On January 4th, A.S. LIV (2020) our Viceroy and Viceriene invited Her Majesty Queen Margarita to celebrate Twelfth Night in the Crown Province of Ostgardr. Her Majesty graciously accepted and traveled to Her lands in Ostgardr bearing gifts for all. The day was full of much merriment, music, dancing and delicious food.

After a full day of joyous entertainment, Our Excellencies, Suuder Il Kha’an and Lada Il-Khatun, held Court and recognized the following citizens of Ostgardr for their service to the Province with beautiful words and scrolls:
- Vika Grigina z Prahy was inducted into the Order of the Sea Dog.
- Ervald La Coudre was inducted into the Order of the Silver Sea Lion.
- Sofya Gianetta di Trieste was inducted into the Order of the Silver Lantern.
- Alienor Salton was inducted into the Order of the Seahorse.
- Rufina Cambrensis was awarded a certificate for her William Blackfox Award nomination.

Shortly after, Her Majesty Queen Margarita also held Court and called forth many good gentles bestowing the following awards to citizens of Ostgardr:
- Zahra al-Andalusiyya was awarded Arms.
- Duggmore Dougles was awarded the Silver Wheel.
- Nagashima Ichiro Ujimichi known as Uji was awarded the Silver Wheel, and also was awarded Arms.
- Alienor Salton was awarded the Silver Brooch.
- Friderich Grimm inducted into the order of the Maunche.
- Marion of York was inducted into the order of the Silver Crescent.

After concluding all business Her Majesty needed to conduct, Court was closed, that all might retire to feast.