Greetings Ostgardr,
The year is coming to an end, but here in Ostgardr we have some new beginnings about to start! Commons this month will have officer elections.
Current officers, there is no position that has any challengers. The current list of positions up for election are the following:
Exchequer – Teodora Ivanić
Chatelaine – Catelin Straquhin
Arts & Sciences – Brandr Aronsson
Knight Marshal – Albrecht Anker
Minister of Lists – Ivarr Valsson
Chronicler – Zahra de Andaluzia
Social Media – Lada Monguligin
Chancellor Minor – Pia Maletesta d’Rimini
Herald – Kunigunde Wedemann
Historian – Alfarr Skegglauss
Please send in your officer report by Wednesday and I will collate them together before the meeting.
Facebook link:
Dial in details:
Østgarðr Provincial Commons & Social
Wednesday, December 18 · 7:00 – 9:00pm
Time zone: America/New_York
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: (US) +1 402-364-0138 PIN: 616 864 602#
More phone numbers:
Thank you,
-Ragnarr Bliskegg
Seneschal of Ostgardr