Provincial Officer Opportunities
We have a number of officers whose terms are ending this coming December. Some of them are opting to run for a 2nd term, while others are not. Our most urgent needs are for MoAS, Chatelaine, MoL and Chronicler.
Please take a moment to read the job descriptions, below, and review the links provided for more information on any jobs that interest you. Also consider who you know who might be interested in serving the province in these roles, then reach out to them to encourage them to run.
We are accepting letters of intent for all of the below positions from now through the November Commons. The letters of intent will be read at that Commons, and published along with the meeting minutes. Candidates are urged to attend the meeting, to answer any questions people may have.
We will hold an online vote of the officers council on these positions, voting to end at midnight Eastern on the 3rd Friday of December (the usual night for our Commons, which will not meet that month). If you are not a voting officer, and you have feedback on any candidates who are running, please provide that information to me and/or to the viceregents.
Here are the positions opening up:
Chamberlain: Baron Ian will be running again. Our chamberlain keeps an inventory of provincially-owned stuff, and maintains a storage space containing it. He also coordinates transporting said stuff to and from events and demos as needed.
Knight Marshal ( Lord Ervald will be running for a second term. You don’t have to be a fighter to become authorized as a marshal, but it helps. Armored combat marshals must know and understand the rules of the lists and the conventions of combat, so that they can inspect armor and weapons, authorize fighters, and oversee combat.
Youth Combat Marshal ( Mathghamhain will be running again. He would like to train a deputy for future replacement, as he is currently the only person in our province warranted to hold the position. Youth marshal must know and understand the rules of youth combat, to inspect armor and weapons, authorize fighters, and oversee combat, as with armored combat.
Archery Marshal ( Arnbjorg is eagerly looking forward to running for a second term, and hopes to devote more time to the role in the coming 2 years.
Minister of Arts & Sciences ( Mistress Sofya will not be running again. The job of an MoAS is to encourage and promote Arts & Sciences within the group, and to submit quarterly reports on A&S activities engaged in by the group. You do not have to be a skilled practitioner for this job, though those who are tend to be drawn to this position. What matters is that you are interested in what other people are doing, and can encourage them to teach, to display, maybe even to compete. Finding out who is doing what, and putting them together with other people who want to learn how to do what they are doing, is a core skill for this position.
Chatelaine ( Lady Beatrice will not be running again. To be a successful chatelaine, you have to like talking to people, both newcomers and people who have been playing for a while. You are the bridge between the modern world and the SCA. You tell people what we do, you find out what people are interested in, and you hook them up with other people who share their interests. We have a large collection of Gold Key (loaner garb) in the province, which you are responsible for circulating and maintaining. You also provide contact information suitable for distribution at demos. Lady Beatrice’s latest innovation was business cards, which were highly successful at our most recent demo in Fort Tryon Park. Chatelaines report quarterly on newcomer contacts and new members. Being responsive to email is an important facet of this job.
Minister of Lists ( Lord Erich will not be running for a second term. The Minister of Lists supports combat by assisting marshals in running tournaments and keeping track of authorizations. The primary skill of an MoL is dealing with paperwork.
Chronicler ( Mistress Rufina would like to step down immediately. She is willing to stay on through December, if necessary. The chronicler’s job is to produce a newsletter useful to the group on a regular schedule, at least quarterly. The newsletter may be electronic, and may be emailed to a subscription list and/or published on the group website (our webminister can assist with the publication thereof). Courtesy copies must be shared with the Kingdom Chronicler, current royalty, seneschal, historian and archivist. A paper copy must be printed and kept with our provincial archives, retained by our historian.
If you have any questions about the responsibilities or time commitments for any of the above jobs, please ask me, the viceregents, the current officer, or the kingdom (or regional deputy) in charge of that office.
Thank you!
Hlæfdige Alienor Salton, known as Piglet
Canton of Whyt Whey, Province of Østgarðr, East Kingdom
Seneschal Østgarðr,