
Sofya Gianetta di Trieste, Viceréina

Ragnarr Bliskegg, Seneschal

Alienor Salton, Exchequer, Seneschal of Appleholm

Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, Herald, Chamberlain, Historian

Catelin Straquhin, Chatelaine

Kunigunde Wedemann, Chancellor Minor, Deputy Seneschal

Suuder Saran, Archery Captain, Deputy Seneschal

Alexander MacLachlan, Fencing Marshal

Vitasha Ivanova doch’, Minister of Lists

Antonius Gracchus, called Twyg, Webminister

Lada Monguligin, Social Media Officer

Meadhbh MacPharláin, Seneschal of Northpass

Absent Officers

Angelica di Nova Lipa, Viceréina

Brandr Aronsson, Minister of Arts & Sciences

Albrecht Anker, Marshal of Armored Combat

Arnora Ketilsdottir, Youth Combat Marshal

Zahra de Andaluzia (she/her), Chronicler

Jóra Úlfsdóttir, Seneschal of Lions End


Aislinn Chiabach

Alfarr Skegglauss

Bróccín MacIvyr

Drasma Dragomira

Éile Hrafnsdóttir

Francisco de Braga, Deputy Exchequer

Gibbs Moryss

Hanya Vladimirovna Polotskaya 

Ilia Aleksandrovich

Ívarr Valsson

Jenna Childslayer

Marcus mac Pharláin

Oliver deBainbrig 

Richard the Poor


Started at 7:31

Bullying and harassment policy displayed and read


Hundred minutes is this weekend. Fight with valor. Share your photos with our social media officer. Support our populace who are being recognized in court. Have a wonderful time!

Thank you to everyone who is part of the ongoing branch unificiation effort.

It’s a tradition for Ost to make favors for the queen. Let’s organize a day to come together some time over the winter to work on these. 

There’s talk of a war, preparations to follow.

We want to recognize folks for their efforts. Nominate folks for awards, here and at the kingdom level. 


… I want to touch on Commons, Minutes, Note and Transparency.  This came up on our Discord Server and several official emails have come to me about the needs of all.  For now, I have decided that I need help to review this and craft a response.  The Vicerience have graciously agreed to review all the material we have about the situation and with me on this.  If you have thoughts or notes you want to send to use, please email us using our officer emails.  

I’ve reached out to the vicereiens for input.

If you have thoughts or opinions, on minutes or public postings, share them with me and the vicereines via official channels.

We’ll talk about it further in December


Some people are giving a thumbs up showing that they’ve already received their polls.

If you’re asking about whether you’re being polled, the kingdom decided they didn’t need to poll the province.

If you have input, you can send it to me and I’ll forward it to kingdom with a receipt to you.

Polls are due Deccember 10. (After a one-month window.)

I’m hoping that things move forward and we can be one province as of January.

Aislinn, I sent a message back to the polling office as I received two ballots and was wondering if one of them was for the minor.

Sofya: We did have a meeting for the populace, and the response was very positive.


Rangarr: We’ll vote to approve new officers in December.

Thanks to the newcomers, Teodora as exchequer, Alfarr as historian, Kunigunde becoming herald, Pia as Chencell​​o minor, Ivarr as MOL

Catelin: If you’re interested in taking a position, but don’t feel confident about it, deputies are encouraged. I’d love to have a deputy chatelaine.

Ragnarr: this is also true for folks who don’t come to commons meetings. Tell your friends about the opportunity. Taking these positions is a growth path to other opportunities at the kingdom.

Finance committee met and I want to talk about budges.

No officer has a budget, but we encourage all of you to think about what resources you can use to benefit your area of responsibility.

Submit a proposal. As long as it’s reasonable it will not be denied.

Send us your ideas, we’ll discuss it and either approve it or give you feedback.

Anything that will benefit the province or the populace.

Business cards, software, equipkment, or anything.


Lada: As of a month ago, we have heirs. Two years ago we did a coronation for them, and now they will need another coronation.

Alienor: Can we get an elephant this time?

Lada: No elephant.

They haven’t explicitly said they’d like to do here but they did say they would welcome a bid.

I’ve reached out to Snug Harbor, where there is a new contact (Eric) who is pulling together numbers for me.

Thanks to Ragnarr for helping with the numbers, and Lani who helped with the food budget.

The budget numbers are still preliminary.

We’ll do things a bit differently — we can reuse banners without painting new ones.

We won’t using our pavilions, which had trouble last time because the site doesn’t allow , instead we will rent tents that have free-standing tents.

Ronan’s site suggestions: Judsen Memorial, off Washington Square

Lighting has been fixed, so we’ll be able to see during break down

Fencing is prettier now

We’ll have power on the stage

Kitchen in their building has been improved 

Sofya: Thank you for putting this together. Will the rented tents be the same?

Lada: The tents we’re looking at renting has an internal structure that makes ti more stable when not staked.

The site will give us rental contract and prices in early December.

The bid is due December 15

I’ve sent a prelimianry budget to the financial committe, but I might need to tweak it.

Math: two years is enough to recharge

Broccin: what’s your expected gate fee?

Lada: $25 gate plus $10 for dayboard.

Math: for events with optional dayboard, how many people opted in?

Lada: Mudthaw Dayboard: 200 cap

Crown tournament: 80% took the dayboard

Sofya: I like making dayboard optional because people have such different food preferences. And it helps keep costs down.

Lada: they will handle porta potties and dumpsters

Catelin and Twyg drop

Ragnarr: is the site dry?

Lada: There’s an on-site alcohol vendor

Lada: If we do a Japanese menu, I’m wondering what we can do to honor her Indian persona.

Should hear back by January 15.

First or second week of April.

Sofya: Let’s put out an inquery asking for feedback on the idea.

Mathg: let’s get a sense of who’s on board.

  Multiple officers: hands up.

Any objections or concerns?


Lada: I’ll check on other events and the neighborhood.

– Don’t allow parking by the stage.

Jenna: You need to provide accomodations for public parking.

Sofya: could we provide a golf cart to get people to and from parking?

Lada: I’m not sure, but I’ll explore that.

Jenna: You could get teens to volunteer to help move things with wagons.

Vitasha: At another site, we got permission to reserve a few public parking spaces for handicapped use only.

Lada: Because the space is public, we’re limited

Vitasha: We also wanted to use golf carts

Richard: Our NYS non-profit tax ID might help keep the costs down.

Lada: I’ll bring these issues up with the site rep and see what they can allow.

Ragnarr: We’re also recruiting people to help Lada. I’ll post about this before the weekend.

Last coronation had 450 people cap and we hit it.


Handicapped portas?

Site asked: Did you get a map? 

Oliver: Survey for Van Cortland Park revision, please suggest archery range.

– We have ranges in Staten Island and NOrthpass and it’d be nice to have in the middle.

– Jenna: there’s also a range in Nassau, but our local marshal hasn’t been actively.

Ragnarr: send A&S notes to Brandr, and social media, and dchronicler

Alec: Wasn’t too cold this week, but we’re pausing for the winter.

Albrecht is looking for sites in Westchester for a possible monthly process

Broccin: the site we used in Orange county for practice is going out of business.

Aislinn: The circleville church is still available.

Is archery continuing?

– Suuder: we’re finished for the season

– I’m organizing archery at hundred minutes

– solar

– Gallery

– northpass Soup day / bread butter

– Valhalla

– three more class spots, now has three (scribing runes, gay vikings, leis)

– 55 spots

– Purgatory; second floor is not handicapped accessible

– Reach out to Albrecht and Arnora

– Ronan: do classes need to be viking themed? I could teach a class on Scots Gaelic prononciation.

– Hundred Minutes

– Saint Eligius

– Bergenthal Yule in December

– Bhakail Dec 14 investiture

Same weekend as Birka – Drachenwald U, timezone means you have to get up early.

– I can also teach a local Pennsic 101

“Technical difficulties” slide

Next commons December 18

Hanya: I did talk to Brooklyn coloege about space rentals, and told Brandr. 

– Rooms are cheaper, quad is epxensive.


Gibbs 7:08 PM: I’m going to be on mute because housemate has online tutoring downstairns.

Ragnarr 7:10 PM: Agenda:

Officer Reports:

October Minutes (Draft):

Gibbs 7:14 PM: Work stuff. I was hired as the third person for my department, the other two retired, and I’ve been running it pretty much alone for 5.5 years. Currently got a rolling software cluster that directly affects me.

Mathghamhain 7:15 PM: Wow, that sounds challenging, Gibbs!

Gibbs 7:16 PM: Salty and coping. Mostly.

Richard 7:16 PM: We are pretty much ALL in “Coping Mode” these days

Gibbs 7:21 PM: I didn’t bother trying to get a ride for 100MW. I don’t do the fighty stuffs, and no guarantee there anyone daytiipping will have space for me.

I was riding the edge of hypothermia when they finally got around to Sudr’s elevation two years ago.

Mathghamhain 7:23 PM: That was a cold night!

Gibbs 7:25 PM: Valhalla at Purgatory – Ostgardr goes to Hel!

Oliver 7:26 PM: dramatic pause

Ragnarr 7:27 PM: brb

Gibbs 7:29 PM: I’ve got Rosetta Stone for Level 1 Latin and complete Japanese, haven’t dug in yet.

Library sales w00y


Oliver 7:30 PM: I took three years of Latin in higth school.

Gibbs 7:32 PM: I got three years of Japanese, lost most of it through lack of use.

Marcus mac Pharlain 7:33 PM: Meadhbh is here listening on my line

Ronan 7:41 PM: Ostgardr: “Give us your tired,  your poor…” 

Oh that’s already taken….

Gibbs 7:42 PM: We accept ’em, we accept ’em  some of us, some of us!

Mathghamhain 7:43 PM: Aislinn: Anyone with a paid membership over the age of 14 is eligible to vote.

Sofya 7:44 PM: Thank you to all the candidates who have volunteered to take on these positions!!

Vitasha 7:46 PM: Math – What are you going to do with all  your spare time? Are you going to Disneyland? 😉

Catelin 7:46 PM: Lol Disneyland!!

Gibbs 7:51 PM: The wind was not the tents’ friend.

Oliver 7:52 PM: it is when you eat beans.

Catelin 7:52 PM: Does that mean the heirs have nixed the idea of fireworks?

Gibbs 7:53 PM: What are the odds we’ll have another quinceanera photo-op invasion?

Ragnarr 7:54 PM: Re Fireworks: It’s still a want but not something we will do for them.

Catelin 7:55 PM: Ty ty

Gibbs 7:59 PM: That’s reasonable for a coronation and bento lunch.

Ronan 8:00 PM: easier to handle 10 dollar bills as change than 5 dollar bills.

Catelin 8:01 PM: I have to step off, have a good night!

Gibbs 8:01 PM: Potluck at Mudthaw was awesome.

Oliver 8:01 PM: g’night.

Ragnarr 8:01 PM: night oliver!

Oh that was Caitlin leaving

Twyg 8:02 PM: Going to drop for the evening. Thank you all!

Gibbs 8:02 PM: Aislinn found the idea again!

Ragnarr 8:02 PM: night Caitlin and Twyg!

Twyg 8:02 PM: See some of you Sat!

Ronan 8:03 PM: Which park is it?

Bróccín 8:03 PM:

Gibbs 8:03 PM: Snug Harbor on Staten Island. They have a Japanese cultural center, which works because Ryou.

Ronan 8:04 PM: ah ty. thanks

Richard 8:04 PM: yes i’m turning japanese, yes i’m turning japanese, i really think so….

Vitasha 8:04 PM: Curry? It’s in both cultures?

Gibbs 8:04 PM: EK mascot is a tiger, Bengal tigers …

Richard 8:05 PM: To curry favor, favor curry!

Kunigunde 8:05 PM: I’m allergic to curry so curry-free options would be great.

Gibbs 8:05 PM: Curried tater samosas? Though Helga’s probably done with samosas after last time.

Ronan 8:13 PM:

Vitasha 8:13 PM:

Ronan 8:13 PM: ^^ Golf cart rental S.I.

Ragnarr 8:13 PM: Thank you!

Ronan 8:15 PM: At 12th night, pre-pandemic, I was on the volunteer Car Ferry staff, to bring people from LIRR to the site.

Mathghamhain 8:15 PM: There is a special “golf cart” insurance option on the SCA’s insurance plan.

Ronan 8:16 PM: the link I posted for renting golf cart has a 6 seater for 180/day.

Alienor Salton 8:16 PM: the golf … that thing he just said

Richard 8:17 PM: After all, we ARE an official 501(c)(3) organization (and not on any subversive watch lists (that we know of (yet….))) (grin)

Mathghamhain 8:17 PM: Additional insurance: Golf Carts: $75.00

Gibbs 8:17 PM: Still our Il Khatun!

Ronan 8:18 PM: Was there a date mentioned?

Mathghamhain 8:19 PM: First or second week of April.

Lada Monguligin 8:19 PM:

Ronan 8:20 PM: doc link says “Needs access”

Ronan 8:24 PM:

Francisco de Braga 8:26 PM: I have access to a large format printer at work. Could do a site map at gate or other locations on a paper that might be 30×42 or 26×36.

Ronan 8:29 PM: My place is in the Bronx….. <pouts>

Mathghamhain 8:32 PM:

Ronan 8:32 PM: yup that worked.

Oliver 8:34 PM: we should all just shout SUDAAAARR!!!!

Gibbs 8:35 PM: Tuchis. I smile when I think about The Frisco Kid.

Ronan 8:35 PM: Ve haff vays of making you craft!!!!!

Anna 8:41 PM: I can do a class 🙂

Richard 8:41 PM: Purgatory again? We didn’t atone for all our sins?

Oliver 8:42 PM: It’s the new sins that we’re concerned about.

Vitasha 8:43 PM: Did you go apple picking? It’s the original sin 😉

Oliver 8:44 PM: one with a twist and a bit of a spin.

Oliver 8:46 PM: And since I’ve done all the old ones

‘Til they’ve all been done in

Now I’m just looking

Then I’m gone with the wind

Endlessly searching for an original sin

Gibbs 8:46 PM: Ketchup: How to cook with nightshade@