Commons minutes February 2017
Highlights from February Østgarðr Commons
[Official Minutes will be available soon via e-mail]17 February 2017
Transcribed by John Elys
Viceregents: Went to Curia. More later.
Coronation of Honig & Johannes, April 1 in CT. Provincial presentation of Stuff. Competition among Cantons. Point system. Winning Canton receives a heraldic banner painted by Lada. Those not living in a Canton are invited to negotiate for their services, or come up with a presentation themselves, or something.
50Y EK Celebration in June/July 2018; if you have antique realia, bring them.
Whyt Whey: Monthly A&S is happening. Planning event in Prospect Park for last weekend in April.
Historian: We have a new Queens Champion (Sofya). Now all we need are a Kings Champion, a Bronx Champion, a Nassau Champion, a Richmond Champion, a New York Champion, a Westchester Champion, a Putnam Champion….
Chatelaine: going to ICON in Long Island: fighting, fencing, A&S, March 17-19. Talk to her if you want a presenter’s pass.
Whyt Whey A&S: more discussion of monthly A&S classes, hand-stitching, pouches, etc.
A&S: received a bunch of hand-me-down stuff, trying to triage. Fabric, clothes, archery supplies, etc.
Autocratting class at Jenna’s, 24 March.
Ostgardr Bardic & A&S championships coming up 22 April.
5 Ostgardrians entered EK Bardic Champs last weekend: Lada and Sofya were finalists, and Sofya won Q’s Champ.
EK 50th: would like to make 200 “Ostgardr 50” favors (seahorse w/L)
MoL: no news.
Chronicler: hug your friends, cherish your loved ones, because you never know.
Northpass: Bear’s Tavern in 2 weeks. Blood & Axes 2-4 June at Veterans’ Memorial Park; site is incredibly absolutely totally dry. Kathy running Barleycorn, Stan running gate, various other staff. If you’re in charge of a department, you form your own staff.
Youth Marshal: quiet for the winter.
Whyt Whey Herald: new WW arms have passed Kingdom, off to Society.
Mathghamhain declared Provincial Youth Marshal by acclamation of the Officers.
Fencing (Marion): practice still going on Wednesday evenings in Inwood (Holy Trinity Episcopal, Siemen & Cummings). May have a site for Sunday afternoons in Levittown.
Exchequer: We have c. $10K of our own.
Web: All officers should have an address; most of you have never checked it. Also maintaining yahoogroup for officers; Arnora would rather use e-mail addresses on it, both to keep things informal and because when an office changes hands, webmaster can control the address but can’t change the yahoo password associated with it. [Aside: I think she could; talk to her.]
Brokenbridge: A&S classes & commons & food. Getting bank account. Postponing Baconbridge.
Marshal: Discussion of public visibility, army, etc. Fighter practice @ McCarren Park on Mondays, starting in March. Something about armor website (
Thrown Weapons Champion (Ervald): will talk to Excellencies about choosing successor.
Lions End: John Capobianco wants demo — maybe next spring — at Farmingdale Green. Want fighters, fencers, hands-on A&S, family-friendly…
Seneschal: looking into NYIT as event site (big open flat fields, gym, dining hall, etc.) in Brookville, near Glen Cove.
Viceroy: Report from Curia. Earl Marshals can now have deputies who are not fighters. Silver Mantle (AoA-level award for miscellaneous stuff that isn’t covered by any of the other AoA-level awards: thrown weapons, equestrian, wrestling, whatever). Policy: officer business can be done on personal e-mail address, as long as everything is copied to your officer address. If we need anything from Kingdom MoL (authorizations, etc.), request it soon because the office is about to change hands. New “Young Teens Chatelaine” office, actually held by a young teen. Extending bid time on large events (400+): you need to have a hard date and site by 24 months before event.
Past Events: none.
Upcoming Demos: ICON.
Upcoming Events: Lions End hosting Bardic/A&S Champs 22 April. Also drop-in classes (teaching kitchen, fiber area, mail area, etc.)
Blood & Axes 2-4 June, Wilhelm is steward.
Big Apple Con: would like activities table. Might also have panel on “how researching your costume illuminates your character”. Penn Hotel, 11-12 March. Contact Ervald.
Bylaws Committee: not much since last Commons.
Coronet Committee: discussing designs.
New Business: reaching out to people who live here but don’t play w/Ostgardr.
Jibril suggests war practice in Astoria Park, in June (probably 24th). It’s a public park, so it’s de facto a demo. Need a bunch of pop-ups; no stakes allowed.
Exchequer: got request from rapier people for a $65 “punch tester”, which is mandated for safety testing every other year. The nearest person who owns one is in Suffolk County. Purchase approved.
An Dubh fencing championship, probably 17 June.
March 17 Commons @ GdG’s place
April 21 Commons @ Mongo’s place in Staten Island
May 19 Commons @ Lake Mohegan