Commons minutes September 2016
24 September 2016
(Saturday Evening at Queens Farm Demo)
Start Time: 6:05p
Reports (going around the room)
Reported by Alienor: Someone (name withheld) is discouraging Members from coming to Commons. In lieu of telling new people “not to come”, instead say, “You don’t have to come, but we’d like it if you would come.”
Award Recommendations
Østgarðr for Østgarðr:
STOP SAYING “Because that’s the way it was done.”
Start using the phrase “We’re here for YOU.”
Next year is Østgarðr’s 50th Anniversary
Let’s have a Golden Jubilee Event!
It’s also the 50th Anniversary of the East Kingdom, but let them have their own event & we’ll have ours, too.
Originally, the East Kingdom WAS Østgarðr.
Other Officer Reports
Exchequer (via e-mail)
Liquid Assets held by Ostgardr as of September 23, 2016:
Checking: $6,461.39 Savings: $7,040.42 Total: $13,501.81
Line Item Breakdown:
13,501.81 TOTAL ASSETS Banked
1,280.01 Nordenfjord
128.20 Gilded Pearl
2,969.43 Brokenbridge
9,124.17 All Non-Dedicated Funds (belonging to Ostgardr)
“The Seahorse” is posted.
We would like to include any Awards given
The Seneschal suggested that the Herald cc: any Court Report to the Chronicler, for inclusion in the newsletter.
Captain of Fence
There is an practice in Inwood
There is also a non-SCA (and non-MSR) practice. Information forthcoming.
Captain of Archery
Report postponed until October
Whyt Whey
The Cloisters Demo went very well.
We have a new Herald & a new Youth Marshal
Lions End
We are planning an event : Schola II on 23 April 2017
Lord Dougmore will be the Autocrat
Baron Francesco will be the Troll
Abigail & Lady Arnbjorn will be the Feastocrats
Everything has gotten where it needs to be, from (1) Barleycorn, to (2) The Cloisters, & to (3) Queens Farm;
And should get to (4) Goats Tavern, (5) Musicians’ Day, & home.
Barleycorn went well, with only minimal drama.
Over 300 Attendees
Next year there will be a more efficiently run Troll.
Goat’s Tavern is a Schola and will happen soon 22-23 October 2016
We are creating a NEWCOMERS E-mail. More info to be provided.
Arts & Sciences
There was a great showing at Barleycorn
Broken Bridge
We are actively seeking a chronicler for a monthly BrokenBridge e-newsletter. Anyone interested should email
On Sunday, Oct 30th, we will be having a A&S potluck brunch in Park Slope, Brooklyn featuring a BLACKSMITHING class. For more details, see the event calendar at
We will be voting on proposed policy letter changes at the Oct 28th commons
We will be voting on ALL BrokenBridge officer positions at the Oct 28th commons.
We have a new financial policy which can be found on the website under “Documents”
Current Events
Queens Farm
All is going well
The Chatelaine’s Table has 20 people who left their contact information
Upcoming Events
Goat’s Tavern: 22-23 October 2016
Musicians’ Day: 11-13 November 2016
Old Business
By-Law Committee — Yet to meet
Coronets Committee — Has met and is in discussions. No report yet.
New Business
Officer Elections
As of the beginning of the new year, 2017, we need to hold Elections for the following Offices.
Knight Marshal:
Minister of A&S:
Captain of Archery:
Minister of Lists:
If anyone is interested in filling any of these Offices, please send me, Baroné Francesco Gaetano Gréco d’Edessa, the Seneschal of the Crown Province of Østgarðr your Letter of Intent, to []
Please have your Letter of Intent to me by the 31st of October 2016.
~ The publication of the Intended Officers will be sent-out within two (2) weeks.
~ The Election will occur at the January 2017 meeting of the Crown Provincial Officer Corps, – Date TBD.
According to the East Kingdom and/or the Crown Provincial By-Laws:
III.F.1. ~ To be an officer of Østgarðr or one of its Cantons, a person must meet all the requirements of the East Kingdom, including membership and rostering by the appropriate Kingdom Officer.
III.F.2. ~ In addition a person must have been a resident of Østgarðr for six months to hold provincial office.
1. Knights Marshal
A. The Knights Marshal is responsible for overseeing the conduct of all martial arts activities, including but not limited to tournament lists, wars, & combat archery, as well as such related activities as scouting.
B. The Knights Marshal bears primary responsibility for promoting both the safety and the authenticity of the related martial arts.
2. Minister of Arts & Sciences
The Minister of Arts and Sciences is responsible for supporting study into art forms, technologies, & those aspects of culture relating to their use, both in period and in Society activities.
3. Captain of Archery
The Captain of Archery is responsible for overseeing the conduct, promoting both the safety and the authenticity of all Field Archery activities, including, but not limited to, tournament lists and wars.
4. Chatelaine
A. Be the first point of contact for those new to the SCA, you are expected to read and uphold Corpora, the Society Media and Demo policies, Kingdom Law, and the policies of the office of Chatelaine.
B. Assist and mentor both new and relocated members, with the customs of the SCA, the East Kingdom, and your local group.
C. Be knowledgeable about resources useful to newcomers, such as local sources for fabric, or feast gear.
D. Supervise and assist with demos
E. You will endeavor to build and maintain a Gold Key collection of loaner garb and feast gear.
(a) Ideally, your Gold Key should contain garb in a variety of sizes for both sexes.
(b) It is also useful to have feast gear as part of the Gold Key.
5. Minister of the Lists (MOL)
A. Be organized and able to deal efficiently with large amounts of paperwork.
B. Be able to attend all locally sponsored events where a tournament or combat authorization bouts will be held.
C. Be familiar with the basic procedures for East Kingdom Combat Authorizations.
D. Have a basic familiarity with, or a willingness to learn about, standard tournament formats.
E. Be able to form a firm working relationship with all warranted marshals in his/her local group.
F. Be able to enforce Kingdom and Society Law and Policy relating to SCA combat authorization procedures with all persons, regardless of rank.
6. Chamberlain
A. The Crown Province Chamberlain is responsible for the care and upkeep of all of the Crown Province regalia, both the regalia used by the Viceregents, the regalia used by the Viceregal Champions, Officers, & Populace.
B. The Chamberlain tracks the location and status of each item of regalia, maintaining a list of who has each item signed out of storage.
C. The Chamberlain also coordinates new regalia projects to ensure that needed items are created, that new items use the Crown Provincial heraldry correctly, and to minimize duplicate efforts around the Crown Province.
7. Historian
A. Newsletters & Publications – Complete the inventory; include listings for all newsletters (TI, CA, Crown Province, Cantons, Groups, Guilds, etc). For non-newsletter items create a listing and short description (Reign files, Histories, other publications).
B. Book of Lists – Possibly create a Crown Province of Østgarðr Book of Lists Wiki Page.
C. Geographical History – Build and/or maintain a Geographical Historical Map of the Crown Province of Østgarðr.
D. Doomsday Book:
(a) Build and/or maintain a listing for offices of the Crown Province of Østgarðr and her Cantons.
(b) Build and/or maintain a listing for Groups, Guilds, etc, of the Crown Province of Østgarðr.
(c) Maybe build a database for people of the East Kingdom (SCA Name only).
(d) Build, maintain, & publish a yearly Crown Provincial history. — [2017]
Officer Corps SITE & DATE: TBD
Next THREE (3) Upcoming Commons Meetings
October: Lady Sofya (Queens)
November: Viceregents (Brooklyn)
December: Cancelled for the Holidays
January 2017: Alienor (Manhattan)
End of Meeting
End Time: 8:33p
Proposed: Countess Brekke
Accepted by acclamation