Ostgardr Commons  September 18, 2024     7:30 PM – 8:17 PM

SCA Harassment Policy shown and read


THL Ragnarr Bliskegg, Seneschal   

THL Angelica di Nova Lipa, Viceregent  

Hlæfdige Alienor Salton, Exchequer, Seneschal of Appleholm

Bóaire Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, Herald, Chamberlain, Historian

Armiger Catelin Straquhin, Chatelaine

Lord Alexander MacLachlan, Fencing Marshal

Lord Albrecht Anker, Marshal of Armored Combat

Lord Antonius Gracchus, called Twyg, Webminister

Lady Kunigunde Weidemann, Youth Combat Marshal, Chancellor Minor, Deputy Seneschal

Lady Zahra de Andaluzia, Chronicler

Lord Brandr Aronsson, Minister of Arts & Sciences

Voevoda Lada Monguligin, Social Media Officer

THL Vitasha Ivanova doch’, Baroness, Minister of Lists

Lady Jóra Úlfsdóttir, Lions End Seneschal

Lord Edwine the Younger

Lord Oliver de Bainbrig

Richard the Poor of Ely 

Eille Hrafsndottir

Arminger Gibbs Moryss

Lady Hanya Vladimirovna Polotskaya

Lady Drasma Dragomira

Meister Friderich Grimme 

Lord Ivarr Valsson 

THL Jenna Childslayer

Freiherr Matthias von Würzburg-  Seneschal of Shire of Old Stonebridges

Baroness Aislinn Chiabach, Shire of Midland Vale

Lord Bróccín MacIvyr, Shire of Midland Vale

Absent Officers

  • Mistress Sofya Gianetta di Trieste, Viceregent
  • Master Suuder Saran, Baron, Provincial Archery Captain, Deputy Seneschal
  • Lady Arnora Ketilsdottir, Youth Combat Marshal
  • Lady Meadhbh MacPharláin, Seneschal of Northpass

Viceregal Highlights

The big Ostgardian news for September is the selection of the martial and bardic champions for the next year at this year’s superbly organized and managed Feast of John Barleycorn sponsored by Northpass.   Co-Stewards Vitasha Ivanova doch’ & Catelin Straquihin and their teams of volunteers created a perfect event.   

Our New Champions are

Armored CombatPerez ben Meir Gerson
FencingEliayhu al-Tahli “Tally”
ArcheryIvarr Valsson
Thrown WeaponsWojtek z Wisny
BardicDrustan of Old Stonebridges and Teodora Ivanić  
Youth CombatNova of Ostgardr

Perez, as is the right of the Champion of Armored Combat, chose this year’s Queen of Love and Beauty, his Lady Wife, Rebecca, who now bears the embroidered purse  regalia dedicated to that office.  Let the record indicate that there appeared to be some indecision on his part as various other ladies in the assemblage attempted blandishments and temptations to achieve 

this Queenly status, but his resistance was stern, and in the end he chose most wisely.   

Retiring Champions were given a medallion token (beautifully designed by Kunigunde Wedemann) to commemorate their service.  

We were privileged with the task of conveying to both Kunigunde Wedemann and Vitasha Ivanova doch’, recognition of their accomplishments in service by the populace and the Crown of the East Kingdom with induction into the Order of the Silver Wheel.   

A previously won recognition from A.S. LII, that of Champion of Fence, was commemorated by presenting its scroll to Don Brendan Firebow, due during the Viceregency of Lada and Suuder.  The appropriate Mongol Cheer concluded the presentation.      

Lemony Quest

  • On the continuing saga of Mathghamhain’s Quest for the Perfect Lemon, two beautiful large citrus fruits of a non-lemony color were presented to the Viceregents in hopes that this would conclude his Quest.  Regrettably, these fruits did not fulfill the requirement.  A haiku and a long form poem were read to inspire a more effective quest for the perfect lemon.   
  • Our Youth Combat Champion Rees presented the Viceregents two perfect lemons won as prizes for his expertise in thrown weapons.    
  • The Viceregents were given during the course of the day, from many other  individuals, lemons without blemish.  Sadly, again, Mathgamhain was not one of these…. And so, his Quest continues.
  • Vitasha and Lada  made recommendations for the best base vodka to use to produce limoncello using said lemons.    

Seneschal’s Report

Update on Unification (Shires of Midland Vale and Old Stonebridges petitions to join the Crown Province as Cantons) The new EK Polling Deputy inherited a backlog, including our request(s).  
Elections Q4 for some officer positionsAt the October Commons we will announce 2025 mandated officer turnovers, and continuation of officer positions.    Officers who wish to renew in their present positions, please contact Seneschal.   
Budgets for “Departments”    
The Finance Committee needs to define which departments are eligible for yearly funded budgets, the amount of those budgets, as well as the cash reserves required in the bank account before those disbursements can be made. 
Google doc with details being forwarded to Seneschal by Historian.   
Notification ChecklistThanks to Mathghamhain, we have an additional checklist on notifications (internal and public facing) for events, practices, solars, and so on.  This will be shared with the officers for review and comment.  
John Barleycorn Wrap up – Catelin Straquhin expressed thanks for all the volunteers and attendees, the community that came together to make Barleycorn happen.  Thanks and an extensive list of contributors was posted earlier.    
Attendance was 106, way above estimated since Barleycorn was running against Harpers.  Of the astounding number of  non-members attending (20), five were pre-registered, probably the largest number of non-members attending in recent years. 
Estimated gross income $2,000. 
There was lots of positive feedback both on Lady Grainne’s Dayboard and the event site tokens which were made by Lady Pia,   Thanks to both! 
Setup and takedown went smoothly 
We have identified Opportunities for improvement inMarketing Communicating the schedule day-ofImproving communications amongst the Champions, Marshals MOL, and the Stewards because better communications could result in more people competing.Notes for next year / further years, include revisiting dayboard options and or planning for feast.                                                                            
Vitasha Ivanova doch’ on the food drive donation success:Hope Community Services were very pleased with the Food and non-food items donated (photo of the carload of items shared on social media).   We may do another collection at Goat’s Inn.     
2024 Kingdom Rapier Champs BidAlexander MacLachlan has put in a bid to do the EK Rapier Champions event November 16th at the Mt Kisco American Legion Hall, Entire siteUpstairs – Royalty Room and HeraldsMain Floor Fencing (enough room for eight lists) / KitchenDownstairs – stowage, changing roomExpected attendance 225 to 250, possibly moreWill need many volunteersAlienor – GateBrandrr – Chief Cook.No word from EK as of the date of these Commons on acceptance. 
Local Activities and Events  
Tuesdays at McCarren Park, Brooklyn NYC Armored Combat & Fencing Practice —  Albrecht says it’s going great, we get some out-of-towners attending, and fun times after with tacos.  
Planning on continuing with outdoors practice through the end of October, and investigating the possibility of practices in Northpass after the winter holidays.   Kingsland, the Brooklyn site of two previous indoor winter practices, is closing down.  
Rapier practice… Alec reports a good show, had a couple guest marshals visit.  Will be submitting a budget for some basic fencing gear. 
Sundays Staten IslandArchery Practice, Crown Province of Ostgardr,  If interested, check with Suuder or Lada. 
SundayAppleholm Sept 29Sunday Solar at Madwen’s
Oct 12 Kings County Fiber Festival at The Old Stone House, 336 Third Street, Brooklyn (central Park Slope) 11215    Nearest subway:  4th Ave-9th Street stop on the F and G. Commitments- Edwine will Steward.- Mathghamhain will come with some simple weaving, business cards, flyers- Catlin will come with knitting  – Ragnarr will come with tables and can show off armor -All invited!   
Oct 13Sewing garb at Cateline’s – Canton of Northpass, Mt Vernon, NY        
Oct 19Goat’s Inn: Any Port In A Storm, Canton of Northpass – Peekskill, NY   Simon the Tanner and Arnora Ketilsdottir co-Stewarding.  Changed to a single day event.
Oct 27 Arts & Sciences Day –  Brandrr and Friderich, How to Cook an SCA Feast, planning and hands-on    11 AM -4 PM at Brandrr’s.  IRL
Nov 3Sunday Solar, Canton of Northpass – Ossining at the Campwoods Grounds.   Twyg, a class on brass etching, donations welcome.   Visitors parking is immediately off Campwoods Grounds Road.  * Class size is limited to ten people *Class is expected to take two hours, starting at 10 AM to noon. Note that safety gear is required as the class works with caustic fluids and materials.
Bring safety goggles, and a smock/apron is strongly suggested. RSVP to Antonius at 265107@members.eastkingdom.org or to Vitasha at 64944@members.eastkingdom.org.
Regional & RP Events   https://www.eastkingdom.org/events/
September 21 – Concordia, Tyger Family Schola 
Sept 21, 22   –  An DubhDemo this weekend at the Suffolk Co. Fair at Longwood, marshals wanted.  
Oct 11, 12, 13CarillionGhosts, Ghouls and GoblinsTraditional woods archery shoot PLUS 3 Archery Championships, Equestrian, A&S Challenge, Siege Weapons, and much more.   Brandrr urges participation by Ostgardr artisans.
Oct 11, 12, 13, AngelspurHunter’s Moon Academy of the Blade, and  camping event at a site with power, potable water,    – Kunigunde recommends
Nov 9, in An DubhSt. Andrews
Nov 23 Rusted Woodlands100 Minutes War Suuder is running the Archery Tournament at 100 Minutes War, assisted by Ivarr. 
Catelin contributes that Chatelaine Group Chat has been discussing the demo at PAX in Bhakail.  Can’t guarantee that your admission will be paid, but there will be a dedicated space where you can hang out, demo.
Kunigunde notes the next Dancing Fox is February 8, 2025, 
New Business
Charter Amendment VoteMathghamhain asks officers to vote the clarification for the charter that “Commons Meetings will be held remotely through a conference call or a conferencing service to facilitate participation by the populace.”“The Seneschal may change which day of the week, and which week of the month is designated for Commons Meetings so as to suit the needs of the Officers’s Council.”Seneschal states “As these proposed changes to the Charter have been properly posted on the site, and and discussed in a prior commons meeting, the vote may be taken.”
The vote was taken, tallied, and the proposed changes are approved and ratified by the majority of the members of the Officers’s Council.      
Deck the Halls of Valhalla 2025Brandrr asked on status, Ragnar has queried the site/business Purgatory on availability, will follow up with them.   Arnora may be willing to co-Steward. 

Next Ostgardr Commons – October 16, 2024
No additional business being brought forward, and motion to adjourn being seconded, the meeting ended at 8:17 PM

Minutes prepared by Angelica di Nova Lipa