Commons minutes October 2016
Crown Province of Ostgardr
Commons Meeting Minutes
October 21, 2016
In Attendance
1 Barone Francesco Gaetano Greco d’Edessa, Seneschal
2 TH Lady Lada Mongoulagin, Vicereine
3 Lady Angelica di Nova Lipa, Exchequer
4 Anneke, Deputy Deputy Seneschal, Recording Secretary
5 Ragnar Bliskeg, Brokenbridge
6 Countess Brekke Franksdottir, OP, OL; Lion’s End
7 Arnora Kettilsdottir, Webminister
8 Lady Alienor Salton, Whyt Whey
9 TH Lady Marion of York, Fencing
10 Master Richard the Poor, Historian
11 Magistra Rufina Cambrensis, Chronicler
12 Lady Sofya Giannetta di Trieste, Chatelaine, A&S
13 Robin
14 Frederich Grimm
15 TH Lord Mungo Chinua, Herald
16 Alexie
Start Time: 8:08pm
End Time: 9:25pm
I. Reports
A. Vicereine,TH Lady Lada Mungoulain
1 We would like to host an event for the upcoming East Kingdom 50 Year and Ostgardr 50 Year, which is coming up in 2018. Can we host 12th Night that year? Maybe in Staten Island where East Kingdom started?
2 We need to do research on the approximate price of finding of space. A discussion is held regarding approximate prices for different locations, and the group is reminded that there exists a formula for considering how much your event will cost.
a) Most places will charge by the hour, and so that needs to be taken into consideration. Some places, such as churches, will have additional costs per hour, for outside members and organizations
b) Those places without a liquor license will have to be dry sites.
B. Arts and Sciences, TH Lady Lada, Lady Sofya
1. Reports are filed, arts are happening, more will be discussed as part of Chatelaine report
C. Whyt Whey Report by Lady Alienor Salton.
There is nothing to report.
D. Seneschal, Barone Francesco
1 We are holding a meeting this month, but are taking December off for the holidays.
2 I have asked the Viceregals whether they would like to have their comments before or after the Officer’s Reports during Commons Meetings. As the Viceregals prefer before, their comments will be made before the Officer’s Reports at all Commons Meetings on and after this one.
E . Chronicler, MagistraRufina.
Please remember to submit information to the Seahorse. The populace is reminded that it is the official form of communication and information dissemination of the Province.
F. Webmaster, Arnora
1. Out dated webpages, such as A&S will be updated, once the Officers in question get back to the webminister.
G Brokenbridge, Ragnar
1 Passed a new financial policy. It’s on the website.
2 Will be opening a new account of our own soon, instead of using Ostgardr
3 Voting on officers is next week (Friday 29) at Brokenbridge Commons
4 After next month, Commons will be combined with an A&S
H Exchequer, Lady Angelica
1 Current balance: $12,937.29
a) Ostgardr money that isn’t already dedicated to something: $8600
b) Brokenbridge: $2,868.69
2 I have opened line items for the Coronets and the rapier loaner gear fund.
3 All submitted reimbursement requests have been fulfilled.
a) Please remember to send in reimbursement request for Musician’s Day after the event.
I Lion’s End, Countess Brekke
1 Quarterly report has gone in, although we had no meeting last month as we had no quorum.
2 We are looking at having a 2part Schola with An Dubh, tentatively scheduled for April 23rd of next year.
J Fence, TH Lady Marian
1 Occasional fencers show up at McCarren Park practice. Alec runs it when people show. It is usually just him and one other.
2 Inwood practice should be starting shortly. It’s officially not an SCA practice. It’s a small school group focusing on historical fencing and not everyone involved will necessarily be SCA
a) This means that people will not need to use the armor and weapons requirements of the SCA in order to fence at this practice.
K. Chamberlain, LadyKatherine (report sent it)
1 Green and White is in storage
2 Pots are in Northpass
L. Herald, TH Lord Mungo
1. At Barleycorn, several of our populace were honored with Ostgardr awards.
a) Lady Angelica, and Zorikh were made members of the Order of the Sea lantern.
b) Baroness Johanna and Sir Gui were made members of the Order of the Seahorse
c) Lady Lilly Redtowers and Barbara the Nearly Naked Fresian were made members of the Order of the Seadog. Two new Sea lanterns: Angelica and Zorikh
M. Chatelaine, Lady Sofya
1 Queen’s Farm was a lovely event, good turnout, got about 20 names/contacts
2 New Ostgardr Newcomers Email List: To keep new people informed of goings on without being too spammy or too much
3 Locations for meeting and events: We need a space(s) where new people can feel comfortable coming since it can be intimidating showing up at people’s homes. Asking for volunteers to help find locations for A&S activities and 12th Night
a) By in large, the events have been taking place in Whyt Whey, but we need these events to be happening throughout the Province.
N. Knight Marshall, Jarl Valgard (report sent in)
1 Ervald has taken over the McCarren Park heavy fighter’s practice. This continues to be a good location, and we have been getting more fighters.
2 Stepping down in January to return to being the Brokenbridge Marshal. As of yet, no one has volunteered to take the position.
3 The Earl Marshal has told us that there will be new guidelines for helmet inspections being issued next year
4 Several fighters took to the field at Barleycorn, Lord Ervald was victorious.
5 Thanks to Gunvor, Marshal of North Pass for being Marshal in Charge, and Sir Balin and Sir Edward for running the tournaments.
II Recently Past Events. There have been none
III Upcoming Demos. There are none.
IV Upcoming Events
A. Musician’s Day is a music focused event on Nov. 11th-13th at the Blue Mountain Trail Lodge. Speak to Magistra Rufina, the event steward if interested.
1 Friedrich has given the menu, and it is posted on the event description. He also requests help in the kitchen.
2 Many teacher volunteers. Currently bugging them for class title and description to post
3 New to the event: Track of classes aimed at new to you (or beginner) skills
4 If interested, it is asked that you preregister for the event.
B. Deck the Halls of Valhalla is a Viking focused event
1 Jan 27 in Brokenbridge (Park Slope) at the Old Stone House
2 It’s on the EK calendar, it has a website, and a Facebook page
V. Old Business
A. Bylaw Committee has not met nor discussed meeting
B. Coronet Committee has met
1. There is a plan in place that covers all possible points, which will be submitted later.
C. Trying to start new club at City College
1 Student Life gave only one week to start new club that needed to have 4 student executives, so couldn’t get it done in time for this semester
2 By next semester we should have enough, so the new club will start in January
3 Jarl Valgard has offered to be a faculty advisor
VI. New Business
A Buying Chef Knives: Ostgardr is in need of dedicated chef knives for day board and feast events, as our current knives are provided by volunteers, and of assorted and random type. Having dedicated knives would allow for better and easier food preparation for those in the kitchens.
1 Friedrich has done research and found best brand, NSF. The knives will have yellow handles.
2 A motion is made by Angelica and the Financial committee to approve $182 for the required knives.
3 Passed unanimously
B Ostgardr Populace Badge
1 Ostgardr has many heraldry variations on Seahorses which are registered but not appointed to anything specific
2 What is the populace badge? Fieldless blue seahorse is general used, but it isn’t registered as such, and is also used for Seahorse Award. A discussion is had about whether to register the badge, but nothing is decided.
C Officer Elections
1 Nominations are open til Halloween There are still some position that nobody has nominated themselves for
2 Current Candidates
a) Chatelaine None
b) Minister of A&S Lady Sofya Gianetta di Trieste
c) Knight Marshall None
d) Captain of Archery THLady Arnbjorg Helga Nilsdottir
e) Minister of Lists None
f) Chamberlain Baron Ian of Clan Mitchell, OP
g) Historian Baron Richard the Poor of Ely, OP
D. New Dorp High School Comicon
1. We have been contacted by the School as they have set a date for next year, and would like to have us. The date is May 20th, 2017
VII Next THREE Upcoming Commons
A. November at the Vice regents’ in Brooklyn
B. December is cancelled for the holidays
C. January is at Lady Alienor’s in Manhattan
VIII January Officer Corps Meeting
A. Jan 8th at Francesco’s from 3pm 6pm
B. If no one is running contested, then we will do it via email as a polling