A fundraiser in aid of the Royal travel fund

At the Kings and Queens Arts and Sciences and Bardic Championships there will be an auction by raffle to add to the Royal Travel fund.

A call for donation of prizes

We are asking gentles of the Kingdom to donate items that can be auctioned by raffle at the Championships.

We envisage two kinds of donations:

  • Goods of interest to the populace: mundane books, pictures, or other media that speak to our Society and its Arts and Sciences
  • Works by the artisans, artists and artificers of the East

Handling of the prizes

We would ask that any donor who will also be present at the Championship kindly bring their donation to the auction on the day (or, if not attending, send it via someone who is attending). Please indicate:

  • What the item is, if otherwise unclear
  • The name of the donor / creator
  • Whether it should be classified as Goods or Works

Forms with the headings above and a space for personal words will be available

The raffle

Event attendees may purchase tickets for the two kinds of prize, one eligible for Goods ($2 mundane) , the other, at a somewhat higher price, for Works. It shall be fruitless to use a Goods ticket for Works, and folly to do the reverse.
Some Goods and some Works will require a minimum of two, three, or even more tickets.

The tickets will be placed in cups before the items. Any gentle may place as many tickets as they desire in any cup (but heed the minimum where in force).


At the close of the day, just before Court, the draw will be cried. The draw will then be made by a gentle of good standing and impeccable renown and the winners announced.

The event attendees are invited to attend the drawing, and each winner to claim their prize.

Should the winner not attend the draw, their ticket will be affixed to the prize for the remainder of the event. Winners are cordially invited to repair to the auction house and claim their prize by forfeit of the matching ticket to the steward of the auction.

At the end of the event, unclaimed prizes will return to the keep of the Kingdom to increase the store of largesse and gifts Their Royal Majesties may at their pleasure bestow.

Questions or comments?

Please contact Simon Talbot at Simon Talbot