Annal for A.S. XLIX (5/14 – 4/15)

The Province hosted the Second Annual Østgarðr – An Dubhaigeainn Challenge on June 7, at which Lady Maeve of Abbeydorney was given the Order of the Seahorse. In July, Suuder took over as Seneschal for Brokenbridge.

Judith fitzHenry the Uncertain was inducted as a Companion of the Laurel during East Kingdom Royal Court at Pennsic.

At the Funeral Games for John Barleycorn on September 6, Seadogs were given to Alienor Salton and Magdalena Carminante; Seahorses were given to Aethelsan of St. Maur, Ibrahim al-Rashid, and Sofya of Østgarðr. Richard the Poor of Ely was made a Court Baron. Mongo Chinua was given a Sagittarius at River Wars on September 13.

The Province participated in the Queens’ County Fair on September 20 and 21, and did a modest demo at the Berkeley-Carroll School on October 25. Musician’s Day was held on November 22.

Lady Sofya of Østgarðr became the Chatelaine in November.

At Lions in Winter on February 21, Vicereine Johanna ap Visby introduced the Silver Lantern award. This is to honor those in the arts who have not only excelled, but who have been seen to grow and develop in their chosen field. The first two honorees were Alienor Salton and Godiva eclippa Blackheart di Mer. Also at Lions in Winter, Douglas Dugmore was made a Companion of the Seadog.

A Champions Event was held in Lions End on April 18.

Archery Practice

Greetings unto the Populace,

The weather has warmed and many have seen the ground thaw. Thus it is time to open the Archery Season this Sunday at Willow Brook Park Archery Range on Staten Island at 1pm. There will be loaner gear for anyone who wants to use it.

Willowbrook Park, Eton Place, Staten Island, NY.  When you get to Willowbrook Park in Staten Island, go all the way back to the end of the parking lot. That is right next to the archery range.