Commons minutes January 2017
Highlights from January Østgarðr Commons
[Official Minutes will be available soon via e-mail]20 January 2017
Transcribed by John Elys
Meeting opened at 8:15, after lots of people delayed by bad traffic.
We had an election for officer positions. 20 officers, 11 votes received, which is just enough.
Populace badge is the blue, erect, orbed hooved and crined thing without leaves, fieldless.
Device is the same within an orle of laurel leaves (field?)
Order of the Seahorse is a natural seahorse, fieldless
clarifying this w/College of Heralds
Seeking ideas to make people proud of being from Østgarðr
Discussion of spelling and pronunciation.
Prince has announced that at Pennsic, EK is with Middle & Ealdormere against Aethelmearc & Northshield.
Herald (Mungu Chinua): Valhalla happened. Court happened. Alex McLoughlin got Sea Lion.
Chronicler (Rufina): E-Horse is out. If you find technical glitches in the E-Horse, let us know so we can fix them. Subscribe; it’s free.
Lists (Erich): Need somebody to run lists for fencing because I want to fence.
Fencing (Alex): still have access to practice site. Marion is still in PT, not fencing. Had mtg at recent event; discussed practice sites in various parts of Østgarðr, fundraising, loaner gear, uniforms, …
Chatelaine (Beatrice): Newcomers at Deck the Halls, Valhalla, etc. Sofya received donation of clothing, archery stuff, etc. from an inactive SCAdian.
Exchequer (Angelica): We have $14K and change. Still working on disposition of $128 of Gilded Pearl money.
Lions End (Brekke): Upcoming event April 22: A&S championship. Farmingdale requested medieval demo on village green, paying gig, want fighters and A&S. Date being negotiated, perhaps May.
Lori: Riverfest June 11.
Web (Arnora): Transferred registrations (sorta)
Brokenbridge (Arnora): Baconbridge II in June. Next A&S Commons Feb. 26 “blacksmithing brunch”
Historian (Richard): history continues
Northpass (Thomas): getting feelers about a demo at White Plains Public Library.
Considering brewing event at Blue Mountain.
Reserved Veterans’ Memorial Park for first weekend in June for fighting, throwing, fencing, archery event.
Barleycorn in planning stages
Bear’s Tavern coming up: overnight reservations sold out
Goat’s Tavern will happen again this year
Discussion of Canton officers reporting to their Provincial superiors
Recent events: already discussed
Upcoming demos: see above
Upcoming events: Bear’s Tavern 3/3-5
Lions in Spring 4/22
5/13: Silver Horde 20th Anniversary
An Dubh investiture 9/16 (weekend after Barleycorn)
An Dubh fencing event some time in June
SRWC 6/9-11, conflicting with Riverfest
Bylaws Committee: has been tossing around wording on-line. Discussion of required officers, Provincial awards, procedures for officer election, etc.
Coronets Committee: not much new.
Upcoming Commons: February at Alienor’s, March at Bish’s, April at Chinua’s.
No January Officers’ Meeting
Adjournment 9:16