this vote on your behalf.

The candidates for Seneschal are invited to send a statement describing their intentions for the position to the officers mailing list, ostgardr-officers at ostgardr.eastkingdom.org, prior to the meeting.

The work of the Crown Provincial and Canton Officers and Deputies are an important part of making our society possible. If you are interested in serving in any Officer position, please speak with the current Officer about becoming a Deputy, which will give you a hands-on opportunity to learn more about the position and its responsibilities.

I pray that you Fare Well,

+ Baroné Francesco Gaetano Gréco d’Edessa, OS, OSC
• Seneschal, Crown Province of Østgärðr

Post Script:
~ I would like to thank Mathghamhain for drafting this letter, for me to send to you. If I weren’t stepping-down as Seneschal, I’d ask you to serve as Scribe to the Seneschal.