Our Chatelaine’s Call to Action

Hey everyone!

This is Catelin, your local newcomer’s officer. I wanted to announce that with the help of our populace our official TikTok account has reached over 1000 followers! I want to thank everyone that has participated in making this number happen.

I want to keep reaching out to the public using TikTok as one of our platforms, but I am in need of help! Specifically I am in need of people who are comfortable being in front of a camera and showcasing what we do best: being part of the SCA through short form video clips.

If you are interested in being part of the filming process, or would like to send ideas/scripts/feedback for our TikTok feed, please send an email! I can be reached by email at chatelaine@ostgardr.eastkingdom.org.

One of my goals as part of the outreach committee is to show just how welcoming, diverse, and colorful we are as a chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism. One of the ways we can do that is by showcasing as many members of the populace as we can.

If you’re interested, please send me an email and I am happy to walk through with you on every step of the video creation process and show off the most Medieval-y version of you!

Yours in Service,

Catelin Straquhin
Ostgardr Chatelaine (Newcomer’s Officer)