A Tourney was held in the Breens’ backyard on Staten Is. on November 2. A Crown Tourney was held at Snug Harbor on Staten Is. on April 26; the victor was Akbar ibn Murad al-ben Muhamed fighting for Khadijah.
Posted inAnnals
A Tourney was held in the Breens’ backyard on Staten Is. on November 2. A Crown Tourney was held at Snug Harbor on Staten Is. on April 26; the victor was Akbar ibn Murad al-ben Muhamed fighting for Khadijah.
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The second year of the East saw its first rule by someone from outside of Østgarđr: King Alpin the MacGregor, resident of Carolingia, won a tournament on July 24th and was crowned the same day.
Duke Akbar described some of the events leading up to his winning this tournament in an interview with the EK Gazette. https://eastkingdomgazette.org/2015/01/08/the-memorable-bits-of-eastern-history-by-duke-akbar/
In February, Alfgar the Sententious became Principal Herald of the East, taking the title “Brigantia Herald” under the reasoning that the East Kingdom was centered in New York, and the pre-Roman inhabitants of the area around what later became York, England were a Celtic tribe known as the Brigantes.