Annal for A.S. XVIII (5/83 – 4/84)

Mordred Mjodvitner received his Silver Crescent at the Coronation of Viktor and Sedalia on October 8 and Aidan ni Leir was inducted into the Order of the Laurel on December 7. Also in December, the canton of Vikings’ Hall formed in Westchester & Putnam Counties.

The officers at the end of this year were:

Seneschal: Tadg ui Duinn of Isle Magee
Herald:  Dawyd z Gury
Knight Marshal: Mordred Mjodvitner
Exchequer: Ian Mitchell
Chronicler: Tadg ui Duinn of Isle Magee
Minister of Arts: Medbh na Armagh
Minister of Science: Anaron Caithness of Wyk
Minster of Lists: Gisela die Gelinde
Captain of Archers: Aubrey Lowell
Chiurgeon: Rannveigr Haakonarsdottir

Annal for A.S. XVI (5/81 – 4/82)

Walking Dunes and St. Dunstan’s met their end in May; Iron Forest followed in April. Mordred Mjodvitner received his Maunche at Twelfth Night on January 9. Ian Mitchell and Katherine Gillesfleur were named Barons of the Court of Aelfwine and Arastorm on March 13; Katherine also received her Maunche that day. On January 23, Michel de la Rivoi du Bois was given a Seahorse. Seahorses were also given to Aubrey Lowell, Medhbh o Armagh, and Reya nam Beantann in April.

Annals for A.S. XV (5/80 – 4/81)

In October, Madnan (Nassau County) was founded and Blasted Heath gained its independence. In December, both King’s Heights and Dark Canton dissolved. In March, Black Ford (Fordham U.) was founded. Seahorses were given to Bronwyn, Mordecai, Olwen merch Siegfired, and Triffin of Ty Llanberis in May, and to Anton McRae, Appolonia Tirnandra Domitia, and Marius del Raut in March.

Annal for A.S. XIV (5/79 – 4/80)

Four cantons were founded: Iron Forest (Sloatsburg, 11/79), Blasted Heath (North Bergen NJ, 3/80), St. Dunstan’s (NYU, 3/80), and Walking Dunes (Southhampton College, 3/80). Aidan and Shannon left the throne on October 6. At Twelfth Night on January 5, Aidan received her Pelican (in part for her services as Queen) and Ian Mitchell and Katherine Gillesfleur were named Viceroy and Vicereine of Østgarðr, taking over from Cassandra of Beth’lem. Andreas de Vulpes received a Seahorse at the St. Dunstan’s Day Candlelight Feast and Revel on May 19. A demo was held at the Darkover science fiction convention on July 13. The “Fifth Annual Eastern Dance Contest” was held on July 28.

Annal for A.S. XIII (5/78 – 4/79)

In January of this year Dark Canton (CCNY) and King’s Canton (Columbia U.) were founded. The Huntington Ren Fair was held on May 27 & 28. In August, the Province assisted at the Sterling Forest Ren Fair and did a demo at the Cloisters Ren Fair. The Province also hosted Twelfth Night on January 6 and Coronation on April 7. Aidan ni Leir received her Maunche in October (10/14/78) and on April 7 she became Queen with King Shannon.

Annal for A.S. XII (5/77 – 4/78)

Demos were held at the Huntington Renaissance Fair on May 28 & 29, the Cloisters Ren Fair in early August (no date was specified), as part of a “Lighthouse Fund Raiser” on October 9, and at the Adelphi U. Ren Fair. A Solstice Fair was held on June 19, a Middle East Feast and Belly Dance Contest on July 23, a Herald’s Picnic on September 17 & 18 (which was actually held in New Jersey), and the Royal Heirs Birthday Party on February 18.

Annal for A.S. XI (5/76 – 4/77)

In May, the Provincial Championship Tourney was held on the 8th and a Medieval Fashion Show and Concert on the 15th. House Ostrov held a Summer Solstice Festival on June 19 (Curia was held the next day). On June 27, the College of Heralds held a meeting. The Cloisters Ren Fair was held on August 14. The Second Annual Not-Warre [sic] was held on August 21. The Crown Tourney for Laeghaire and Ysabeau was held on October 23 & 24. The Order of the Southern Cross Revel was held on January 22. On March 19 (presumably at House Ostrov’s Fifth Anniversary), the Seahorse was given to Alfgar the Sententious, Merlynia of Rivenoak, and Leonus the Rotund. Demos were held at Lunacon on April 9 and at the Ulster County Community College on April 30 & May 1.

Annal for A.S. X (5/75 – 4/76)

A Medieval Fair demo was held on May 24-25. This may have been the first Huntington Ren Fair demo. At an Exotic Dance & Craft Fair on June 7, the Order of the Seahorse was founded (to acknowledge exceptional service to the Province) with Aidan ni Leir and Eva von Oudeachterkol as the first recipients. Another Craft Fair was held on June 21. The Cloisters Ren Fair was held on August 9 & 10. The Not* War [sic] was held on August 30. At the Provincial Championship Tourney on October 4, Angelique of Burgundy and Kathryn of Brookshire were given the Order of the Seahorse. An Arts Day was held on November 29. A Novices Triathlon of the Arts was planned for March 15, but there is no indication that it was ever held. At a College of Heralds Meeting on March 27, the Order of the Seahorse was given to House Ostrov, Osric Stanislaus Ivyarovich of Pripyat and Zhjest, Petr Aleksevich of Novgorod, and Temundai Chagan. At the Coronation of Alaric and Yseult on April 24, Aidan ni Leir received a Silver Crescent.

Annal for A.S. IX (5/74 – 4/75)

A Tourney and Crafts Fair was held on June 29. A Winter Solstice Revel was held on December 21. Demos were done at the Central Park Ren Fair on December 31 and Barnard College on April 26. On October 19, Brekke Franksdottir received a Silver Crescent. She became Queen with Asbjorn on April 19.