A&S Solar, Saturday, June 29

Alchemist Heating a Pot, by David Teniers the Younger c. 1610 – 1690 (Source)

Have a historical art project you need help with? Want some company for crafting? Need some help finishing garb for Pennsic? Then join us in Marine Park, Brooklyn on Saturday, June 29 from 1:00 to 5:00 for an afternoon of creativity and conviviality.

RSVP by email to 252706@members.eastkingdom.org to receive the street address and to let us know you’re coming. Closest public transport is the B31 and B100 busses.

There will be food and snacks available during the solar. If you have any allergies, please let us know when you RSVP.

Read the E-Horse – Issues 20 and 21

Come read The E-Horse, Østgarðr’s Electronic News Source!

The issue, Volume 21 – Spring 2024, includes:

  • The Tasting Room with Vitasha – How to Stay Out of Jail, or How to Make Sure Site Owners Let You Come Back, by Vitasha Ivaniova doch
  • Østargðr Sewing Tutorial, by HE Angelica di Nova Lipa
  • Vyllage Square

Download Issue 21 of the E-Horse in PDF format here.

The issue, Volume 20 – Winter 2023, includes:

  • The Tasting Room with Vitasha – Posset, by Vitasha Ivaniova doch
  • Stealing Water, by Arnora Ketilsdottir
  • The Østgarðr Officers Elections
  • Vyllage Square

Download Issue 20 of the E-Horse in PDF format here.

If you have any difficulty viewing it or if you would like an email subscription please contact chronicler@ostgardr.eastkingdom.org

January Commons Review – Agenda, Reports, Minutes, and a poll.

Liber Ethicorum des Henricus de Alemannia (de Voltolina, 1350s) (Source)

Thank you Ostgardr for coming to Commons on Wednesday.  Here are the Agenda, Officers’ Reports, and Minutes from the meeting (thank you, Zahra, for your help).  

Officer Reports
Commons Minutes (Minutes in Blue)

Please note, we are looking for an Event Steward for Viking Day.  If we do not find anyone to step up in the next sev/xen days, we will not be able to attend the demo.  Please let me know if you are interested. 

Also, there is an ask about moving commons to a new day.  Please use this survey to give your opinion on the best day for commons!  

Yours in service, 
Ragnarr Bliskegg
Seneschal of Ostgardr

January 17, 2024 Commons Meeting

Please join our regularly scheduled 3rd Wednesday of the month social and business meeting! Meet the new seneschal, as well as new and returning officers.

We will be discussing the merger of Ostgardr with Midland Vale, along with upcoming events.

The full agenda can be found here: January 2024 Agenda

The call begins at 7 pm. The business meeting will be called to order at 7:30 pm. Socializing will continue after the meeting.

You may join the Google Meet by computer, by mobile device, or by plain old telephone.

Here is the link for the meeting: https://meet.google.com/nhu-qsgk-zzi

Upcoming in Østgarðr: January 1st to January 14th

Here is what’s happening this week in Østgarðr. Come join us for…

7:30 p.m. –
8:30 p.m.
Northpass Business Meeting
Canton of Northpass

and next week…

7:30 p.m. –
9:00 p.m.
Lions End Aetherial Commons & Social Meeting
Canton of Lions End

Upcoming in Østgarðr: December 18th to December 31st

Here is what’s happening this week in Østgarðr. Come join us for…

7:30 p.m. –
8:30 p.m.
Northpass Business Meeting (Rescheduled)
Canton of Northpass
7:00 p.m. –
9:00 p.m.
Østgarðr Provincial Commons & Social
Crown Province of Østgarðr

And check the Ostgardr calendar to see what is upcoming in the new year.

Happy holidays!

Upcoming in Østgarðr: November 27th to December 10th

Here is what’s happening this week in Østgarðr. Come join us for…

7:30 p.m. –
8:30 p.m.
Meet the Candidates for Provincial Seneschal
Crown Province of Østgarðr
CancelledCancelled Cooking Class: How to be a Dayboard Head Cook
Crown Province of Østgarðr
(Brooklyn, NY)

And next week…

7:30 p.m. –
8:30 p.m.
Northpass Business Meeting
Canton of Northpass
2:00 p.m. –
5:00 p.m.
Northpass Sunday Solar: Brewing – Tasty Winter Drinks
Canton of Northpass
(New Rochelle, NY & online)