Østgarðr Commons July 2024
Held online, Google Meet
July Agenda, full Officer Reports (please read), and June 2024 Minutes were available before the meeting, links for which are shown at the bottom of this document.
Meeting Start 7:30 PM
Meeting Close 8:07 PM
THL Ragnarr Bliskegg, Seneschal
THL Angelica di Nova Lipa, Viceregent
Mistress Sofya Gianetta di Trieste, Viceregent
Hlæfdige Alienor Salton, Exchequer, Seneschal of Appleholm
Lord Alexander MacLachlan, Fencing Marshal
Armiger Catelin Straquhin, Chatelaine
Lady Jóra Úlfsdóttir, Lions End Seneschal
Lord Albrecht Anker, Marshal of Armored Combat
Master Suuder Saran, Baron, Provincial ArcherCaptain, Deputy Seneschal
Lady Zahra de Andaluzia
Voevoda Lada Monguligin, Social Media Officer
Bóaire Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, Herald, Chamberlain, Historian
THL Vitasha Ivanova doch’, Baroness, Minister of Lists
Lady Meadhbh MacPharláin, Seneschal of Northpass
Lady Drasma Dragomira
Baroness Aislinn Chiabach
Lord Oliver de Bainbrig
Lord Ivarr Valsson,
THL Jenna Childslayer
Arminger Gibbs Moryss
Absent Officers
Lord Antonius Gracchus, called Twyg, Webminister
Lady Arnora Ketilsdottir, Youth Combat Marshal
Lord Brandr Aronsson, Minister of Arts & Sciences
Lady Kunigunde Wedemann, Chancellor Minor
SCA Anti-Harassment notice displayed and read aloud.
Viceregal Report Summarized |
Appreciation expressed for the many individuals in Ostgardr who organized, hosted, and participated in local practices and gatherings. |
PennsicLess than two weeks away. Angelica is Camp Master, and Brandrr is the Land Agent for the Pennsic Ostgardr camp. If you are registered for camp, please fill out the camper survey to advise of tent size, anticipated arrival/departure dates, and your availability to assist with camp work. https://forms.gle/bApN9JpQ5embjVEN7 Pennsic Pot-luck and Court – Thursday, August 8th, at 5:30 pm.Our Pennsic Pot-Luck is Roman-themed in preparation for the East Kingdom populace party held shortly after. Yes, that’s right. Your Vicereines are going early, early, early Italian! |
Runnymede Dinner at PennsicOstgardr (with contributions from An Dubh, Old Stone Bridges, and many individuals) is coordinating the Runnymede dinner this year and are thankful to the volunteers working on making this an amazing event! |
Vivant to Ostgardian Champions Representing the East at Pennsic!Unbelted Champions:Honorable Lord Ragnarr BlaskeggLord Perez ben Meir GershonLord Albrecht AnkerHeroic Champion:Count Ryouko’jin of the Iron Skies. |
Kudos to Lady Drasma Dragomira who has accepted the East Kingdom post of Blue Tyger Signet. |
Ostgardr lent Youth Combat gear to Eistethal for their recent event, which was much enjoyed by the kids who otherwise would not have been able to participate. |
Seneschal Report Summarized |
Request for all paid members to vote in the Official Board-Sponsored Survey on East Kingdom Crown Tournament Experiment. (closes at midnight on 7/17/2024, the day of this meeting)The survey is here – https://sca.app.neoncrm.com/np/clients/sca/neonPage.jsp…Directions on how to have familmembers counted as paid members here – https://drive.google.com/…/1hk0bOEBkX6WH81kAFTLB1P…/view |
Charter Update Meeting July 10 organized by Ragnarr Bliskegg. Also attending/contributing were Meadhbh, Mathghamhain, Marcus, Kunigunde, and Magnus. Target revisions:Update Section VI E with an amendment 6 on what constitutes the quorum for a commons meeting.Update VIII Borda Count to add Electronic Voting and voting in a meeting.Update events to include Paypal and Kingdom Profit.And a general rewrite of the events and demo section. We will have versions of this together for the populous to look at in the next couple of commons. |
The Finance Committee met June 26th. We talked about the current finances of Ostgardr (which are good), the passing of Northpass’ finances to Northpass. We want to downgrade our storage to something cheaper because it will be going up in price. Next Finance Meeting TBD after Pennsic. |
Unification of Midland Vale and Old Stone Bridges with OstgardrStill no update from EK on the polling. I asked for an update in my Seneschal report to the East Kingdom. |
Possible future events Do we want to do the 2025 Deck the Halls of Valhalla. If so, need an Event Steward. Damion DiGrazia (local steel fighting organizer) is looking to do a demo in a Brooklyn NYC Park on October 5th and asks if we would want to join. |
Scheduled Events |
Pennsic! |
Reminder of the weekly Tuesday fighter practice, Drawing a lot of attention and repeat visitors for the practice and after-practice socializing (Tacos!). The practice is not restricted to fighters. Having Scadians on site to work on individual projects or socialize, and talk with visitors would be advantageous. |
Sunday Archery Practice continues at Staten Island’s Willowbrook Park, behind the carousel. Now includes a crossbow range. Come on out! Plenty of on-site loaner gear. Directions to Archery Range https://ostgardr.eastkingdom.org/directions/willowbrook/ |
August 24th, Settmour Swamp – Day of Champions – asking for Volunteers and attendees for this event including fencing, armored combat, and archery. |
August 31st, Arrows, Axes and Ales in An Dubh Nice low key event, Jenna willing to do a pickup at the nearby LIRR station. |
September 8, 2024 How to Make Your Own Heraldry – Online class to be taught by Mathghamhain, on how to choose a period appropriate name and how to design your own arms. Especially appropriate for newcomers and others who do not yet have registered names or their own heraldic arms. |
September 14th, 2024 John Barleycorn update – Paypal pre-reg link is up. Champions and their tournament choices are trickling in. For heavy armored combat there will be five prizes: Ostgardr Provincial Champion, Vicereine’s Choice, Finest Regalia, Most Glorious DefeatValiant Runner-Up. Still looking for volunteers, for various purposes including set-up/take-down, dayboard. Catelin to email the Chamberlain on borrowing Provincial assets to use. Would like to post the Barleycorn event page on the Northpass website. Ostgardr and Northpass Webministers to talk about implementing. Bartertown at Barleycorn – Jenna asking for social media promotion. |
September TBDAlec/Brett and Sofya note the need for protective jackets for new Fencers, and plan to have a work party for that project post Pennsic. |
October 6th, Sewing day at Catelin’s in Mount Vernon. Show up and sew, and feel free to ask for helpful how-to with your own sewing. |
October 12th, King’s CountFiber Fest – Reach out to Catelin Straquhin to volunteer. |
October 19th and 20thGoat’s Inn – Simon is co-steward, looking for another steward, |
New Business |
Possible Events |
Sofya asks whether we want to sponsor Spring Crown, or another EK event, perhaps even a coronation. Would like to revisit at and after Pennsic. |
Alexander MacLachlan (Alec/Brett) would like us to consider sponsoring the next East Kingdom Fencing Championship – Usually held in November or December. Sofya will call Don… |
2025Northpass had a well attended and enjoyed online class on turnshoes. The after-class survey answers suggested additional classes that Vitasha is working on fulfilling, looking to schedule classes on using period appropriate natural fabrics, making fitted women’s kirtles, and veils. |
DonationsOliver is donating a case of mead for EK and another for Ostgardr. Angelica will pick up. Oliver notes that the mead cannot be left in a car to overheat, degrade, and pop the bottle’s corks. Jóra quipped ‘No weapons of Mead Destruction’. Angelica will transfer the cases of mead to Sofya to take to Pennsic. Thank you Oliver, for your generosity to Ostgardr and the East Kingdom! |
The next Ostgardr Commons is scheduled for August 21st,
Links put into the online Chat
July Officer Reports: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSI0WuRwks5gEfVHxOaxDD1qMdxtusj6wh74SGsD2AYBXagoC0JfxVkubyHBw-PrHOsvACUJkYXOXWx/pub
Link to poll
Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin
7:48 PM
Directions to Archery Range
End ###