Ostgardr Commons Meeting June 19  2024

7:30 PM to 8:10 PM


THL Ragnarr Bliskegg, Seneschal 

THL Angelica di Nova Lipa, Viceregent

Mistress Sofya Gianetta di Trieste, Viceregent

Hlæfdige Alienor Salton, Exchequer, Seneschal of Appleholm

Lord Alexander MacLachlan, Fencing Marshal

Armiger Catelin Straquhin, Chatelaine

Lady Jóra Úlfsdóttir, Lions End Seneschal

Lady Kunigunde Weidemann, Youth Combat Marshal and Deputy Seneschal

Voevoda Lada Monguligin, Social Media Officer

Bóaire Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, Herald, Chamberlain, Historian

THL Vitasha Ivanova doch’, Baroness, Minister of Lists

Lady Meadhbh MacPharláin, Seneschal of Northpass

Lady Drasma Dragomira

Baroness Aislinn Chiabach

Master Richard the Poor, Baron

Lord Nagashima Ichiro Ujimichi

Count Sir Valguard Stonecleaver

Lord Oliver de Bainbrig

Lord Ivarr Valsson,

THL Jenna Childslayer

Count Sir Ozzur, the Bootgiver

Lord Edwine the Younger

Arminger Gibbs Moryss

Sir Ilia Aleksandrovich, Baron

Lord Bróccín MacIvyr

Absent Officers

Lord Brandr Aronsson, Minister of Arts & Sciences

Lord Albrecht Anker, Marshal of Armored Combat

Master Suuder Saran, Baron, Provincial Archery Captain, Deputy Seneschal

Lady Arnora Ketilsdottir, Youth Combat Marshal

Lord Antonius Gracchus, called Twyg, Webminister

Lady Zahra de Andaluzia, Chronicler

SCA Harassment Policy shown and read aloud.

See following URLs for full text Agenda and Officer Reports: 

Agenda https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vR8jFcYMwWx7T_TS_oulekpfjYhGbniqhDjQBTjAO_kOhetRXU_Z_KUSWSP_fLmhD3N-944FY6aSLpb/pub

Officer reports: 


Viceregal Report Brief 

Congratulations to these gentles for recognitions and achievements!

Lady Salvia Angelii  (AKA Angelii – or – Missy)  Award of Arms
Lady Madwen GamAward of ArmsNew Chatelaine of Appleholm
Lord Nagashima Ichiro Ujimichi Order of the Silver Brooch, scroll and medallion conveyed 
Lord Antonius Gracchus – AKA Twyg Order of the Silver Brooch
Lord Ivarr ValssonArchery Champion for King Consort Emerson.
Lady Arnora Ketilsdottir Ostgardr Arts & Sciences Champion
THL Jenna ChildslayerPeople’s Choice, Ostgardr Arts & Sciences Competition
Lady Kunigunde WedemannViceregal Thanks for Scribal Artistry 
Hlæfdige Alienore, known as Piglet,Viceregal Thanks for Scribal Artistry 
Pennsic 51 Ostgardr Camp Forty people have registered!   A Camp survey form is coming your way. The asked for information helps us to plan.  We want to know tent size/type, projected arrival/departure dates, availability for camp infrastructure set-up/strike, and general camp chores.    
Pennsic 51 Ostgardr Camping Meeting Tuesday, July 9th, ⋅8:00 PM – 9:30 PMIf not already a member of the Ostgardr Facebook Pennsic Group please join the group for updated news and post general Pennsic questions. https://www.facebook.com/groups/414618855387861Or watch/post on the Ostgardr Discord Pennsic channel. 
Runnymede Dinner  Planning Mtg Thurs July 11th  8 PM – 9 PMMany thanks to our  volunteers.  We will meet to discuss the menu and seek additional volunteers for kitchen assistance, serving, and cleanup.   
PENNSIC 101 class given by THL Jenna ChildslayerSunday June 30th from 3 PM to 5 PM.  Especially helpful to newcomers, but experienced Pennsic campers are welcome to share their own helpful hints and insights. https://www.facebook.com/events/429884926577804The video conference link will be posted Saturday evening the 29th.  

Seneschal’s Report Brief 

Reunification process On the Midland Vale and Old Stone Bridges request to join the Crown Province, still no formal word from EK, unofficially, there is some progress.
Charter Committee July 10,  7-9 PM  Matghamhain proposes to bring the charter up to date regarding online commons meetings.  Bring any other changes you’d like to discuss.
Financial Committee MtgWednesday June 26th, 7 PM 
ActivitiesThank all the Cantons and Seneschals for all of the events, solars, demos and meetings
Activities Sat 6/22 & Sun 6/23Medieval Board Game Demo at The Brooklyn Strategist Simon the Tanner hosting Northpass Arts & Sciences Camping Prep, cooking over fire, leather pouches, BYO projectEK Novice Day – Rusted WoodlandsPotted Arms – An DubhAppleholm Arts and Sciences Sunday SolarArmed Heavy Combat training day with Count Sir Valguard, 1 PM near the Peristyle on the south side of Prospect Park. 
Weekend Activities 6/28-29-30Saturday Solar at Hanya and Eadwine’s – Marine Park area, BrooklynNorthern War CampKnown World Heraldic and Scribal – BhakailOnline Pennsic 101 class by THL Jenna ChildSlayer
Barleycorn – (Northpass)  report by Catelin, Event Steward In the works, including non-alcoholic Brewing Showcase, Needs Thrown Weapons MarshalsWill set up an event website linked to the EK Event Calendar for more in depth information. Need volunteers, day of, Dayboard, general labor, additional MOL,  Cooks THL Vitasha and Lady Gráinne inghean Uí Néill want info on special diet requirements  
Goat’s Inn (Northpass)tentatively scheduled  October 19th-20th
PennsicReminder to Pre-reg by end of day, 6/19/2024, 11:59 PM 
Site Search Committee MtgTBD after Pennsic.
New BusinessMedieval Turnshoe online class proposedSponsored by the Canton of Northpass   Sunday July 21st,  4:30-6;30 Eastern Time.   Historical information and demo. 
New BusinessCalendering Mathghamhain raises the issue that there is room to devise a better way to coordinate announcements to ensure comprehensive coverage across our official and unofficial websites and social media outlets.   Is there a way to automate the process?  Perhaps a checklist?   There is a need to establish and publish a process to do the job. 
July 17th, 2024Next Ostgardr Commons Meeting 

Meeting Closed at 8:10 PM

Post meeting Lord Ronan FitzRobert attended, to meet with Barleycorn Event Steward Catelin 

Posted in Chat: 

Mildreth posts

From the New York Historical Costumer Society

Link to the renaissance/medieval walk event. https://www.facebook.com/events/3590977447818164/

Sunday October 13th in Fort Tryon Park.   

Ragnarr Bliskegg posts

History of Juneteenth:


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