Date change – A message from Ragnarr Bliskegg our Seneschal

Mexican and Central American calendar systems – Source

Greetings Ostgardr,

Attention Ostgardr, after talking to some officers, we are going to be moving Ostgardr Commons to January 22nd this month.  Due to how the calendar worked this month and how several officers have told me they can’t make it this month, I am making the call to move the meeting back a week. 

Thank you all for understanding and I look forward to talking to you all on January 22nd!  

FB Event Link:


Ragnarr bliskegg (he/him)

Seneschal of Ostgardr NYC


Posting of the Proposed Charter Revisions

Let it be known that there are proposed changes to the Charter of Ostgardr!

Comments should be directed to our Seneschal, reachable via email at

The section of the charter dealing with commons meetings has not been amended to reflect the changes that were introduced during the Covid shutdown; at first we thought those changes would be temporary, but we’ve found they suit us, and we should formalize them. 

— Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, February 2024

Charter Amendment: Commons Meetings

    1. Commons Meetings are usually held on the third Wednesday of each calendar month.
      1. A Commons Meeting may be rescheduled by the Seneschal if needed to avoid conflict with holidays or other activities.
      2. The Commons Meeting for a given month may be canceled by the Seneschal due to officer availability or other issues, as long as at least one meeting is held in every calendar quarter.
    2. Commons Meetings will rotate through various locations from month to month, and should include sites in each Canton and in the non-Canton areas of the Province on a regular basis to facilitate attendance by the Populace from all parts of the Province.


  1. Commons Meetings are scheduled for a weeknight during a given week of each calendar month.
    1. The Seneschal may change which day of the week and which week of the month is designated for Commons Meetings so as to suit the needs of the Officers’ Council.
    2. A Commons Meeting may be rescheduled by the Seneschal if needed to avoid conflict with holidays or other activities.
    3. The Commons Meeting for a given month may be canceled by the Seneschal due to officer availability or other issues, as long as at least one meeting is held in every calendar quarter.
  2. Commons Meetings will be held remotely, through a conference-call or video-conferencing service, to facilitate participation by the Populace.

    January Commons Review – Agenda, Reports, Minutes, and a poll.

    Liber Ethicorum des Henricus de Alemannia (de Voltolina, 1350s) (Source)

    Thank you Ostgardr for coming to Commons on Wednesday.  Here are the Agenda, Officers’ Reports, and Minutes from the meeting (thank you, Zahra, for your help).  

    Officer Reports
    Commons Minutes (Minutes in Blue)

    Please note, we are looking for an Event Steward for Viking Day.  If we do not find anyone to step up in the next sev/xen days, we will not be able to attend the demo.  Please let me know if you are interested. 

    Also, there is an ask about moving commons to a new day.  Please use this survey to give your opinion on the best day for commons!  

    Yours in service, 
    Ragnarr Bliskegg
    Seneschal of Ostgardr