***Postponed: Østgarðr Special Meeting Friday February 10th, 8 PM

Updated as of 2/9/2023

At the request of our Seneschal, the Østgarðr Special Meeting scheduled for tomorrow, Friday February 10th, at 8:00 PM is postponed for two full weeks.

Friday February 24th is the rescheduled date. A reminder of this new date and video conferencing details will be sent to the Østgarðr Officers’ Council and the general Østgarðr list.

We apologize for this alteration of our original schedule.

Angelica di Nova Lipa and Sofya Gianetta di Trieste
Vicereines of the Crown Province of Østgarðr


Compliant with the process included in Section K. of the Charter of the Crown Province of Østgarðr, a group of five Officers unsatisfied with recent actions undertaken by an Officer of Østgarðr, proposed the removal of said officer, our current Seneschal, Nagashima Ichiro Ujimichi.  

Also in accordance with the Charter, a Special Meeting of the Officers’ Council to discuss the matter has been scheduled for Friday February 10th, 2023, at 8 PM, by Video Conference, on  Google Meet:


Meeting ID


(US) Phone Numbers  ‪+1 423-720-0129‬

PIN: ‪692 247 367#‬

The Viceregents invite Interested members of the populace to attend.  Officers and Populace members who wish to speak will be asked to use the electronic raised hand button to notify the Vicereines jointly chairing the meeting, who will then call on individuals in order.  When called on, please have comments or questions completed within three minutes.   

Following the meeting and with due consideration, members of the Officers’ Council proper are asked to vote on the following options as outlined in the Charter:

Section K, subsection 4 

“Following the discussion, the Officer’ Council may decide that

no further action is required, or

may advise the Officer of the problem and outline steps that they should take to address it,

or may recommend the Officer’s removal.”

The polling questionnaire link will be sent to each Officers’ Council member’s official East Kingdom email address, and will need to be completed by the night of Sunday February 12th, midnight, Eastern US time, in order to be counted.  Given the extended polling period of over two full days, proxy votes should not be required.   

Please note that according to the Charter, Officer’s Deputies are not voting members of the Officers’ Council.   Also, each Officer in the Officers’ Council may only vote once, regardless of the number of Officer positions they occupy.

The result of the vote will be tallied, then reported to the Officers’ Council on Monday, February 13th, or shortly thereafter, dependent on the schedule of the neutral external party handling the polling.

Should you have questions on Officer and Officers’ Council roles, duties, restrictions, as well as the processes we follow for this meeting and the requirements for achieving quorum and the full vote required to remove an Officer, please consult the Charter, a copy of which is available on the Østgarðr website.      

Lady Angelica di Nova Lipa, OSC

Co-Vicereine of the Crown Province of Østgarðr
