May Ostgardr Commons Meeting Report
held on May 15, 2024
Officers in Attendance
- Ragnarr Bliskegg, Seneschal
- Suuder Saran, Deputy Seneschal & Archery Captain
- Angelica Di Nova Lipa, Viceregent
- Sofya Gianetta di Trieste, Viceregent
- Alienor Salton, Exchequer
- Francisco de Braga, Deputy Exchequer
- Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, Herald
- Kunegunde Wedemann, Chancellor Minor
- Armiger Catelin Straquhin, Chatelaine
- Vitasha Ivanova doch’, Minister of Lists
- Brander Aronsson, Minister of Arts & Sciences
- Albrecht Anker, Armored Combat Marshal
- Alexander MacLahlan, Fencing Marshal
- Arnora Ketilsdóttir, Youth Combat Marshal
- Antonius Gracchus, called Twyg, Web Minister
- Zahra de Andaluzia, Chronicler
- Lada Monguligin, Social Media Officer
The informal meeting began at 7 p.m., and Commons was called to order at 7:30 p.m., as a quorum was met.
The SCA Harassment policy was read.
Vicereines report
- Vicereine Sofya acknowledged the members of the Province whole who received recognition from the Crown:
- Caitlin Straquhin: Order of the Brooch
- Drasma Dragomira: Order of the Silver Tyger
- Count Ryouko’jin of Iron Skies: Sovereign’s Armored Combat Champion
- Ivarr Valsson won first place at the archery tournament at Daffodils
The events that took place in the Province were recognized and appreciated. Thank you to everyone for their efforts, time, volunteering, and gifts, strengthening Ostgardr.
The full detailed report can be found in the officer reports.
Seneschal Report
Unification of Ostgardr with two Neighboring Shires, Old Stone Bridge and Midland Vale
- Clarification was requested and made on the unification: Old Stone Bridge and Midland Vale would like to be Cantons of Ostgardr.
- To do so, members from both Shires and Ostgardr will be polled. The Kingdom will send the polling.
- There is no update on the unification process. Ragnarr will look into it.
Review of the Charter Meeting
- Seneschal scheduled a charter meeting on May 27th at 8 pm, but it has now been canceled.
- A discussion was had that this date falls on Memorial Day and may not be ideal.
- Another date will be chosen once the Seneschal reviews his calendar.
Finance Committee meeting
- Seneschal is requesting a meeting to discuss finances and approved budgets.
- Financial Committee members, please send your availability for the next two weeks to the Seneschal.
Officer Meeting
- Seneschal, I would like to schedule an officer meeting in late June/July
- Ragnarr will look at the dates for holding the meeting.
- Officers are not required to attend, but this is an opportunity to discuss events, possible projects, or any other subject of conversation.
Storing officer reports
- The Seneschal acknowledged that he saved some officer reports in the wrong shared folder and that they would be moved to the correct storage.
- Thank you, Mathghamhain, for bringing this to his attention.
- Mathghamhain: All officers are encouraged to share their reports or projects in this folder. This will make it easier for future officers to find when you step down from your position.
Two Upcoming Local Events
Lions End Scola: Saturday, May 18th
- Jenna: Please pre-register and attend! This is a free event. Spaces are limited to 45. So far, about 25 to 30 people have pre-registered.
- The site is bone dry but has plenty of parking.
- If you don’t want to enter the A&S Competition, please feel free to display your work.
- Dayboard is pot-luck.
- The question was asked about what dish to bring. Uji will list the food dishes (primary, side).
- Come and have fun!!
June 1st -Living History Demo in Farmingdale
- Alexander, Steward of the demo, provided an update.
- Firefighters will help set up green/white Friday—the fair starts at 10 am.
- Please bring tables and chairs!! None are provided. Pop-ups are ok. (Chairs are available in Provincial storage if needed.)
- Uji will be on shuttle duty on the day of the demo if you require pick-up from the train station.
- Uji is available Friday night to pick up any extra items; however, Alexander stated he would go to the Provincial storage on Thursday.
- No MoS is required for the event.
- Lada: Items from Viking Day were not all returned to storage, and if needed, Suuder will drop them off at the Provincial storage.
- Rain date: June 8th. If the demo is canceled due to weather, the rain date will be updated through official means (email, web page) and social media outlets.
More Local Events/Practices/Meetings
Archery Practice
- Archery Marshall, Suuder: Archery starts up on Sunday, May 19th-11 am at Willowbrook Park in Staten Island
- The goal is to have archery practice every Sunday.
- Marshall will stay until noon and leave if no one arrives by then or notifies him they are attending.
Pilgrimage to Pride: May 31st
- Join your fellow Scadians on May 31st at St. John’s Cathedral at 7 PM
- There will be crafts, cocktails, and a campy show.
- Wear garb if you’d like.
- There is a ticket entry charge of $25; however, it is on a sliding scale.
- More information can be found on Appleholm’s FB page and website.
Event Location Committee Meeting
- Sofya: Our first committee meeting was held on May 1st with a great turnout.
- Our next meeting is on June 5th, scheduled on the Ostgardr calendar.
- Due to an error in scheduling, this meeting date will change.
- All are welcome to join and help find event sites to host local and RP events.
Armor repair day
- Ragnarr: Hosting an armor repair day at his home on June 8th from 11 to 4 pm
- Please email Ragnarr if you’d like to attend, and he will send you his address.
- Albrecht, Knight Marshall, will also attend if you have any weapons that need to be inspected.
East Kingdom Events
- Beast of the East-May 18th
- Combat Archery-Catelin will be entering
- War of the Rose-May 24th-May 27th
- Strawberry Raids (if you like to attend Darkenwald events, let Vitasha know! See has connections)
- Southern Region War Camp
- Concert/Sovereigns Archery Championship in Midland VAle
- Beltaines
Let Vicereines know if you know someone is getting an award.
Additional Business
- We have event stewards: Catelin & Vitashia
- Catelin: Barleycorn will be held on September 14th,
- Please enter tournaments
- Please sign up/volunteer
- More information will be provided once the event is posted on the calendar.
A&S Championship:
- Edwin Latorre donated a wire necklace for Lions End Scola. Thank you!
Potted Arms:
- Jenna: Potted Arms in An Dub is on June 22nd
- Jenna will pick up from the railroad if someone goes to the event.
Motion made by Seneschal to adjourn.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:09 pm.