Østgarðr is Seeking Officers

The Crown Province of Østgarðr is officially seeking officers and deputies for the following positions…

  • Chatelaine/Castellan (newcomers’ officer)
  • Youth Combat Marshal

Please send letters of intent if interested in taking the office to Uji at seneschal@ostgardr.eastkingdom.org. A letter of intent should include any information that could make you stand out in the event of an election.

Announcement of candidates for these positions would take place at June commons. If there are no competing bids for the positions, then confirmation by the populace will also occur at June commons.

If there is more than one candidate for a position, a meet the candidates session will be scheduled and an election will take place online with the elected candidates being announced at July commons. All non-elected candidates would be asked to volunteer as deputies for those positions.

In Service to the Dream,

Nagashima Ichiro Ujimichi

長島 一路 宇治道


Østgarðr Seneschal