Østgarðr July 2023 Business Commons Minutes and Officer Reports
For those interested, the minutes and compiled Provincial officer reports for July 2023 are available in PDF form at the links below.
For those interested, the minutes and compiled Provincial officer reports for July 2023 are available in PDF form at the links below.
Here is what’s happening this week in Østgarðr. Come join us for…
Mon. 7/17 | 8:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. | Brokenbridge Commons Canton of Brokenbridge (online) | Details |
Tue. 7/18 | 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. | Østgarðr Fighting & Fencing Practice Crown Province of Østgarðr (Brooklyn, NY) | Details |
Wed. 7/19 | 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. | Østgarðr Provincial Commons & Social Crown Province of Østgarðr (online) | Details |
Sun. 7/23 | 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. | Østgarðr Arts and Crafts Night Pennsic Project at Sofya’s Crown Province of Østgarðr (Queens, NY) | Details |
and next week…
For those interested, the minutes and compiled Provincial officer reports for June 2023 are available in PDF form at the links below.
Here is what’s happening this week in Østgarðr. Come join us for…
6/19 | 9:00 p.m. | Cancelled: Canton of Brokenbridge (online) | |
Tue. 6/20 | 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. | Østgarðr Fighting & Fencing Practice Crown Province of Østgarðr (Brooklyn, NY) | Details |
Wed. 6/21 | 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. | Østgarðr Provincial Commons & Social Crown Province of Østgarðr (online) | Details |
Thu. 6/22 | 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. | Østgarðr Pennsic Camp Meeting Crown Province of Østgarðr (online) | Details |
Fri. 6/23 | 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. | Østgarðr Arts & Crafts Night Crown Province of Østgarðr (Queens, NY) | Details |
Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.
Here is what’s happening this week in Østgarðr. Come join us for…
Mon. 6/12 | 7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. | Lions End Virtual Commons & Social Canton of Lions End (online) | Details |
Tue. 6/13 | 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. | Østgarðr Fighting & Fencing Practice Crown Province of Østgarðr (Brooklyn, NY) | Details |
And next week…
Mon. 6/19 | 8:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. | Brokenbridge Commons Canton of Brokenbridge (online) | Details |
Tue. 6/20 | 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. | Østgarðr Fighting & Fencing Practice Crown Province of Østgarðr (Brooklyn, NY) | Details |
Wed. 6/21 | 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. | Østgarðr Provincial Commons & Social Crown Province of Østgarðr (online) | Details |
Fri. 6/23 | 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. | Østgarðr Arts & Crafts Night Crown Province of Østgarðr (Queens, NY) | Details |
Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.
Here is what’s happening this week in Østgarðr. Come join us for…
Tue. 6/6 | 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. | Østgarðr Fighting & Fencing Practice Crown Province of Østgarðr (Brooklyn, NY) | Details |
And next week…
Mon. 6/12 | 7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. | Lions End Virtual Commons & Social Canton of Lions End (online) | Details |
Tue. 6/13 | 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. | Østgarðr Fighting & Fencing Practice Crown Province of Østgarðr (Brooklyn, NY) | Details |
6/15 | 8:00 p.m. | Crown Province of Østgarðr (online) |
Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.
Here is what’s happening this week in Østgarðr. Come join us for…
Mon. 5/15 | 8:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. | Brokenbridge Commons Canton of Brokenbridge (online) | Details |
Tue. 5/16 | 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. | Østgarðr Fighting & Fencing Practice Crown Province of Østgarðr (Brooklyn, NY) | Details |
Wed. 5/17 | 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. | Østgarðr Provincial Commons & Social Crown Province of Østgarðr (online) | Details |
Sat. 5/20 | 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. | Event: Lions End Schola: Let the Lions Roar Canton of Lions End (Nassau County, NY) | Details |
Sat. 5/20 | 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. | Viking Day Demo Canton of Brokenbridge (Brooklyn, NY) | Details |
And next week…
Tue. 5/23 | 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. | Østgarðr Fighting & Fencing Practice Crown Province of Østgarðr (Brooklyn, NY) | Details |
Wed. 5/24 | 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. | Østgarðr Pennsic 50 Camp Meeting Crown Province of Østgarðr (online) | Details |
Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.
Here is what’s happening this week in Østgarðr. Come join us for…
Tue. 5/2 | 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. | Østgarðr Fighting & Fencing Practice Crown Province of Østgarðr (Brooklyn, NY) | Details |
Sat. 5/6 | 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. | Event: Spring Crown Tournament and Youth Champions of Arms for Brennan IV and Caoilfhionn IV Crown Province of Østgarðr (Carmel, NY) | Details |
And next week…
Mon. 5/8 | 7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. | Lions End Virtual Commons Canton of Lions End (online) | Details |
Tue. 5/9 | 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. | Østgarðr Fighting & Fencing Practice Crown Province of Østgarðr (Brooklyn, NY) | Details |
Wed. 5/10 | 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. | Introduction to Mead Making Canton of Appleholm (formerly Whyt Whey) (Manhattan, NY) | Details |
Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.
The province’s monthly commons meeting was held April 19, 2023. Here are the minutes as recorded by Mathghamhain ua Ruadháin. The officers’ reports are attached at the end.
Questions keep coming in regarding Northpass status, and there is a rumor being spread that I will address in commons.
We are forming a committee to discuss getting rid of Ostgardr feast gear that is broken/damaged and creating a list of needed purchases and a wish list.
Sent out check for Deck the Halls food reimbursement. Filed final Deck the Halls and Bears Tavern event reports.
Set up shelving in the Østgarðr storage unit, replaced keyed lock with numeric (code added to officers drive inventory folder storage facilities information doc). Unit was successfully accessed by others for Spring Crown equipment staging, Brew U equipment retrieval & return, and event sign retrieval (for repainting, vivat Arnora!).
Met with fellow local exchequers to talk about reporting and procedures. Started a procedures manual on the Østgarðr exchequer shared drive.
Worked through Q1 exchequer report to kingdom twice, with Frank’s assistance; am $30 out of balance. Have bumped to kingdom for support. Was reminded by filling out the report that I have not been officially warranted. Re-applied through the google form provided by the exchequerate. I have received no response, so I continue to act as though I have been properly warranted.
Formatted gate sheets for use at Brew U, to expedite entry. Working on likewise for Spring Crown. How it works: the gate sheet is one tab of a Google sheet with separate tabs for paypal, mail-in and combined registrations, formatted gate sheets, and refunds. The PayPal tab is copied and pasted from the sheets sent by the PayPal team. Mail-in is filled in by the person taking mail-in registrations (generally the exchequer). The combined tab is populated by a query of the PayPal and MailIn tabs. The formatted gate sheets then pull from the combined tab. The Refunds tab is kept there so all registration information is in the same place. Its behavior is not automated.
Not much to report this month (again). Heraldry submissions from the populace are still moving along nicely.
I am still looking for deputies; if you’re or someone you know is looking to learn or do either court heraldry or book heraldry, this job has opportunities for both.
Also, Herald’s Q2 Kingdom reports are due May 1st.
Quite a few emails from newcomers this month. With spring moving into summer I see these picking up more.
There will be a Youth Pointe at Crown Tournament, alongside the location for Youth Rattan Championships. I will have materials available for various activities to prevent complaints by the Youth of the EK that there is nothing for them to do.
We will be having our April Arts and Science Night on Thursday April 20 from 7pm to 10pm. We will be learning to make sausage as well as helping Brandr make a vast amount of sausage for Crown Tourney.
The Ostgardr Arts and Science Championship will take place at the Canton of Lion’s End Schola “Let the Lions Roar” Saturday May 20th from 11am – 5pm. I encourage all Ostgardian Artisans to participate in this event even if you just come to display what you are working on.
Fighter practice has moved, with the fencers, back to McCarren Park in Brooklyn on Tuesdays, official time, 7 PM – 10 PM, but people are encouraged to gather as early as 6:30 for warm-ups and all the other things that people do before they put on their armor.
There were a half-dozen Ostgardrians making their mark at the Southern Region Sunday war practice. There are estimates of about ten fighters with us (including combat archery) for Pennsic, which brings up the subject of our Sunday, June 25th war practice. I am filling out the application, and I will find out if there are rules regarding tents and shelters. I spread the word among folks at the SRS, and there was interest, especially considering the Czech beer garden not far from Astoria Park. My armor workshop is shut down for the moment, but I can travel to help people build or repair armor. I also can still loan out armor, most of which is in my storage in Astoria.
Fencing practice has moved back to McCarren Park in Brooklyn as of April 4th.
We had 4 fencers last week and I’ve had some people talk to me about it (either in person or by email).
We got a fencer re-authorized yesterday at the Southern Region Army practice in NJ.
No activity this past month for the Minister of Lists. However, in May, I will be assisting the Kingdom MoL with the lists at Crown since we are hosting.
I am continuing to update the website on a weekly basis. Many thanks to the officers who have either emailed me requesting information or who have placed their activities directly on the Ostgardr calendar. If any officer needs instructions on how to add events directly to the Ostgardr calendar, please email me.
When posting events/activities, please try to give me 2+ weeks notice, as the Ostgardr ongoing posts give information in two week chunks.
No report.
My focus stays on promotion and ensuring our social media is a safe space to share information with everyone.
No report.
Since last provincial commons, Appleholm has hosted a weaving evening and 2 dance practices. We anticipate scheduling several outdoor dance practices at General Grant Memorial Overlook Pavilion (122nd at Riverside) in the coming month, as we prepare for a road trip to Dancing Fox, May 13th.
We have an outing to the Cloisters on April 23rd, 1pm, to visit their gardens and the special exhibit of late-medieval objects from middle-class European households.
Our next canton commons (which we hold quarterly on the 4th Monday of the relevant month) will be April 24th, 7pm, at our usual Meet link: https://meet.google.com/azp-fqtb-dbn
Spring Schola planning is complete. Date set for May 20th.
‘Planning for Farmingdale Demo in progress. Contacted the liaison for the Farmingdale Fire Dept. & was approved by their council. Date set June 3rd. Rain date June 11th. Not posted to the EK events calendar as of yet.
Brokenbridge had a commons on Monday, April 17th. After an intense rap battle, we elected Catelin Straquhin as our new herald. Plans for Viking day progress. Armoring workshop/potluck BBQ to be held on April 30th at Ragnarr/Arnora’s house.
Discussions on going inactive continue. If we do so, our funds become part of the Ostgardr general fund after two years of inactivity. We will be inviting the EK Group Lifecycle Deputy to our next commons meeting (05/15/23 at 8pm) to answer any questions that we have.
The Province’s monthly commons meeting was held on March 15, 2023. Here are the minutes as recorded by Mathghamhain ua Ruadháin. The officers’ reports are attached at the end.
Bid for Crown Tourney-May 6th-Accepted
His Majesty has verbally confirmed that our bid for Crown Tourney has been accepted. Arnora will speak further when we discuss the event.
Special Officer Meeting
On Friday, February 24th, 2023, as mandated by the Charter, a Special Meeting of the Ostgardr Officers’ Council was called to discuss the validly submitted petition to remove Lord Nagashima Ichiro Ujimichi from the Office of Seneschal. A quorum of the Officers’ Council was achieved. There were insufficient votes from Officers’ Council members to move the proposal forward. We thank the interested populace members for expressing their views before and during the meeting. We also thank the Officers’ Council members for their careful consideration of the petition and counter-arguments, and for their promptly submitted votes.
Reinstatement of NorthPass: Uji will speak further however, we would like to share information provided by our EK Seneschal on February 22nd via email:
“Northpass *will* be re-established as a Canton. This is not negotiable, and Ostgardr Proper does not get a say in how it is done. This is being handled outside the normal procedures due to the settlement. Once the group is established according to the settlement, which is being managed by Society, Society will be stepping out of the management, and all future running of the group will be handled per Kingdom and Society Governing Documents.
What are the re-establishment steps?
- A beginning slate of officers reviewed and approved by Society
- Return to Active status
- Return of Name / Group Arms
- Establishment of bank account and return of funds
All of these steps are being handled by Society, my office, and the plaintiffs.
Once these steps are complete, I will notify Ostgardr that it is done and routine procedures for all groups are to be followed.
Those who have a zip code in Northpass who do not wish to participate in Northpass activities are not required to do so. They can play wherever they wish”
Arts & Crafts Night: Thursday, March 16th
Lady Alienor: The topic will be weaving writ small, illustrating weave structures with potholder loops & looms. In-person event-Appleholm. More information is available in the event announcement.
Would someone like to teach for April’s A&S?
Scribal Workshop: Sunday, March 19th, from 2 to 4 pm in Broken bridge
Brew U: April 15-16th
Schola at the University: Wolfie Welcomes the Ducks: April 22nd:
Support our An Dubh duckies!
Lions End Schola: May 20th
A&S Champion will be selected-Please enter! Limited space, so please pre-reg!!
Special Recognition:
Alienor & Math: Dancing!!
Kingdom award recommendations: Their Highness Brennan and Caoilfhionn have posted their award recommendation deadlines for Their upcoming reign. If you feel someone is worthy, please submit it online to the EK website. The next deadline is March 31st.
See one of Ostgardr’s consistent contributors? By all means, nominate them for recognition with a Provincial award… the easy-peasy process is on the Ostgardr website:
I continue to be involved with the re-establishment of Northpass, including online meetings with the selected officers. Officers have started the warranting process and will be seeking deputies once Northpass has come back officially.
Sent checks for Deck the Halls food reimbursement, Bears NMR, Spring Crown site fee, Spring Crown insurance certificate reimbursement, and Storage Post (northern counties storage) through June.
Set up PayPal (with EK PayPal team) for Brew U and Spring Crown.
Created shared Østgarðr exchequer drive, managed by the exchequer and deputy exchequer, visible to the seneschal and viceregents. Have begun the slow-burn process of archiving material from Frank & Angelica’s shared exchequer folders into this drive. (The difference between Google shared drive and shared folder means that the offices can own the shared drive, and so access transfers automatically when positions change. If other offices have shared folders that they are passing to their successors, I would suggest an upgrade to a shared drive. I can help you figure out how to create it, add your office and then remove yourself.)
Received event report for Bears from Oliver; have not yet processed it. Event report for Deck the Halls needs final polish (I was late with the reimbursement check, oops).
Storage Post rates go up April 1st, from $34 to $40 for our unit.
I understand that the provincial storage unit has been provided with a keyed padlock. Our discussion was that would be a numerical padlock, which I understood had been provided by Angelica. Was there a problem with that lock, who paid for the new lock, and how do we proceed from here with getting a key-less lock on that door?
What’s up with the New Rochelle Library A&S night? I will need some lead time to write them a check, since they have to circulate via USPS.
I am working on the new signatory form for corporate. Will be conferring with the signatories in the next month to schedule a bank signing party.
Not much to report this month. Heraldry submissions from the populace are moving along nicely as there’s a few of them that have made it into the submissions process the last few months.
Quiet for the end of February into March I believe it is a vacation window to most. I need a Chatelaine team. We have lots of events coming down the pipe and one person is not enough to maximize our coverage to draw interest from new players.
In summary, I think everyone should take a look at the potential Discord changes and send me any questions as well as offers to join the Chatelaine team. I will be unable to attend this month’s meeting as I am away on vacation.
I have nothing to report. However, I would like to open a short discussion on what kinds of youth activities people would like to see at local events, and which events should have youth activities. A discussion in the unofficial EK discussion group on the Book of Faces about events being family friendly/not family friendly had me thinking.
Greetings not much to report either. I will be back in NYC in three weeks and hope to begin some arts and craft nights.
While fighter practice has been regularly happening at the Manhattanville Community Center on Wednesday nights, attendance has been low, particularly among armored fighters. I understand that some of them have been going to the armored combat practice in Nutley, NJ.
But in the meantime, there have been several new people who have been showing up for training, giving me and Sir Ilya the opportunity for focused training in things like sword technique, footwork, and distance. Several of the GladiatorsNYC fighters (who’s practice runs concurrently with ours at that location, and by whose generosity we are able to use the space) have also benefited from this training. Some of them intent to authorize and hope to join us at Pennsic.
This week’s cold and snow notwithstanding, I expect the weather to be nice enough to start practice inMcCarren Park on Tuesdays on the first week in April.
Regarding my workshop and loaner armor: I have lost my apartment, so my workshop is closed and all the armor I have is in storage near that apartment. The armor can be retrieved as needed for loan and use, it will simply require specific notice at least one day in advance. Coming to help pick it up and transport it to and from practice is a plus.
I have a friend with a workshop in Brooklyn next to Industry City, and he is very amenable to letting it be used for armoring, so if anyone needs armor work done, let me know and we can make an appointment.
I am also considering one or two “group armoring” workshop days between now and Pennsic. This would be targeted towards making sure armor is ready for authorizations, war practices, and, of course, Pennsic itself.
With this in mind, i believe we are approaching a “critical mass” of Pennsic Ostgardr fighters to do the following:
I would like the province to consider hosting a large open/invitational fighter practice (not necessarily an official regional or kingdom practice) between now and Pennsic. Possibly in Astoria Park, Prospect Park, or Kissena Park, probably on a Sunday. This would enable those who have trouble getting out of town for a big war practice to have some sort of war practice here in town. We could hold authorizations in time for Pennsic for those who had not gotten authorized yet. Also, Sunday used to be a popular weekly fighter practice day for the province.
To this event we would invite Ostgardr-based fighting households, Ostgardr-adjacent households, neighboring baronies, and regional and kingdom commanders. This would raise our profile in their eyes, give them all one more chance to practice together before the war, as well as give newer Ostgardians an opportunity to meet more of our neighbors.
This has been done before, in Kissena Park, our old Sunday fighter practice site. One thing that made it work was a team of non-fighters who helped to support this “event,” with water, refreshments, first aid, and other “fetch-and-carry” type stuff. A few people provided homemade snacks for the fighters, with donations accepted to defray the cost. The donations turned out to be so generous from the out-of-town fighters, there was a profit!
By doing this as a practice rather than an “event,” we would not have the attendance level and demographics of a full event, and thus not the expectation and obligation to commit the degree of labor and resources that a full event would require (no court, no feast, no changing rooms, no troll, etc).
If we can pick a day at the upcoming meeting, we can start planning and sending the invites right away.
I will be at fighter practice tonight, splitting my time between training and paying attention to the meeting. Fel free to call me when it is my turn to report or if anyone has a question for me.
Fencing Continues at the Manhattanville Community Center on Wednesday nights. Still just two of us,
I think towards the end of April we will be going back to McCarren Park for practice. (When it’s warmer.)
Nothing to Report
I am continuing to update the website on a weekly basis with a list of upcoming activities in the province. If you would like something promoted in a separate blog-post to the website please let me know. Related, if you would like an event website created, please let me know.
Looking to the future, I am not planning to seek renewal of my warrant when my term as web minister expires in December of this year. I am actively looking for someone to succeed me in the office.
No report.
My focus stays on promotion and ensuring our social media is a safe space to share information with everyone.
The big thing I am working on is converting our discord server to a Community server. This will give our group more visibility and more tools for us to use to make Discord a place to communicate, plan and grow. With that comes some changes:
• Members will have to have a verified email before they can send messages.
• Discord will automatically scan and delete media sent in the server that contains explicit content (this excludes channels that are designated as age-restricted).
• We will have a community updates channel made so discord can send updates for Community admins and Moderators, this will need to be a private staff channel.
• Have a title and description that accurately describes the server.
• Have clearly posted rules and guidelines.
• Have a moderator team.
I’ve continued to record local happenings in our Annals, and am expanding my list of “old timers” who I would like to interview to collect memories of the province in its earlier decades.
Since last provincial commons, Appleholm has hosted 3 dance practices, including a live music session, all of which went very well. Next indoor practice is April 16th. Hopes are high for outdoor practice as the weather cooperates.
Our cultural outings to the Morgan Library (for She Who Wrote) and the Bard Gallery (Staging the Table) were well attended. Appleholm will be hosting a serrated-fan folding paper/linen workshop, based on a video in the Staging the Table exhibit, in the near future.
The Morgan Library will be hosting an exhibit on Medieval Money, Merchants & Morality at the end of this year. In November, we will plan an outing.
The Met will continue hosting Chroma: Ancient Sculpture in Color, for another week. If you can’t make it to the gallery, you can check it out online: https://www.metmuseum.org/exhibitions/chroma
Upcoming activities:
• Østgarðr A&S evening: Weaving Writ Large (swatching historical textiles with potholder looms), Thursday, March 16, 7-9pm, 255 W. 105th St., Apt. 21
• Taci e Balla! dance practice, Sunday April 16, 3-4pm, Bridge for Dance, 2726 Broadway, 2nd floor
Our next canton commons (which we hold quarterly on the 4th Monday of the relevant month) will be April 24th, 7pm, at our usual Meet link: https://meet.google.com/azp-fqtb-dbn
No report.
BrokenBridge should be having a Herald election (Ragnarr vs Catelin: The Final Battle) at our next commons.
Following commons last month, and probably following each of our commons’ going forward until September, BB is having an unofficial discussion about becoming inactive. Our next commons is on Monday March 20th at 8pm if you wish to join (zoom link). Brokenbridge considers its populace to be anyone who is active in Bb, and all opinions are welcome.
We are having this as an unofficial discussion because it is not something that happens with a bang (like a big vote) but with a whimper (simply no one steps up to fill certain officer positions). The discussion has included people’s reasons for feeling one way or the other as well as memories and feelings towards Brokenbridge. So far, no one has been particularly in-favor of becoming inactive but rather willing to accept that it might be the best route to go given the circumstances. We welcome anyone to join us next week to be part of this discussion.